Raygun made over 250 recess appointments

rdean didn't tell you what obama' ONLY unsigned writing was all about, abortion. What a turd is obama.

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) – How strongly does Barack Obama believe in unlimited abortions? Strongly enough that the only article he wrote for the Harvard Law Review while he was a law school student talked about how fervently believed in legalized abortion. Obama’s name wasn’t attached to any other legal scholarship during the time.

In an article unearthed by the Politico web site, Obama, as the president of the Harvard Law Review, wrote an unsigned article touting abortion.

Barack Obama?s Sole Article in Harvard Law Review Promotes Abortion | LifeNews.com
Historically the Justice Department wins 70% of cases before the Supreme Court, Holder's Justice Department has lost the majority of cases.

Where are the libertarian-sounding liberals that were foaming at the mouth, screaming on the sinking Air America about the overreach of the Executive? Where are the liberals that are so interested in Prescott Bush? Where are the liberals that ridiculed Bush for his college grades?

Now they use Bush to justify the same damn things Obama is doing.

Rdean I'm sure was one of the idiots droning on about warrantless wiretaps, now it's okay because Bush did it.

They never gave a damn about those issues, and as soon as their guy gets into office the lunatic left shuts the hell up.
If hypocrisy was water, the cons would drown.

How many of those were made when congress was not in recess? Big difference when it's done unconstitutionally like Obama did it. Do libs not see the distinction between legal and illegal? I know they can't see it when it comes to people entering our country, so maybe they also can't distinguish between legal and illegal when it comes to Obama's actions.
Here is a list of papers Obama wrote as president of Harvard law review.....................

Obama's article, which begins on page 823 of Volume 103 of the Harvard Law Review, is available in libraries and subscription-only legal databases.

In modern times there has never been a Justice Department so wrought with scandal and so incredibly inept. BTW, just like with Obama's dismal poll numbers--which is less than Bush at the same time in his administration--the media would be covering nonstop. If the Bush Justice Department lost so many cases in unanimous decisions it would be called what it is be the media INEPTITUDE AND FAILURE OF POLICY.

“When the administration loses significant cases in unanimous decisions and cannot even hold the votes of its own appointees . . . it is an indication that they adopted such an extreme position on the scope of federal power that even generally sympathetic judges could not even support it.”
Oh, please. Both sides have blocked nominees and both sides have had presidents who used recess appointments to get around this obstruction.

Would you guys agree to a law that required all nominees to be given an up-or-down vote on the floor of the Senate within 30 days of their nomination? No, of course not, because you'd end up with the short end of the stick more often than not.

Are you aware of just how awful some of Obama's nominees have been? Any idea? One of his nominees had argued in defense of an egregious cop killer--the guy was so radical that several Senate Democrats joined Republicans to block his nomination.

Senate blocks Obama's civil rights nominee - Washington Times

Obama Nominates Cop Killer Advocate to Head DOJ Civil Rights Division - Katie Pavlich
What's amusing to me is that the Supreme Court just voted 9-0 that Barack Obama was wrong...that's a unanimous vote including the two extremely liberal Justices that were APPOINTED by Obama to the Court...and yet you STILL don't want to admit that Obama was out of line doing what he did!

I thought Harry Reid was wrong to use that pro forma session stunt to block Bushes constitutional authority too. Many Republicans did at the time if I recall correctly. Funny how the consequences of some ideas change over time.
It seems you have no idea of what the word you chose to use means, hypocrisy; secondly you seem to not understand what I posted in any fashion.
Your hatred has blinded you horribly.

They have not sense of truth or responsibility. They get their sense of responsibility by denigrating others, that is the modus operandi.


First you say this.....

They have not sense of truth or responsibility

And then you say this....

They get their sense of responsibility by denigrating others, that is the modus operandi.

And the sad part is you likely will refuse to see your hypocrisy.

Yep....Disagree with Obama and it MUST be hatred.
What's amusing to me is that the Supreme Court just voted 9-0 that Barack Obama was wrong...that's a unanimous vote including the two extremely liberal Justices that were APPOINTED by Obama to the Court...and yet you STILL don't want to admit that Obama was out of line doing what he did!

if he was wrong what do you call the stunt of blocking the appointments and technically keeping congress in session while performing no business?

yes, the president overstepped. and republicans are just assholes.

Dude, Obama appointed those people to the NLRB over a three day weekend! That's bullshit and even the liberals on the Court knew it. Congress was not in "recess". Barry abused the separation of powers and got his hand slapped for it.

A three day weekend + a 45 second session called and gabled by the man with the short straw + another 3 day weekend + a 45 second session called and gabled by the man with the short straw + another 3 day weekend......

But the SC called it. Accept it. Move on.
What's amusing to me is that the Supreme Court just voted 9-0 that Barack Obama was wrong...that's a unanimous vote including the two extremely liberal Justices that were APPOINTED by Obama to the Court...and yet you STILL don't want to admit that Obama was out of line doing what he did!

There are ton a superlatives one could toss at that one.
In conclusion, there is nothing in the lib playbook that allows so much as a millimeter of flexibility.
Therefore, Sotomayor and Kagan are now in the crosshairs of the extreme left.

Its wrong now because they weren't recess appointments.

Are you talking about Regan's?

Other Presidents' recess appointments
""Among recent presidents, Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments, George H. W. Bush made 77, Bill Clinton made 139, George W. Bush made 171, and Obama has made 32 so far."""
Justices rule for Congress in recess appointments fight - CNN.com

Missing the point? Obama's "recess" appointments were not recess appointments at all. They were illegal appointments. The full Supreme Court just said so.

No they didn't. They ruled them unconstitutional. There is a difference.
Are you talking about Regan's?

Other Presidents' recess appointments
""Among recent presidents, Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments, George H. W. Bush made 77, Bill Clinton made 139, George W. Bush made 171, and Obama has made 32 so far."""
Justices rule for Congress in recess appointments fight - CNN.com

Missing the point? Obama's "recess" appointments were not recess appointments at all. They were illegal appointments. The full Supreme Court just said so.

No they didn't. They ruled them unconstitutional. There is a difference.

Nope there is no difference. The appointments were illegal. Period. Every act by the NLRB during that time is void. Can we sue them for back salary?
Are you talking about Regan's?

Other Presidents' recess appointments
""Among recent presidents, Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments, George H. W. Bush made 77, Bill Clinton made 139, George W. Bush made 171, and Obama has made 32 so far."""
Justices rule for Congress in recess appointments fight - CNN.com

Missing the point? Obama's "recess" appointments were not recess appointments at all. They were illegal appointments. The full Supreme Court just said so.

No they didn't. They ruled them unconstitutional. There is a difference.

The constitution is law. Did you know that?
You have to understand this is the new far left talking point for the day.

It is to distract from the fact that Obama broke the law and violated the Constitution by appointing people while the senate was still in session.

I am happy the this was a unanimous decision and it should of have regardless of the letter behind the president who did it.

Specifically, what law was broken?
If hypocrisy was water, the cons would drown.

Democrats didn't leave behind one guy saying congress is in session to stop him. That's a GOP trick the Supreme court said MUST STOP.

Reid used the same tactics against Bush for a little while. I thought the SC rewrote the constitution in that the Senate must now declare itself to be in recess for at least 10 days before a President can use his Recess Appointment Power(ring).
The bottom line is this. When an Obama nominee is not approved, he can't use a weekend as an excuse to do an end around congress and evade the constitution. Why do leftists hate the constitution?

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