Re-Evaluating Newt..

Except nobody said to loan to Johnny Foodstamp or Mary Welfare. There was no such order. Those who qualify for food stamps and welfare were not candidates for conventional home loans. They would only qualify for non-conventional loans like the ones that led to the financial crisis. Privately issued loans.

Privately issued loans freddie and fannie were eager to buy.

Yeah-just like other investors. Who didn't necessarily understand what these bundles were. Which is why the problem was so widespread.

But you see, it was their JOB to understand what the bundles were. I mean, seriously, that was their excuse?

They understood perfectly well what they were buying. They simply didn't care. As long as they made their money and got out before the roof caved in.

Johnny Foodstamp got these loans because the CRA said to make them and Freddie and Fannie were willing to buy them up. Which is what happens when you let the government start dictating markets.
Privately issued loans freddie and fannie were eager to buy.

Yeah-just like other investors. Who didn't necessarily understand what these bundles were. Which is why the problem was so widespread.

But you see, it was their JOB to understand what the bundles were. I mean, seriously, that was their excuse?

They understood perfectly well what they were buying. They simply didn't care. As long as they made their money and got out before the roof caved in.

Johnny Foodstamp got these loans because the CRA said to make them and Freddie and Fannie were willing to buy them up. Which is what happens when you let the government start dictating markets.

Are you pretending that only FM bought them? Seriously?

No one fully understood these instruments, and if you think that only FM bought them, you were sound asleep for the last few years.

Actually, that's a pretty brilliant idea.

Kids learn 1) the value of work and 2) to take pride in their school.

I'm really having a hard time why you are seeing a problem with this.

The janitor, an adult wage earner, just got fired.

Kids under 16 need close supervision in the workplace.

This idea, like most of Newt's ideas, is very, very old, and very, very rooted in a class structure that is quite different from our American ideas.

Kids certainly can and do work to make their school cleaner-and in most schools I've seen, they do. They take out trash, erase boards, put chairs up and down, sweep, wipe off tables, and do other incidental chores through the day.

Was that really so difficult?

Actually, that's a pretty brilliant idea.

Kids learn 1) the value of work and 2) to take pride in their school.

I'm really having a hard time why you are seeing a problem with this.

The janitor, an adult wage earner, just got fired.

Kids under 16 need close supervision in the workplace.

This idea, like most of Newt's ideas, is very, very old, and very, very rooted in a class structure that is quite different from our American ideas.

Kids certainly can and do work to make their school cleaner-and in most schools I've seen, they do. They take out trash, erase boards, put chairs up and down, sweep, wipe off tables, and do other incidental chores through the day.

Was that really so difficult?

If you actually read the article, Newt said there would be adult supervision.

Let's be honest about why you are really afraid of this. Another union job lost and less revenues for Democrats.

A guy applies for a government job, and they ask him if he has any allergies. He says he's allergic to coffee. He then is asked if he's a veteran. He says he was, and he was injured in Iraq.

How was he injured. He lost both his testicles in an explosion.

The supervisor hires him and says, "The job is from 8 to 4, but you can show up at 10 and show up at 10 every day."

"Why would I do that if the job starts at 8."

"Well, it's a govenrment job, and all we do for the first two hours is drink coffee and scratch our balls, but you can skip that part."
The mortgage melt down was caused in great part by the neo-corporatists on Wall Street, which has given the populists in the Tea Party and the OWS such traction.
If you actually read the article, Newt said there would be adult supervision.

Let's be honest about why you are really afraid of this. Another union job lost and less revenues for Democrats.

How about you be honest? I already was honest in my post. Kids don't need to be using cleaning products and industrial machines if they are under 16. I don't like seeing adult wage earners lose their jobs. If you know your history, you know that this is one of the reasons for child labor laws.

Newt is launching yet another attack on unions, because unions often vote for and support Democrats. Now you explain why it's wrong for working people to support one party or the other as they choose.

I'm in Tennessee. The idea that school janitors are unionized is :cuckoo: :lmao: :cuckoo::lmao: :cuckoo::lmao:

The janitors at the schools I work in don't have time to scratch their balls or drink coffee. They're too busy cleaning.
If you actually read the article, Newt said there would be adult supervision.

Let's be honest about why you are really afraid of this. Another union job lost and less revenues for Democrats.

How about you be honest? I already was honest in my post. Kids don't need to be using cleaning products and industrial machines if they are under 16. I don't like seeing adult wage earners lose their jobs. If you know your history, you know that this is one of the reasons for child labor laws.

Newt is launching yet another attack on unions, because unions often vote for and support Democrats. Now you explain why it's wrong for working people to support one party or the other as they choose.

I'm in Tennessee. The idea that school janitors are unionized is

The janitors at the schools I work in don't have time to scratch their balls or drink coffee. They're too busy cleaning.

Ahhh, you work for public education. I am surprised you know how to spell "work", much less what it looks like.

Please, there's a reason why people in government jobs never go into the private sector. They suddenly discover what work really is.
Archie Bunker's been off the air a long time, Joe. You're not going to get paid for these lines.
Archie Bunker's been off the air a long time, Joe. You're not going to get paid for these lines.

Just pointing out the truth everyone knows. Public Education is worthless.

Hey, want to hear something funny. When I grew up in Chicago, I went to school with all the politicians' kids at the Catholic school. Went to school with Congressman Danny Lipinski's sister. At De La Salle, we had all of Mayor Bilandic's cronies in our class... until their dads got indicted.

You see, as much as Democrats Love Public Education (and the money it diverts to their coffers), they'd never, ever entrust their own children to it.

Which is why the Obama kids are going to Sidwell, not a public school.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

I am still liking Newt. Also as of late, Perry has been impressing me, the way he used to. :) Still like Cain for VP, with responsibilities that can benefit from his business experience. Same with Perry.
If you can judge a persons character by his past, why are we even discussing Newt?

(OH and the thought of him putting "poor" 9 year olds to work is just wrong. Even for him). By the way, what would the janitors who are working now do when they are fired and replaced with 9 year olds Newt?
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If you can judge a persons character by his past, why are we even discussing Newt?

(OH and the thought of him putting "poor" 9 year olds to work is just wrong. Even for him). By the way, what would the janitors who are working now do when they are fired and replaced with 9 year olds Newt?

actually get honest jobs cleaning office buildings where they aren't scratching their balls half the day?
If you can judge a persons character by his past, why are we even discussing Newt?

(OH and the thought of him putting "poor" 9 year olds to work is just wrong. Even for him). By the way, what would the janitors who are working now do when they are fired and replaced with 9 year olds Newt?

actually get honest jobs cleaning office buildings where they aren't scratching their balls half the day?

Is this true will all Janitors? Hospital ones, office building ones etc? If so, 9 year olds could take all of those jobs as well and put them out on the street.

These are great things to run on. Create more unemployment, and have "poor" 9 year olds not be 9 year olds, but workers. Remember though, only certain ones. The "poor" ones.
Archie Bunker's been off the air a long time, Joe. You're not going to get paid for these lines.

Just pointing out the truth everyone knows. Public Education is worthless.

Hey, want to hear something funny. When I grew up in Chicago, I went to school with all the politicians' kids at the Catholic school. Went to school with Congressman Danny Lipinski's sister. At De La Salle, we had all of Mayor Bilandic's cronies in our class... until their dads got indicted.

You see, as much as Democrats Love Public Education (and the money it diverts to their coffers), they'd never, ever entrust their own children to it.

Which is why the Obama kids are going to Sidwell, not a public school.

Because millionaires send their kids to public schools.
Archie Bunker's been off the air a long time, Joe. You're not going to get paid for these lines.

Just pointing out the truth everyone knows. Public Education is worthless.

Hey, want to hear something funny. When I grew up in Chicago, I went to school with all the politicians' kids at the Catholic school. Went to school with Congressman Danny Lipinski's sister. At De La Salle, we had all of Mayor Bilandic's cronies in our class... until their dads got indicted.

You see, as much as Democrats Love Public Education (and the money it diverts to their coffers), they'd never, ever entrust their own children to it.

Which is why the Obama kids are going to Sidwell, not a public school.

Because millionaires send their kids to public schools.

Because millionaires who send their kids to ritzy private schools need to shut their teeth on telling the rest of us how we should be stuck with public schools. That's like Gigolo John Kerry telling the rest of us how we need to get rich through hard work and tight budgeting.
If you actually read the article, Newt said there would be adult supervision.

Let's be honest about why you are really afraid of this. Another union job lost and less revenues for Democrats.

How about you be honest? I already was honest in my post. Kids don't need to be using cleaning products and industrial machines if they are under 16. I don't like seeing adult wage earners lose their jobs. If you know your history, you know that this is one of the reasons for child labor laws.

Newt is launching yet another attack on unions, because unions often vote for and support Democrats. Now you explain why it's wrong for working people to support one party or the other as they choose.

I'm in Tennessee. The idea that school janitors are unionized is

The janitors at the schools I work in don't have time to scratch their balls or drink coffee. They're too busy cleaning.

Ahhh, you work for public education. I am surprised you know how to spell "work", much less what it looks like.

Please, there's a reason why people in government jobs never go into the private sector. They suddenly discover what work really is.

Hmmm . . . take a look at the working background of the lobbyists in D.C. now.

For a bright guy, you let ideology get in the way of ideas.
If you can judge a persons character by his past, why are we even discussing Newt?

(OH and the thought of him putting "poor" 9 year olds to work is just wrong. Even for him). By the way, what would the janitors who are working now do when they are fired and replaced with 9 year olds Newt?

actually get honest jobs cleaning office buildings where they aren't scratching their balls half the day?

Is this true will all Janitors? Hospital ones, office building ones etc? If so, 9 year olds could take all of those jobs as well and put them out on the street.

These are great things to run on. Create more unemployment, and have "poor" 9 year olds not be 9 year olds, but workers. Remember though, only certain ones. The "poor" ones.

Nobody really said go as young as 9, but use a bit of common sense.

I've been working since I was 16. You teach a kid that work=prosperity, they won't be poor. They will be encouraged to get better jobs.

My first job was working at a Pizza place for half of minimum wage. (Yes, family businesses could pay less than minimum back in the day!) That has just encouraged me to get better skills and better jobs over the years.

But you tell kids the world owes them a living (Or maybe OWS them a living) and you get the obvious result.

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