Ray Epps, for some reason, now suddenly being charged by DOJ

Most would agree that there were at least some government undercover "entities" in the crowd. Ray Epps is seen instigating the mob. If he was chased down like the rest of them, there would be no stink. The stink came when he was "let off the hook".. and then was the only protestor that garnished sympathy from the left. He's been relaxing and sipping beers all this time why others have been in the gulag. It stinks.... and every one can smell it.
He was always going to be charged. I'm not sure why you righties thought he was some sort of left wing plant? :auiqs.jpg:
He was a Trump supporter from the word go. You retards threw him under the bus.
Democrats don't care about Ray Epps. He's just a distraction for you members of Alt-Right Nation. :)
This is more about destroying the lives of a lot of people on January 6. A day compared to Pearl Harbor and other ridiculous claims. Progs threw them under the bus. For the glorious party. Just like Joe threw those soldiers in Afghanistan under the bus. And the tens of millions of taxpayers not privileged with high inflation turning them much poorer.
This is more about destroying the lives of a lot of people on January 6. A day compared to Pearl Harbor and other ridiculous claims. Progs threw them under the bus. For the glorious party. Just like Joe threw those soldiers in Afghanistan under the bus. And the tens of millions of taxpayers not privileged with high inflation turning them much poorer.
Anyone who was anywhere on the grounds of the Capitol that day was there to see that the peaceful transition of power was interrupted. Track em all down. As long it takes. No matter what it takes. Even if it's just a nasty phone call to put the fear of God in them.

That day, can NEVER happen again.
Anyone who was anywhere on the grounds of the Capitol that day was there to see that the peaceful transition of power was interrupted. Track em all down. As long it takes. No matter what it takes. Even if it's just a nasty phone call to put the fear of God in them.

That day, can NEVER happen again.
Hopefully the next time there really will be an insurrection.
He doesn't have to be bona fide employee of the fbi, he may be just one of their crisis actors, contractor, or someone sucked into playing that role. He may not even be aware that he
Or Trump's... but you leave that part out.

Ray Epps couldn't have egged anyone on if Trump hadn't created the situation to start with with the Big Lie.
The big lies started under your tent, Joe....from day one.
he big lies started under your tent, Joe....from day one.

What "Big Lies" were those?

Trump lost. He knew he lost, his own people told him he lost.
He still told his followers that the election was stolen, and riled them up about it even before the votes were cast.
He doesn't have to be bona fide employee of the fbi, he may be just one of their crisis actors, contractor, or someone sucked into playing that role. He may not even be aware that he

Or maybe he was another useful idiot who got caught up in Trump's lies,
Or maybe he was another useful idiot who got caught up in Trump's lies,
Maybe, but others that did less than he did weren't dropped suddenly from the fbi need help to identify sheet, and were sentenced to jail. That seems odd, to say the least. Her also wasn't subjected to the media's daily shaming program either.
Maybe, but others that did less than he did weren't dropped suddenly from the fbi need help to identify sheet, and were sentenced to jail. That seems odd, to say the least. Her also wasn't subjected to the media's daily shaming program either.

Or... maybe because he never entered the Capitol... there wasn't a clear case to charge him, just because he was caught on tape saying stupid shit. Everyone else who has been charged actually entered the capitol and did damage or assaulted police officers.

Man Victimized By Jan. 6 Truthers Charged With Jan. 6 Crime

Federal prosecutors charged Ray Epps, with one count of disorderly conduct, according to a Monday court filing.

It’s quite a turnaround for Epps, who has faced years of threats and been forced to go into hiding after finding himself the victim of a right-wing conspiracy campaign aimed at blaming January 6 on a murky cohort of supposed federal agents.

Epps, right-wing dots-connectors have long claimed, did a shocking thing on Jan. 5 and 6: as an undercover federal agent, he singlehandedly instigated the attack. Former Fox News fixture Tucker Carlson used Epps to suggest that the entire Jan. 6 attack was the product of a conspiracy engineered by federal agents, while Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) once used his time at a hearing to ask federal law enforcement officials, “Is Ray Epps a fed?”

Now, Epps has been charged via criminal information with a misdemeanor. Michael Teter, an attorney representing Epps in a civil defamation suit against Fox News, confirmed a plea deal to TPM, saying that there would be a hearing in the matter on Wednesday.

Ray's idiotic devotion to Trump effed up this guy's life real good.

Man Victimized By Jan. 6 Truthers Charged With Jan. 6 Crime

Federal prosecutors charged Ray Epps, with one count of disorderly conduct, according to a Monday court filing.

It’s quite a turnaround for Epps, who has faced years of threats and been forced to go into hiding after finding himself the victim of a right-wing conspiracy campaign aimed at blaming January 6 on a murky cohort of supposed federal agents.

Epps, right-wing dots-connectors have long claimed, did a shocking thing on Jan. 5 and 6: as an undercover federal agent, he singlehandedly instigated the attack. Former Fox News fixture Tucker Carlson used Epps to suggest that the entire Jan. 6 attack was the product of a conspiracy engineered by federal agents, while Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) once used his time at a hearing to ask federal law enforcement officials, “Is Ray Epps a fed?”

Now, Epps has been charged via criminal information with a misdemeanor. Michael Teter, an attorney representing Epps in a civil defamation suit against Fox News, confirmed a plea deal to TPM, saying that there would be a hearing in the matter on Wednesday.

Ray's idiotic devotion to Trump effed up this guy's life real good.
Total bullshit.

Man Victimized By Jan. 6 Truthers Charged With Jan. 6 Crime

Federal prosecutors charged Ray Epps, with one count of disorderly conduct, according to a Monday court filing.

It’s quite a turnaround for Epps, who has faced years of threats and been forced to go into hiding after finding himself the victim of a right-wing conspiracy campaign aimed at blaming January 6 on a murky cohort of supposed federal agents.

Epps, right-wing dots-connectors have long claimed, did a shocking thing on Jan. 5 and 6: as an undercover federal agent, he singlehandedly instigated the attack. Former Fox News fixture Tucker Carlson used Epps to suggest that the entire Jan. 6 attack was the product of a conspiracy engineered by federal agents, while Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) once used his time at a hearing to ask federal law enforcement officials, “Is Ray Epps a fed?”

Now, Epps has been charged via criminal information with a misdemeanor. Michael Teter, an attorney representing Epps in a civil defamation suit against Fox News, confirmed a plea deal to TPM, saying that there would be a hearing in the matter on Wednesday.

Ray's idiotic devotion to Trump effed up this guy's life real good.
Why was he not charged previously?
I guess it's better late than never but by delaying this arrest for a year and a half, our DOJ has probably destroyed any minutia of credibility they had. It's time to disband the DOJ and redo the whole rotten thing.
Epps was charged with a minor crime after he filed a defamation suit against Fox and Tucker Carson. This is obviously an attempt by the feds to give him street cred for the trial. Only Democrats are dumb enough to fall for it.

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