Re-Evaluating Newt..

Obama did an excellent job in the '08 debates.

Not only will Obama do an excellent job again, because he knows what he's talking about, there's the problem of Newt's personal likability. As in he hasn't got much.

Really? HOnestly, I can't remember a single detail about his debates with McCain, and neither can you unless you wiki it...

It really doesn't matter how "likable" Obama is. "likeable" doesn't erase 9% unemployment.

400 point drop in the Dow yesterday. Hope and Change, baby.

I think you got it right... This charge on Newt is a spitball compared to the havoc Obama and the Democrats have had poorly wet nursing and smothering the country.
Now that Cain and Perry are done, I guess it's Newt's turn to be the next in the long line of the Anybody-But-Romney candidates.

Well, we could do a lot worse.

Gingrich is the smartest guy and the most sincere, I think.

His problems still lie in the fact that he has had a shaky relationship history. But I think he get above that by being contrite if asked about it.
Now that Cain and Perry are done, I guess it's Newt's turn to be the next in the long line of the Anybody-But-Romney candidates.

I think it could be an interesting duel, at the moment I'm pulling for Newt but either Romney or Newt is a vast improvement over Obama, I'd guarantee that.....

besides.. I find red faced, Obama butt warming, media lefties and assorted nuts... rather humorous... :lol:
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Newt!! :) As usual his debate performance defines who he is a man and Leader. Trusted, informed, well versed on the issues, compassionate.. GO NEWT!
I hope the 'groping' smear won't permanently damage Herman Cain because I think all of us, at least those still capable of evaluating and thinking rationally, see that for what it is. Manufactured, bogus, intentional politics of personal destruction, opportunism, the ugliest side of American politics.

It won't 'ruin him' unless too many of us just throw up our hands and say 'oh well' and don't fight back. If enough of us keep hammering on the leftist media for feeding dishonestly on that story, for the obvious glaring double standard in the treatment of it, and shame those who participate in such dishonesty, we can turn public opinion.

And in the end I would not mind if Newt and Cain were the last men standing and we had to choose between them. I think we could do a whole lot worse with either.

The thing with Herman Cain and these charges is that there is no actual proof- bottom line.

Maybe these things happened maybe they didn't.. I suspect we'll never know..

The leftist media reveling in the muck it just that...

The thing about these accusations - they don't even rise to the level of "charges" - is how painfully obvious it is that they're garbage.

I do find it funny how quickly and blatantly the leftwing media is revealing itself to be a bunch of incredible racists, though. They might as well just break out the pointy hats and white sheets and have done with it.

Well.. You say potato I say potaato...granted, I spell it wrong..

I guess the "leftwing media" take Halloween all too seriously...:razz:
Love it when Newt was asked a question about the economy and that lady moderator told Newt to take as long as he wanted and his answer was "Corporations clean parks".

No wonder Republicans ruined the economy. Even the smartest one they have is laughable.
Love it when Newt was asked a question about the economy and that lady moderator told Newt to take as long as he wanted and his answer was "Corporations clean parks".

No wonder Republicans ruined the economy. Even the smartest one they have is laughable.

I didn't know you could laugh rdean...:eusa_eh:

Is it a Snidely Whiplash sorta laugh..:razz:
Love it when Newt was asked a question about the economy and that lady moderator told Newt to take as long as he wanted and his answer was "Corporations clean parks".

No wonder Republicans ruined the economy. Even the smartest one they have is laughable.

Were you hatched from the DoDo egg? Your leftwing propaganda is such shit the White House can smell it. I guess it was Booooooooooooosh's fault that Obama spent us (Prior to Obama, the republicans and Boooosh) in to a debt that is crippling our economy? It must also be Boooooooosh's fault that with all three branches of government, the leftist stooges continued that spending at break neck speed, never committing to or producing a budget? It must also then be Booooooooosh's fault that Dumbo Barry and Co have regulated a lot of small businesses in to stagnation and bankruptcy? Let's not forget it's Booooooooosh's fault that Obama put a moratorium on drilling thus gas prices when Boooosh left office were 67% lower:

Hope and Change: Gas Prices Have Gone Up 67 Percent Since Obama Became President
That's compared to a 7 percent increase under Bush in his first 26 months.
Hope and Change: Gas Prices Have Gone Up 67 Percent Since Obama Became President | The Weekly Standard

Health care you say? Oh yes, that's Booosh's fault too---- as health care costs SKYROCKET under Barry's unconstitutional enforcement of mandatory healthcare

Gov't: Spending To Rise Under Obama's Health Care Overhaul | Fox News

Let's not forget the GOOBER brothers, Bwarney Fwanks and Chris Dodd.. Boooooooooosh must have held a fun to their heads and forced them to pressure congress and pass laws which collapsed the ENTIRE housing market with Fannie and Freddie????

In conclusion, you're a big fucking dope.. Get lost and take your trail of rat infested bullshit with you.
Love it when Newt was asked a question about the economy and that lady moderator told Newt to take as long as he wanted and his answer was "Corporations clean parks".

No wonder Republicans ruined the economy. Even the smartest one they have is laughable.

Were you hatched from the DoDo egg? Your leftwing propaganda is such shit the White House can smell it. I guess it was Booooooooooooosh's fault that Obama spent us (Prior to Obama, the republicans and Boooosh) in to a debt that is crippling our economy? It must also be Boooooooosh's fault that with all three branches of government, the leftist stooges continued that spending at break neck speed, never committing to or producing a budget? It must also then be Booooooooosh's fault that Dumbo Barry and Co have regulated a lot of small businesses in to stagnation and bankruptcy? Let's not forget it's Booooooooosh's fault that Obama put a moratorium on drilling thus gas prices when Boooosh left office were 67% lower:

Hope and Change: Gas Prices Have Gone Up 67 Percent Since Obama Became President
That's compared to a 7 percent increase under Bush in his first 26 months.
Hope and Change: Gas Prices Have Gone Up 67 Percent Since Obama Became President | The Weekly Standard

Health care you say? Oh yes, that's Booosh's fault too---- as health care costs SKYROCKET under Barry's unconstitutional enforcement of mandatory healthcare

Gov't: Spending To Rise Under Obama's Health Care Overhaul | Fox News

Let's not forget the GOOBER brothers, Bwarney Fwanks and Chris Dodd.. Boooooooooosh must have held a fun to their heads and forced them to pressure congress and pass laws which collapsed the ENTIRE housing market with Fannie and Freddie????

In conclusion, you're a big fucking dope.. Get lost and take your trail of rat infested bullshit with you.

Ahh.. I'm assuming you and rdean are like best friends...:lol:

That was an inspired post, I read it 3 times...and I liked it mostly..:thup:
Newt's performance was right on last night. Not one candidate on that stage , although I like and respect all of them, can go toe to toe with Newt. Mr. Cain did a respectable job at their Lincoln style debate.. I really like Herman Cain as well.. but Newt is my guy.. (I'd happily support either Mr. Cain or Newt)
Same here! Please vote Newt in the primaries!

So you would like to see Obama and Newt in 7, 3hr debates..

I sincerely doubt Obama would have the guts. He certainly couldn't stand on his record and be held responsible for his lack of leadership..Nope, Newt would have Obama throwing a tantrum and running off the stage...Obama's a puss...

I would love to Obama and Newt in a series of debates.

There will not be seven debates. There will probably be three.

Obama did an excellent job in the '08 debates.

Not only will Obama do an excellent job again, because he knows what he's talking about, there's the problem of Newt's personal likability. As in he hasn't got much.

Obama did good against McCain, only because it was McCain. That Election was lost for the RNC as soon as he became the Nominee.
Newt is polling in the high teens in the last two polls by Rasmussen and Quinnipiac. So it looks as if Newt will be the next ABR candidate.

And unlike any of the other flavors of the month the confused GOP base has thrown up this year, everyone knows Newt's (vast) shortcomings. So he may be a legit opponent for Romney, who the party really doesn't want.

I think Romney will get it, simply because the GOP as a whole is the more rational of the two parties, but Gingrich would be much more entertaining.
Newt is now for reregulating the banks by reinstating glass steagal.

He worked to get Gramm leach bliely passed and now he says it was a misstake.

He is flip flopping and showing how bad his judgement was in the past
So you would like to see Obama and Newt in 7, 3hr debates..

I sincerely doubt Obama would have the guts. He certainly couldn't stand on his record and be held responsible for his lack of leadership..Nope, Newt would have Obama throwing a tantrum and running off the stage...Obama's a puss...

I would love to Obama and Newt in a series of debates.

There will not be seven debates. There will probably be three.

Obama did an excellent job in the '08 debates.

Not only will Obama do an excellent job again, because he knows what he's talking about, there's the problem of Newt's personal likability. As in he hasn't got much.

Obama did good against McCain, only because it was McCain. That Election was lost for the RNC as soon as he became the Nominee.

McCain actually would have won that election if he hadn't campaigned I think. :) He absolutely ran the most horrendous campaign possible and constantly shot himself in the foot.

Nobody with the long experience and track record of Newt Gingrich is not going to have some missteps and bad votes among the hundreds and hundreds cast. I don't judge a man on one bad vote if he sees the consequences and learns from it. I only judge those who try to justify a bad vote and try to fool people that it was a good thing. Sort of like our Fearless Leader now does fairly consistently.
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If that was directed to me, I am all for regulation that levels the playing field and gives everybody a fair shot. I support regulation that keeps people from doing economic or physical violence to each other; i.e. regulation that secures our rights. I support reasonable regulation to enforce certain safety standards that the people would have no abiility to protect themselves. Example: truth in labeling; mnimum health standards for food procesing and handling, etc.

I am 100% opposed to regulation that picks winners and losers or presumes to tell us how we have to live our lives or is used as payola.
If that was directed to me, I am all for regulation that levels the playing field and gives everybody a fair shot. I support regulation that keeps people from doing economic or physical violence to each other; i.e. regulation that secures our rights. I support reasonable regulation to enforce certain safety standards that the people would have no abiility to protect themselves. Example: truth in labeling; mnimum health standards for food procesing and handling, etc.

I am 100% opposed to regulation that picks winners and losers or presumes to tell us how we have to live our lives or is used as payola.

I was just having this conversation with my husband at lunch: appropriate regulation versus government dictating business decisions to the private sector. Basically, it's appropriate for the government to tell a toy company that they can't use lead-based paint on their toys. It's NOT appropriate for the government to tell them which toys to make and put paint on.
If that was directed to me, I am all for regulation that levels the playing field and gives everybody a fair shot. I support regulation that keeps people from doing economic or physical violence to each other; i.e. regulation that secures our rights. I support reasonable regulation to enforce certain safety standards that the people would have no abiility to protect themselves. Example: truth in labeling; mnimum health standards for food procesing and handling, etc.

I am 100% opposed to regulation that picks winners and losers or presumes to tell us how we have to live our lives or is used as payola.

I was just having this conversation with my husband at lunch: appropriate regulation versus government dictating business decisions to the private sector. Basically, it's appropriate for the government to tell a toy company that they can't use lead-based paint on their toys. It's NOT appropriate for the government to tell them which toys to make and put paint on.

Excellent! Along that same line, I think it is fine for the government to require manufacturers to post the wattage, energy efficiency of their products, how much water they use etc., and it is even okay for the President to encourage recycling, conservation, and responsible use of resources and try to make us feel guilty if we don't.

But it is not okay for the federal government to tell me I HAVE to use a low flow toilet or that I HAVE to buy CFL light bulbs or that I HAVE to drive an energy efficient car or that I cannot buy any legal product that I choose to use so long as somebody is willing to manufacture it.
Likability does matter-especially against a candidate like Newt. The guy who cheated on his wife for the good of the nation. The general public has seen the behavior of the Congress, and they know it's not Obama blocking progress.

The Paul Ryan plan is moronic. Please, run a Republican on that plan. :lmao:
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