Re-Evaluating Newt..

huntsman was the two-term conservative governor of utah, for chrissakes... that's as conservative as it gets.

what he isn't... is stupid. so people like the idiota mistake that for being liberal.

the teanut gallery just can't forgive him for being president obama's ambassador to china.

i'm kind of glad. huntsman probably would have won.

I would say the very fact that Liberals praise the guy is why he's not the right guy for the GOP.

If an election is a contest between opposing philosophies, then why should one party nominate a guy who has no differences in opinions than the other.

Huntsman was a liberal. He was a liberal as governor of Utah, which is why he antagonized everyone outside of SLC.

The GOP has already filled its quota for Liberal RINO Mormons, as far as I'm concerned. We already have one too many with Romney.
Likability does matter-especially against a candidate like Newt. The guy who cheated on his wife for the good of the nation. The general public has seen the behavior of the Congress, and they know it's not Obama blocking progress.

The Paul Ryan plan is moronic. Please, run a Republican on that plan. :lmao:

By all means, the party of Bill Clinton should DEFINITELY start excoriating Newt Gingrich for immorality. Yeah, that'll work.

I swear, liberals are such closet prudes.
Do you really want to bring up Newt prosecuting Clinton while Newt was screwing someone on the side?

Newt prosecuted Clinton? Actually Newt resigned his seat as speaker before the impeachment.

Btw, didn't Bubba commit perjury in front of a Grand Jury???

Didn't he plead no-contest to Obstruction of Justice???

What would it look like keeping a known felon in the White House?

I know what Clinton did may seem minor to what Obama is guilty of, but back then we just couldn't look the other way and allow it to go unchallenged. It would establish terrible precedence. I think looking the other way has allowed Obama to pretty much do whatever the fuck he wants. We have to hold the President to a higher standard then we do now.
By all means, the party of Bill Clinton should DEFINITELY start excoriating Newt Gingrich for immorality. Yeah, that'll work.

I swear, liberals are such closet prudes.
Do you really want to bring up Newt prosecuting Clinton while Newt was screwing someone on the side?

Newt prosecuted Clinton? Actually Newt resigned his seat as speaker before the impeachment.

Btw, didn't Bubba commit perjury in front of a Grand Jury???

Didn't he plead no-contest to Obstruction of Justice???

What would it look like keeping a known felon in the White House?

I know what Clinton did may seem minor to what Obama is guilty of, but back then we just couldn't look the other way and allow it to go unchallenged. It would establish terrible precedence. I think looking the other way has allowed Obama to pretty much do whatever the fuck he wants. We have to hold the President to a higher standard then we do now.

This post deserves repeating.. Thank you.:clap2:

Newt prosecuted Clinton? Actually Newt resigned his seat as speaker before the impeachment.

Newt was still in Congress and voted for the impeachment.

Btw, didn't Bubba commit perjury in front of a Grand Jury???



Bill Clinton, President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice on December 19, 1998, but acquitted by the Senate on February 12, 1999. Two other impeachment articles, a second perjury charge and a charge of abuse of power, failed in the House. The charges arose from the Lewinsky scandal and the Paula Jones lawsuit. The trial proceedings were largely partisan, with every guilty verdict coming from Republican Senators, only five Democratic Representatives voting to impeach, and no Democratic Senators voting for conviction. With a two-thirds majority required for conviction, only 45 senators voted guilty on the perjury charge and 50 on the obstruction charge.[1] It was only the second impeachment of a President in American history, the other being that of Andrew Johnson.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The field of Republican candidates now has three candidates within striking distance of each other at the top of the list: with 18 percent, Herman Cain is in the top spot, followed by Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich with 15% each. Support for both Cain and Romney has declined since late last month, and Gingrich is the only one of the top three whose support is steadily - if slowly - on the upswing.

Cain has lost support among women since late October. Then, he led among women, garnering 28 percent of their support. Now, his support among women is just 15 percent. He has also lost ground with conservatives, from 30 percent to 23 percent now. And there has been some movement among Tea Party supporters as well; their support for Cain has declined from 32 percent to 19 percent. Romney has lost support among men, while Gingrich's support among that group has increased eight points.

Poll: Cain tops 3-way race with Romney, Gingrich - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Slowly ticking upwards ....
Likability does matter-especially against a candidate like Newt. The guy who cheated on his wife for the good of the nation. The general public has seen the behavior of the Congress, and they know it's not Obama blocking progress.

The Paul Ryan plan is moronic. Please, run a Republican on that plan. :lmao:

By all means, the party of Bill Clinton should DEFINITELY start excoriating Newt Gingrich for immorality. Yeah, that'll work.

I swear, liberals are such closet prudes.

For hypocrisy.

Christ, you are ignorant! :lol:
Likability does matter-especially against a candidate like Newt. The guy who cheated on his wife for the good of the nation. The general public has seen the behavior of the Congress, and they know it's not Obama blocking progress.

The Paul Ryan plan is moronic. Please, run a Republican on that plan. :lmao:

By all means, the party of Bill Clinton should DEFINITELY start excoriating Newt Gingrich for immorality. Yeah, that'll work.

I swear, liberals are such closet prudes.
Do you really want to bring up Newt prosecuting Clinton while Newt was screwing someone on the side?

No, I want to laugh at YOU when YOU bring up how immoral Newt is for being divorced and having an affair after telling the world that "it's just sex; it doesn't matter" and "it's his personal life and none of our business." Well, you convinced us, didn't you?
I would say the very fact that Liberals praise the guy is why he's not the right guy for the GOP.

Pity we’re not concerned as to whom is the right guy for the Nation.

True, the GOP gets to nominate the candidate they believe best represents their philosophy – but clearly that philosophy is not endorsed by a majority of the voters.
Newt's performance was right on last night. Not one candidate on that stage , although I like and respect all of them, can go toe to toe with Newt. Mr. Cain did a respectable job at their Lincoln style debate.. I really like Herman Cain as well.. but Newt is my guy.. (I'd happily support either Mr. Cain or Newt)
Who let the idiot back in?

No idea, but here you are, anyway.
Newt's performance was right on last night. Not one candidate on that stage , although I like and respect all of them, can go toe to toe with Newt. Mr. Cain did a respectable job at their Lincoln style debate.. I really like Herman Cain as well.. but Newt is my guy.. (I'd happily support either Mr. Cain or Newt)
Who let the idiot back in?

No idea, but here you are, anyway.
It figures that another idiot can't figure out which idiot I'm talking about.

Idiot. :lol:
Likability does matter-especially against a candidate like Newt. The guy who cheated on his wife for the good of the nation. The general public has seen the behavior of the Congress, and they know it's not Obama blocking progress.

The Paul Ryan plan is moronic. Please, run a Republican on that plan. :lmao:

By all means, the party of Bill Clinton should DEFINITELY start excoriating Newt Gingrich for immorality. Yeah, that'll work.

I swear, liberals are such closet prudes.

For hypocrisy.

Christ, you are ignorant! :lol:

Like you would recognize hypocrisy if it crawled up your pants leg.
You know the GOP is desperate when this poor example of a human being is the best they can. I heard Tiffany's is betting on him, as are all the divorce lawyers in America. Maybe he can stop government completely this time. The clown didn't even make it as Speaker. But he'd be easy to beat, that's for sure. Give it up ideologues, flip-flop Mitt is your man.
I was watching a clip of a Gingrich interview early this morning in which he was asked for his reaction to Perry's debate gaffe when Perry couldn't remember the Dept. of Energy that he would dismantle if elected President.

Newt replied that it was one of his greatest fears that he would have a brain freeze like that at a critical moment, and it could happen to anybody. It was really unfortunate that it happened to Perry at that precise moment because of how the media would play it over and over and over and how opposition to Perry would use it for their advantage. But who among us has not had that happen--inability to recall a name or a date or a phone number that we normally know as well as our own name?

And I was watching a man absolutely speaking from the heart and being honest and genuinely gracious to an opponent. I am coming to expect that from Newt and that, plus his exemplary grasp of the necessary subject matter, is I think why he is beginning to substantially rise in the polls.

Lord, what a more pleasant world it would be if all politicians, the media, and the punditry would follow his example. If those of us on USMB would follow his example for that matter.
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You know the GOP is desperate when this poor example of a human being is the best they can. I heard Tiffany's is betting on him, as are all the divorce lawyers in America. Maybe he can stop government completely this time. The clown didn't even make it as Speaker. But he'd be easy to beat, that's for sure. Give it up ideologues, flip-flop Mitt is your man.

You know the left is desperate when they think they can describe anyone else as a "poor example of a human being". Gonna take another couple of generations before you dimwits have the cred to live down Teddy Kennedy.

On the other hand, you know the left is desperate when . . . they exist, pretty much.
Likability does matter-especially against a candidate like Newt. The guy who cheated on his wife for the good of the nation. The general public has seen the behavior of the Congress, and they know it's not Obama blocking progress.

The Paul Ryan plan is moronic. Please, run a Republican on that plan. :lmao:

By all means, the party of Bill Clinton should DEFINITELY start excoriating Newt Gingrich for immorality. Yeah, that'll work.

I swear, liberals are such closet prudes.

That shoe would fit on your foot. The party that attacked Clinton for 8 years over The Adventures of Bill's Dick can't honestly ignore Newt's behavior.

And here in the real world, no one "excoriated Newt". What we did is laugh at him. For his explanation for his infidelity-that he was just so worn out working for the good of the nation that he cheated on his wife. :cuckoo:

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