Re-Evaluating Newt..

We need a public option.

We need a Safety Net.

We need a public option.

We need a Safety Net.

Why? But assuming that we do, does it have to be at the federal level? Is there no room to allow the people at the state and local level to form their own social contracts to take care of those who have no place to turn?

We're a nation, not a confederacy. The states do figure out how to set up their own social safety net programs, but those programs have to follow some federal guidelines. Why? See the first sentence of my post.
We need to protect and improve Obamacare or we'll wait forever for affordable, guaranteed care.
70% have been brainwashed by Pub talking points. Death panels, huge costs, loss of freedom, gov't takeover...all BS.

Newt's a talking points hack, with no character. The whole Pub field are a bunch of bought off charlatans. I only fear a Jeb Bush deal at the convention. The dupes will believe anything again and again. They aren't told anything like the truth. Rev. Moon seems to be running them.

You already have guaranteed care- it's called medicaid.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
We need a public option.

We need a Safety Net.

We need a Safety Net.

Why? But assuming that we do, does it have to be at the federal level? Is there no room to allow the people at the state and local level to form their own social contracts to take care of those who have no place to turn?

We're a nation, not a confederacy. The states do figure out how to set up their own social safety net programs, but those programs have to follow some federal guidelines. Why? See the first sentence of my post.

We are a nation yes, but not a monarchy, dictatorship, feudal kingdom, or any other definition of authoritarian government. The Founders intended that the federal government would secure our rights and then leave the people alone to live their lives and form whatever sort of society they wished to have. That is what made the United States of America the first of a kind, a great experiment, a wonderful experiment that succeeded beyong the Founders' wildest dreams until some have started slowly but surely turning us back into a nation like all other nations in which nobody's rights are guaranteed but rather are assigned by the government.
To get medicaid in NYS, you have to make less than 800/month, in Arkansas, 0/month. Under Obamacare, less than 21 k/year, 28k family of 4. Above that you get gov't subsidies up to 90% to get insurance, up to 87k family of four. ALL cheaper than ER care and bankruptcy, or go on welfare to get medicaid. There- more than you'll ever know watching the Murdoch/Moonie channel.
We are a nation yes, but not a monarchy, dictatorship, feudal kingdom, or any other definition of authoritarian government. The Founders intended that the federal government would secure our rights and then leave the people alone to live their lives and form whatever sort of society they wished to have. That is what made the United States of America the first of a kind, a great experiment, a wonderful experiment that succeeded beyong the Founders' wildest dreams until some have started slowly but surely turning us back into a nation like all other nations in which nobody's rights are guaranteed but rather are assigned by the government.

Yes, fortunately, the GOP has not had its way, and we are not a monarchy, dictatorship, or feudal kingdom. We HAVE formed the kind of society that we wish to have. The society that we HAVE formed, has a social safety net, because that is the will of the public. Which does not sit well with a small minority who have lately called themselves the Tea Party. STBT.
Your dreamy idea of our history in blinkered , like Reagan's dementia. Read "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!". Huge homeless and starving poor populations, 16 hr days- Roosevelt called 12 hr days communistic...
We need to protect and improve Obamacare or we'll wait forever for affordable, guaranteed care.
70% have been brainwashed by Pub talking points. Death panels, huge costs, loss of freedom, gov't takeover...all BS.

Newt's a talking points hack, with no character. The whole Pub field are a bunch of bought off charlatans. I only fear a Jeb Bush deal at the convention. The dupes will believe anything again and again. They aren't told anything like the truth. Rev. Moon seems to be running them.

Well, I'm certainly glad you're not reduced to vague generalities.
We need to protect and improve Obamacare or we'll wait forever for affordable, guaranteed care.

What makes you think you are going to get any care?

Why would you believe that? Once you hand over the power to grant or withhold care to the government do you have any basis at all to believe you will get any kind of care at all?

We already know you're "challenged". You don't have to demonstrate it.

The poster appears to believe that Medicaid is sufficient, and it obviously isn't. What your comment meant is anyone's guess, I think you just wanted to say something and couldn't come up with anything coherent...but you posted anyway.
We need to protect and improve Obamacare or we'll wait forever for affordable, guaranteed care.

What makes you think you are going to get any care?

Why would you believe that? Once you hand over the power to grant or withhold care to the government do you have any basis at all to believe you will get any kind of care at all?

What makes you think you have more control over a corporation than you have over a government that you helped to elect?
We need to protect and improve Obamacare or we'll wait forever for affordable, guaranteed care.

What makes you think you are going to get any care?

Why would you believe that? Once you hand over the power to grant or withhold care to the government do you have any basis at all to believe you will get any kind of care at all?

What makes you think you have more control over a corporation than you have over a government that you helped to elect?

Maybe because corporations can and do go out of business when they suck, whereas governments rarely do.
What makes you think you are going to get any care?

Why would you believe that? Once you hand over the power to grant or withhold care to the government do you have any basis at all to believe you will get any kind of care at all?

What makes you think you have more control over a corporation than you have over a government that you helped to elect?

Maybe because corporations can and do go out of business when they suck, whereas governments rarely do.

That would be disinformation.

Many insurance companies suck. Yet they don't go out of business, because people don't know how bad they suck till they are in a terrible crisis.

Our government is up for change EVERY TWO YEARS. You can't say that about Cigna.
What makes you think you have more control over a corporation than you have over a government that you helped to elect?

Maybe because corporations can and do go out of business when they suck, whereas governments rarely do.

That would be disinformation.

Many insurance companies suck. Yet they don't go out of business, because people don't know how bad they suck till they are in a terrible crisis.

Our government is up for change EVERY TWO YEARS. You can't say that about Cigna.

First of all, insurance companies go out of business, or are bought out by other companies, all the time.

Second of all, the hamsters running in the wheel (aka the twits in office) come up for election every two years. The government hamster wheel doesn't change much at all.
Maybe because corporations can and do go out of business when they suck, whereas governments rarely do.

That would be disinformation.

Many insurance companies suck. Yet they don't go out of business, because people don't know how bad they suck till they are in a terrible crisis.

Our government is up for change EVERY TWO YEARS. You can't say that about Cigna.

First of all, insurance companies go out of business, or are bought out by other companies, all the time.

Second of all, the hamsters running in the wheel (aka the twits in office) come up for election every two years. The government hamster wheel doesn't change much at all.

The big health care companies are not going out of business, Cecille.

You have more of a voice in your government than you have with BC/BS.
That would be disinformation.

Many insurance companies suck. Yet they don't go out of business, because people don't know how bad they suck till they are in a terrible crisis.

Our government is up for change EVERY TWO YEARS. You can't say that about Cigna.

First of all, insurance companies go out of business, or are bought out by other companies, all the time.

Second of all, the hamsters running in the wheel (aka the twits in office) come up for election every two years. The government hamster wheel doesn't change much at all.

The big health care companies are not going out of business, Cecille.

You have more of a voice in your government than you have with BC/BS.

No, they're NOT going out of business at the moment. Why? Because despite the left's propaganda, the majority of their customers don't think they suck.

And since when do you tweekos think the common man has such a huge voice in the government? I thought your droning mantra was that the government was bought and paid for by rich people, and that was why we needed to "get 'em".

Could you try to be consistent for AT LEAST five minutes at a stretch? Trying to follow your flip-flops is giving me whiplash.
That would be disinformation.

Many insurance companies suck. Yet they don't go out of business, because people don't know how bad they suck till they are in a terrible crisis.

Our government is up for change EVERY TWO YEARS. You can't say that about Cigna.

First of all, insurance companies go out of business, or are bought out by other companies, all the time.

Second of all, the hamsters running in the wheel (aka the twits in office) come up for election every two years. The government hamster wheel doesn't change much at all.

The big health care companies are not going out of business, Cecille.

You have more of a voice in your government than you have with BC/BS.
except of course that if i don't want BC/BS they can't take my money and force it down my throat. No, i do not want to pay for your healthcare, pay for it your damned self. I do not want to pay for your neighbors healthcare, or my neighbors or any of the whiny, lazy liberal twits who feel they are entitled to have somebody else pay for the services they want. I do not want or need the government to tell me what kind of health insurance to buy, or what it has to cover. I do not need any beaurocratic panel of experts to determine whats best for my healthcare, thats what my doctors for. I don't need help buying it, and I don't need help using it. neither do I want to do or pay for any of those things for anyone else.
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