Re-Evaluating Newt..

IF you can get a court to agree, yes.

And that's the point, isn't it? The 2000 result happened because there was an unclear point as to what constitutes a valid vote count, and a court had to decide it. It could have well decided it the other way.

The question is, are you going to spend half a billion dollars trying to be president, and then have a judge mess it up on you? Really? Why take the chance?

Cheney was on solid ground claiming to be from Wyoming. He had served as a Congressman from there. Newt and Herman would have a harder time making that case.

Now remind me why it was that Cheney changed his residence to Texas from his beloved home state of Wyoming?
Much as you'd like to believe carpetbagging is a common practice, it's pretty much just Hillary. Sorry.

Who was the Republican nominee who ran against Obama in the 2004 Illinois Senate election?

Alan Keyes...

Actually, he was the Republican candidate. The "nominee" elected by the voters of our state was Jack Ryan, who was sandbagged by the Chicago Media and the Combine in Springfield.

when it came time to vote for a candidate, I wrote in Jack Ryan.

And when it came to a choice between Blago and Judy Baar Topinka who organized the sandbagging to clear the way for her own failed run for governor, I wrote in Jack Ryan.

Jack Ryan is my go to write in when I think both candidates suck..

Romney vs. Obama.


Yes. "Candidate." Thank you for that.

And in what state was Alan Keyes living when he was approached to replace Mr. Ryan as the Republican candidate for the Illinois Senate seat? Was it Illinois? Or was it another state?
No, YOU seem to think IOKIICPRDIT. It's okay if I can pretend Republicans did it too.

No matter how you try to pretend otherwise, Cheney maintaining two residences - one in the state he grew up in and served in Congress from - and registering to vote where he happened to be during the election is a far cry from Hillary buying a house in a state she'd NEVER lived in a couple of months before an election.

Have you stopped to figure out why Cheney changed his residence to Texas?

I know perfectly well why Cheney registered to vote in Texas. He was there on business - specifically, acting as CEO of Halliburton. So what? I also know that he maintained his residence in Wyoming - the state he grew up in and where he lived most of his life - while so doing, and continued to regularly spend time there, making it obvious that he intended that to remain his long-term residence, whatever else he did in his life. I might also point out that he convinced at least two courts of the same thing.

And how much time did Carpetbagger Hillary spend in NY before needing to live there in order to run for the Senate? Oh, that's right: NONE.

Not the same thing, never was the same thing, never will be the same thing.
No, YOU seem to think IOKIICPRDIT. It's okay if I can pretend Republicans did it too.

No matter how you try to pretend otherwise, Cheney maintaining two residences - one in the state he grew up in and served in Congress from - and registering to vote where he happened to be during the election is a far cry from Hillary buying a house in a state she'd NEVER lived in a couple of months before an election.

Have you stopped to figure out why Cheney changed his residence to Texas?

I know perfectly well why Cheney registered to vote in Texas. He was there on business - specifically, acting as CEO of Halliburton. So what? I also know that he maintained his residence in Wyoming - the state he grew up in and where he lived most of his life - while so doing, and continued to regularly spend time there, making it obvious that he intended that to remain his long-term residence, whatever else he did in his life. I might also point out that he convinced at least two courts of the same thing.

And how much time did Carpetbagger Hillary spend in NY before needing to live there in order to run for the Senate? Oh, that's right: NONE.

Not the same thing, never was the same thing, never will be the same thing.

It's not the same thing, because Cheney is a Republican.

End of story.

I have no problem with what Cheney did in this case-and believe me, I have a problem with everything else he's done, including nominating himself for VP, lying to us about Iraq, and continuing to breathe air-but I do enjoy pointing out that you're being ridiculous.

BTW, for rich people, it's very easy to maintain multiple residences. Cain was born in Tennessee. I'm sure he can develop a love of his birth state and buy a home in Tennessee-if he doesn't already own one.
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IF you can get a court to agree, yes.

And that's the point, isn't it? The 2000 result happened because there was an unclear point as to what constitutes a valid vote count, and a court had to decide it. It could have well decided it the other way.

The question is, are you going to spend half a billion dollars trying to be president, and then have a judge mess it up on you? Really? Why take the chance?

Cheney was on solid ground claiming to be from Wyoming. He had served as a Congressman from there. Newt and Herman would have a harder time making that case.

Now remind me why it was that Cheney changed his residence to Texas from his beloved home state of Wyoming?

Ummmm, because he was WORKING in Texas?

Where are any of these guys from.

Mitt Romney was born in Utah, moved to Michigan, and then Massachusetts.

Barack Obama was born in Kenya.....err Hawaii... yeah, Hawaiii, and then moved to Illinois after having gone to college in New York.

(Just kidding on the Kenya thing. I know how upset that gets you!)
Who was the Republican nominee who ran against Obama in the 2004 Illinois Senate election?

Alan Keyes...

Actually, he was the Republican candidate. The "nominee" elected by the voters of our state was Jack Ryan, who was sandbagged by the Chicago Media and the Combine in Springfield.

when it came time to vote for a candidate, I wrote in Jack Ryan.

And when it came to a choice between Blago and Judy Baar Topinka who organized the sandbagging to clear the way for her own failed run for governor, I wrote in Jack Ryan.

Jack Ryan is my go to write in when I think both candidates suck..

Romney vs. Obama.


Yes. "Candidate." Thank you for that.

And in what state was Alan Keyes living when he was approached to replace Mr. Ryan as the Republican candidate for the Illinois Senate seat? Was it Illinois? Or was it another state?

Maryland. Where I sincerely hope he moved back to...
IF you can get a court to agree, yes.

And that's the point, isn't it? The 2000 result happened because there was an unclear point as to what constitutes a valid vote count, and a court had to decide it. It could have well decided it the other way.

The question is, are you going to spend half a billion dollars trying to be president, and then have a judge mess it up on you? Really? Why take the chance?

Cheney was on solid ground claiming to be from Wyoming. He had served as a Congressman from there. Newt and Herman would have a harder time making that case.

Now remind me why it was that Cheney changed his residence to Texas from his beloved home state of Wyoming?

Ummmm, because he was WORKING in Texas?

Where are any of these guys from.

Mitt Romney was born in Utah, moved to Michigan, and then Massachusetts.

Barack Obama was born in Kenya.....err Hawaii... yeah, Hawaiii, and then moved to Illinois after having gone to college in New York.

(Just kidding on the Kenya thing. I know how upset that gets you!)

Funny, I know someone who is working in Kentucky but claims to live in Tennessee....I guess that's illegal? :eek:

"Where are any of these guys?" from IS EXACTLY MY POINT.

Cecille seems to think this is a roadblock to the Gingrich/Cain ticket.

That is nonsense. After all, just look at Cheney. He got around it. I'm sure that Cain can do the same. As I said, this is the single thing Cheney did that doesn't bother me in the slightest. As the court's decision demonstrated, this isn't that big a deal.
Have you stopped to figure out why Cheney changed his residence to Texas?

I know perfectly well why Cheney registered to vote in Texas. He was there on business - specifically, acting as CEO of Halliburton. So what? I also know that he maintained his residence in Wyoming - the state he grew up in and where he lived most of his life - while so doing, and continued to regularly spend time there, making it obvious that he intended that to remain his long-term residence, whatever else he did in his life. I might also point out that he convinced at least two courts of the same thing.

And how much time did Carpetbagger Hillary spend in NY before needing to live there in order to run for the Senate? Oh, that's right: NONE.

Not the same thing, never was the same thing, never will be the same thing.

It's not the same thing, because Cheney is a Republican.

End of story.

I have no problem with what Cheney did in this case-and believe me, I have a problem with everything else he's done, including nominating himself for VP, lying to us about Iraq, and continuing to breathe air-but I do enjoy pointing out that you're being ridiculous.

BTW, for rich people, it's very easy to maintain multiple residences. Cain was born in Tennessee. I'm sure he can develop a love of his birth state and buy a home in Tennessee-if he doesn't already own one.

No, drooler. One last time. It's different because CHENEY DIDN'T BUY A HOUSE AND MOVE JUST FOR THE ELECTION.

BTW, I wondered when you were going to get around to the inevitable, interminable leftist class warfare. Yes, Cheney is rich. Big whoop. It's not yet a crime to be so. And for the record, I know a lot of people with much less wealth than Cheney who ALSO maintain dual residences for their own personal reasons. So what?

I'm sure Cain COULD afford to have dual residences if he wanted to. Clearly, he doesn't want to, since he doesn't do so. And if he tried to NOW . . . well, THAT really WOULD be the same as the left's beloved Hillary, Patron Saint of Carpetbaggers. It's only the same as Cheney if he'd maintained one all along.
No, drooler. One last time. It's different because CHENEY DIDN'T BUY A HOUSE AND MOVE JUST FOR THE ELECTION.

BTW, I wondered when you were going to get around to the inevitable, interminable leftist class warfare. Yes, Cheney is rich. Big whoop. It's not yet a crime to be so. And for the record, I know a lot of people with much less wealth than Cheney who ALSO maintain dual residences for their own personal reasons. So what?

I'm sure Cain COULD afford to have dual residences if he wanted to. Clearly, he doesn't want to, since he doesn't do so. And if he tried to NOW . . . well, THAT really WOULD be the same as the left's beloved Hillary, Patron Saint of Carpetbaggers. It's only the same as Cheney if he'd maintained one all along.

Cheney changed his residence JUST FOR THE ELECTION.

It's OK. Politicians do shit like that. But stop defending him.

Do you really wonder if Cain has a second home? Seriously? Where are you getting your information?

Now remind me why it was that Cheney changed his residence to Texas from his beloved home state of Wyoming?

Ummmm, because he was WORKING in Texas?

Where are any of these guys from.

Mitt Romney was born in Utah, moved to Michigan, and then Massachusetts.

Barack Obama was born in Kenya.....err Hawaii... yeah, Hawaiii, and then moved to Illinois after having gone to college in New York.

(Just kidding on the Kenya thing. I know how upset that gets you!)

Funny, I know someone who is working in Kentucky but claims to live in Tennessee....I guess that's illegal? :eek:

"Where are any of these guys?" from IS EXACTLY MY POINT.

Cecille seems to think this is a roadblock to the Gingrich/Cain ticket.

That is nonsense. After all, just look at Cheney. He got around it. I'm sure that Cain can do the same. As I said, this is the single thing Cheney did that doesn't bother me in the slightest. As the court's decision demonstrated, this isn't that big a deal.

If it doesn't bother you, why have you been going on about it for two pages now?

It was ultimately decided by a court. I think Cheney was on stronger legal ground than Cain/Gingrich would be. Not that I think either of them will be on the ticket.

Now remind me why it was that Cheney changed his residence to Texas from his beloved home state of Wyoming?

Ummmm, because he was WORKING in Texas?

Where are any of these guys from.

Mitt Romney was born in Utah, moved to Michigan, and then Massachusetts.

Barack Obama was born in Kenya.....err Hawaii... yeah, Hawaiii, and then moved to Illinois after having gone to college in New York.

(Just kidding on the Kenya thing. I know how upset that gets you!)

Funny, I know someone who is working in Kentucky but claims to live in Tennessee....I guess that's illegal? :eek:

"Where are any of these guys?" from IS EXACTLY MY POINT.

Cecille seems to think this is a roadblock to the Gingrich/Cain ticket.

That is nonsense. After all, just look at Cheney. He got around it. I'm sure that Cain can do the same. As I said, this is the single thing Cheney did that doesn't bother me in the slightest. As the court's decision demonstrated, this isn't that big a deal.

Whoever said any of this was illegal, moron? What Hillary did was legal. It just wasn't particularly ethical or respectable.

Lots of people maintain a legal residence in one state, but spend time in another for various purposes. College students, for example. Most out-of-state students have their actual legal residences in the states they came from, but live 9-10 months out of the year in the state where they attend school. Congressmen usually spend more time in DC and traveling than they do in their home states. Snowbirds generally live six months of the year (summer) in their home states, and six months of the year (winter) in the warm state of their choice. All of which, while not the norm, is perfectly legal.

However, neither Newt Gingrich nor Herman Cain (who, by the way, hasn't lived in Tennessee since he was a young child; he was actually raised in Atlanta, GA) falls into this category, neither having ever maintained a second residence anywhere. And because they, unlike Saint Hillary the Carpetbagger, are ethical men, it is unlikely that either of them would employ the disreputable - but technically legal - ruse of suddenly moving before the election. If they did, I would respect them as little as I do Hillary.
Whoever said any of this was illegal, moron? What Hillary did was legal. It just wasn't particularly ethical or respectable.

Lots of people maintain a legal residence in one state, but spend time in another for various purposes. College students, for example. Most out-of-state students have their actual legal residences in the states they came from, but live 9-10 months out of the year in the state where they attend school. Congressmen usually spend more time in DC and traveling than they do in their home states. Snowbirds generally live six months of the year (summer) in their home states, and six months of the year (winter) in the warm state of their choice. All of which, while not the norm, is perfectly legal.

However, neither Newt Gingrich nor Herman Cain (who, by the way, hasn't lived in Tennessee since he was a young child; he was actually raised in Atlanta, GA) falls into this category, neither having ever maintained a second residence anywhere. And because they, unlike Saint Hillary the Carpetbagger, are ethical men, it is unlikely that either of them would employ the disreputable - but technically legal - ruse of suddenly moving before the election. If they did, I would respect them as little as I do Hillary.

Same with Dick. He found a way around the requirement. He changed his residency TO Texas, then back to Wyoming, as suited his needs at the time.

Most rich people have second homes. Are you claiming that Cain does not?
Whoever said any of this was illegal, moron? What Hillary did was legal. It just wasn't particularly ethical or respectable.

Lots of people maintain a legal residence in one state, but spend time in another for various purposes. College students, for example. Most out-of-state students have their actual legal residences in the states they came from, but live 9-10 months out of the year in the state where they attend school. Congressmen usually spend more time in DC and traveling than they do in their home states. Snowbirds generally live six months of the year (summer) in their home states, and six months of the year (winter) in the warm state of their choice. All of which, while not the norm, is perfectly legal.

However, neither Newt Gingrich nor Herman Cain (who, by the way, hasn't lived in Tennessee since he was a young child; he was actually raised in Atlanta, GA) falls into this category, neither having ever maintained a second residence anywhere. And because they, unlike Saint Hillary the Carpetbagger, are ethical men, it is unlikely that either of them would employ the disreputable - but technically legal - ruse of suddenly moving before the election. If they did, I would respect them as little as I do Hillary.

Same with Dick. He found a way around the requirement. He changed his residency TO Texas, then back to Wyoming, as suited his needs at the time.

Most rich people have second homes. Are you claiming that Cain does not?

First, I'd like to see some documentation for this claim that "most" rich people have second homes. Second, yes. I am claiming that Herman Cain is not maintaining a second residence that anyone is aware of. (Side note: a vacation home is not the same thing as a second residence. He may have one of those, for all I know.) He was raised in Atlanta, went to his first college in Atlanta (Morehouse College), came back to Atlanta after attending Purdue University to work for Coca-Cola, and returned to Atlanta when he retired from business. I don't know whether he bothered to maintain a residence there while moving to the headquarters cities of the various companies he's worked for or not, but he doesn't appear to have any reason to maintain dual residences now.
Alan Keyes...

Actually, he was the Republican candidate. The "nominee" elected by the voters of our state was Jack Ryan, who was sandbagged by the Chicago Media and the Combine in Springfield.

when it came time to vote for a candidate, I wrote in Jack Ryan.

And when it came to a choice between Blago and Judy Baar Topinka who organized the sandbagging to clear the way for her own failed run for governor, I wrote in Jack Ryan.

Jack Ryan is my go to write in when I think both candidates suck..

Romney vs. Obama.


Yes. "Candidate." Thank you for that.

And in what state was Alan Keyes living when he was approached to replace Mr. Ryan as the Republican candidate for the Illinois Senate seat? Was it Illinois? Or was it another state?

Maryland. Where I sincerely hope he moved back to...

Thank you very much.
First, I'd like to see some documentation for this claim that "most" rich people have second homes. Second, yes. I am claiming that Herman Cain is not maintaining a second residence that anyone is aware of. (Side note: a vacation home is not the same thing as a second residence. He may have one of those, for all I know.) He was raised in Atlanta, went to his first college in Atlanta (Morehouse College), came back to Atlanta after attending Purdue University to work for Coca-Cola, and returned to Atlanta when he retired from business. I don't know whether he bothered to maintain a residence there while moving to the headquarters cities of the various companies he's worked for or not, but he doesn't appear to have any reason to maintain dual residences now.

Hey, I'd love to see your documentation showing that Cain and Newt do not have second homes. Yes, I mean vacation homes, second residences, whatever. Thanks.
First, I'd like to see some documentation for this claim that "most" rich people have second homes. Second, yes. I am claiming that Herman Cain is not maintaining a second residence that anyone is aware of. (Side note: a vacation home is not the same thing as a second residence. He may have one of those, for all I know.) He was raised in Atlanta, went to his first college in Atlanta (Morehouse College), came back to Atlanta after attending Purdue University to work for Coca-Cola, and returned to Atlanta when he retired from business. I don't know whether he bothered to maintain a residence there while moving to the headquarters cities of the various companies he's worked for or not, but he doesn't appear to have any reason to maintain dual residences now.

Hey, I'd love to see your documentation showing that Cain and Newt do not have second homes. Yes, I mean vacation homes, second residences, whatever. Thanks.

What fucking documentation is required for "that anyone is aware of" and "I don't know whether he maintained one" and "he doesn't appear to"? Do you even read English, you numb fuck?

YOU, on the other hand, made a definitive declaration, to whit: All rich people have second residences. And I am still waiting for proof of THAT. Should be a long wait, since I did just get proof that you're a frigging illiterate.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

AGREED We still have GOP members still worrying about personal marital problems from 20 years ago.

If Newt Gingrich became the GOP nominee--Barack Obama would have to bring 10 teleprompters with him just to keep up in the debates and he would still get his ass kicked.
First, I'd like to see some documentation for this claim that "most" rich people have second homes. Second, yes. I am claiming that Herman Cain is not maintaining a second residence that anyone is aware of. (Side note: a vacation home is not the same thing as a second residence. He may have one of those, for all I know.) He was raised in Atlanta, went to his first college in Atlanta (Morehouse College), came back to Atlanta after attending Purdue University to work for Coca-Cola, and returned to Atlanta when he retired from business. I don't know whether he bothered to maintain a residence there while moving to the headquarters cities of the various companies he's worked for or not, but he doesn't appear to have any reason to maintain dual residences now.

Hey, I'd love to see your documentation showing that Cain and Newt do not have second homes. Yes, I mean vacation homes, second residences, whatever. Thanks.

What fucking documentation is required for "that anyone is aware of" and "I don't know whether he maintained one" and "he doesn't appear to"? Do you even read English, you numb fuck?

YOU, on the other hand, made a definitive declaration, to whit: All rich people have second residences. And I am still waiting for proof of THAT. Should be a long wait, since I did just get proof that you're a frigging illiterate.

Gads Cecilie...remind me not to tick you off when I seem to be getting close to it....:lol:...
Hey, I'd love to see your documentation showing that Cain and Newt do not have second homes. Yes, I mean vacation homes, second residences, whatever. Thanks.

What fucking documentation is required for "that anyone is aware of" and "I don't know whether he maintained one" and "he doesn't appear to"? Do you even read English, you numb fuck?

YOU, on the other hand, made a definitive declaration, to whit: All rich people have second residences. And I am still waiting for proof of THAT. Should be a long wait, since I did just get proof that you're a frigging illiterate.

Gads Cecilie...remind me not to tick you off when I seem to be getting close to it....:lol:...

I think you're probably safe. But if you ever seem to be becoming illiterate, or losing IQ points at a prodigious rate, I'll mention it.
First, I'd like to see some documentation for this claim that "most" rich people have second homes. Second, yes. I am claiming that Herman Cain is not maintaining a second residence that anyone is aware of. (Side note: a vacation home is not the same thing as a second residence. He may have one of those, for all I know.) He was raised in Atlanta, went to his first college in Atlanta (Morehouse College), came back to Atlanta after attending Purdue University to work for Coca-Cola, and returned to Atlanta when he retired from business. I don't know whether he bothered to maintain a residence there while moving to the headquarters cities of the various companies he's worked for or not, but he doesn't appear to have any reason to maintain dual residences now.

Hey, I'd love to see your documentation showing that Cain and Newt do not have second homes. Yes, I mean vacation homes, second residences, whatever. Thanks.

What fucking documentation is required for "that anyone is aware of" and "I don't know whether he maintained one" and "he doesn't appear to"? Do you even read English, you numb fuck?

YOU, on the other hand, made a definitive declaration, to whit: All rich people have second residences. And I am still waiting for proof of THAT. Should be a long wait, since I did just get proof that you're a frigging illiterate.

Yes, honey, documentation is required for "that anyone is aware of". That's a very strong statement. If you'd said "that I'm aware of", that would be a different story.

For your second statement, you're clearly lying. You know I said most, because you quoted it earlier.

If all that leather chaps your ass that bad, buy some cotton underwear. In other words, calm down.

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