Re-Election Bid Collapse

Losing support for the President isn't just from Independents but from Trump's hard-core Republicans.

What we have here is ANOTHER, on top of HUNDREDS now, of flaming leftist TDS PROPAGANDA articles from this FLAMING leftist rawstory propaganda website, and they're written for LEFTISTS, to make THEM, FEEL BETTER.

None of these FABRICATIONS are written for conservatives, because it's IMMEDIATELY apparent they're STEAMING PILES OF DOG SHIT.
You guys are the ones with tds. No matter how bad you love him more.

Sorry, but you are a few hours past winning the TDS Fruitcake award. You need to be faster on the Trigger.
Every last person that voted for Trump is going to hold their nose and vote for him again no matter what a disaster he is.
That’s ridiculous on the face of it. He’s going to lose at least 20% of his vote total from 2016. At least.
Is that the number the Witch Doctor came up with scattering bones?
I suppose he is as reliable as any poll with a sampling of 800-1200 people.
Losing support for the President isn't just from Independents but from Trump's hard-core Republicans.

What we have here is ANOTHER, on top of HUNDREDS now, of flaming leftist TDS PROPAGANDA articles from this FLAMING leftist rawstory propaganda website, and they're written for LEFTISTS, to make THEM, FEEL BETTER.

None of these FABRICATIONS are written for conservatives, because it's IMMEDIATELY apparent they're STEAMING PILES OF DOG SHIT.
You guys are the ones with tds. No matter how bad you love him more.

Sorry, but you are a few hours past winning the TDS Fruitcake award. You need to be faster on the Trigger.
Trump has become obsolete with everyone but his base.
Losing support for the President isn't just from Independents but from Trump's hard-core Republicans.
It's a matter of trust. Especially when it comes to misleading comments and falsehoods.

"Pointing to a report from the Washington Post’s Fact Checker Team that states, “The coronavirus pandemic has spawned a whole new genre of Trump’s falsehoods. The category in just a few months has reached nearly 1,000 claims, more than his tax claims combined. Trump’s false or misleading claims about the impeachment investigation — and the events surrounding it — contributed almost 1,200 entries to the database,” Scott notes that deep dive into the president’s poll numbers shows a recent trendline that indicates he has been losing support from hardcore Republicans — a demographic he badly needs to have any hope of being re-elected."

“The problem is that there are weaknesses in that group. According to the Post-ABC survey, nearly 30 percent of Republicans — one of the most pro-Trump voting blocs — said they don’t trust what the president says about the outbreak,” he explained. “And neither do nearly 2 in 3 political independents, a voting bloc that was key to helping deliver the White House to Trump in 2016.”
"He went on to conclude, “The Post reported that while Trump aides are aware of his declining popularity, even with some of the voting blocs that he won in 2016, the president shows little sign of changing his behavior or words to increase confidence in him.”

So President Hillary will glide to an inevitable reelection.

Whatever you do, do not look at Facebook until election day this December 3rd. If you look at even one Putin ad, you'll vote Trump -- again!
I don't believe it. Every last person that voted for Trump is going to hold their nose and vote for him again no matter what a disaster he is. These stories that claim to show softening support for Trump have the express purpose of making democrats feel confident of victory. It will take an unprecidented turnout to be assured of beating Trump and his rigging machine.
Not every last person.

There were some who voted for Trump in 2016 because they perceived Clinton to be the ‘greater evil.’

“How bad can Trump be?” they rationalized.

Now they know.

Biden is a candidate a 2016 Trump voter can vote for in 2020 – that wouldn’t be the case if Sanders were the nominee.

Trump won in 2016 because he managed to cobble together enough tiny, razor-thin majorities in just enough swing states, consequently Biden needs only a few 2016 Trump voters to defect to win.
Losing support for the President isn't just from Independents but from Trump's hard-core Republicans.

What we have here is ANOTHER, on top of HUNDREDS now, of flaming leftist TDS PROPAGANDA articles from this FLAMING leftist rawstory propaganda website, and they're written for LEFTISTS, to make THEM, FEEL BETTER.

None of these FABRICATIONS are written for conservatives, because it's IMMEDIATELY apparent they're STEAMING PILES OF DOG SHIT.
Would it really surprise you if people who professed to be conservative (whether they are or not) became unsure of the ability, or leadership of someone who constantly lies, chooses to idolize dictators and strongmen he cannot copy due to the documents up which our government and rule of law is based? If so, why? Do you favor liars in general? Do you admire Putin, and the murderous Saudi prince? What do you think of people who try to strong arm people and only stop when they are caught? Do you favor people who profess to like the American military, but make fun of the ones that get injured or killed? What is you opinion of people who misappropriate funds from the military? Is he really your kind of guy?

Damn you're sounding more and more desperate.
Weak response on your part. Don't answer the questions, even to yourself. You won't like what you see. Sometimes you have to take thing out of the closet and look at them to see whether you really like and agree, they support you and your lifestyle, beliefs and the example you project to others.
Losing support for the President isn't just from Independents but from Trump's hard-core Republicans.

What we have here is ANOTHER, on top of HUNDREDS now, of flaming leftist TDS PROPAGANDA articles from this FLAMING leftist rawstory propaganda website, and they're written for LEFTISTS, to make THEM, FEEL BETTER.

None of these FABRICATIONS are written for conservatives, because it's IMMEDIATELY apparent they're STEAMING PILES OF DOG SHIT.
You guys are the ones with tds. No matter how bad you love him more.

What’s deranged is supporting the likes of Trump.
Losing support for the President isn't just from Independents but from Trump's hard-core Republicans.

What we have here is ANOTHER, on top of HUNDREDS now, of flaming leftist TDS PROPAGANDA articles from this FLAMINT leftist rawstory propaganda website, and they're written for LEFTISTS, to make THEM, FEEL BETTER.

None of these FABRICATIONS are written for conservatives, because it's IMMEDIATELY apparent they're STEAMING PILES OF DOG SHIT.

Libs think that they can discourage the President's supporters with an endless stream of Fake News and Fake Polls.

But there is where they are wrong. The people know the polls are fake, and they aren't going to fall for these tricks designed to enable Voter Suppression.
We’re not after trump supporters we know they are unflappable.

We hope the people who tell us they voted for trump but this time biden are telling the truth.

Were hoping all the blacks, Muslims and Mexicans who are offended show up for joe. They didn’t for Hillary. If they show up like they did for Obama you lose.

we don have Hillary running this time.

Neither side knows what’s going to happen. Depends on who shows up. Republicans like low voter turnout. We will see.

Trump the one term president

99 percent of those who voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for him again this year.

But Biden only needs that one percent who defect.

There were also disgruntled Democrats who supported Sanders in 2016 who refused to vote for Clinton – those Democrats will be voting for Biden.

There will be those who voted for Trump in 2016 not voting for Trump this year; they won’t be voting for Biden, either – but that nonetheless helps Biden.

Trump must run on a dismal record of failure and incompetence.

Trump won’t have a strong economy to boast about.

Trump is seen by many as part of the problem, not the solution.

Trump had his chance and demonstrated only that he’s unfit to be president.
Losing support for the President isn't just from Independents but from Trump's hard-core Republicans.

What we have here is ANOTHER, on top of HUNDREDS now, of flaming leftist TDS PROPAGANDA articles from this FLAMINT leftist rawstory propaganda website, and they're written for LEFTISTS, to make THEM, FEEL BETTER.

None of these FABRICATIONS are written for conservatives, because it's IMMEDIATELY apparent they're STEAMING PILES OF DOG SHIT.

Libs think that they can discourage the President's supporters with an endless stream of Fake News and Fake Polls.

But there is where they are wrong. The people know the polls are fake, and they aren't going to fall for these tricks designed to enable Voter Suppression.
We’re not after trump supporters we know they are unflappable.

We hope the people who tell us they voted for trump but this time biden are telling the truth.

Were hoping all the blacks, Muslims and Mexicans who are offended show up for joe. They didn’t for Hillary. If they show up like they did for Obama you lose.

we don have Hillary running this time.

Neither side knows what’s going to happen. Depends on who shows up. Republicans like low voter turnout. We will see.

Trump the one term president

99 percent of those who voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for him again this year.

But Biden only needs that one percent who defect.

There were also disgruntled Democrats who supported Sanders in 2016 who refused to vote for Clinton – those Democrats will be voting for Biden.

There will be those who voted for Trump in 2016 not voting for Trump this year; they won’t be voting for Biden, either – but that nonetheless helps Biden.

Trump must run on a dismal record of failure and incompetence.

Trump won’t have a strong economy to boast about.

Trump is seen by many as part of the problem, not the solution.

Trump had his chance and demonstrated only that he’s unfit to be president.
Polls show Biden with 40% of the white vote If that holds there is no way in hell trump can win other by some heavy cheating
You almost gotta laugh that the focus of the post is allegedly on "hard core republicans" but it's really based on the opinion of a WAPO reporter who may be hard core but he certainly isn't a republican and probably doesn't even know a hard core republican. The anti-Trump rants seem to be getting more desperate and yet they consistently fail to mention the democrat candidate.
Losing support for the President isn't just from Independents but from Trump's hard-core Republicans.

What we have here is ANOTHER, on top of HUNDREDS now, of flaming leftist TDS PROPAGANDA articles from this FLAMINT leftist rawstory propaganda website, and they're written for LEFTISTS, to make THEM, FEEL BETTER.

None of these FABRICATIONS are written for conservatives, because it's IMMEDIATELY apparent they're STEAMING PILES OF DOG SHIT.

Libs think that they can discourage the President's supporters with an endless stream of Fake News and Fake Polls.

But there is where they are wrong. The people know the polls are fake, and they aren't going to fall for these tricks designed to enable Voter Suppression.
We’re not after trump supporters we know they are unflappable.

We hope the people who tell us they voted for trump but this time biden are telling the truth.

Were hoping all the blacks, Muslims and Mexicans who are offended show up for joe. They didn’t for Hillary. If they show up like they did for Obama you lose.

we don have Hillary running this time.

Neither side knows what’s going to happen. Depends on who shows up. Republicans like low voter turnout. We will see.

Trump the one term president

99 percent of those who voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for him again this year.

But Biden only needs that one percent who defect.

There were also disgruntled Democrats who supported Sanders in 2016 who refused to vote for Clinton – those Democrats will be voting for Biden.

There will be those who voted for Trump in 2016 not voting for Trump this year; they won’t be voting for Biden, either – but that nonetheless helps Biden.

Trump must run on a dismal record of failure and incompetence.

Trump won’t have a strong economy to boast about.

Trump is seen by many as part of the problem, not the solution.

Trump had his chance and demonstrated only that he’s unfit to be president.
Polls show Biden with 40% of the white vote If that holds there is no way in hell trump can win other by some heavy cheating
Trump’s reelection ‘strategy’ was the economy, the economy, and the economy.

Now he doesn't have the economy.

An object lesson to not put all of one’s political eggs in a single basket.
You almost gotta laugh that the focus of the post is allegedly on "hard core republicans" but it's really based on the opinion of a WAPO reporter who may be hard core but he certainly isn't a republican and probably doesn't even know a hard core republican. The anti-Trump rants seem to be getting more desperate and yet they consistently fail to mention the democrat candidate.
Remember whitey how you voted for Trump because he ain't Hillary?? Well now the worm has turned . We're voting Biden because he ain't Trump
Losing support for the President isn't just from Independents but from Trump's hard-core Republicans.

What we have here is ANOTHER, on top of HUNDREDS now, of flaming leftist TDS PROPAGANDA articles from this FLAMINT leftist rawstory propaganda website, and they're written for LEFTISTS, to make THEM, FEEL BETTER.

None of these FABRICATIONS are written for conservatives, because it's IMMEDIATELY apparent they're STEAMING PILES OF DOG SHIT.

Libs think that they can discourage the President's supporters with an endless stream of Fake News and Fake Polls.

But there is where they are wrong. The people know the polls are fake, and they aren't going to fall for these tricks designed to enable Voter Suppression.
We’re not after trump supporters we know they are unflappable.

We hope the people who tell us they voted for trump but this time biden are telling the truth.

Were hoping all the blacks, Muslims and Mexicans who are offended show up for joe. They didn’t for Hillary. If they show up like they did for Obama you lose.

we don have Hillary running this time.

Neither side knows what’s going to happen. Depends on who shows up. Republicans like low voter turnout. We will see.

Trump the one term president

99 percent of those who voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for him again this year.

But Biden only needs that one percent who defect.

There were also disgruntled Democrats who supported Sanders in 2016 who refused to vote for Clinton – those Democrats will be voting for Biden.

There will be those who voted for Trump in 2016 not voting for Trump this year; they won’t be voting for Biden, either – but that nonetheless helps Biden.

Trump must run on a dismal record of failure and incompetence.

Trump won’t have a strong economy to boast about.

Trump is seen by many as part of the problem, not the solution.

Trump had his chance and demonstrated only that he’s unfit to be president.
Polls show Biden with 40% of the white vote If that holds there is no way in hell trump can win other by some heavy cheating
Trump’s reelection ‘strategy’ was the economy, the economy, and the economy.

Now he doesn't have the economy.

An object lesson to not put all of one’s political eggs in a single basket.
He's even changing the way they're attacking Biden The old Hillary ways aren't working
I don't believe it. Every last person that voted for Trump is going to hold their nose and vote for him again no matter what a disaster he is. These stories that claim to show softening support for Trump have the express purpose of making democrats feel confident of victory. It will take an unprecidented turnout to be assured of beating Trump and his rigging machine.
That is the sanest post you have ever written.


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