Ray Nagin indicted.

That's from January 2013, do you have anything more recent? Something that might indicate whether or not the trial has commenced? Was there a verdict?
That's from January 2013, do you have anything more recent? Something that might indicate whether or not the trial has commenced? Was there a verdict?

I think the trial starts Monday I just caught the tail end of something about it on CNN trying to find more.
I wonder how much the left will cover this...
MSNBC is all Christie all the time right now.
Remember Mayor Nagin trying to save the lower 9th Ward? He could have called Rep. William Jefferson who was using taxpayer dollars to have the National Guard remove his belongings, not people, from the path of a Category 5.

Viva Citta Chocolate!
not all that shocked

he tried to point fingers at others wrong doing, while he did little to nothing.

I knew people that went down there to help either for pay or volunteering. All stated how little the locals did to help.
The world knew for a week that a monster storm was on the way...
But it's better politically to hang it all on Bush and how he hates black people...

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