Re-Evaluating Newt..

As a person who has voted since the 50's and has voted GOP, I attend church very often. You wont catch me voting for the party for the rich.
Unfortunately, I can't imagine Fearless Leader agreeing to particpate in any debate in which he did not have the questions and prepared answers in advance so that he could read his answers off a teleprompter.

And I can't imagine that the leftwing media won't accommodate his every wish in that regard.

I really hope I'm wrong. But I bet I'm not.


I don't think he'll go that far!

He'll be very well rehearsed on a variety of likely questions. He'll have good coaches. He has a decent memory and reasonably segue skills. So whatever question is asked, he'll check his mental files and figure out which prepared answer to bring it back around to.

Newt Gingrich is brilliant!

[ame=""]Newt Gingrich: Impeach judges - Crush and Replace the Left - 2012 "Victory or Death!" Pt.5 - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]Newt Gingrich Slams The Fed [Bloomberg News GOP Debate - 10/11/11] - YouTube[/ame]
Unfortunately, I can't imagine Fearless Leader agreeing to particpate in any debate in which he did not have the questions and prepared answers in advance so that he could read his answers off a teleprompter.

And I can't imagine that the leftwing media won't accommodate his every wish in that regard.

I really hope I'm wrong. But I bet I'm not.


I don't think he'll go that far!

He'll be very well rehearsed on a variety of likely questions. He'll have good coaches. He has a decent memory and reasonably segue skills. So whatever question is asked, he'll check his mental files and figure out which prepared answer to bring it back around to.

Newt Gingrich is brilliant!

[ame=]Newt Gingrich: Impeach judges - Crush and Replace the Left - 2012 "Victory or Death!" Pt.5 - YouTube[/ame]


:lol: :lol: :lol:
Same here! Please vote Newt in the primaries!

So you would like to see Obama and Newt in 7, 3hr debates..

I sincerely doubt Obama would have the guts. He certainly couldn't stand on his record and be held responsible for his lack of leadership..Nope, Newt would have Obama throwing a tantrum and running off the stage...Obama's a puss...
Same here! Please vote Newt in the primaries!

So you would like to see Obama and Newt in 7, 3hr debates..

I sincerely doubt Obama would have the guts. He certainly couldn't stand on his record and be held responsible for his lack of leadership..Nope, Newt would have Obama throwing a tantrum and running off the stage...Obama's a puss...

I would love to Obama and Newt in a series of debates.

There will not be seven debates. There will probably be three.

Obama did an excellent job in the '08 debates.

Not only will Obama do an excellent job again, because he knows what he's talking about, there's the problem of Newt's personal likability. As in he hasn't got much.
Same here! Please vote Newt in the primaries!

So you would like to see Obama and Newt in 7, 3hr debates..

I sincerely doubt Obama would have the guts. He certainly couldn't stand on his record and be held responsible for his lack of leadership..Nope, Newt would have Obama throwing a tantrum and running off the stage...Obama's a puss...

I would love to Obama and Newt in a series of debates.

There will not be seven debates. There will probably be three.

Obama did an excellent job in the '08 debates.

Not only will Obama do an excellent job again, because he knows what he's talking about, there's the problem of Newt's personal likability. As in he hasn't got much.

:lol:...I would agree Obama is more likable but he's had his chance to get the country on the right track and has failed and made excuses beyond reason and count, a true leader and statesman he's not.. he's obviously a nice Guy but pathetically under-qualified..
Same here! Please vote Newt in the primaries!

So you would like to see Obama and Newt in 7, 3hr debates..

I sincerely doubt Obama would have the guts. He certainly couldn't stand on his record and be held responsible for his lack of leadership..Nope, Newt would have Obama throwing a tantrum and running off the stage...Obama's a puss...

Obama would have to bring 10 teleprompters with him to keep up with Gingrich and would still get his behind kicked---:lol:
I hope the 'groping' smear won't permanently damage Herman Cain because I think all of us, at least those still capable of evaluating and thinking rationally, see that for what it is. Manufactured, bogus, intentional politics of personal destruction, opportunism, the ugliest side of American politics.

It won't 'ruin him' unless too many of us just throw up our hands and say 'oh well' and don't fight back. If enough of us keep hammering on the leftist media for feeding dishonestly on that story, for the obvious glaring double standard in the treatment of it, and shame those who participate in such dishonesty, we can turn public opinion.

And in the end I would not mind if Newt and Cain were the last men standing and we had to choose between them. I think we could do a whole lot worse with either.

The thing with Herman Cain and these charges is that there is no actual proof- bottom line.

Maybe these things happened maybe they didn't.. I suspect we'll never know..

The leftist media reveling in the muck it just that...

The thing about these accusations - they don't even rise to the level of "charges" - is how painfully obvious it is that they're garbage.

I do find it funny how quickly and blatantly the leftwing media is revealing itself to be a bunch of incredible racists, though. They might as well just break out the pointy hats and white sheets and have done with it.
Same here! Please vote Newt in the primaries!

So you would like to see Obama and Newt in 7, 3hr debates..

I sincerely doubt Obama would have the guts. He certainly couldn't stand on his record and be held responsible for his lack of leadership..Nope, Newt would have Obama throwing a tantrum and running off the stage...Obama's a puss...

I would love to Obama and Newt in a series of debates.

There will not be seven debates. There will probably be three.

Obama did an excellent job in the '08 debates.

Not only will Obama do an excellent job again, because he knows what he's talking about, there's the problem of Newt's personal likability. As in he hasn't got much.

Well, we all know liberals choose their candidates based on which one they'd most like to fellate. One hopes the American public in general understands that this is an election, not "The Dating Game".
Newt is still the most informed and has the self confidence to stand by his great ideas. Would absolutely love a debate between Obama and Newt.

I'd love to see it too; especially since Mr. Obama could bring up jewels like this from the recent past:

By Danny Yadron

Likely presidential candidate Newt Gingrich appeared to be for the intervention in Libya before he was against it, and then for it again.

On March 7, Mr. Gingrich said on Fox News that the U.S. should establish a no-fly zone over Libya “this evening.”

On March 23, Wednesday morning, the former House speaker appeared to think otherwise during an interview on NBC’s “Today Show.”

“I would not have intervened,” he said. “I would not have used American and European forces.”

The two statements are not a contradiction, Mr. Gingrich wrote on his Facebook page Thursday afternoon, after political bloggers began to accuse him of flip-flopping.

The former lawmaker used the occasion to suggest the problem lies with President Barack Obama.

The U.S. had a variety of nonmilitary tools to weaken Col. Moammar Gadhafi prior to Mr. Obama’s March 3 declaration that the Libyan leader should step down, Mr. Gingrich said. That is why, Mr. Gingrich writes, he told NBC this week that he would not have intervened with military force in Libya.

But once Mr. Obama said Gadhafi had to go, the nonmilitary option was no longer available, because the president had “put the prestige and authority of the United States on the line,” Mr. Gingrich wrote.

And that is why he had said on March 7, just after Mr. Obama’s statement, that the U.S. needed to get involved immediately.

[author's note--my favorite part]

Mr. Gingrich said his bottom line was this: He wishes the U.S. military hadn’t gotten involved militarily in Libya. But now that it has, “any result less than the removal of from power will be considered a defeat. For that reason, I believe we must support the mission and see it through.”

Courtesy of the WSJ.

So before the President commits troops he's supposed to implement a No Fly Zone. He does that and then Mr. Gingrich says he shouldn't have done it? And, in the end, he applauds Mr. Obama's victory.

Yes...please vote for Newt Gingrich!!!:eusa_pray:
Obama did an excellent job in the '08 debates.

Not only will Obama do an excellent job again, because he knows what he's talking about, there's the problem of Newt's personal likability. As in he hasn't got much.

Really? HOnestly, I can't remember a single detail about his debates with McCain, and neither can you unless you wiki it...

It really doesn't matter how "likable" Obama is. "likeable" doesn't erase 9% unemployment.

400 point drop in the Dow yesterday. Hope and Change, baby.
Newt is still the most informed and has the self confidence to stand by his great ideas. Would absolutely love a debate between Obama and Newt.

I'd love to see it too; especially since Mr. Obama could bring up jewels like this from the recent past:

By Danny Yadron

Likely presidential candidate Newt Gingrich appeared to be for the intervention in Libya before he was against it, and then for it again.

On March 7, Mr. Gingrich said on Fox News that the U.S. should establish a no-fly zone over Libya “this evening.”

On March 23, Wednesday morning, the former House speaker appeared to think otherwise during an interview on NBC’s “Today Show.”

“I would not have intervened,” he said. “I would not have used American and European forces.”

The two statements are not a contradiction, Mr. Gingrich wrote on his Facebook page Thursday afternoon, after political bloggers began to accuse him of flip-flopping.

The former lawmaker used the occasion to suggest the problem lies with President Barack Obama.

The U.S. had a variety of nonmilitary tools to weaken Col. Moammar Gadhafi prior to Mr. Obama’s March 3 declaration that the Libyan leader should step down, Mr. Gingrich said. That is why, Mr. Gingrich writes, he told NBC this week that he would not have intervened with military force in Libya.

But once Mr. Obama said Gadhafi had to go, the nonmilitary option was no longer available, because the president had “put the prestige and authority of the United States on the line,” Mr. Gingrich wrote.

And that is why he had said on March 7, just after Mr. Obama’s statement, that the U.S. needed to get involved immediately.

[author's note--my favorite part]

Mr. Gingrich said his bottom line was this: He wishes the U.S. military hadn’t gotten involved militarily in Libya. But now that it has, “any result less than the removal of from power will be considered a defeat. For that reason, I believe we must support the mission and see it through.”

Courtesy of the WSJ.

So before the President commits troops he's supposed to implement a No Fly Zone. He does that and then Mr. Gingrich says he shouldn't have done it? And, in the end, he applauds Mr. Obama's victory.

Yes...please vote for Newt Gingrich!!!:eusa_pray:

There are Al Qaeda flags flying over Benghazi right now... This "victory" is going to cost us in the long run.

Not seeing a contradiction in Newt's statement. A no Fly zone was all the UN actually authorized. The Community Organizer decided we were going to side with the Al-Qaeda sponsored rebels over Qadafi. Once he put out pretige on the line, we really did have to see the thing out. But it's gonna cost us in the long term.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

I think he's the smartest guy up there....but he hurt himself with his comments on the
Ryan plan..

" had plenty of people on the Right scratching their heads after his attack on Paul Ryan’s budget plan as conservative “social engineering,” but Republicans weren’t the only ones mystified. The attack also puzzled Jay Newton-Small at Time. Two weeks ago, Gingrich told her that he would have voted for the plan offered by the “brave” Republican Representative..."
Was Newt for the Ryan plan before he was against it? « Hot Air

Newt was just saying he has a tendency to be more pragmatic then most. Ryan's plan is not the Holy Grail. It can be improved.

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