Re-Election Bid Collapse

Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

Let's ask Rapey old Quid Pro Joe Biden what he thinks of Trump's temperment?

"Look man, it's the thing, I'm making America great again. 4 score and hey is that a squirrel? Toasters frighten me."

Yeah, let's go with the Communist - he's a real intellectual...
I know. If he's not an obedient Trumpster, he's a commie.

That's it. That's as deep as you go.

You guys have regressed to grade school-level thinking.
If you think there are no hardcore Marxists pulling Biden's strings, I have a bridge to sell you.

Knock off the bullshit gaslighting.

You know good and goddamn well that there are some serious Marxists running his operation.
Losing support for the President isn't just from Independents but from Trump's hard-core Republicans.

What we have here is ANOTHER, on top of HUNDREDS now, of flaming leftist TDS PROPAGANDA articles from this FLAMINT leftist rawstory propaganda website, and they're written for LEFTISTS, to make THEM, FEEL BETTER.

None of these FABRICATIONS are written for conservatives, because it's IMMEDIATELY apparent they're STEAMING PILES OF DOG SHIT.

Libs think that they can discourage the President's supporters with an endless stream of Fake News and Fake Polls.

But there is where they are wrong. The people know the polls are fake, and they aren't going to fall for these tricks designed to enable Voter Suppression.
We’re not after trump supporters we know they are unflappable.

We hope the people who tell us they voted for trump but this time biden are telling the truth.

Were hoping all the blacks, Muslims and Mexicans who are offended show up for joe. They didn’t for Hillary. If they show up like they did for Obama you lose.

we don have Hillary running this time.

Neither side knows what’s going to happen. Depends on who shows up. Republicans like low voter turnout. We will see.

Trump the one term president

99 percent of those who voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for him again this year.

But Biden only needs that one percent who defect.

There were also disgruntled Democrats who supported Sanders in 2016 who refused to vote for Clinton – those Democrats will be voting for Biden.

There will be those who voted for Trump in 2016 not voting for Trump this year; they won’t be voting for Biden, either – but that nonetheless helps Biden.

Trump must run on a dismal record of failure and incompetence.

Trump won’t have a strong economy to boast about.

Trump is seen by many as part of the problem, not the solution.

Trump had his chance and demonstrated only that he’s unfit to be president.
You don't think Trump won anyone over?

Okay. This will be fun.
Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

Let's ask Rapey old Quid Pro Joe Biden what he thinks of Trump's temperment?

"Look man, it's the thing, I'm making America great again. 4 score and hey is that a squirrel? Toasters frighten me."

Yeah, let's go with the Communist - he's a real intellectual...
I know. If he's not an obedient Trumpster, he's a commie.

That's it. That's as deep as you go.

You guys have regressed to grade school-level thinking.
If you think there are no hardcore Marxists pulling Biden's strings, I have a bridge to sell you.

Knock off the bullshit gaslighting.

You know good and goddamn well but there are some serious Marxists running his operation.
If you say so!
Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

Let's ask Rapey old Quid Pro Joe Biden what he thinks of Trump's temperment?

"Look man, it's the thing, I'm making America great again. 4 score and hey is that a squirrel? Toasters frighten me."

Yeah, let's go with the Communist - he's a real intellectual...
I know. If he's not an obedient Trumpster, he's a commie.

That's it. That's as deep as you go.

You guys have regressed to grade school-level thinking.
If you think there are no hardcore Marxists pulling Biden's strings, I have a bridge to sell you.

Knock off the bullshit gaslighting.

You know good and goddamn well but there are some serious Marxists running his operation.
If you say so!
I do. And you have yet to comment on it.

Did you bother to investigate for yourself?
Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

Let's ask Rapey old Quid Pro Joe Biden what he thinks of Trump's temperment?

"Look man, it's the thing, I'm making America great again. 4 score and hey is that a squirrel? Toasters frighten me."

Yeah, let's go with the Communist - he's a real intellectual...
I know. If he's not an obedient Trumpster, he's a commie.

That's it. That's as deep as you go.

You guys have regressed to grade school-level thinking.
If you think there are no hardcore Marxists pulling Biden's strings, I have a bridge to sell you.

Knock off the bullshit gaslighting.

You know good and goddamn well but there are some serious Marxists running his operation.
If you say so!
I do. And you have yet to comment on it.

Did you bother to investigate for yourself?
No. Go ahead and provide their names, positions and backgrounds.
Losing support for the President isn't just from Independents but from Trump's hard-core Republicans.

What we have here is ANOTHER, on top of HUNDREDS now, of flaming leftist TDS PROPAGANDA articles from this FLAMINT leftist rawstory propaganda website, and they're written for LEFTISTS, to make THEM, FEEL BETTER.

None of these FABRICATIONS are written for conservatives, because it's IMMEDIATELY apparent they're STEAMING PILES OF DOG SHIT.

Libs think that they can discourage the President's supporters with an endless stream of Fake News and Fake Polls.

But there is where they are wrong. The people know the polls are fake, and they aren't going to fall for these tricks designed to enable Voter Suppression.
We’re not after trump supporters we know they are unflappable.

We hope the people who tell us they voted for trump but this time biden are telling the truth.

Were hoping all the blacks, Muslims and Mexicans who are offended show up for joe. They didn’t for Hillary. If they show up like they did for Obama you lose.

we don have Hillary running this time.

Neither side knows what’s going to happen. Depends on who shows up. Republicans like low voter turnout. We will see.

Trump the one term president

99 percent of those who voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for him again this year.

But Biden only needs that one percent who defect.

There were also disgruntled Democrats who supported Sanders in 2016 who refused to vote for Clinton – those Democrats will be voting for Biden.

There will be those who voted for Trump in 2016 not voting for Trump this year; they won’t be voting for Biden, either – but that nonetheless helps Biden.

Trump must run on a dismal record of failure and incompetence.

Trump won’t have a strong economy to boast about.

Trump is seen by many as part of the problem, not the solution.

Trump had his chance and demonstrated only that he’s unfit to be president.
I didnt say 99% of the people who voted for trump will vote for him again. My brother and his son have agreed they’re not voting for trump again. And a lot of trump supporters have died.

Charlie Daniels died. One of trumps few celebrity supporters.

A lot of people who voted for trump will stay home too. They aren’t his die hard fans they’re people like me who maybe liked some of the things candidate trump said but who hate all the things president trump has done. He’s certainly a liar and not a uniter.

I truly believe the only reason gw bush won was because people were sick of the bickering between the clintons and republicans. Even though the economy was great they voted for bush because they felt they could drink a beer with him not al gore. And al gore would have been a continuation of clinton and people were sick of it and figured how much harm could bush do. Then he lied us into Iraq and caused a Great Recession
I didnt say 99% of the people who voted for trump will vote for him again. My brother and his son have agreed they’re not voting for trump again. And a lot of trump supporters have died.

Charlie Daniels died. One of trumps few celebrity supporters.

President Trump has huge numbers of Celebrity supporters. Hank Jr., Nugent , Kid Rock, Pat Boone. Remember he is a celebrity himself, he understands the celebrity people.
I didnt say 99% of the people who voted for trump will vote for him again. My brother and his son have agreed they’re not voting for trump again. And a lot of trump supporters have died.

Charlie Daniels died. One of trumps few celebrity supporters.

President Trump has huge numbers of Celebrity supporters. Hank Jr., Nugent , Kid Rock, Pat Boone. Remember he is a celebrity himself, he understands the celebrity people.
Your list is small.

They had to cancel the kennedy center awards. Every president looks forward to this event. They didn’t think anyone would show up.

this is the irony of trumps presidency. He can’t stand the deplorables who vote for him. They’d never be welcome at Mara lago. But today celebritpies aren’t rubbing elbows with trump. They loved him before he was a lot of fun now he’s an asshole because his base is a bunch of assholes.
Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

Let's ask Rapey old Quid Pro Joe Biden what he thinks of Trump's temperment?

"Look man, it's the thing, I'm making America great again. 4 score and hey is that a squirrel? Toasters frighten me."

Yeah, let's go with the Communist - he's a real intellectual...
I know. If he's not an obedient Trumpster, he's a commie.

That's it. That's as deep as you go.

You guys have regressed to grade school-level thinking.
If you think there are no hardcore Marxists pulling Biden's strings, I have a bridge to sell you.

Knock off the bullshit gaslighting.

You know good and goddamn well but there are some serious Marxists running his operation.
If you say so!
I do. And you have yet to comment on it.

Did you bother to investigate for yourself?
No. Go ahead and provide their names, positions and backgrounds.
Here's one, Mr. Naiive:

Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America[9] and embraces the democratic socialist label as part of her political identity.

Now, sit there and tell me that there's a difference between democratic socialist and communist. Sit there and lie your ass off to me about how this re-brand is anything new.

There's practically no motherfucking difference!!! Not one cock sucking difference!!!

Are you gonna denounce these motherfuckers and vote for somebody other than that shit or are you going to fall right in line with the commie shit?

Whatever happens, don't sit there and tell me I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, motherfucker. Your gaslighting bullshit is getting older than your ass.
Last edited:
Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

Let's ask Rapey old Quid Pro Joe Biden what he thinks of Trump's temperment?

"Look man, it's the thing, I'm making America great again. 4 score and hey is that a squirrel? Toasters frighten me."

Yeah, let's go with the Communist - he's a real intellectual...
I know. If he's not an obedient Trumpster, he's a commie.

That's it. That's as deep as you go.

You guys have regressed to grade school-level thinking.
If you think there are no hardcore Marxists pulling Biden's strings, I have a bridge to sell you.

Knock off the bullshit gaslighting.

You know good and goddamn well but there are some serious Marxists running his operation.
If you say so!
I do. And you have yet to comment on it.

Did you bother to investigate for yourself?
No. Go ahead and provide their names, positions and backgrounds.
Here's one, Mr. Naiive:

Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America[9] and embraces the democratic socialist label as part of her political identity.

Now, sit there and tell me that there's a difference between democratic socialist and communist. Sit there and lie your ass off to me about how this re-brand is anything new.

There's practically no motherfucking difference!!! Not one cock sucking difference!!!

Are you gonna denounce these motherfuckers and vote for somebody other than that shit or are you going to fall right in line with the commie shit?

Whatever happens, don't sit there and tell me I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, motherfucker. Your gaslighting bullshit is getting older than your ass.
All that means is she believes in public schools, that healthcare should be a right like public schools. She likes social security and Medicare.

prisons shouldn’t be privatized and neither should national parks
Losing support for the President isn't just from Independents but from Trump's hard-core Republicans.
It's a matter of trust. Especially when it comes to misleading comments and falsehoods.

"Pointing to a report from the Washington Post’s Fact Checker Team that states, “The coronavirus pandemic has spawned a whole new genre of Trump’s falsehoods. The category in just a few months has reached nearly 1,000 claims, more than his tax claims combined. Trump’s false or misleading claims about the impeachment investigation — and the events surrounding it — contributed almost 1,200 entries to the database,” Scott notes that deep dive into the president’s poll numbers shows a recent trendline that indicates he has been losing support from hardcore Republicans — a demographic he badly needs to have any hope of being re-elected."

“The problem is that there are weaknesses in that group. According to the Post-ABC survey, nearly 30 percent of Republicans — one of the most pro-Trump voting blocs — said they don’t trust what the president says about the outbreak,” he explained. “And neither do nearly 2 in 3 political independents, a voting bloc that was key to helping deliver the White House to Trump in 2016.”
"He went on to conclude, “The Post reported that while Trump aides are aware of his declining popularity, even with some of the voting blocs that he won in 2016, the president shows little sign of changing his behavior or words to increase confidence in him.”

Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

The President's done a tremendous job with the virus, what are you talking about.

The Javits Convention Center was converted to a hospital, hospital ships were moved into NY Harbor, President Trump got his good friend Rev. Franklin Graham to put a field hospital in Central Park. Thousands of ventilators were requested by Fredo to the President and he delivered them.

Health experts predicted more than 2 million would keel over dead in America, and they were wrong. Trump made sure they were wrong.

Trump leadership saved millions of lives, the libs should be kissing his feet as the lives were mostly in leftist cities.

The 2 million dead was the high estimate if we did absolutely nothing. Try again.
Losing support for the President isn't just from Independents but from Trump's hard-core Republicans.
It's a matter of trust. Especially when it comes to misleading comments and falsehoods.

"Pointing to a report from the Washington Post’s Fact Checker Team that states, “The coronavirus pandemic has spawned a whole new genre of Trump’s falsehoods. The category in just a few months has reached nearly 1,000 claims, more than his tax claims combined. Trump’s false or misleading claims about the impeachment investigation — and the events surrounding it — contributed almost 1,200 entries to the database,” Scott notes that deep dive into the president’s poll numbers shows a recent trendline that indicates he has been losing support from hardcore Republicans — a demographic he badly needs to have any hope of being re-elected."

“The problem is that there are weaknesses in that group. According to the Post-ABC survey, nearly 30 percent of Republicans — one of the most pro-Trump voting blocs — said they don’t trust what the president says about the outbreak,” he explained. “And neither do nearly 2 in 3 political independents, a voting bloc that was key to helping deliver the White House to Trump in 2016.”
"He went on to conclude, “The Post reported that while Trump aides are aware of his declining popularity, even with some of the voting blocs that he won in 2016, the president shows little sign of changing his behavior or words to increase confidence in him.”

Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

The President's done a tremendous job with the virus, what are you talking about.

The Javits Convention Center was converted to a hospital, hospital ships were moved into NY Harbor, President Trump got his good friend Rev. Franklin Graham to put a field hospital in Central Park. Thousands of ventilators were requested by Fredo to the President and he delivered them.

Health experts predicted more than 2 million would keel over dead in America, and they were wrong. Trump made sure they were wrong.

Trump leadership saved millions of lives, the libs should be kissing his feet as the lives were mostly in leftist cities.

The 2 million dead was the high estimate if we did absolutely nothing. Try again.

That's the point. Trump did plenty to save well over a million lives. Libs say he did absolutely nothing. That's wrong. He did everything right. Today, he was on the radio, pointing out America is the "Envy of the World" because of the Trumpster's Corona policy. Sure, our friends in North Korea as well as Antarctica have better records, but considering the fact that the Wall isn't totally up yet, the Trump record is superb.
Losing support for the President isn't just from Independents but from Trump's hard-core Republicans.
It's a matter of trust. Especially when it comes to misleading comments and falsehoods.

"Pointing to a report from the Washington Post’s Fact Checker Team that states, “The coronavirus pandemic has spawned a whole new genre of Trump’s falsehoods. The category in just a few months has reached nearly 1,000 claims, more than his tax claims combined. Trump’s false or misleading claims about the impeachment investigation — and the events surrounding it — contributed almost 1,200 entries to the database,” Scott notes that deep dive into the president’s poll numbers shows a recent trendline that indicates he has been losing support from hardcore Republicans — a demographic he badly needs to have any hope of being re-elected."

“The problem is that there are weaknesses in that group. According to the Post-ABC survey, nearly 30 percent of Republicans — one of the most pro-Trump voting blocs — said they don’t trust what the president says about the outbreak,” he explained. “And neither do nearly 2 in 3 political independents, a voting bloc that was key to helping deliver the White House to Trump in 2016.”
"He went on to conclude, “The Post reported that while Trump aides are aware of his declining popularity, even with some of the voting blocs that he won in 2016, the president shows little sign of changing his behavior or words to increase confidence in him.”

Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

The President's done a tremendous job with the virus, what are you talking about.

The Javits Convention Center was converted to a hospital, hospital ships were moved into NY Harbor, President Trump got his good friend Rev. Franklin Graham to put a field hospital in Central Park. Thousands of ventilators were requested by Fredo to the President and he delivered them.

Health experts predicted more than 2 million would keel over dead in America, and they were wrong. Trump made sure they were wrong.

Trump leadership saved millions of lives, the libs should be kissing his feet as the lives were mostly in leftist cities.

The 2 million dead was the high estimate if we did absolutely nothing. Try again.

That's the point. Trump did plenty to save well over a million lives. Libs say he did absolutely nothing. That's wrong. He did everything right. Today, he was on the radio, pointing out America is the "Envy of the World" because of the Trumpster's Corona policy. Sure, our friends in North Korea as well as Antarctica have better records, but considering the fact that the Wall isn't totally up yet, the Trump record is superb.
Another delusional MAGAtard. SOS
Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

Let's ask Rapey old Quid Pro Joe Biden what he thinks of Trump's temperment?

"Look man, it's the thing, I'm making America great again. 4 score and hey is that a squirrel? Toasters frighten me."

Yeah, let's go with the Communist - he's a real intellectual...
I know. If he's not an obedient Trumpster, he's a commie.

That's it. That's as deep as you go.

You guys have regressed to grade school-level thinking.
If you think there are no hardcore Marxists pulling Biden's strings, I have a bridge to sell you.

Knock off the bullshit gaslighting.

You know good and goddamn well but there are some serious Marxists running his operation.
If you say so!
I do. And you have yet to comment on it.

Did you bother to investigate for yourself?
No. Go ahead and provide their names, positions and backgrounds.
Here's one, Mr. Naiive:

Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America[9] and embraces the democratic socialist label as part of her political identity.

Now, sit there and tell me that there's a difference between democratic socialist and communist. Sit there and lie your ass off to me about how this re-brand is anything new.

There's practically no motherfucking difference!!! Not one cock sucking difference!!!

Are you gonna denounce these motherfuckers and vote for somebody other than that shit or are you going to fall right in line with the commie shit?

Whatever happens, don't sit there and tell me I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, motherfucker. Your gaslighting bullshit is getting older than your ass.
All that means is she believes in public schools, that healthcare should be a right like public schools. She likes social security and Medicare.

prisons shouldn’t be privatized and neither should national parks
Bull fucking SHIT!!!
Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

Let's ask Rapey old Quid Pro Joe Biden what he thinks of Trump's temperment?

"Look man, it's the thing, I'm making America great again. 4 score and hey is that a squirrel? Toasters frighten me."

Yeah, let's go with the Communist - he's a real intellectual...
I know. If he's not an obedient Trumpster, he's a commie.

That's it. That's as deep as you go.

You guys have regressed to grade school-level thinking.
If you think there are no hardcore Marxists pulling Biden's strings, I have a bridge to sell you.

Knock off the bullshit gaslighting.

You know good and goddamn well but there are some serious Marxists running his operation.
If you say so!
I do. And you have yet to comment on it.

Did you bother to investigate for yourself?
No. Go ahead and provide their names, positions and backgrounds.
Here's one, Mr. Naiive:

Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America[9] and embraces the democratic socialist label as part of her political identity.

Now, sit there and tell me that there's a difference between democratic socialist and communist. Sit there and lie your ass off to me about how this re-brand is anything new.

There's practically no motherfucking difference!!! Not one cock sucking difference!!!

Are you gonna denounce these motherfuckers and vote for somebody other than that shit or are you going to fall right in line with the commie shit?

Whatever happens, don't sit there and tell me I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, motherfucker. Your gaslighting bullshit is getting older than your ass.
All that means is she believes in public schools, that healthcare should be a right like public schools. She likes social security and Medicare.

prisons shouldn’t be privatized and neither should national parks
Bull fucking SHIT!!!
This is the average trump supporter when confronted with facts they just snap and reply bullshit, tds or fake news.

Trump supporters don’t see how much they turn independents off. I see it. Keep it up
I didnt say 99% of the people who voted for trump will vote for him again. My brother and his son have agreed they’re not voting for trump again. And a lot of trump supporters have died.

Charlie Daniels died. One of trumps few celebrity supporters.

President Trump has huge numbers of Celebrity supporters. Hank Jr., Nugent , Kid Rock, Pat Boone. Remember he is a celebrity himself, he understands the celebrity people.
Kid rock tried to pull a trump and run for governor. A democrat won. Trump won’t win Michigan again.

Our governor has sent vote from home mail to all of us so all those people in Detroit you hope won’t show up don’t have to anymore. They can vote by mail. Isn’t that great every voice will be heard?
I didnt say 99% of the people who voted for trump will vote for him again. My brother and his son have agreed they’re not voting for trump again. And a lot of trump supporters have died.

Charlie Daniels died. One of trumps few celebrity supporters.

President Trump has huge numbers of Celebrity supporters. Hank Jr., Nugent , Kid Rock, Pat Boone. Remember he is a celebrity himself, he understands the celebrity people.
Google 2017 trump has to cancel the kennedy center awards because most of the recipients said they would boycott it.

Instead trump is stuck at trump rallies talking nonsense to his ridiculous supporters. He needs you fired up cause no one else is pleased. Neither are you but you won’t be honest about that. You knew bush was horrible yet you still voted for him again in 2004
I didnt say 99% of the people who voted for trump will vote for him again. My brother and his son have agreed they’re not voting for trump again. And a lot of trump supporters have died.

Charlie Daniels died. One of trumps few celebrity supporters.

President Trump has huge numbers of Celebrity supporters. Hank Jr., Nugent , Kid Rock, Pat Boone. Remember he is a celebrity himself, he understands the celebrity people.
Google 2017 trump has to cancel the kennedy center awards because most of the recipients said they would boycott it.

Instead trump is stuck at trump rallies talking nonsense to his ridiculous supporters. He needs you fired up cause no one else is pleased. Neither are you but you won’t be honest about that. You knew bush was horrible yet you still voted for him again in 2004

I voted for Bush, Jr. in 2004. While he was a bit of a stretch, the Democrat was a virtual nightmare. I am voting for Biden who is also a stretch because Rump is a complete Nightmare that we haven't been able to wake up from for the last 4 years.

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