Re-Evaluating Newt..

Ummmm, because he was WORKING in Texas?

Where are any of these guys from.

Mitt Romney was born in Utah, moved to Michigan, and then Massachusetts.

Barack Obama was born in Kenya.....err Hawaii... yeah, Hawaiii, and then moved to Illinois after having gone to college in New York.

(Just kidding on the Kenya thing. I know how upset that gets you!)

Funny, I know someone who is working in Kentucky but claims to live in Tennessee....I guess that's illegal? :eek:

"Where are any of these guys?" from IS EXACTLY MY POINT.

Cecille seems to think this is a roadblock to the Gingrich/Cain ticket.

That is nonsense. After all, just look at Cheney. He got around it. I'm sure that Cain can do the same. As I said, this is the single thing Cheney did that doesn't bother me in the slightest. As the court's decision demonstrated, this isn't that big a deal.

Whoever said any of this was illegal, moron? What Hillary did was legal. It just wasn't particularly ethical or respectable.

Lots of people maintain a legal residence in one state, but spend time in another for various purposes. College students, for example. Most out-of-state students have their actual legal residences in the states they came from, but live 9-10 months out of the year in the state where they attend school. Congressmen usually spend more time in DC and traveling than they do in their home states. Snowbirds generally live six months of the year (summer) in their home states, and six months of the year (winter) in the warm state of their choice. All of which, while not the norm, is perfectly legal.

However, neither Newt Gingrich nor Herman Cain (who, by the way, hasn't lived in Tennessee since he was a young child; he was actually raised in Atlanta, GA) falls into this category, neither having ever maintained a second residence anywhere. And because they, unlike Saint Hillary the Carpetbagger, are ethical men, it is unlikely that either of them would employ the disreputable - but technically legal - ruse of suddenly moving before the election. If they did, I would respect them as little as I do Hillary.

Hey, I'd love to see your documentation showing that Cain and Newt do not have second homes. Yes, I mean vacation homes, second residences, whatever. Thanks.

What fucking documentation is required for "that anyone is aware of" and "I don't know whether he maintained one" and "he doesn't appear to"? Do you even read English, you numb fuck?

YOU, on the other hand, made a definitive declaration, to whit: All rich people have second residences. And I am still waiting for proof of THAT. Should be a long wait, since I did just get proof that you're a frigging illiterate.

Yes, honey, documentation is required for "that anyone is aware of". That's a very strong statement. If you'd said "that I'm aware of", that would be a different story.

For your second statement, you're clearly lying. You know I said most, because you quoted it earlier.

If all that leather chaps your ass that bad, buy some cotton underwear. In other words, calm down.

You want documentation? I asked you first, and I don't see you even mentioning YOURS. All I see is you issuing demands, which you are cordially invited to shove where the sun don't shine.

I don't really give a rat's ass if you said "all" or "most". The operative point here is that you're wasting time quibbling about which word it was, while trying to demand something you refuse to provide yourself.

Now that your pathetic dodges have gotten down to the level of your puerile sexual fantasies about me, perhaps we could dispense with them and get back to you proving that "most rich people have second residences" . . . or admitting that you're totally full of shit. Personally, I'm betting on another bullshit waste of space post, which is just as well, since once you've so unconditionally surrendered, I can move on to something and someone interesting.
Funny, I know someone who is working in Kentucky but claims to live in Tennessee....I guess that's illegal? :eek:

"Where are any of these guys?" from IS EXACTLY MY POINT.

Cecille seems to think this is a roadblock to the Gingrich/Cain ticket.

That is nonsense. After all, just look at Cheney. He got around it. I'm sure that Cain can do the same. As I said, this is the single thing Cheney did that doesn't bother me in the slightest. As the court's decision demonstrated, this isn't that big a deal.

Whoever said any of this was illegal, moron? What Hillary did was legal. It just wasn't particularly ethical or respectable.

Lots of people maintain a legal residence in one state, but spend time in another for various purposes. College students, for example. Most out-of-state students have their actual legal residences in the states they came from, but live 9-10 months out of the year in the state where they attend school. Congressmen usually spend more time in DC and traveling than they do in their home states. Snowbirds generally live six months of the year (summer) in their home states, and six months of the year (winter) in the warm state of their choice. All of which, while not the norm, is perfectly legal.

However, neither Newt Gingrich nor Herman Cain (who, by the way, hasn't lived in Tennessee since he was a young child; he was actually raised in Atlanta, GA) falls into this category, neither having ever maintained a second residence anywhere. And because they, unlike Saint Hillary the Carpetbagger, are ethical men, it is unlikely that either of them would employ the disreputable - but technically legal - ruse of suddenly moving before the election. If they did, I would respect them as little as I do Hillary.


Feel free to offer proof otherwise, shitstain. And for the record, "most rich people have second residences" and other juvenile maunderings about what being rich is like do not constitute "proof".
So anyway.. the more Newt talks the more I like does seem to help that the media leftists spend their time with personal insults over actual facts...mmm.. come to think of it they never deliver the full and actual facts, just insults...
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So anyway.. the more Newt talks the more I like does seem to help that the media leftists spend their time with personal insults over actual facts...mmm.. come to think of it they never deliver the full and actual facts, just insults...

This groping scandal will ruin Cain, and Romney will ultimately fall by the wayside just like he did before, and Newt will be the man... thank God. I so want to see him slap obama around in a debate like a red headed step child.
So anyway.. the more Newt talks the more I like does seem to help that the media leftists spend their time with personal insults over actual facts...mmm.. come to think of it they never deliver the full and actual facts, just insults...

I am really liking his whole "competitors, not opponents" attitude toward the other GOP candidates. I could really wish the others would take his lead on that. I expect to hear leftist boobs tearing up Republicans, but it turns my stomach to hear them rip each other apart.
I hope the 'groping' smear won't permanently damage Herman Cain because I think all of us, at least those still capable of evaluating and thinking rationally, see that for what it is. Manufactured, bogus, intentional politics of personal destruction, opportunism, the ugliest side of American politics.

It won't 'ruin him' unless too many of us just throw up our hands and say 'oh well' and don't fight back. If enough of us keep hammering on the leftist media for feeding dishonestly on that story, for the obvious glaring double standard in the treatment of it, and shame those who participate in such dishonesty, we can turn public opinion.

And in the end I would not mind if Newt and Cain were the last men standing and we had to choose between them. I think we could do a whole lot worse with either.
I hope the 'groping' smear won't permanently damage Herman Cain because I think all of us, at least those still capable of evaluating and thinking rationally, see that for what it is. Manufactured, bogus, intentional politics of personal destruction, opportunism, the ugliest side of American politics.

It won't 'ruin him' unless too many of us just throw up our hands and say 'oh well' and don't fight back. If enough of us keep hammering on the leftist media for feeding dishonestly on that story, for the obvious glaring double standard in the treatment of it, and shame those who participate in such dishonesty, we can turn public opinion.

And in the end I would not mind if Newt and Cain were the last men standing and we had to choose between them. I think we could do a whole lot worse with either.

The thing with Herman Cain and these charges is that there is no actual proof- bottom line.

Maybe these things happened maybe they didn't.. I suspect we'll never know..

The leftist media reveling in the muck it just that...
You want documentation? I asked you first, and I don't see you even mentioning YOURS. All I see is you issuing demands, which you are cordially invited to shove where the sun don't shine.

I don't really give a rat's ass if you said "all" or "most". The operative point here is that you're wasting time quibbling about which word it was, while trying to demand something you refuse to provide yourself.

Now that your pathetic dodges have gotten down to the level of your puerile sexual fantasies about me, perhaps we could dispense with them and get back to you proving that "most rich people have second residences" . . . or admitting that you're totally full of shit. Personally, I'm betting on another bullshit waste of space post, which is just as well, since once you've so unconditionally surrendered, I can move on to something and someone interesting.

Actually, I believe I asked for documentation first because your statements were so ridiculous, and you quibbled over words first as yet another dodge. Then I pointed out that you were hostile, and you got even more hostile.

You certainly seem like the kind of person who would support Newt. :cuckoo:

Most people at Cain's income level have second homes. Doubt it if you wish.

As for Newt, he undoubtedly had a second residence in Washington while he was in the House.

So anyway.. the more Newt talks the more I like does seem to help that the media leftists spend their time with personal insults over actual facts...mmm.. come to think of it they never deliver the full and actual facts, just insults...

I hope the 'groping' smear won't permanently damage Herman Cain because I think all of us, at least those still capable of evaluating and thinking rationally, see that for what it is. Manufactured, bogus, intentional politics of personal destruction, opportunism, the ugliest side of American politics.

It won't 'ruin him' unless too many of us just throw up our hands and say 'oh well' and don't fight back. If enough of us keep hammering on the leftist media for feeding dishonestly on that story, for the obvious glaring double standard in the treatment of it, and shame those who participate in such dishonesty, we can turn public opinion.

And in the end I would not mind if Newt and Cain were the last men standing and we had to choose between them. I think we could do a whole lot worse with either.

Since the two women were given severance packages, you can't claim that there's nothing to back up the allegations.
You want documentation? I asked you first, and I don't see you even mentioning YOURS. All I see is you issuing demands, which you are cordially invited to shove where the sun don't shine.

I don't really give a rat's ass if you said "all" or "most". The operative point here is that you're wasting time quibbling about which word it was, while trying to demand something you refuse to provide yourself.

Now that your pathetic dodges have gotten down to the level of your puerile sexual fantasies about me, perhaps we could dispense with them and get back to you proving that "most rich people have second residences" . . . or admitting that you're totally full of shit. Personally, I'm betting on another bullshit waste of space post, which is just as well, since once you've so unconditionally surrendered, I can move on to something and someone interesting.

Actually, I believe I asked for documentation first because your statements were so ridiculous, and you quibbled over words first as yet another dodge. Then I pointed out that you were hostile, and you got even more hostile.

You certainly seem like the kind of person who would support Newt. :cuckoo:

Most people at Cain's income level have second homes. Doubt it if you wish.

As for Newt, he undoubtedly had a second residence in Washington while he was in the House.

So anyway.. the more Newt talks the more I like does seem to help that the media leftists spend their time with personal insults over actual facts...mmm.. come to think of it they never deliver the full and actual facts, just insults...

I hope the 'groping' smear won't permanently damage Herman Cain because I think all of us, at least those still capable of evaluating and thinking rationally, see that for what it is. Manufactured, bogus, intentional politics of personal destruction, opportunism, the ugliest side of American politics.

It won't 'ruin him' unless too many of us just throw up our hands and say 'oh well' and don't fight back. If enough of us keep hammering on the leftist media for feeding dishonestly on that story, for the obvious glaring double standard in the treatment of it, and shame those who participate in such dishonesty, we can turn public opinion.

And in the end I would not mind if Newt and Cain were the last men standing and we had to choose between them. I think we could do a whole lot worse with either.

Since the two women were given severance packages, you can't claim that there's nothing to back up the allegations.


Easier, less expensive and less publicity to settle than to fight. Hand over the money, get the gag order, and you're done.

I'm not letting Cain off the hook for his horrible handling of this whole thing but he's still innocent until proven guilty and a severance package is not proof.
You want documentation? I asked you first, and I don't see you even mentioning YOURS. All I see is you issuing demands, which you are cordially invited to shove where the sun don't shine.

I don't really give a rat's ass if you said "all" or "most". The operative point here is that you're wasting time quibbling about which word it was, while trying to demand something you refuse to provide yourself.

Now that your pathetic dodges have gotten down to the level of your puerile sexual fantasies about me, perhaps we could dispense with them and get back to you proving that "most rich people have second residences" . . . or admitting that you're totally full of shit. Personally, I'm betting on another bullshit waste of space post, which is just as well, since once you've so unconditionally surrendered, I can move on to something and someone interesting.

Actually, I believe I asked for documentation first because your statements were so ridiculous, and you quibbled over words first as yet another dodge. Then I pointed out that you were hostile, and you got even more hostile.

You certainly seem like the kind of person who would support Newt. :cuckoo:

Most people at Cain's income level have second homes. Doubt it if you wish.

As for Newt, he undoubtedly had a second residence in Washington while he was in the House.

So anyway.. the more Newt talks the more I like does seem to help that the media leftists spend their time with personal insults over actual facts...mmm.. come to think of it they never deliver the full and actual facts, just insults...

I hope the 'groping' smear won't permanently damage Herman Cain because I think all of us, at least those still capable of evaluating and thinking rationally, see that for what it is. Manufactured, bogus, intentional politics of personal destruction, opportunism, the ugliest side of American politics.

It won't 'ruin him' unless too many of us just throw up our hands and say 'oh well' and don't fight back. If enough of us keep hammering on the leftist media for feeding dishonestly on that story, for the obvious glaring double standard in the treatment of it, and shame those who participate in such dishonesty, we can turn public opinion.

And in the end I would not mind if Newt and Cain were the last men standing and we had to choose between them. I think we could do a whole lot worse with either.

Since the two women were given severance packages, you can't claim that there's nothing to back up the allegations.

Sure I can. I've been in the business world long enough to see LOTS of severance packages given to terminated employees rather than go through the costly process of defending a lawsuit, whether or not it had any merit. And that was especially true a couple of decades ago when the professional lawsuit filers, such as Gloria Allred, were making a fortune for themselves by inventing 'victims' and extorting money from organizations and busineses who paid rather than risk the negative publicity and expensive litigation.

Women who are on the up and up and on the level identify themselves and come forward with evidence and they don't wait 15-20 years to do it. Those after money don't give a sh*t who they destroy or hurt in the process. And it is time for honorable people to get behind the falsely accused and put this kind of thing to bed finally and once and for all. Otherwise we are going to continue to see honorable, honest, good people destroyed and only those who already have no reputation or character to defend will be all that will be willing to run for public office.
I hope the 'groping' smear won't permanently damage Herman Cain because I think all of us, at least those still capable of evaluating and thinking rationally, see that for what it is. Manufactured, bogus, intentional politics of personal destruction, opportunism, the ugliest side of American politics.

It won't 'ruin him' unless too many of us just throw up our hands and say 'oh well' and don't fight back. If enough of us keep hammering on the leftist media for feeding dishonestly on that story, for the obvious glaring double standard in the treatment of it, and shame those who participate in such dishonesty, we can turn public opinion.

And in the end I would not mind if Newt and Cain were the last men standing and we had to choose between them. I think we could do a whole lot worse with either.

Well, actually, Republicans are turning on him now, so I think he's done for.

Whether or not he did it (and I'm starting to suspect he did), the damage has already been done. The only way he gets out of this is by destroying these women personally, and that still ends up not looking good on his part.
If Newt gets the Nomination, I will support Him with confidence.
Same here... ANYONE but Obama.

Yep, and we need Someone that can hold his own in debate.

Unfortunately, I can't imagine Fearless Leader agreeing to particpate in any debate in which he did not have the questions and prepared answers in advance so that he could read his answers off a teleprompter.

And I can't imagine that the leftwing media won't accommodate his every wish in that regard.

I really hope I'm wrong. But I bet I'm not.
Certainly, people are paid settlements at times who do not deserve them.

But the point remains-those settlements are evidence that the accusations are true. Not proof, but evidence. Just like the accuser's statements.

Unfortunately, I can't imagine Fearless Leader agreeing to particpate in any debate in which he did not have the questions and prepared answers in advance so that he could read his answers off a teleprompter.

And I can't imagine that the leftwing media won't accommodate his every wish in that regard.

I really hope I'm wrong. But I bet I'm not.

What you are is crazy. Obama didn't need a teleprompter in the previous debates, nor did he have the questions in advance. And yet he won every debate.
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Same here... ANYONE but Obama.

Yep, and we need Someone that can hold his own in debate.

Unfortunately, I can't imagine Fearless Leader agreeing to particpate in any debate in which he did not have the questions and prepared answers in advance so that he could read his answers off a teleprompter.

And I can't imagine that the leftwing media won't accommodate his every wish in that regard.

I really hope I'm wrong. But I bet I'm not.


I don't think he'll go that far!

He'll be very well rehearsed on a variety of likely questions. He'll have good coaches. He has a decent memory and reasonably segue skills. So whatever question is asked, he'll check his mental files and figure out which prepared answer to bring it back around to.

Then it'll be up to the moderator or Obama's opponent to point out when he has just given talking points and not answered the questions, if they have the guts to do it.
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Yep, and we need Someone that can hold his own in debate.

Unfortunately, I can't imagine Fearless Leader agreeing to particpate in any debate in which he did not have the questions and prepared answers in advance so that he could read his answers off a teleprompter.

And I can't imagine that the leftwing media won't accommodate his every wish in that regard.

I really hope I'm wrong. But I bet I'm not.


I don't think he'll go that far!

He'll be very well rehearsed on a variety of likely questions. He'll have good coaches. He has a decent memory and reasonably segue skills. So whatever question is asked, he'll check his mental files and figure out which prepared answer to bring it back around to.

Newt Gingrich is brilliant!

[ame=]Newt Gingrich: Impeach judges - Crush and Replace the Left - 2012 "Victory or Death!" Pt.5 - YouTube[/ame]

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