Reaction to genocidal Islamic Republic attack (after years of using proxies)


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Note: see some at MSM playing it naiive as if surprised and "not knowing" Iran has been attacking Israel for years, via its proxies "palestinian" or other Arabs.

Biden administration calls on Iran to release Israeli-linked cargo ship and crew ‘immediately’.

By Lauren Irwin - 04/13/24 1:39 PM ET.
Biden administration calls on Iran to release Israeli-linked cargo ship and crew ‘immediately’


Iran launches dozens of drones, cruise missiles at Israel.
Cabinet ministers summoned to military HQ in Tel Aviv; IDF confirms attack begins, warns GPS disruption possible; Israel closes its airspace as of midnight ; Biden due to speak from WH.
ynet correspondents, Agencies | 04.14.24

Iran began its planned attack on Israel late on Saturday with hundreds of drones and cruise missiles launched from Iran. The attack comes after the killing of a senior member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in a strike on Damascus that was attributed to Israel.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on Saturday he condemned Iran's "reckless" attack against Israel, which he said showed that it was "intent on sowing chaos in its own backyard".

"These strikes risk inflaming tensions and destabilizing the region. Iran has once again demonstrated that it is intent on sowing chaos in its own backyard," Sunak said in a statement. "The UK will continue to stand up for Israel's security and that of all our regional partners, including Jordan and Iraq."
Al Arabiya is reporting that some of the UAVs and missiles were shot down by U.S. military.
The IDF spokesperson confirmed cruise missiles and hundreds of drones were launched and said they would need between 2 to 5 hours to reach their target and a second wave is seen as possible.
Jordan's air defenses were ready to intercept and shoot down any Iranian drones or aircraft that violate its airspace, two regional security sources said. They said the army was also in a state of high alert and radar systems were monitoring drone activity.
Iranian television quoted the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) saying the attack which they have named "The Real Promise," has began. Earlier Supreme Leader Ali Khamene posted his speech threatening Israel on his account on X...
Reuters quoted two security sources in Iraq who said dozens of drones had been spotted flying from Iran toward Israel over Iraqi airspace in what Iranian Press TV called "extensive drone strikes" by the Revolutionary Guards.
Iranian missiles, drones attack Israel; sirens in Jerusalem and cities in the Negev, Galilee, West Bank


Video Shows Israeli Air Defense Intercepting Iran's Drones.
By Maura Zurick, Apr 13, 2024.
Hours after Iran launched drone attacks against Israel, live footage and videos shared on social media appear to show Israeli air defense...
Video shows Israeli air defense intercepting Iran's drones

Watch Iranian drones, missiles intercepted over Jerusalem, al Aqsa Mosque.
Sirens were activated in Jerusalem as well overnight, images of the intercept of the incoming missiles and drones were captured over Temple Mount
Liran Tamari | published: 04.14.24 |02:36
Watch Iranian drones, missiles intercepted over Jerusalem, al Aqsa Mosque

US intercepts Iranian drones targeting Israel.
By Brad Dress - 04/13/24 8:30 PM ET
US intercepts Iranian drones targeting Israel

Emily Schrader - אמילי שריידר امیلی شریدر

Saudi Arabia
are all shooting down Islamic republic (and proxy) suicide drones and missiles aimed at Israel, according to Al Arabiya.
Apr 13, 2024

Dr. Eli David
🚨 Breaking: British 🇬🇧, American 🇺🇲, Israeli 🇮🇱, Jordanian 🇯🇴, and Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 air forces are intercepting drones over Jordanian airspace right now.
Apr 14, 2024


Netanyahu convenes War Cabinet ahead of broader Security Cabinet session.
“The State of Israel is strong. The IDF is strong. The public is strong,” said the Israeli PM.

(April 13, 2024 / JNS)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday night decided to convene the War Cabinet and then the broader Security Cabinet.

The move comes after Iran dispatched dozens of unmanned aerial vehicles from its territory towards Israel, in a much-anticipated response to the April 1 killing of several IRGC officers in Syria.

The drones were expected to take several hours to reach their targets in the Jewish state.

“Citizens of Israel, in recent years, and especially in recent weeks, Israel has been preparing for a direct attack by Iran. Our defensive systems are deployed; we are ready for any scenario, both defensively and offensively,” said Netanyahu.

“The State of Israel is strong. The IDF is strong. The public is strong,” he added.
Netanyahu convenes War Cabinet ahead of broader Security Cabinet session


Trump: Tehran would not have attacked on my watch.
"This would NEVER have happened if I were President!" he wrote on Truth Social.

(April 13, 2024 / JNS)
Former U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday night that Iran’s attack on Israel would not have occurred if he were in the White House.
Trump: Tehran would not have attacked on my watch


Rishi Sunak condemns Iran’s ‘reckless’ drone attack and says UK stands with Israel
PM asserts that the strikes risk ‘destabilising’ the Middle East

Will Hazell, Political Correspondent.
13 April 2024 • 11:07pm

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the Israeli people
Rishi Sunak has condemned Iran’s “reckless” attack against Israel in the “strongest terms” and said Britain will “stand up for Israel’s security”.

The Prime Minister said that the strikes risked “destabilising” the Middle East and that the UK would work with its allies to “prevent further escalation”.

In a statement released on Saturday night, Mr Sunak said: “I condemn in the strongest terms the Iranian regime’s reckless attack against Israel.
Rishi Sunak condemns Iran’s ‘reckless’ drone attack and says UK stands with Israel


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemns Iran's attacks on Israel.
Nicole Thompson, The Canadian Press
Published Saturday, April 13, 2024 7:31PM EDT
Last Updated Saturday, April 13, 2024 10:24PM EDT
TORONTO - Canada "unequivocally condemns" Iran's attacks on Israel, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Saturday evening as tensions boiled over between the two countries and pushed the Middle East closer to a region-wide war.


France FM Condemns Iran Strikes On Israel As Threat To Stability.
By AFP - Agence France Presse
April 13, 2024
France's Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne on Saturday condemned Iran's drone strikes on Israel as a "new level" in the threat to security.

"France condemns with the greatest firmness the attack launched by Iran against Israel," he said on the platform X.
France FM Condemns Iran Strikes On Israel As Threat To Stability


Aviva Klompas @AvivaKlompas:
Chancellor of Austria: "I strongly condemn the Iranian attack on Israel. Austria stands by Israel and we call on Iran to immediately stop all hostilities".
Apr 14, 2024


Lars Løkke Rasmussen @larsloekke
Denmark strongly condemns Iran's announced attack on Israel. I urge everyone to show restraint and deescalate the situation.
April 14, 2024.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs 🇵🇱
Poland condemns in strongest terms the attacks launched by Iran on Israel. We urge Iran and its allies to exercise restraint and immediately cease hostilities.

Ensuring stability and peace in the region is paramount.
Apr 14, 2024


GermanForeignOffice @GermanyDiplo:
Iran has launched drones & missiles on Israel. We condemn the ongoing attack in the strongest possible terms, risking to plunge an entire region into chaos. Iran & its proxies must stop this immediately. In these hours, we stand firmly by Israel. @ABaerbock
Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock
Iran hat Drohnen & Raketen auf Israel abgeschossen. Wir verurteilen den laufenden Angriff, der eine ganze Region ins Chaos stürzen kann, aufs Allerschärfste. Iran & seine Proxies müssen diesen sofort einstellen. Israel gilt in diesen Stunden unsere ganze Solidarität.
Apr 14, 2024


EU’s Borrell calls Iran strikes on Israel an ‘unprecedented escalation’.
14 Apr 2024, 2:07 am
EU’s Borrell calls Iran strikes on Israel an ‘unprecedented escalation’


Rep. Duncan Condemns Iran’s Attempt to Annihilate Israel.
April 13, 2024
Press Release
Washington, D.C. — After Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, launched drone attacks against America’s greatest ally Israel, Congressman Jeff Duncan released the following statement:

“My heart and prayers are with Israel as they are violently attacked by cowards and terrorists,” said Congressman Jeff Duncan. “I have and will continue to call on President Joe Biden to give Israel a ‘green light’ to do whatever is necessary to protect their people, their homeland, and their very existence.”

My Israeli friends, stand strong and fight hard. Chazak v'amatz—be strong and courageous.”
Rep. Duncan Condemns Iran’s Attempt to Annihilate Israel


Iranian attack spurs bipartisan calls for swift U.S. action.
Andrew Solender, Apr 13, 2024.


Aviva Klompas @AvivaKlompas:
Appalling. This is Toronto, where a mob is cheering for Iran.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has just sent tens of drones toward Israel."

Apr 13, 2024


Biden condemns Iranian attack on Israel 'in strongest possible terms'
U.S. President Joe Biden condemned the Iranian attack in the strongest possible terms. "At my direction, to support the defense of Israel, the U.S. military moved aircraft and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region over the course of the past week," Biden said in a statement late Saturday. "Thanks to these deployments and the extraordinary skill of our servicemembers, we helped Israel take down nearly all of the incoming drones and missiles." (Associated Press).
published: 04.14.24 | 04:59
Biden condemns Iranian attack on Israel 'in strongest possible terms'


Iran claims success, TV shows month old Texas fire as aftermath.
Iranians celebrate attack on Israel after missiles, drones launched; celebrations also seen in Beirut's Shiite areas, stronghold of Iran proxy Hezbollah
published: 04.14.24 | 03:55
Iran claims success, TV shows month old Texas fire as aftermath


Lawmakers react to Iran’s drone attack on Israel.
By Filip Timotija - 04/13/24 10:32 PM ET


Israeli Iron Dome air defense system launches to intercept missiles fired from Iran, in central Israel, Sunday, April 14, 2024. Iran launched its first direct military attack against Israel on Saturday. The Israeli military says Iran fired more than 100 bomb-carrying drones toward Israel. Hours later, Iran announced it had also launched much more destructive…)

Iran launched a missiles and drone attack on Israel on Saturday, in retaliation for the alleged Israeli strike on the Iranian embassy that took out two senior Iranian officers.

The attack started late Saturday night local time in Israel. Israel has its Iron Dome air defense system on high alert, and American forces have reportedly intercepted several Iranian drones targeting Israel.

Several lawmakers and officials reacted to the Iranian attack, which is expected to target the Israeli government and military sites.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said that Israel is facing a “vicious” attack and the U.S. “must stand with its ally. Johnson accused President Biden’s administration of “undermining” Israel.

“As Israel faces this vicious attack from Iran, America must show our full resolve to stand with our critical ally,” Johnson’s office said on social media platform X. “The world must be assured: Israel is not alone.”

“I will continue to engage with the White House to insist upon a proper response. The Biden Administration’s undermining of Israel and appeasement of Iran have contributed to these terrible developments.”

Republican Sen. Marsa Blackburn called for the U.S. to retaliate against Iran.

“Iran has begun launching drone strikes on Israel,” Blackburn said on X. “@POTUS — we must move quickly and launch aggressive retaliatory strikes on Iran.”

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) announced the lower chamber would change schedule for next week to consider Israel legislation.

“In light of Iran’s unjustified attack on Israel, the House will move from its previously announced legislative schedule next week to instead consider legislation that supports our ally Israel and holds Iran and its terrorist proxies accountable,” Scalise posted on X.

“The House of Representatives stands strongly with Israel, and there must be consequences for this unprovoked attack,” he continued. “More details on the legislative items to be considered will be forthcoming.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), a longtime Israel ally who called for new elections in the country last month, said he “stands” with Israelis.

“As Israel is under attack from Iran, we stand with Israel and its people, and the United States will do everything we can to support Israel’s defense against Iran,” he said on X.

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) said the U.S. stands with Israel and that she will “continue” working to bring support for the country’s defense.

“The United States stands firmly with Israel and its right to defend itself against attacks from Iran and its terrorist proxies,” she said on X. “I will continue working in the Senate to deliver the support Israel needs to protect itself.”


UN’s Guterres condemns Iran attack, Israel calls for UNSC to take action
By Tovah Lazaroff. Published: April 14, 2024 05:21
Last edited:
My oldest son served as an infantryman with the First Cavalry Division during their TOD to Baghdad, April 2004 to April 2005.
This is when the relatively peaceful year of occupation after the fall of Saddam Husein had exploded into a growing and full blown insurrection.
He and his unit were in nearly daily firefights in their corner of Baghdad.

When he got back he mentioned in one of our discussions about what he experienced, that about half of the insurgent enemies the killed and captured had Farsi language grave markers on them. Farsi is the main language of Iran and most of it's Muslims are Shia, the sect that believes in burial with marked graves.

Basically, during the time the USA had a military presence in Iraq and was fighting the insurgency, we were mostly fighting a proxy war with Iran.

I'm not sure why this was not made more public, but would guess one reason is if more of the USA citizens knew of this, there would be more pressure on the Federal Government to take direct and overt actions against Iran. Also Obama would not have such an easy time going cozy with Iran and giving them back the financial holdings that the West had impounded.

Proxies will be tied to their political progenitors now.

And Iran opened that door. Just like Harry Reid opened the door for Trump to be able to appoint 3 conservative SCOTUS Justices.

With regards to Iran, this is Game - Set and Match!

Proxies will be tied to their political progenitors now.

And Iran opened that door. Just like Harry Reid opened the door for Trump to be able to appoint 3 conservative SCOTUS Justices.

With regards to Iran, this is Game - Set and Match!

Right on.
My oldest son served as an infantryman with the First Cavalry Division during their TOD to Baghdad, April 2004 to April 2005.
This is when the relatively peaceful year of occupation after the fall of Saddam Husein had exploded into a growing and full blown insurrection.
He and his unit were in nearly daily firefights in their corner of Baghdad.

When he got back he mentioned in one of our discussions about what he experienced, that about half of the insurgent enemies the killed and captured had Farsi language grave markers on them. Farsi is the main language of Iran and most of it's Muslims are Shia, the sect that believes in burial with marked graves.

Basically, during the time the USA had a military presence in Iraq and was fighting the insurgency, we were mostly fighting a proxy war with Iran.

I'm not sure why this was not made more public, but would guess one reason is if more of the USA citizens knew of this, there would be more pressure on the Federal Government to take direct and overt actions against Iran. Also Obama would not have such an easy time going cozy with Iran and giving them back the financial holdings that the West had impounded.
It is why Soleimani was eliminated.. Your son is a hero - God bless.
Note: see some at MSM playing it naiive as if surprised and "not knowing" Iran has been attacking Israel for years, via its proxies "palestinian" or other Arabs.

Biden administration calls on Iran to release Israeli-linked cargo ship and crew ‘immediately’.

By Lauren Irwin - 04/13/24 1:39 PM ET.
Biden administration calls on Iran to release Israeli-linked cargo ship and crew ‘immediately’


Iran launches dozens of drones, cruise missiles at Israel.
Cabinet ministers summoned to military HQ in Tel Aviv; IDF confirms attack begins, warns GPS disruption possible; Israel closes its airspace as of midnight ; Biden due to speak from WH.
ynet correspondents, Agencies | 04.14.24

Iran began its planned attack on Israel late on Saturday with hundreds of drones and cruise missiles launched from Iran. The attack comes after the killing of a senior member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in a strike on Damascus that was attributed to Israel.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on Saturday he condemned Iran's "reckless" attack against Israel, which he said showed that it was "intent on sowing chaos in its own backyard".

"These strikes risk inflaming tensions and destabilizing the region. Iran has once again demonstrated that it is intent on sowing chaos in its own backyard," Sunak said in a statement. "The UK will continue to stand up for Israel's security and that of all our regional partners, including Jordan and Iraq."
Al Arabiya is reporting that some of the UAVs and missiles were shot down by U.S. military.
The IDF spokesperson confirmed cruise missiles and hundreds of drones were launched and said they would need between 2 to 5 hours to reach their target and a second wave is seen as possible.
Jordan's air defenses were ready to intercept and shoot down any Iranian drones or aircraft that violate its airspace, two regional security sources said. They said the army was also in a state of high alert and radar systems were monitoring drone activity.
Iranian television quoted the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) saying the attack which they have named "The Real Promise," has began. Earlier Supreme Leader Ali Khamene posted his speech threatening Israel on his account on X...
Reuters quoted two security sources in Iraq who said dozens of drones had been spotted flying from Iran toward Israel over Iraqi airspace in what Iranian Press TV called "extensive drone strikes" by the Revolutionary Guards.
Iranian missiles, drones attack Israel; sirens in Jerusalem and cities in the Negev, Galilee, West Bank


Video Shows Israeli Air Defense Intercepting Iran's Drones.
By Maura Zurick, Apr 13, 2024.
Hours after Iran launched drone attacks against Israel, live footage and videos shared on social media appear to show Israeli air defense...
Video shows Israeli air defense intercepting Iran's drones

Watch Iranian drones, missiles intercepted over Jerusalem, al Aqsa Mosque.
Sirens were activated in Jerusalem as well overnight, images of the intercept of the incoming missiles and drones were captured over Temple Mount
Liran Tamari | published: 04.14.24 |02:36
Watch Iranian drones, missiles intercepted over Jerusalem, al Aqsa Mosque

US intercepts Iranian drones targeting Israel.
By Brad Dress - 04/13/24 8:30 PM ET
US intercepts Iranian drones targeting Israel

Emily Schrader - אמילי שריידר امیلی شریدر

Saudi Arabia
are all shooting down Islamic republic (and proxy) suicide drones and missiles aimed at Israel, according to Al Arabiya.
Apr 13, 2024

Dr. Eli David
🚨 Breaking: British 🇬🇧, American 🇺🇲, Israeli 🇮🇱, Jordanian 🇯🇴, and Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 air forces are intercepting drones over Jordanian airspace right now.
Apr 14, 2024


Netanyahu convenes War Cabinet ahead of broader Security Cabinet session.
“The State of Israel is strong. The IDF is strong. The public is strong,” said the Israeli PM.

(April 13, 2024 / JNS)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday night decided to convene the War Cabinet and then the broader Security Cabinet.

The move comes after Iran dispatched dozens of unmanned aerial vehicles from its territory towards Israel, in a much-anticipated response to the April 1 killing of several IRGC officers in Syria.

The drones were expected to take several hours to reach their targets in the Jewish state.

“Citizens of Israel, in recent years, and especially in recent weeks, Israel has been preparing for a direct attack by Iran. Our defensive systems are deployed; we are ready for any scenario, both defensively and offensively,” said Netanyahu.

“The State of Israel is strong. The IDF is strong. The public is strong,” he added.
Netanyahu convenes War Cabinet ahead of broader Security Cabinet session


Trump: Tehran would not have attacked on my watch.
"This would NEVER have happened if I were President!" he wrote on Truth Social.

(April 13, 2024 / JNS)
Former U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday night that Iran’s attack on Israel would not have occurred if he were in the White House.
Trump: Tehran would not have attacked on my watch


Rishi Sunak condemns Iran’s ‘reckless’ drone attack and says UK stands with Israel
PM asserts that the strikes risk ‘destabilising’ the Middle East

Will Hazell, Political Correspondent.
13 April 2024 • 11:07pm

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the Israeli people
Rishi Sunak has condemned Iran’s “reckless” attack against Israel in the “strongest terms” and said Britain will “stand up for Israel’s security”.

The Prime Minister said that the strikes risked “destabilising” the Middle East and that the UK would work with its allies to “prevent further escalation”.

In a statement released on Saturday night, Mr Sunak said: “I condemn in the strongest terms the Iranian regime’s reckless attack against Israel.
Rishi Sunak condemns Iran’s ‘reckless’ drone attack and says UK stands with Israel


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemns Iran's attacks on Israel.
Nicole Thompson, The Canadian Press
Published Saturday, April 13, 2024 7:31PM EDT
Last Updated Saturday, April 13, 2024 10:24PM EDT
TORONTO - Canada "unequivocally condemns" Iran's attacks on Israel, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Saturday evening as tensions boiled over between the two countries and pushed the Middle East closer to a region-wide war.


France FM Condemns Iran Strikes On Israel As Threat To Stability.
By AFP - Agence France Presse
April 13, 2024
France's Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne on Saturday condemned Iran's drone strikes on Israel as a "new level" in the threat to security.

"France condemns with the greatest firmness the attack launched by Iran against Israel," he said on the platform X.
France FM Condemns Iran Strikes On Israel As Threat To Stability


Aviva Klompas @AvivaKlompas:
Chancellor of Austria: "I strongly condemn the Iranian attack on Israel. Austria stands by Israel and we call on Iran to immediately stop all hostilities".
Apr 14, 2024


Lars Løkke Rasmussen @larsloekke
Denmark strongly condemns Iran's announced attack on Israel. I urge everyone to show restraint and deescalate the situation.
April 14, 2024.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs 🇵🇱
Poland condemns in strongest terms the attacks launched by Iran on Israel. We urge Iran and its allies to exercise restraint and immediately cease hostilities.

Ensuring stability and peace in the region is paramount.
Apr 14, 2024


GermanForeignOffice @GermanyDiplo:
Iran has launched drones & missiles on Israel. We condemn the ongoing attack in the strongest possible terms, risking to plunge an entire region into chaos. Iran & its proxies must stop this immediately. In these hours, we stand firmly by Israel. @ABaerbock
Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock
Iran hat Drohnen & Raketen auf Israel abgeschossen. Wir verurteilen den laufenden Angriff, der eine ganze Region ins Chaos stürzen kann, aufs Allerschärfste. Iran & seine Proxies müssen diesen sofort einstellen. Israel gilt in diesen Stunden unsere ganze Solidarität.
Apr 14, 2024


EU’s Borrell calls Iran strikes on Israel an ‘unprecedented escalation’.
14 Apr 2024, 2:07 am
EU’s Borrell calls Iran strikes on Israel an ‘unprecedented escalation’


Rep. Duncan Condemns Iran’s Attempt to Annihilate Israel.
April 13, 2024
Press Release
Washington, D.C. — After Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, launched drone attacks against America’s greatest ally Israel, Congressman Jeff Duncan released the following statement:

“My heart and prayers are with Israel as they are violently attacked by cowards and terrorists,” said Congressman Jeff Duncan. “I have and will continue to call on President Joe Biden to give Israel a ‘green light’ to do whatever is necessary to protect their people, their homeland, and their very existence.”

My Israeli friends, stand strong and fight hard. Chazak v'amatz—be strong and courageous.”
Rep. Duncan Condemns Iran’s Attempt to Annihilate Israel


Iranian attack spurs bipartisan calls for swift U.S. action.
Andrew Solender, Apr 13, 2024.


Aviva Klompas @AvivaKlompas:
Appalling. This is Toronto, where a mob is cheering for Iran.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has just sent tens of drones toward Israel."

Apr 13, 2024


Biden condemns Iranian attack on Israel 'in strongest possible terms'
U.S. President Joe Biden condemned the Iranian attack in the strongest possible terms. "At my direction, to support the defense of Israel, the U.S. military moved aircraft and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region over the course of the past week," Biden said in a statement late Saturday. "Thanks to these deployments and the extraordinary skill of our servicemembers, we helped Israel take down nearly all of the incoming drones and missiles." (Associated Press).
published: 04.14.24 | 04:59
Biden condemns Iranian attack on Israel 'in strongest possible terms'


Iran claims success, TV shows month old Texas fire as aftermath.
Iranians celebrate attack on Israel after missiles, drones launched; celebrations also seen in Beirut's Shiite areas, stronghold of Iran proxy Hezbollah
published: 04.14.24 | 03:55
Iran claims success, TV shows month old Texas fire as aftermath


Lawmakers react to Iran’s drone attack on Israel.
By Filip Timotija - 04/13/24 10:32 PM ET


Israeli Iron Dome air defense system launches to intercept missiles fired from Iran, in central Israel, Sunday, April 14, 2024. Iran launched its first direct military attack against Israel on Saturday. The Israeli military says Iran fired more than 100 bomb-carrying drones toward Israel. Hours later, Iran announced it had also launched much more destructive…)

Iran launched a missiles and drone attack on Israel on Saturday, in retaliation for the alleged Israeli strike on the Iranian embassy that took out two senior Iranian officers.

The attack started late Saturday night local time in Israel. Israel has its Iron Dome air defense system on high alert, and American forces have reportedly intercepted several Iranian drones targeting Israel.

Several lawmakers and officials reacted to the Iranian attack, which is expected to target the Israeli government and military sites.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said that Israel is facing a “vicious” attack and the U.S. “must stand with its ally. Johnson accused President Biden’s administration of “undermining” Israel.

“As Israel faces this vicious attack from Iran, America must show our full resolve to stand with our critical ally,” Johnson’s office said on social media platform X. “The world must be assured: Israel is not alone.”

“I will continue to engage with the White House to insist upon a proper response. The Biden Administration’s undermining of Israel and appeasement of Iran have contributed to these terrible developments.”

Republican Sen. Marsa Blackburn called for the U.S. to retaliate against Iran.

“Iran has begun launching drone strikes on Israel,” Blackburn said on X. “@POTUS — we must move quickly and launch aggressive retaliatory strikes on Iran.”

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) announced the lower chamber would change schedule for next week to consider Israel legislation.

“In light of Iran’s unjustified attack on Israel, the House will move from its previously announced legislative schedule next week to instead consider legislation that supports our ally Israel and holds Iran and its terrorist proxies accountable,” Scalise posted on X.

“The House of Representatives stands strongly with Israel, and there must be consequences for this unprovoked attack,” he continued. “More details on the legislative items to be considered will be forthcoming.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), a longtime Israel ally who called for new elections in the country last month, said he “stands” with Israelis.

“As Israel is under attack from Iran, we stand with Israel and its people, and the United States will do everything we can to support Israel’s defense against Iran,” he said on X.

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) said the U.S. stands with Israel and that she will “continue” working to bring support for the country’s defense.

“The United States stands firmly with Israel and its right to defend itself against attacks from Iran and its terrorist proxies,” she said on X. “I will continue working in the Senate to deliver the support Israel needs to protect itself.”


UN’s Guterres condemns Iran attack, Israel calls for UNSC to take action
By Tovah Lazaroff. Published: April 14, 2024 05:21

I watched the light show over Israel last night as the drones were intercepted and shot down

The last report I saw mentioned one or two persons injured by falling debris but no one killed

This may not be the end but rather just the beginning of the path to Armageddon

Time will tell
Iran did not expect: these are the countries that sided with Israel against it.
The Iranian attack was widely condemned around the world, but the international response was not limited to talk - several countries participated tonight in defending against the unprecedented threat, including our neighbors.


Maariv online.
04/14/2024 07:40

A historic night passed over our country, when 331 missiles were fired at Israel from Iran, in the first ever direct confrontation between the two countries. On the one hand, not the history we would like to experience, on the other hand, the IDF's response to the unprecedented threat was impeccable, which is reflected in the fact that the incident ended with almost no casualties, except for a 10-year-old girl who was seriously injured by shrapnel, and with very little damage to property. Another positive aspect What can be taken from this night - the reaction of the world.Hundreds of UAVs and ballistic missiles: an unprecedented Iranian attack on Israel

The deterrence failed, the containment succeeded: Iran's attack makes it clear to everyone who is the head of theOnline.

Opinion Ma'ariv.

From the moment it became known that the Iranian attack had begun, it received widespread condemnation from all over the world, including harsh messages from France, Germany, Austria, Argentina and also from countries that have recently harshly criticized Israel on the background of the fighting in Gaza, such as Canada for example. But the international support was not only expressed in words, but also in actions.

First: the US Army cooperated closely and in full synergy with our forces, when most of the Iranian weapons did not reach Israel at all, due to the response of air defense systems and the US Air Force. In addition, British Army planes took to the air over the borders of Cyprus, and were ready to respond yes for any interception that stands in their way.Jordanian air defense systems also operated tonight, and intercepted dozens of threats, despite Iran's direct threats to our neighbor - that if it takes part in the defense, it will be considered an enemy. Saudi Arabia, which is considered a moderate Arab country in the region, expressed concern about the situation. Its neighbor on the other side - Egypt, was tonight on high alert with its air defense systems and air force.

Israel's Nazi terrorists deserve everything that comes their way after their cowardly attack on Damascus .

They provoked Iran. just as the Kyiv Nazis provoked Russia into defending Donbass just over two years ago .

I presume that Iran will sacrifice their cheap Drones to reduce the Nazi air defences and later attack with their big rockets and missiles .

With the Hooty Tooty Freedom Fighters tying up the Red Sea, Israel's economy will soon move from weak to grim .

World leaders collectively condemn Iran's 'reckless' attack against Israel: 'We support Israel'.
'No one wants to see more bloodshed,' Britain's prime minister said of the attacks.
By Sarah Rumpf-Whitten Fox News
Published April 14, 2024 12:19am EDT Updated April 14, 2024 12:20am EDT
World leaders collectively condemn Iran's 'reckless' attack against Israel: 'We support Israel'


Japan strongly condemns Iranian attack on Israel as "escalation".
By Reuters
April 14, 20247:36 AM
TOKYO, April 14 (Reuters) - Japan strongly condemned a retaliatory attack by Iran on Israel, calling it an escalation of events and saying it was deeply concerned at the situation, in a statement released by the foreign minister on Sunday.
"This attack is one that further worsens the current Middle East situation. We are deeply concerned and strongly condemn this sort of escalation," the statement said.


EU condemns Iran attack as 'grave threat to regional security.'
Sun, April 14, 2024.


Israeli military says France helped in defense against Iranian attack.
By Reuters.
04/14/2024 09:32 AM


Israel mulls response to Iranian attack amid fears of regional war.
The IDF and allied militaries intercepted 99% of the more than 300 drones and missiles fired by Tehran and its terror proxies.
Joshua Marks..
(April 14, 2024/ JNS)


Biden reportedly tells Netanyahu Israel should see self-defense as ‘win,’ US won’t join attack on Iran.
“No Joe Biden. The Iranian regime’s failure to do major damage with 350 missiles is not a ‘win’—9 million Israelis spent the night being terrorized,” said NGO Monitor founder Gerald Steinberg.
(April 14, 2024/ JNS)
Biden reportedly tells Netanyahu Israel should see self-defense as ‘win,’ US won’t join attack on Iran


US, UK, France and Jordan help Israel stop Iranian drones, missiles.
(April 14, 2024/ JNS)


Hamas: ‘Natural right’ of Iran to attack Israel.
(April 14, 2024/ JNS)


IDF jets strike in the Beqaa Valley deep in Lebanon - report.
By Jerusalem Post Staff
04/14/2024 11:07 AM


Palestinian women and children return to the northern Gaza Strip - report
By Jerusalem Post Staff
04/14/2024 11:09 AM


US will not hesitate to protect its forces and support Israel, Pentagon says.
By Hannah Sarisohn. Published: April 14, 2024 08:14
Updated: April 14, 2024 09:52


Real Palestinian 🇮🇱 @shim_rational:
The PalestiNazis are celebrating at the Temple Mount complex after learning about the launches towards Israel.

We should package them all and send them to Iran.
11:53 PM · Apr 13, 2024
Israel's Nazi terrorists deserve everything that comes their way after their cowardly attack on Damascus .

They provoked Iran. just as the Kyiv Nazis provoked Russia into defending Donbass just over two years ago .

I presume that Iran will sacrifice their cheap Drones to reduce the Nazi air defences and later attack with their big rockets and missiles .

With the Hooty Tooty Freedom Fighters tying up the Red Sea, Israel's economy will soon move from weak to grim .
I watched the light show over Israel last night as the drones were intercepted and shot down

The last report I saw mentioned one or two persons injured by falling debris but no one killed

This may not be the end but rather just the beginning of the path to Armageddon

Time will tell
Better make sure you have clean underwear on.
This is so typical Nazi Luiza sh#t racist OUTCAST Troll.

Hamas supporter in London says the quiet part out loud

“Hitler knew how to deal with these people"

It always has been pure Jew-hatred under the guise of anti-Zionism.

Watch more from @ThevoiceAlexa on the ground at

— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) November 11, 2023



Swastikas over Gaza


Nazi-Arab Palestine plot
Since WW2

Nazi Palestine

Outcast racist Luiza also likes to push conspiracy theories. As is users, posters don't post their own opinions individually.
Last edited:
Condemnations of Iran and extensive coverage: this is what the Iranian attack looks like in the world media.
Hundreds of drones and missiles were launched last night in the direction of Israel and the world did not remain indifferent to the unprecedented attack • Reuters reported that "the Iranians risk escalation after the US emphasized its support for Israel" • The leaders of the Western countries in unreserved support for Israel: "Iran's attack - irresponsible and irresponsible justified"
Assaf Rosenzweig |
N12 | Published 11:13 14.04.24

At the top of the headlines in the world: Iran's attack tonight (between Saturday and Sunday) against Israel is clearly making the headlines on all the major and important websites in the world. In all the websites it is emphasized: Iran attacked Israel with hundreds of missiles and UAVs. Along with the coverage, many of the leaders of the Western countries sided with Israel and strongly condemned the attacks.




Wesley Clark says ...

Zechariah 12

2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.

3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
Biden reportedly tells Netanyahu Israel should see self-defense as ‘win,’ US won’t join attack on Iran.
“No Joe Biden. The Iranian regime’s failure to do major damage with 350 missiles is not a ‘win’—9 million Israelis spent the night being terrorized,” said NGO Monitor founder Gerald Steinberg.
(April 14, 2024/ JNS)
Biden reportedly tells Netanyahu Israel should see self-defense as ‘win,’ US won’t join attack on Iran

i'm disappointed, Biden admin.
you lack the determination to grant your allies a blank cheque in their mid-term self-defense efforts.

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