Re-Evaluating Newt..

If that was directed to me, I am all for regulation that levels the playing field and gives everybody a fair shot. I support regulation that keeps people from doing economic or physical violence to each other; i.e. regulation that secures our rights. I support reasonable regulation to enforce certain safety standards that the people would have no abiility to protect themselves. Example: truth in labeling; mnimum health standards for food procesing and handling, etc.

I am 100% opposed to regulation that picks winners and losers or presumes to tell us how we have to live our lives or is used as payola.

I was just having this conversation with my husband at lunch: appropriate regulation versus government dictating business decisions to the private sector. Basically, it's appropriate for the government to tell a toy company that they can't use lead-based paint on their toys. It's NOT appropriate for the government to tell them which toys to make and put paint on.

I wasn't aware there was any argument about that. But thanks for making your viewpoint clear. :lol:
Newt is polling in the high teens in the last two polls by Rasmussen and Quinnipiac. So it looks as if Newt will be the next ABR candidate.

And unlike any of the other flavors of the month the confused GOP base has thrown up this year, everyone knows Newt's (vast) shortcomings. So he may be a legit opponent for Romney, who the party really doesn't want.

I think Romney will get it, simply because the GOP as a whole is the more rational of the two parties, but Gingrich would be much more entertaining.

Actually, nominating Romney would be about the stupidest thing the GOP could do.

Frankly, I see the wonderful "calculation". He's safe, he's not controversial. It's the same kind of calculation that gets you a Mondale, a Dole or a Kerry. Pick the "safe bet" against an incumbant.

You never beat incumbants with those guys.

You beat incumbants with guys like Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton. They'll tick off hte people who were never going to vote for your candidate anyway, but screw them.
If that was directed to me, I am all for regulation that levels the playing field and gives everybody a fair shot. I support regulation that keeps people from doing economic or physical violence to each other; i.e. regulation that secures our rights. I support reasonable regulation to enforce certain safety standards that the people would have no abiility to protect themselves. Example: truth in labeling; mnimum health standards for food procesing and handling, etc.

I am 100% opposed to regulation that picks winners and losers or presumes to tell us how we have to live our lives or is used as payola.

I was just having this conversation with my husband at lunch: appropriate regulation versus government dictating business decisions to the private sector. Basically, it's appropriate for the government to tell a toy company that they can't use lead-based paint on their toys. It's NOT appropriate for the government to tell them which toys to make and put paint on.

Excellent! Along that same line, I think it is fine for the government to require manufacturers to post the wattage, energy efficiency of their products, how much water they use etc., and it is even okay for the President to encourage recycling, conservation, and responsible use of resources and try to make us feel guilty if we don't.

But it is not okay for the federal government to tell me I HAVE to use a low flow toilet or that I HAVE to buy CFL light bulbs or that I HAVE to drive an energy efficient car or that I cannot buy any legal product that I choose to use so long as somebody is willing to manufacture it.

Exactly. And frankly, I think companies would probably publish that information voluntarily to ingratiate themselves with the consumers if the consumers made it clear they wanted that sort of thing. I can remember when a lot of restaurants first started publishing their nutritional content information because customers demanded it, for example.
Likability does matter-especially against a candidate like Newt. The guy who cheated on his wife for the good of the nation. The general public has seen the behavior of the Congress, and they know it's not Obama blocking progress.

The Paul Ryan plan is moronic. Please, run a Republican on that plan. :lmao:

By all means, the party of Bill Clinton should DEFINITELY start excoriating Newt Gingrich for immorality. Yeah, that'll work.

I swear, liberals are such closet prudes.
If that was directed to me, I am all for regulation that levels the playing field and gives everybody a fair shot. I support regulation that keeps people from doing economic or physical violence to each other; i.e. regulation that secures our rights. I support reasonable regulation to enforce certain safety standards that the people would have no abiility to protect themselves. Example: truth in labeling; mnimum health standards for food procesing and handling, etc.

I am 100% opposed to regulation that picks winners and losers or presumes to tell us how we have to live our lives or is used as payola.

I was just having this conversation with my husband at lunch: appropriate regulation versus government dictating business decisions to the private sector. Basically, it's appropriate for the government to tell a toy company that they can't use lead-based paint on their toys. It's NOT appropriate for the government to tell them which toys to make and put paint on.

I wasn't aware there was any argument about that. But thanks for making your viewpoint clear. :lol:

You're not aware of a lot of things. It's the natural result of having your head up your rectum.

By all means, continue to pretend the government isn't gradually stepping into industry after industry and dictating business decisions that are none of its rightful concern. I doubt anyone will miss your input into the resulting national debate, anyway.
Likability does matter-especially against a candidate like Newt. The guy who cheated on his wife for the good of the nation. The general public has seen the behavior of the Congress, and they know it's not Obama blocking progress.

The Paul Ryan plan is moronic. Please, run a Republican on that plan. :lmao:

By all means, the party of Bill Clinton should DEFINITELY start excoriating Newt Gingrich for immorality. Yeah, that'll work.

I swear, liberals are such closet prudes.
Do you really want to bring up Newt prosecuting Clinton while Newt was screwing someone on the side?
Newt is now for reregulating the banks by reinstating glass steagal.

He worked to get Gramm leach bliely passed and now he says it was a misstake.

He is flip flopping and showing how bad his judgement was in the past

How many times has Obama gaffed/flipped flop on issues. just recently rescinded on the xmas tree tax, halt oil production?
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Likability does matter-especially against a candidate like Newt. The guy who cheated on his wife for the good of the nation. The general public has seen the behavior of the Congress, and they know it's not Obama blocking progress.

The Paul Ryan plan is moronic. Please, run a Republican on that plan. :lmao:

By all means, the party of Bill Clinton should DEFINITELY start excoriating Newt Gingrich for immorality. Yeah, that'll work.

I swear, liberals are such closet prudes.
Do you really want to bring up Newt prosecuting Clinton while Newt was screwing someone on the side?

Clinton and his hit squad(bimbo eruption team) to quell the paula jones of the world and then there was that blue semen stained dress all the while wagging his finger and lying to the American people.
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Likability does matter-especially against a candidate like Newt. The guy who cheated on his wife for the good of the nation. The general public has seen the behavior of the Congress, and they know it's not Obama blocking progress.

The Paul Ryan plan is moronic. Please, run a Republican on that plan. :lmao:

By all means, the party of Bill Clinton should DEFINITELY start excoriating Newt Gingrich for immorality. Yeah, that'll work.

I swear, liberals are such closet prudes.
Do you really want to bring up Newt prosecuting Clinton while Newt was screwing someone on the side?

Newt didn't obstruct justice or commit perjury.. as to his personal life as he's stated.. he's gone to God for forgiveness so you and your leftist zombies don't matter.. you wouldn't vote for him anyhow so screw off.
Likability does matter-especially against a candidate like Newt. The guy who cheated on his wife for the good of the nation. The general public has seen the behavior of the Congress, and they know it's not Obama blocking progress.

The Paul Ryan plan is moronic. Please, run a Republican on that plan. :lmao:

By all means, the party of Bill Clinton should DEFINITELY start excoriating Newt Gingrich for immorality. Yeah, that'll work.

I swear, liberals are such closet prudes.
Do you really want to bring up Newt prosecuting Clinton while Newt was screwing someone on the side?

Newt wasn't "prosecuting Clinton" for screwing someone. He was prosecuting Clinton for committing perjury and using his office to cover it up. Not sure why you guys don't get this. And it wasn't Newt, it was a majority of the House of Representatives.

I think that Newt needs to be more contrite about he treated his wives, but given that the divorce rate in this country is about 50%, I don't think many of us can judge him that harshly.
By all means, the party of Bill Clinton should DEFINITELY start excoriating Newt Gingrich for immorality. Yeah, that'll work.

I swear, liberals are such closet prudes.
Do you really want to bring up Newt prosecuting Clinton while Newt was screwing someone on the side?

Newt wasn't "prosecuting Clinton" for screwing someone. He was prosecuting Clinton for committing perjury and using his office to cover it up. Not sure why you guys don't get this. And it wasn't Newt, it was a majority of the House of Representatives.

I think that Newt needs to be more contrite about he treated his wives, but given that the divorce rate in this country is about 50%, I don't think many of us can judge him that harshly.

They do get it.. it's all they have, the politics of personal destruction. One by one they go after our candidates.. not to debate their positions but to thoroughly destroy them. We as Conservatives have to stand up and fight back. If they honestly cared about morals they damn sure wouldn't be liberals. It's a fucking joke.
Now that Cain and Perry are done, I guess it's Newt's turn to be the next in the long line of the Anybody-But-Romney candidates.

Hunstman would be the candidate Obama would have the most trouble with; Newt is nada.

Are you on drugs? Please. Huntsman is a non-entity.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. We don't tell you liberals who you should nominate and you don't tell us who we should nominate.

I mean, personally, I think that the Democrats could do a lot better with Hillary than the Community Organizer. Or for that matter, Bob the Janitor at the DNC. But that's not my party, and I'm not going to give you advise.
Now that Cain and Perry are done, I guess it's Newt's turn to be the next in the long line of the Anybody-But-Romney candidates.

Hunstman would be the candidate Obama would have the most trouble with; Newt is nada.
Huntsman worked in the Obama Administration. If I want to vote for a liberal I'll change party affiliation. Hunstman is a lib in drag.
Hunstman is a lib in drag.

You know I won't be able to get that mental picture out of my head now...

Thanks a lot! :lol:

don't encourage her.

huntsman was the two-term conservative governor of utah, for chrissakes... that's as conservative as it gets.

what he isn't... is stupid. so people like the idiota mistake that for being liberal.

the teanut gallery just can't forgive him for being president obama's ambassador to china.

i'm kind of glad. huntsman probably would have won.
Now that Cain and Perry are done, I guess it's Newt's turn to be the next in the long line of the Anybody-But-Romney candidates.

Hunstman would be the candidate Obama would have the most trouble with; Newt is nada.

The thing about Huntsman is if you read his economic agenda, its bedrock conservative, coherent and intellectually consistent, unlike most of the other candidates. Romney's is a flim-flam, please everyone, centrist doctrine. Cain's is just a catch-phrase. Paul's is out there. Perry's is bizarre. And who the hell knows what Newt's is? My guess is that if we were to line them up side by side without knowing whose plan was whose, Huntsman's would be favoured by most conservatives.

But I think he's running for 2012 or 2016. There isn't enough room in the Republican party for more than one moderate. Plus, there's already a Mormon running!
Hunstman is a lib in drag.

You know I won't be able to get that mental picture out of my head now...

Thanks a lot! :lol:

don't encourage her.

huntsman was the two-term conservative governor of utah, for chrissakes... that's as conservative as it gets.

what he isn't... is stupid. so people like the idiota mistake that for being liberal.

the teanut gallery just can't forgive him for being president obama's ambassador to china.

i'm kind of glad. huntsman probably would have won.

LMFAO A socialist telling us what conservatism is.. Hahahahahahaha:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo: I hear they're passing out free abortion coupons today at your local clinic.. run along before you miss out.

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