Re-Evaluating Newt..

Its not really a big question. I think most people have forgiven him and if they havne't by now then they never will.

Not "most" and probably not a solid high minority have forgiven him.

The politics of personality in the modern times begins with Newt.

Well at least 38% of his voting base has forgiven him enough to support him in the primary.

We will see.
Yes, we will see. We'll see if Newt can survive a harem of women coming out of the woodworks like those who came out accusing Cain. Cain couldn't survive it ... I doubt Newt will either.
If I wanted to select a mentor who would advise me how to select the right mate, I would not pick Gingrich.

If I wanted to find a good advisor who would warn me of morals, drinking and driving and causing the death of a woman, I wouldn't have selected Ted Kennedy.

If I wanted to select a Senator who fought for the rights of people, I may have listened to Ted Kennedy.

If I was and I am, looking for someone who has the straight forward thinking for solutions to the dilemnas we face today., I would and will vote for Gingrich.

It's a matter of wha t is important and what is not.

If you need advice on morals, check with your clergy. If you need a president with drive, boldness and answers, take Obama out of office and vote for Newt.
Its not really a big question. I think most people have forgiven him and if they havne't by now then they never will.

Not "most" and probably not a solid high minority have forgiven him.

The politics of personality in the modern times begins with Newt.

Well at least 38% of his voting base has forgiven him enough to support him in the primary.

We will see.

They have forgotten many things about Newt, yes Newt is a brilliant debater, but man does he have some baggage and not just personal baggage.

Supporting Dee Dee Defazzio a rhino against a conservative in the New York 29th, when Sarah Palin endorsed the conservative, Dee Dee dropped out of the race and threw her support to the DEMOCRAT in the race. The democrat won. Newt's name is all over that.

Sitting on a love seat with Nancy Pelosi promoting global warming??? Are you kiddin me?? Now he says he's sorry, sometimes sorry isn't enough.

Throwing Paul Ryan under the bus on his buget plan?? Conservative?? I think not, now he is sorry for that too.

Working as a consultant for Freddie Mack?? Doing what??? Making 1.2 --- 1.6 million dollars while they are the primary culprits for sending our entire economy to the trash heap. Conservative?? Think again, what did Freddie Mack pay him to do?? Still not clear- and he never once warned them that they were trashing America, which is what they did under the watch of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd all the time Bush and McCain were warning everyone, Newt was silent. Conservative??? I think not.
Not "most" and probably not a solid high minority have forgiven him.

The politics of personality in the modern times begins with Newt.

Well at least 38% of his voting base has forgiven him enough to support him in the primary.

We will see.

They have forgotten many things about Newt, yes Newt is a brilliant debater, but man does he have some baggage and not just personal baggage.

Supporting Dee Dee Defazzio a rhino against a conservative in the New York 29th, when Sarah Palin endorsed the conservative, Dee Dee dropped out of the race and threw her support to the DEMOCRAT in the race. The democrat won. Newt's name is all over that.

Sitting on a love seat with Nancy Pelosi promoting global warming??? Are you kiddin me?? Now he says he's sorry, sometimes sorry isn't enough.

Throwing Paul Ryan under the bus on his buget plan?? Conservative?? I think not, now he is sorry for that too.

Working as a consultant for Freddie Mack?? Doing what??? Making 1.2 --- 1.6 million dollars while they are the primary culprits for sending our entire economy to the trash heap. Conservative?? Think again, what did Freddie Mack pay him to do?? Still not clear- and he never once warned them that they were trashing America, which is what they did under the watch of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd all the time Bush and McCain were warning everyone, Newt was silent. Conservative??? I think not.

Supporting a national mandate on healthcare while criticizing Romney on his state mandate. Conservative??? I think not.
Well at least 38% of his voting base has forgiven him enough to support him in the primary.

We will see.

They have forgotten many things about Newt, yes Newt is a brilliant debater, but man does he have some baggage and not just personal baggage.

Supporting Dee Dee Defazzio a rhino against a conservative in the New York 29th, when Sarah Palin endorsed the conservative, Dee Dee dropped out of the race and threw her support to the DEMOCRAT in the race. The democrat won. Newt's name is all over that.

Sitting on a love seat with Nancy Pelosi promoting global warming??? Are you kiddin me?? Now he says he's sorry, sometimes sorry isn't enough.

Throwing Paul Ryan under the bus on his buget plan?? Conservative?? I think not, now he is sorry for that too.

Working as a consultant for Freddie Mack?? Doing what??? Making 1.2 --- 1.6 million dollars while they are the primary culprits for sending our entire economy to the trash heap. Conservative?? Think again, what did Freddie Mack pay him to do?? Still not clear- and he never once warned them that they were trashing America, which is what they did under the watch of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd all the time Bush and McCain were warning everyone, Newt was silent. Conservative??? I think not.

Supporting a national mandate on healthcare while criticizing Romney on his state mandate. Conservative??? I think not.

If anyone Newt says and does things for political expediency all he has to do is apologize, say he made a mistake and goes on to do more. Ridiculous.
They have forgotten many things about Newt, yes Newt is a brilliant debater, but man does he have some baggage and not just personal baggage.

Supporting Dee Dee Defazzio a rhino against a conservative in the New York 29th, when Sarah Palin endorsed the conservative, Dee Dee dropped out of the race and threw her support to the DEMOCRAT in the race. The democrat won. Newt's name is all over that.

Sitting on a love seat with Nancy Pelosi promoting global warming??? Are you kiddin me?? Now he says he's sorry, sometimes sorry isn't enough.

Throwing Paul Ryan under the bus on his buget plan?? Conservative?? I think not, now he is sorry for that too.

Working as a consultant for Freddie Mack?? Doing what??? Making 1.2 --- 1.6 million dollars while they are the primary culprits for sending our entire economy to the trash heap. Conservative?? Think again, what did Freddie Mack pay him to do?? Still not clear- and he never once warned them that they were trashing America, which is what they did under the watch of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd all the time Bush and McCain were warning everyone, Newt was silent. Conservative??? I think not.

Supporting a national mandate on healthcare while criticizing Romney on his state mandate. Conservative??? I think not.

If anyone Newt says and does things for political expediency all he has to do is apologize, say he made a mistake and goes on to do more. Ridiculous.

Ron Paul add and all true:

[ame=]Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy - YouTube[/ame]
Maple if you wait a few minutes I'll eventually respond so you can not talk to yourself ;)

Like I said, his approval numbers show many voters don't think of these things as negatives...or negative enough to not support Newt over Romney and Obama.

We will see...i'm honestly not sure what is going to happen with the republican primaries at all.
Not "most" and probably not a solid high minority have forgiven him.

The politics of personality in the modern times begins with Newt.

Well at least 38% of his voting base has forgiven him enough to support him in the primary.

We will see.
Yes, we will see. We'll see if Newt can survive a harem of women coming out of the woodworks like those who came out accusing Cain. Cain couldn't survive it ... I doubt Newt will either.

Yes, because it's going to be SUCH a shock to know that Newt had affairs in his past. :eusa_whistle:
Maple if you wait a few minutes I'll eventually respond so you can not talk to yourself ;)

Like I said, his approval numbers show many voters don't think of these things as negatives...or negative enough to not support Newt over Romney and Obama.

We will see...i'm honestly not sure what is going to happen with the republican primaries at all.

We will make a huge mistake if we nominate him as the Dems have a boatload of baggage on him and they will use it with full force and we will lose the election. They know it and so should we. Did you see Dick Morris's column ( Obama votes for Newt) he realizes it and so should we. That should scare the be-jesus out of all of us. Clinton saying nice things about Newt?? Good grief, you conservatives are falling into a trap that we won't be able to get out of.
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