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Ray Rice Is having his life assaulted by NFL!

What has happened to Ray Rice is a travesty of justice, it is patently unjust that he has received a lifetime suspension from the league. The assaultive behavior Ray Rice displayed in the Casino elevator was absolutely wrong and the National Football league should speak out on it and they did so with a two game suspension that probably would have cost Ray in excess of one hundred thousand dollars in salary.

The problem with our society on these domestic assault cases where there is a big media swirl around like this Ray Rice case and the Chris Brown case is it does not distinguish between cases where the perpetrator was acting out of character or to put it another way just made a mistake and cases where the perpetrator uses women like a punching bag in other words has a character problem in this area. For Ray Rice this isn't a hitting women character problem it is a problem where he lost full physical control of himself this could happen to the majority of men in America under certain circumstances. When you get past the fact Ray knocked out a women and one looks at the video carefully and with balance it is not that incriminating after Ray hit Janay the first time when they were in each others face he immediately backs up and Janay rushes him like she wants to beat his butt and then Ray gives her an upper cut and she falls to the ground this strike by Ray could fairly be characterized as reflexive an automatic defensive movement. This few moments of loss of control by Ray where no one was seriously permanently hurt should not end Ray's football career it is unfair and unjust.

The football players union should do something about the NFL's excessive punishment standard for domestic abuse. They should force the league to roll back the league's lifetime ban for one offense and make the limits be as long as no permanent severe disability has occurred to the victim: a maximum one year ban for the first offense, a maximum two year ban for the second offense and for third or more offenses a lifetime ban is permitted. Roger Goodell and the team owners are making a big mistake here with this one strike and your out standard because consider this Ray Rice is a mediocre player so his loss to the league likely won't change the future of a franchise and its team of players but eventually a super-star player is going to make a transgression in the area of domestic assault and the league because of this standard is going to be forced to end that player's career with a lifetime ban which will affect which team wins the Super-Bowl, and all those team members of the banned players team who don't get the championship will be paying a steep price with the stature and endorsements associated with a super bowl championship and the corresponding city and football fans for that team will also incur a big penalty with such a loss. Team Owners and Mr. Goodell here would benefit from opening up a dictionary and reading the definition of the word shortsighted!

You know, if Ray Rice worked for a company that actually made something like Ford I might agree. There are certainly Ford (and Hyunadi and Toyota) employees working today who have been equally convicted of beating their spouses.

Unfortunately for him he works for the NFL which makes its billions by having the public LIKE them. So the NFL has to play this publicity game.

Too bad for Ray Rice. But FWIW, he can still get a job with Ford or McDonalds or Boeing and then try for an NFL reinstatement next year.
And hopefully the NFL will tell him to go fuck himself.

I agree 100%.

In this case the NFL is like a tv show. If an actor really pisses off the masses and causes ratings and merchandise sales to fall then the actor is let go.

What is Rice's history? Is there any way the man can redeem himself?

I can accept the fact his dream of playing in the NFL has ended. We seem to forgive folks who drive drunk or stoned after awhile and that has a chance to kill my wife and kid!

I'm just making conversation really. Ray Rice made a terrible decision and now just like us he has to go get a job if he hasn't saved enough money so I don't feel sorry for him.
Watch the video. They get in the elevator, she pushes the floor button. He spits in her face. He slams her into the wall. She then tries to defend herself by rushing him. He punches her in the head.

Are you trying to say she had no right to defend herself?
I have seen that video several times and without external narrative it is unclear and rather ambiguous.

Admitting that I am 78 years old and my vision is not 20/20, I can still see very clearly and if I were told the video shows a couple horsing around in an elevator I would believe it. I do not see anyone spitting. I see a woman moving toward a man. I see some vague movement by the man but I can't say for sure it is a punch. I see the woman fall down and I see the man trying to lift her.

If the narrative is the pair were roughhousing and the woman slipped and fell I would believe it. In fact my impression of what happened would depend entirely on what the woman has to say -- but I've heard nothing from her. (Have you?)

I am told this video shows an assault. Then I hear the woman has married the man who supposedly assaulted her. I still have not heard or read any statement by the woman. No mention of broken bones, cuts, bruises, or any physical evidence of assault. I hear and read a lot of rhetoric about criminal charges but I'm not aware of any arrest being made, no arraignment, no indictment. Just rhetoric.

So this whole event remains, for me, confusing fodder for discussion
Watch the video. They get in the elevator, she pushes the floor button. He spits in her face. He slams her into the wall. She then tries to defend herself by rushing him. He punches her in the head.

Are you trying to say she had no right to defend herself?
I have seen that video several times and without external narrative it is unclear and rather ambiguous.

Admitting that I am 78 years old and my vision is not 20/20, I can still see very clearly and if I were told the video shows a couple horsing around in an elevator I would believe it. I do not see anyone spitting. I see a woman moving toward a man. I see some vague movement by the man but I can't say for sure it is a punch. I see the woman fall down and I see the man trying to lift her.

If the narrative is the pair were roughhousing and the woman slipped and fell I would believe it. In fact my impression of what happened would depend entirely on what the woman has to say -- but I've heard nothing from her. (Have you?)

I am told this video shows an assault. Then I hear the woman has married the man who supposedly assaulted her. I still have not heard or read any statement by the woman. No mention of broken bones, cuts, bruises, or any physical evidence of assault. I hear and read a lot of rhetoric about criminal charges but I'm not aware of any arrest being made, no arraignment, no indictment. Just rhetoric.

So this whole event remains, for me, confusing fodder for discussion
Play it in time lapse, frame by frame. After she pushes the button, she looks at him and flinches and closes her eyes just as if he had spit in her face. Then you see his arm come up and she is slammed into the elevator wall. Then she goes after him in defense and he knocks her out.

If she is a typical domestic abuse victim she is not going to speak against him.
This woman is clearly the victim here and the coward rice should face the full consequences of assault charges. That being said, if she decided to stay with him and it occurs agAin she's an idiot....a third time and a deserving idiot.
We actually know absolutely nothing about the relationship of these two. What we do know is the supposed victim of this alleged assault has chosen to marry the man who knocked her down and out in an elevator. So there is something very much out of balance about this event.

In the very simplest terms, one thing I have learned throughout my long life is love is strange -- and it involves "different strokes for different folks." In more academic terms there unquestionably is a phenomenon known to behaviorists as sado/masochistic interaction. In extreme examples this behavior involves the wearing of leather and latex garments and the use of all sorts of restraints and pain-inflicting apparatus, such as handcuffs, whips, ball-gags, piercing devices, etc. Again in simple terms, some people derive a perverse pleasure from hurting each other. And if you can't understand that it's because you are not a sado/masochist and/or you haven't studied abnormal psychology.

It could very well be this kind of behavior is routine with this couple. Such relationships are not at all unusual. Ask any experienced police officer.

If she is a typical domestic abuse victim she is not going to speak against him.

But would she be motivated to marry him?

I regard that as a pivotal and revealing factor in this entire situation. It suggests to me that these two are involved in a "special" kind of relationship and the only reason this incident has become publicized is the unexpected presence of cameras and public exposure. At home they would have tearfully reconciled and got it on in the sack for two hours. And did the same thing a few weeks later.
That is a sexist statement. If the sexes were reversed, this statement ridiculous.

One of the things I do not understand in life is why gals do return to abusive situations so often. Check the police reports. Hell, check my family. Sexist or not, it is just strange and rather sad. I get no joy thinking my sister, neice or any potential daughter might emd up in a relationship like this.

FWIW, I consider the men who are repeated wife beaters to be infinately worse than any woman who refuses to press charges against an abusive man. I also readily admit men are more prone to violent stalking habits than women. Sexist? Maybe. But I think its true.

I do not mean this as a rant against women who seem determined to repeatedly tempt fate and risk their lives. I even support states who recognize this problem and have the state will prosecute for you laws.
That is a sexist statement. If the sexes were reversed, this statement ridiculous.

One of the things I do not understand in life is why gals do return to abusive situations so often. Check the police reports. Hell, check my family. Sexist or not, it is just strange and rather sad. I get no joy thinking my sister, neice or any potential daughter might emd up in a relationship like this.

FWIW, I consider the men who are repeated wife beaters to be infinately worse than any woman who refuses to press charges against an abusive man. I also readily admit men are more prone to violent stalking habits than women. Sexist? Maybe. But I think its true.

I do not mean this as a rant against women who seem determined to repeatedly tempt fate and risk their lives. I even support states who recognize this problem and have the state will prosecute for you laws.

Because women are attracted to dominant men. Look, we know that some men will ruin their family by chasing T&A even though they know the cost that an affair will have. Women being attracted to dominant men results in tingles being more important than reason. They stay because they find satisfaction in such relationships. It doesn't have to be rational.
One of the things I do not understand in life is why gals do return to abusive situations so often. Check the police reports. Hell, check my family. Sexist or not, it is just strange and rather sad. I get no joy thinking my sister, neice or any potential daughter might emd up in a relationship like this.

FWIW, I consider the men who are repeated wife beaters to be infinately worse than any woman who refuses to press charges against an abusive man. I also readily admit men are more prone to violent stalking habits than women. Sexist? Maybe. But I think its true.

I do not mean this as a rant against women who seem determined to repeatedly tempt fate and risk their lives. I even support states who recognize this problem and have the state will prosecute for you laws.
Do you believe there are people who dress up in exotic costumes and engage in bizarre sexual rituals which involve the use of whips, restraints, gags, pain-inflicting devices, and they derive pleasure from inflicting or experiencing pain? If not I suggest you do some reading and I recommend for openers a book called Psychopathia Sexualis, by Dr. Richard von Kraft-Ebing.

While there certainly are the kind of domestic abuse situations you've referred to, please be assured there also are many situations in which couples derive either conscious or subliminal pleasure from hurting each other in one way or other. Typically the woman acts by tormenting the man in ways only women can, and the man reacts in the way that men react to torment. Believe it or not this is in many cases a ritual form of (perverse) sexual activity -- and it is more common than you might think.

These people seek each other out. Don't for one minute think Rice's fiance didn't fully understand his disposition and potential before moving in with him. He is a big, brawny football player and, quite obviously, he's a hitter. She knew that.
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That is a sexist statement. If the sexes were reversed, this statement ridiculous.

One of the things I do not understand in life is why gals do return to abusive situations so often. Check the police reports. Hell, check my family. Sexist or not, it is just strange and rather sad. I get no joy thinking my sister, neice or any potential daughter might emd up in a relationship like this.

FWIW, I consider the men who are repeated wife beaters to be infinately worse than any woman who refuses to press charges against an abusive man. I also readily admit men are more prone to violent stalking habits than women. Sexist? Maybe. But I think its true.

I do not mean this as a rant against women who seem determined to repeatedly tempt fate and risk their lives. I even support states who recognize this problem and have the state will prosecute for you laws.

Women love their bad boys. Kiss their ass & treat them like a princess & they are likely to leave you & break your heart. I just treat my wife like anyone else except when I want some sex. She knows I won't take any shit from her ass & she likes it that way. Last time she came at me, I threw her out the door on her ass. She was sucking up for days after that. When I bend over backwards to please her, she turns into a selfish bitch. Women like equality & I treat her that way. I let her pay for meals half the time, have her pay half the bills, put up half the money on investments & respect her input on investments (that is a real pain in my ass) but she is right about as often as I am. :dunno:
One of the things I do not understand in life is why gals do return to abusive situations so often. Check the police reports. Hell, check my family. Sexist or not, it is just strange and rather sad. I get no joy thinking my sister, neice or any potential daughter might emd up in a relationship like this.

FWIW, I consider the men who are repeated wife beaters to be infinately worse than any woman who refuses to press charges against an abusive man. I also readily admit men are more prone to violent stalking habits than women. Sexist? Maybe. But I think its true.

I do not mean this as a rant against women who seem determined to repeatedly tempt fate and risk their lives. I even support states who recognize this problem and have the state will prosecute for you laws.
Do you believe there are people who dress up in exotic costumes and engage in bizarre sexual rituals which involve the use of whips, restraints, gags, pain-inflicting devices, and they derive pleasure from inflicting or experiencing pain? If not I suggest you do some reading and I recommend for openers a book called Psychopathia Sexualis, by Dr. Richard von Kraft-Ebing.

While there certainly are the kind of domestic abuse situations you've referred to, please be assured there also are many situations in which couples derive either conscious or subliminal pleasure from hurting each other in one way or other. Typically the woman acts by tormenting the man in ways only women can do, and the man reacts in the way that men react to torment. Believe it or not this is in many cases a ritual form of (perverse) sexual activity -- and it is more common than you might think.

These people seek each other out. Don't for one minute think Rice's fiance didn't fully understand his disposition and potential before moving in with him. He is a big, brawny football player and, quite obviously, he's a hitter. She knew that.

Women are champs at emotional abuse. Watch this clip because I think it very nicely illustrates the moment where a wife completely guts her husband and she only uses words. The damage from this encounter will be life-long for the husband.

Women love their bad boys. Kiss their ass & treat them like a princess & they are likely to leave you & break your heart. I just treat my wife like anyone else except when I want some sex. She knows I won't take any shit from her ass & she likes it that way. Last time she came at me, I threw her out the door on her ass. She was sucking up for days after that. When I bend over backwards to please her, she turns into a selfish bitch. Women like equality & I treat her that way. I let her pay for meals half the time, have her pay half the bills, put up half the money on investments & respect her input on investments (that is a real pain in my ass) but she is right about as often as I am. :dunno:

True love. :)

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