Re-Evaluating Newt..

It's interesting watching Newt climb in the polls. He has been in the single digits for most of the race, but he's polling double digits in six of the last eight, including the last four, and appears to be pulling ahead of Perry for third place. I wonder if Gingrich will be the next flavour of the month once Cain inevitably flames out?

Gingrich probably has too much baggage to be elected President, but of all the Republican candidates, he is probably the one with the most heft to body slam Obama in the elections.
It's interesting watching Newt climb in the polls. He has been in the single digits for most of the race, but he's polling double digits in six of the last eight, including the last four, and appears to be pulling ahead of Perry for third place. I wonder if Gingrich will be the next flavour of the month once Cain inevitably flames out?

Gingrich probably has too much baggage to be elected President, but of all the Republican candidates, he is probably the one with the most heft to body slam Obama in the elections.

That just tells me that the GOP needs to go back to the drawing board.

What is obvious right now is that a vast majority of Republicans don't want the weird Mormon Robot. In the Rassumussen Poll, Cain is down three points from the last time, but Romney is down six. Now, I suspect that Cain will flame out. I don't think he was ever anything but a "none of the above" vote. So, yeah, I suspect that the "anyone but Romney" vote will now switch to Gingrich.

But the real problem is that the Beltway Establishment doesn't want Cain, Gingrich or Perry. They want Romney. They want a nice pliable tool who will go along as big corporations pick the last bits of meat of the the carcass of the American middle class.

This is the forumula for a third party emerging. I remember 1992, where Pat Buchanan represented a large amount of disatisfaction with George H. Bush on the part of conservatives. That eventually matasticized in the candidacy of H. Ross Perot.

Not that these groups were happy with Buchanan (who is a Nazi, after all) or Perot (who was just plain nuts), but that they were unhappy with an incumbant president who didn't do what they expected.

Gingrich, warts and all, might be the nice, safe anti-Romney. He'll give Obama a run in the debates, and frankly, after this Cain Debacle, maybe his serial marriages won't look so bad. Maybe.
Gingrich has been married three times. In 1962, he married Jackie Battley, his former high school geometry teacher, when he was 19 years old and she was 26. In the spring of 1980, Gingrich left Battley after having an affair with Marianne Ginther.

Six months after the divorce from Battley was final, Gingrich wed Marianne Ginther in 1981. In the mid-1990s, Gingrich began an affair with House of Representatives staffer Callista Bisek, who is 23 years his junior. They continued their affair during the Lewinsky scandal, when Gingrich became a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice in connection with his alleged affairs. In 2000, Gingrich married Bisek shortly after his divorce from second wife Ginther.

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- married 3 times

- 2 affairs resulting in divorce

- continued his affair with staffer Callista Bisek during the Lewinsky scandal, despite the fact that he had become a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton

Gingrich and the GOP both know that if he became their presidential nominee for 2012, his personal "baggage" will become a "lightning rod" for questioning his moral integrity and history of making "inappropriate" decisions in his personal life.

Good to know you've gotten past the paparazzi mode of thought and really dug into the meat of the issues and his positions.

Maybe what the GOP really knows is that there are a lot of Americans without the depth of a mud puddle in the summer. Good to know who is and isn't going to be clinging to their tabloids while the nation goes to Hell, though.

Call me if you ever start thinking about something meaningful, though.
It is just stunning to me how unwilling people have become to talk about real substance in elections. Every two years or so, I sit back and watch in amazement while we treat the governance of our country like it's the newest season of reality TV. We degenerate into a nation of gossips and voyeurs, waiting to see who can come up with the best "Gotcha!" scandal, and then in between, we wring our hands and moan about how our leaders are driving the country down the toilet. Well, what did we THINK was going to happen when we turned them into trained monkeys dancing around for ratings like so much Hollywood trash?

I have posted, in a couple of places, a list of Newt's legislative proposals should he be elected. No one ON EITHER SIDE will talk about them, preferring to hash over who got accused of sexual harassment years ago and "He's been divorced twice!" What do you care? YOU weren't going to marry him.

The more I listen to Americans deciding who to vote off the island, the more convinced I become that I just need to prepare for the coming collapse of the United States, because no one's left in this nation who's bright enough to save it. Maybe whatever emerges after the dolts have destroyed THIS country will encourage people to be smarter.
Gingrich has been married three times. In 1962, he married Jackie Battley, his former high school geometry teacher, when he was 19 years old and she was 26. In the spring of 1980, Gingrich left Battley after having an affair with Marianne Ginther.

Six months after the divorce from Battley was final, Gingrich wed Marianne Ginther in 1981. In the mid-1990s, Gingrich began an affair with House of Representatives staffer Callista Bisek, who is 23 years his junior. They continued their affair during the Lewinsky scandal, when Gingrich became a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice in connection with his alleged affairs. In 2000, Gingrich married Bisek shortly after his divorce from second wife Ginther.

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- married 3 times

- 2 affairs resulting in divorce

- continued his affair with staffer Callista Bisek during the Lewinsky scandal, despite the fact that he had become a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton

Gingrich and the GOP both know that if he became their presidential nominee for 2012, his personal "baggage" will become a "lightning rod" for questioning his moral integrity and history of making "inappropriate" decisions in his personal life.

Good to know you've gotten past the paparazzi mode of thought and really dug into the meat of the issues and his positions.

Maybe what the GOP really knows is that there are a lot of Americans without the depth of a mud puddle in the summer. Good to know who is and isn't going to be clinging to their tabloids while the nation goes to Hell, though.

Call me if you ever start thinking about something meaningful, though.
Given that Obama has been hounded for 3 years by the "birther" paparazzi, the Republican/Tea Party and its supporters are hardly in a position to lecture anyone about getting "past the paparazzi mode!"
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- married 3 times

- 2 affairs resulting in divorce

- continued his affair with staffer Callista Bisek during the Lewinsky scandal, despite the fact that he had become a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton

Gingrich and the GOP both know that if he became their presidential nominee for 2012, his personal "baggage" will become a "lightning rod" for questioning his moral integrity and history of making "inappropriate" decisions in his personal life.

Good to know you've gotten past the paparazzi mode of thought and really dug into the meat of the issues and his positions.

Maybe what the GOP really knows is that there are a lot of Americans without the depth of a mud puddle in the summer. Good to know who is and isn't going to be clinging to their tabloids while the nation goes to Hell, though.

Call me if you ever start thinking about something meaningful, though.
Given that Obama has been hounded for 3 years by the "birther" paparazzi, the Republican/Tea Party and its supporters are hardly in a position to lecture anyone about getting "past the paparazzi mode!"

And anyone who has ever been on the inside knows that a lot of this bullshit is driven by politicians themselves who create optics to give themselves face time in the press. And the press, needing to fill space, willingly complies.
- married 3 times

- 2 affairs resulting in divorce

- continued his affair with staffer Callista Bisek during the Lewinsky scandal, despite the fact that he had become a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton

Gingrich and the GOP both know that if he became their presidential nominee for 2012, his personal "baggage" will become a "lightning rod" for questioning his moral integrity and history of making "inappropriate" decisions in his personal life.

Good to know you've gotten past the paparazzi mode of thought and really dug into the meat of the issues and his positions.

Maybe what the GOP really knows is that there are a lot of Americans without the depth of a mud puddle in the summer. Good to know who is and isn't going to be clinging to their tabloids while the nation goes to Hell, though.

Call me if you ever start thinking about something meaningful, though.
Given that Obama has been hounded for 3 years by the "birther" paparazzi, the Republican/Tea Party and its supporters are hardly in a position to lecture anyone about getting "past the paparazzi mode!"

Apparently, this is not your "meaningful" day. Perhaps tomorrow.
Good to know you've gotten past the paparazzi mode of thought and really dug into the meat of the issues and his positions.

Maybe what the GOP really knows is that there are a lot of Americans without the depth of a mud puddle in the summer. Good to know who is and isn't going to be clinging to their tabloids while the nation goes to Hell, though.

Call me if you ever start thinking about something meaningful, though.
Given that Obama has been hounded for 3 years by the "birther" paparazzi, the Republican/Tea Party and its supporters are hardly in a position to lecture anyone about getting "past the paparazzi mode!"

And anyone who has ever been on the inside knows that a lot of this bullshit is driven by politicians themselves who create optics to give themselves face time in the press. And the press, needing to fill space, willingly complies.

And the public, thinking like a bunch of big-haired, Oprah-watching trailer park rejects, laps it up.

Sorry, but you can't blame the politicians and the media for reacting to the audience. If the public refused to accept the shiny distractions and demanded real substance and real statesmen, they'd get it. As long as they keep telegraphing that they'll be perfectly happy to vote based on the latest anonymous bimbo eruption, that's all they're going to see.
Given that Obama has been hounded for 3 years by the "birther" paparazzi, the Republican/Tea Party and its supporters are hardly in a position to lecture anyone about getting "past the paparazzi mode!"

And anyone who has ever been on the inside knows that a lot of this bullshit is driven by politicians themselves who create optics to give themselves face time in the press. And the press, needing to fill space, willingly complies.

And the public, thinking like a bunch of big-haired, Oprah-watching trailer park rejects, laps it up.

Sorry, but you can't blame the politicians and the media for reacting to the audience. If the public refused to accept the shiny distractions and demanded real substance and real statesmen, they'd get it. As long as they keep telegraphing that they'll be perfectly happy to vote based on the latest anonymous bimbo eruption, that's all they're going to see.

More class warfare from the Right. :evil:
Given that Obama has been hounded for 3 years by the "birther" paparazzi, the Republican/Tea Party and its supporters are hardly in a position to lecture anyone about getting "past the paparazzi mode!"

And anyone who has ever been on the inside knows that a lot of this bullshit is driven by politicians themselves who create optics to give themselves face time in the press. And the press, needing to fill space, willingly complies.

And the public, thinking like a bunch of big-haired, Oprah-watching trailer park rejects, laps it up.

Sorry, but you can't blame the politicians and the media for reacting to the audience. If the public refused to accept the shiny distractions and demanded real substance and real statesmen, they'd get it. As long as they keep telegraphing that they'll be perfectly happy to vote based on the latest anonymous bimbo eruption, that's all they're going to see.

I can blame the politicians and the media because I've seen it happen right in front of my face.
And anyone who has ever been on the inside knows that a lot of this bullshit is driven by politicians themselves who create optics to give themselves face time in the press. And the press, needing to fill space, willingly complies.

And the public, thinking like a bunch of big-haired, Oprah-watching trailer park rejects, laps it up.

Sorry, but you can't blame the politicians and the media for reacting to the audience. If the public refused to accept the shiny distractions and demanded real substance and real statesmen, they'd get it. As long as they keep telegraphing that they'll be perfectly happy to vote based on the latest anonymous bimbo eruption, that's all they're going to see.

I can blame the politicians and the media because I've seen it happen right in front of my face.

Way to understand nothing I said, and prove me right about the intelligence and depth of the American public.

Stop bitching and whining about "the problem". YOU ARE the problem.
It is just stunning to me how unwilling people have become to talk about real substance in elections. Every two years or so, I sit back and watch in amazement while we treat the governance of our country like it's the newest season of reality TV. We degenerate into a nation of gossips and voyeurs, waiting to see who can come up with the best "Gotcha!" scandal, and then in between, we wring our hands and moan about how our leaders are driving the country down the toilet. Well, what did we THINK was going to happen when we turned them into trained monkeys dancing around for ratings like so much Hollywood trash?

I have posted, in a couple of places, a list of Newt's legislative proposals should he be elected. No one ON EITHER SIDE will talk about them, preferring to hash over who got accused of sexual harassment years ago and "He's been divorced twice!" What do you care? YOU weren't going to marry him.

The more I listen to Americans deciding who to vote off the island, the more convinced I become that I just need to prepare for the coming collapse of the United States, because no one's left in this nation who's bright enough to save it. Maybe whatever emerges after the dolts have destroyed THIS country will encourage people to be smarter.

Did any of you bother to read Cecile's post quoted here? Please PLEASE, those of you who still love America, who still hold out hope for its redemption from the quicksand currently sucking it down, who believe things can be better. . . . . PLEASE read it and let the truth of it soak in.

As long as we allow the USMB trolls and numbnuts along with a corrupt and incompetent media to direct the national debate to scandals, hatemongering, and titillating sub stories that drown out anything of substance, we will continue to elect people to office that are ill suited to accomplish what we all want done.

Let's FORCE the national debate back to things that matter: economic growth, opportunity, responsibility, integrity, principles of free trade, taxation, and what is the proper role of government.

If we don't do that soon, I fear that there is little hope for full recovery ever. We'll drown in our own hateful finger pointing and ignorance.
And the public, thinking like a bunch of big-haired, Oprah-watching trailer park rejects, laps it up.

Sorry, but you can't blame the politicians and the media for reacting to the audience. If the public refused to accept the shiny distractions and demanded real substance and real statesmen, they'd get it. As long as they keep telegraphing that they'll be perfectly happy to vote based on the latest anonymous bimbo eruption, that's all they're going to see.

I can blame the politicians and the media because I've seen it happen right in front of my face.

Way to understand nothing I said, and prove me right about the intelligence and depth of the American public.

Stop bitching and whining about "the problem". YOU ARE the problem.

Edit - you are right. I misread your post.
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It is just stunning to me how unwilling people have become to talk about real substance in elections. Every two years or so, I sit back and watch in amazement while we treat the governance of our country like it's the newest season of reality TV. We degenerate into a nation of gossips and voyeurs, waiting to see who can come up with the best "Gotcha!" scandal, and then in between, we wring our hands and moan about how our leaders are driving the country down the toilet. Well, what did we THINK was going to happen when we turned them into trained monkeys dancing around for ratings like so much Hollywood trash?

I have posted, in a couple of places, a list of Newt's legislative proposals should he be elected. No one ON EITHER SIDE will talk about them, preferring to hash over who got accused of sexual harassment years ago and "He's been divorced twice!" What do you care? YOU weren't going to marry him.

The more I listen to Americans deciding who to vote off the island, the more convinced I become that I just need to prepare for the coming collapse of the United States, because no one's left in this nation who's bright enough to save it. Maybe whatever emerges after the dolts have destroyed THIS country will encourage people to be smarter.

Did any of you bother to read Cecile's post quoted here? Please PLEASE, those of you who still love America, who still hold out hope for its redemption from the quicksand currently sucking it down, who believe things can be better. . . . . PLEASE read it and let the truth of it soak in.

As long as we allow the USMB trolls and numbnuts along with a corrupt and incompetent media to direct the national debate to scandals, hatemongering, and titillating sub stories that drown out anything of substance, we will continue to elect people to office that are ill suited to accomplish what we all want done.

Let's FORCE the national debate back to things that matter: economic growth, opportunity, responsibility, integrity, principles of free trade, taxation, and what is the proper role of government.

If we don't do that soon, I fear that there is little hope for full recovery ever. We'll drown in our own hateful finger pointing and ignorance.

Personally, I'm already stockpiling dry goods and looking for a new house that can be made defensible. I don't think it's possible to stem the tide of stupid any more.
The media covers every election like a sporting event. They jaw for hours about this or that strategy, and spend no time explaining WHY we need health care reform. Some in the public are engaged by the team aspect of the election, and others are turned off, and no one actually knows why the issues matter. Yes, I do blame the media for that. They aren't doing their jobs.
Given that Obama has been hounded for 3 years by the "birther" paparazzi, the Republican/Tea Party and its supporters are hardly in a position to lecture anyone about getting "past the paparazzi mode!"

And anyone who has ever been on the inside knows that a lot of this bullshit is driven by politicians themselves who create optics to give themselves face time in the press. And the press, needing to fill space, willingly complies.

And the public, thinking like a bunch of big-haired, Oprah-watching trailer park rejects, laps it up.

Sorry, but you can't blame the politicians and the media for reacting to the audience. If the public refused to accept the shiny distractions and demanded real substance and real statesmen, they'd get it. As long as they keep telegraphing that they'll be perfectly happy to vote based on the latest anonymous bimbo eruption, that's all they're going to see.
- real substance

- real statesmen

Surely "Cecilie1200" must be thinking in the "abstract" - the 3 major Republican candidates are too busy squabbling about who leaked the Cain story to deal with substance or appear statesmanlike.
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And anyone who has ever been on the inside knows that a lot of this bullshit is driven by politicians themselves who create optics to give themselves face time in the press. And the press, needing to fill space, willingly complies.

And the public, thinking like a bunch of big-haired, Oprah-watching trailer park rejects, laps it up.

Sorry, but you can't blame the politicians and the media for reacting to the audience. If the public refused to accept the shiny distractions and demanded real substance and real statesmen, they'd get it. As long as they keep telegraphing that they'll be perfectly happy to vote based on the latest anonymous bimbo eruption, that's all they're going to see.

More class warfare from the Right. :evil:
Class warfare? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the world or is it natural grounding mechanism to fail?
And anyone who has ever been on the inside knows that a lot of this bullshit is driven by politicians themselves who create optics to give themselves face time in the press. And the press, needing to fill space, willingly complies.

And the public, thinking like a bunch of big-haired, Oprah-watching trailer park rejects, laps it up.

Sorry, but you can't blame the politicians and the media for reacting to the audience. If the public refused to accept the shiny distractions and demanded real substance and real statesmen, they'd get it. As long as they keep telegraphing that they'll be perfectly happy to vote based on the latest anonymous bimbo eruption, that's all they're going to see.
- real substance

- real statesmen

Surely "Cecilie1200" must be thinking in the "abstract" - the 3 major Republican candidates are too busy squabbling about who leaked the Cain story to deal with substance or appear statesmanlike.

Thank you for demonstrating yet again the stupidity of the general public. I always appreciate it when someone so helpfully comes along to prove me right by understanding nothing whatsoever.

If you ever get someone to read you my post and explain what I said to you, DO let me know, won't you?
And the public, thinking like a bunch of big-haired, Oprah-watching trailer park rejects, laps it up.

Sorry, but you can't blame the politicians and the media for reacting to the audience. If the public refused to accept the shiny distractions and demanded real substance and real statesmen, they'd get it. As long as they keep telegraphing that they'll be perfectly happy to vote based on the latest anonymous bimbo eruption, that's all they're going to see.

More class warfare from the Right. :evil:
Class warfare? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the world or is it natural grounding mechanism to fail?
Yes. Class Warfare.
Interesting fact ... this thread has gone on for 460 posts yet only 1 measly rep for Lumpy and that was a neg...:dunno:

:eusa_hand:...please don't rep's just funny to me...thanks for that...:D

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