Re-Evaluating Newt..

It's not that Thomas watched porn. It's that he brought it up to an employee, repeatedly.
AND women that he dated. He is a degenerate.

I don't know, some chicks are into that kid of thing..

Hey, you know what the guy you use as an AVI was caught doing, right? So you are saying you're a "degenerate" since that's the guy whose picture you are using.
If the reason that Thomas is being treated poorly, in your view, is because he is "conservative"............then it is not a matter of racism. You are confused.

No, the other conservatives nominated to the Supreme Court received all the hate Thomas has received. But once nominated it was over, and the hatemongers directed their focus elsewhere.

They have not done that with Thomas. All these years the hateful, snotty, sarcastic, and flat out destructive lies continue on this board, on other boards, most especially leftwing boards and elsewhere on the public scene. Because his opinions are different from the conservative white guys? No, they aren't different. If you have ever heard the man speak, and I have, he is awesome--thoughtful, articulate, intelligent, and as well informed as anybody I've ever listened to.

So what's different about him? He's black. There is nothing else to distinguish him from the other conservative justices who aren't constantly targeted for snotty, hateful remarks. And THAT is what makes it racist.
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I will say, for the third time, it's not the porn, it's the harassment. The problem with Thomas was that he harassed a woman. It has nothing to do with the morality or immorality of porn.


Indeed, it needn’t even be ‘porn,’ any unwanted attention is construed as sexual harassment.

Well, that's the problem with sexual harrassment laws in general. There is no clear standard on what actually constitutes "harrassment".

A Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calander is "harrassment".

A dirty joke told to a co-worker is "harrassment" if someone else hears it...

Saying a bad word if you hit your finger with a hammer is 'harassment".

If someone thinks it is.

Oh, but if you are a liberal, dropping your pants and asking for a blow job isn't harrassment--- according to Bill Clinton.
Sallow and Synthahol, excellent posts. Joe's imagination runs away with him, and he starts describing entire imaginary conversations as he goes along. Only the motives that would drive him count, only the circumstances he has encountered are real, and only stories told by Republicans are true.

Still waiting for one of you libs to explain to me why she would volunteer to change departments to work for the worst boss ever.

Frankly, if the guy was the boss and only had one employee willing to bad mouth him, he's practically up for sainthood. Mafia Dons don't have that kind of loyalty. :lol:

The reason she gave was explained, you declared it made no sense, so move on. Surely you don't want people to explain the same thing to you again so you can say that it makes no sense to you.

The idea that Cain and Perry are even with Obama is simply false. ONE Rasmussen poll showed Cain even with Obama-no one else gets anything like that result-the Rasmussen poll is bullshit.

Yet Rassmussen calls elections closer to their results than anyone else.

Yes, when there's a chance to harm their reputation, they stop pulling the bullshit.

Nate Silver at 538 and now at the NYT has discussed this tendency of Rasmussen's.

The issue of polls isn't terribly relevent for the reasons I stated. I promise you, most people aren't even thinking about that right now. But some time around September of next year, when unemployment is still at 9%, they are going to have that discussion that will go something like, "This guy ain't getting the job done, maybe we should give that other guy a try."

I believe you claimed that the polls showed them evenly matched. People are simply correcting your misinformation.

Nominate Cain, nominate Perry. Put the guy out there that best represents your union-hating, woman-hating, minority-hating, gay-bashing party, and watch America tell them to get lost.

Yeah, because it wasn't like they didn't elect Bush...and Bush's dad... and Reagan.. for standing for those exact things.....oh, wait.

Your party was less crazy then. The change has been remarkable. None of them ever came out against birth control, or wanted teacher's unions outlawed. They did bash gay people, though.
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It's not that Thomas watched porn. It's that he brought it up to an employee, repeatedly.
AND women that he dated. He is a degenerate.

I don't know, some chicks are into that kid of thing..

Hey, you know what the guy you use as an AVI was caught doing, right? So you are saying you're a "degenerate" since that's the guy whose picture you are using.
What he was accused of doing. Science has vindicated him.
The reason she gave was explained, you declared it made no sense, so move on. Surely you don't want people to explain the same thing to you again so you can say that it makes no sense to you.

Because it's still a stupid explanation.

She worked at the Department of Education. She had a Law Degree. And given the moronic Affirmative Action laws on the books at that time, she had a golden ticket, to find employment anywhere she wanted to. She worked at a private firm for a year, but discovered there was work involved.

So she gets a job as an underacheiver at the Department of Ed. Okay, pretty much where worthless people usually end up, in the bureaucracy. But she has this boss she just hates. Everyone else seems to like him, but she just hates the guy. OOoookay, then one day, he says he's going to another job in another Department...

And her response to this bad man who hurt her precious little feewings so much is "Can I get a job with you in your new department? Puuuurty Please?"

Sorry, there's no alternate universe where anyone buys that story.

Your party was less crazy then. The change has been remarkable. None of them ever came out against birth control, or wanted teacher's unions outlawed. They did bash gay people, though.

It's not my party. I'm an independent, and half these guys haven't made the sale to me yet. Incidently, most people would like to see the end of the teacher's unions. Especially people with kids.

Of course, Democrats wouldn't know that. They don't subject their OWN children to these inept boobs. They send their kids to private schools. I went to Catholic schools with the children of Congressmen and Alderman and city officials in Chicago. Favorite schoolyard taunt- "Ha, ha, your dad got indicted!" :lol:
Well, that's the problem with sexual harrassment laws in general. There is no clear standard on what actually constitutes "harrassment".

A Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calander is "harrassment".

A dirty joke told to a co-worker is "harrassment" if someone else hears it...

Saying a bad word if you hit your finger with a hammer is 'harassment".

If someone thinks it is.

Oh, but if you are a liberal, dropping your pants and asking for a blow job isn't harrassment--- according to Bill Clinton.

You're confusing your company policy with what it takes to sue someone for sexual harassment and win.
AND women that he dated. He is a degenerate.

I don't know, some chicks are into that kid of thing..

Hey, you know what the guy you use as an AVI was caught doing, right? So you are saying you're a "degenerate" since that's the guy whose picture you are using.
What he was accused of doing. Science has vindicated him.

Wow, you see how fast he changed his avi...

I'm sorry, how did "science" vindicate Paul Ruebens, (AKA Pee Wee Herman) of playing with himself in a porn theatre?
I don't know, some chicks are into that kid of thing..

Hey, you know what the guy you use as an AVI was caught doing, right? So you are saying you're a "degenerate" since that's the guy whose picture you are using.
What he was accused of doing. Science has vindicated him.

Wow, you see how fast he changed his avi...

I'm sorry, how did "science" vindicate Paul Ruebens, (AKA Pee Wee Herman) of playing with himself in a porn theatre?
I changed it to a pumpkin carving of Pee Wee Herman, idiot!

Paul Reubens, a/k/a Pee-wee Herman, Is a Righty, Thus Didn't Masturbate in Public

Paul Reubens, the Pee-Wee Herman actor demonized by two sex charges, is now offering up proof that his infamous public onanism, all the way back in 1991, is entirely untrue. And he has proof, because he is right-handed. That's merely the most salacious bit in the September issue of Playboy, where Reubens unloads on his entire career, including his child porn charges (later downgraded to obscenity) and his actual love for children. "His guts needed spilling," said reporter Bill Zehme. Now they're all over our hands.

How could Reubens possible have proof that refutes a charge from 1991? It's not a blue dress; it's science:
PLAYBOY: You maintained you were innocent of the charge that you were masturbating in public in an adult theater.

REUBENS: Had we gone to trial, we had ready an expert from the Masters & Johnson Institute who was going to testify that in 30 years of research on masturbation, the institute had never found one person who masturbated with his or her nondominant hand. I'm right-handed, and the police report said I was jerking off with my left hand. That would have been the end of the case right there, proof it couldn't have been me.
He just couldn't handle the pressure of going to court, he explains. But he speaks of the events angrily, still scarred:
Keep in mind I got arrested at the same time the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer's story was breaking -- and yet my story led the news for five days in a row. This man killed lots of people, drilled holes in their heads, and poured acid into them. And he got the second spot on the news, after me.​
Though it did prepare him for scandal number two, 10 years later, when a false tip indicated that he possessed child porn. "The state eventually realized I had nothing offensive, but the city attorney decided to put me through three years of hell anyway," says Reubens. So what did they find?
The case centered on your collection of what was described as kitsch art -- only some of it vaguely sexual in theme -- plus a copy of the Rob Lowe sex tape.​
Take one painting, for instance: "It's of a football stadium. In the foreground, the football players are out on the field in mid-play, but they don't have pants on."
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I can't understand how anyone could be so lacking in common sense as to believe that Newt Gingrich could ever be elected president.

I sense fear from your lash out rant. Obama, "the manchild", would lose big in a one on one debate with ol' Newtie. No contest. He can't hide his gaffes, his hypocrisy on issues, his scandals on fast and furious, cronie capitalism on solyndra/sunpower/and his failed Keynesian approach to our economy. That alinsky/cloward-piven crap is running out of time.

I think michele should make a trip to target and stock on crybaby blankets and kleenix.

Is Newtie still in favor of Cap & Trade? :eusa_shhh:

Was obumer before something before he was against it?
Gitmo is still open. In the meantime, barry soetoro is campaigning not leading, class-warfare and pointing fingers at others b/c of his failures.

Target has weekly sales adddds, check it out.

Obumer raises a billion for attack ads against his adviseries yet it's not problem for him to hoodwink America on green jobs, btw solar/wind aren't a 24/7 power supply, and bloviates his jobs numbers(the left slant media). 10 million homes in limbo of the wave of forclosures thanks to CRA.
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Gingrich has been married three times. In 1962, he married Jackie Battley, his former high school geometry teacher, when he was 19 years old and she was 26. In the spring of 1980, Gingrich left Battley after having an affair with Marianne Ginther.

Six months after the divorce from Battley was final, Gingrich wed Marianne Ginther in 1981. In the mid-1990s, Gingrich began an affair with House of Representatives staffer Callista Bisek, who is 23 years his junior. They continued their affair during the Lewinsky scandal, when Gingrich became a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice in connection with his alleged affairs. In 2000, Gingrich married Bisek shortly after his divorce from second wife Ginther.
- married 3 times

- 2 affairs resulting in divorce

- continued his affair with staffer Callista Bisek during the Lewinsky scandal, despite the fact that he had become a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton

Gingrich and the GOP both know that if he became their presidential nominee for 2012, his personal "baggage" will become a "lightning rod" for questioning his moral integrity and history of making "inappropriate" decisions in his personal life.
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Gingrich has been married three times. In 1962, he married Jackie Battley, his former high school geometry teacher, when he was 19 years old and she was 26. In the spring of 1980, Gingrich left Battley after having an affair with Marianne Ginther.

Six months after the divorce from Battley was final, Gingrich wed Marianne Ginther in 1981. In the mid-1990s, Gingrich began an affair with House of Representatives staffer Callista Bisek, who is 23 years his junior. They continued their affair during the Lewinsky scandal, when Gingrich became a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice in connection with his alleged affairs. In 2000, Gingrich married Bisek shortly after his divorce from second wife Ginther.

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- married 3 times

- 2 affairs resulting in divorce

- continued his affair with staffer Callista Bisek during the Lewinsky scandal, despite the fact that he had become a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton

Gingrich and the GOP both know that if he became their presidential nominee for 2012, his personal "baggage" will become a "lightning rod" for questioning his moral integrity and history of making "inappropriate" decisions in his personal life.

it was ok for a keysian import to run when by definition that the min qualifacations must be: naturalized citizen = both parents are legalized citizen
Gingrich has been married three times. In 1962, he married Jackie Battley, his former high school geometry teacher, when he was 19 years old and she was 26. In the spring of 1980, Gingrich left Battley after having an affair with Marianne Ginther.

Six months after the divorce from Battley was final, Gingrich wed Marianne Ginther in 1981. In the mid-1990s, Gingrich began an affair with House of Representatives staffer Callista Bisek, who is 23 years his junior. They continued their affair during the Lewinsky scandal, when Gingrich became a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice in connection with his alleged affairs. In 2000, Gingrich married Bisek shortly after his divorce from second wife Ginther.

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- married 3 times

- 2 affairs resulting in divorce

- continued his affair with staffer Callista Bisek during the Lewinsky scandal, despite the fact that he had become a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton

Gingrich and the GOP both know that if he became their presidential nominee for 2012, his personal "baggage" will become a "lightning rod" for questioning his moral integrity and history of making "inappropriate" decisions in his personal life.

it was ok for a keysian import to run when by definition that the min qualifacations must be: naturalized citizen = both parents are legalized citizen

What's a "Keysian import".

Where do you get these "qualifacations". Got a source?
- married 3 times

- 2 affairs resulting in divorce

- continued his affair with staffer Callista Bisek during the Lewinsky scandal, despite the fact that he had become a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton

Gingrich and the GOP both know that if he became their presidential nominee for 2012, his personal "baggage" will become a "lightning rod" for questioning his moral integrity and history of making "inappropriate" decisions in his personal life.

it was ok for a keysian import to run when by definition that the min qualifacations must be: naturalized citizen = both parents are legalized citizen

What's a "Keysian import".

Where do you get these "qualifacations". Got a source?

Keysian = kenya and keynesian economics..use early use often

partial are/is remain(s) excrement on shiite of toilet paper

you will find them in outhouses of lefturd judges of the supreme court
Wow, you have totally drank the kool-aid. Next, you're gonna tell us that Saddam was behind 9/11. :lol:

Not at the cost of over $1 Trillion and over 5,000 U.S. military deaths. HELL NO!!!!
I believe we lost that many to the days leading to D-day and at D-day. Back then it was a united country is weaker because of the self righteous press of Vietnam, Korea and relive a past

So? Does that make those 5,000 deaths inconsequential?
Do you have any conceptual idea what an American was back post December 7, 1941,WW2? Where are you going with the moral compass? The actions of war to appease your feelings will not get to victory. To appease is to lose in war. We can't put a flower on war. In war, since the time of man who battle one another on the battlefield, I don't think we had that moral compass to win as part of a strategy . Winning is all that matters and compromising is to lose. The price of freedom well sometimes .......can't be explained in one sentence or two.

In fact, maybe we all would be on dial up or do you prefer horse and buggy vs car..both polute if your counting.
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LOL Obama said pretty much the same thing hack. Not to mention both presidents still pursued. The biggest difference is Obama sat on it for months afraid to pull the trigger.

No, he absolutely didn't.

[ame=]Obama in 2008: 'We Will Kill Bin Laden, We Will Crush Al Qaeda' - YouTube[/ame]

Proof is in the puddin'.
Thanks to the ground work done by BUSH and community organizer takes credit.
Your slip is showing.
Just like Anita Dunghill kept her mouth shut as long as she needed letters of recommendation...

The poverty of rightwing morality.

Since she didn't want to put her career in jeopardy at a time when Thomas was just heading up some minority government agency, it excuses all of his bad behaviour.

And Clintool got cover from the left slant media when monica was working on presidential knee pads. She may have gotten a patent.

But those sexual harassment charges of women coming out of der woodwork and the press were covering it up with ol' wag the dog.

Hypocrite much in your analist thought.

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