
Gold Member
Mar 19, 2013
is there anyone here who has read the entire Bible from first word to last?

i have not, i find it hard to get past Genesis. i guess it is my analytical side, e.g. Gen.1:27 GOD created "male and female", then in Gen, 2:7 he recreated man, then woman.

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is there anyone here who has read the entire Bible from first word to last?

i have not, i find it hard to get past Genesis. i guess it is my analytical side, e.g. Gen.1:27 GOD created "male and female", then in Gen, 2:7 he recreated man, then woman.

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Jews believe a single person (Moses) wrote the first five books of the Bible. While scholars don't discount Moses as author, they do point out that there is evidence that more than one person had a hand in writing those first five books. For me, the latter makes more sense, and when we read more than one person's account of anything, we can easily identify differences on how people tell the same story.

We see this same thing happening when we read the four Gospel accounts. Each author tells the story in a slightly different way, from a slightly different perspective. We see this same thing happening in court when more than one witness describes the same event.

Another thing I keep in mind is that my grandmother's Catholic Bible reads differently from the Catholic Bible I read today. The reason for the edits is that language (not the Bible) has changed from my grandmother's day to the current day. Keep in mind that the Bible started out in the spoken word, was put into writing, edited, translated from Hebrew to Greek; then from Greek to English. Hebrew (like most Middle Eastern Languages) use objective pictures. One I remember is that if we trace the English word anger (which is a subjective word) back to the Hebrew, the literal translation would be "nostrils flared."

In short, the more I read the Bible, the more I realize how much I need to understand before reading the Bible! :) (It's worth it, though.)
is there anyone here who has read the entire Bible from first word to last?

i have not, i find it hard to get past Genesis. i guess it is my analytical side, e.g. Gen.1:27 GOD created "male and female", then in Gen, 2:7 he recreated man, then woman.

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Yes, I've done it three times and many sections more so. I had a whole buch of them, almost every version and study aids. They are all translations, some translations of translations, some more contemporary, some more literal and some more for easier reading. Languages don't translate literally to well in a target language. The authors try to make the meaning clear but some don't want to stray too far since they see it as holy words.

So don't get caught up to much on individual words and always crosscheck other translations for any important passages. I no longer believe because it doesn't really add up once you start looking at it objectively so I don't have any of the books anymore.
is there anyone here who has read the entire Bible from first word to last?

i have not, i find it hard to get past Genesis. i guess it is my analytical side, e.g. Gen.1:27 GOD created "male and female", then in Gen, 2:7 he recreated man, then woman.

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I've read it several times, even had to memorize it for Sunday school...and church..God created man and woman in his own image, proving that God has boobs....
is there anyone here who has read the entire Bible from first word to last?

i have not, i find it hard to get past Genesis. i guess it is my analytical side, e.g. Gen.1:27 GOD created "male and female", then in Gen, 2:7 he recreated man, then woman.

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Yes, I've done it three times and many sections more so. I had a whole buch of them, almost every version and study aids. They are all translations, some translations of translations, some more contemporary, some more literal and some more for easier reading. Languages don't translate literally to well in a target language. The authors try to make the meaning clear but some don't want to stray too far since they see it as holy words.

So don't get caught up to much on individual words and always crosscheck other translations for any important passages. I no longer believe because it doesn't really add up once you start looking at it objectively so I don't have any of the books anymore.
The compendium Bibles helped..
I have. Many times. It's worth the read. You get past the "begats" and it rocks. Now there are times when your hair is standing up on its end and you go whoa geeze they were stupid enough to go back to Baal?????????? Oh the big guy is gonna smoke you.

Its to die for. So many lessons. So many journeys in spirit.
Gen.1:27 GOD created "male and female", (at this point is when i started doing research, about 1986AD) then in Gen, 2:7 he recreated man, then woman.

this is where my research led me to, "The Apocrypha", "The Lost Books of The Bible" and "The Forgotten Books of Eden", thirty years, and i am still reading and studying.
Gen.1:27 GOD created "male and female", (at this point is when i started doing research, about 1986AD) then in Gen, 2:7 he recreated man, then woman.

this is where my research led me to, "The Apocrypha", "The Lost Books of The Bible" and "The Forgotten Books of Eden", thirty years, and i am still reading and studying.

HE made rainbows for a reason.
is there anyone here who has read the entire Bible from first word to last?

i have not, i find it hard to get past Genesis. i guess it is my analytical side, e.g. Gen.1:27 GOD created "male and female", then in Gen, 2:7 he recreated man, then woman.

comments ?

What is your question, other than if the Bible has been read cover to cover. I would say I have not sat down and read the Bible from cover to cover. I have although read the whole of the Bible over the course of my life. It is easier that way.

Now, do you have a question about creation?
Gen.1:27 GOD created "male and female", (at this point is when i started doing research, about 1986AD) then in Gen, 2:7 he recreated man, then woman.

this is where my research led me to, "The Apocrypha", "The Lost Books of The Bible" and "The Forgotten Books of Eden", thirty years, and i am still reading and studying.
There aren't any lost books. There were many books, some included, many not. The collection of books varied somewhat in different locales so when Constantine wanted to create a state religion he gather the bishops to hammer out a canon. It was a done deal at that point.

True, not everyone went along with the program and disputes arose with Arianites, Gnostics Donetians (SP?) and a host of others but as fortune would have it they were killed for not towing the line. But their apocrypha books weren't included in the first place.
1) need to remember Jews read right to left opposed to the rest reading left to right*.
(like you perceive a linear time line.*)
The Olam Habah is "World to come" not world that already existed (Christian and secular error not knowing Hebrew nor following tenses properly).
What this means is the paradise sits at the end where time becomes non linear due to technological advances, not at the beginning.
The message is from the future non linear reaching all time lines, thus Right to left.
Warnings and helpful path logically would come from that which knows (history that occured=knows) not from the chaos that needs order(still lost past).
2)now you can read Genesis knowing where the plural hosts are and the context.
Remember Genesis states the Hebrew God created order out of chaos
not out of nothing.
In the hosts begining (which is at the end) they created man in (PLURAL) THEIR IMAGE.
(the Hebrew word for image in Genesis means Essence Nature not physical image).

Then Lilith the first bride of Adam(man) was created. Later in Genesis Eve (the next bride after Lilith is cast away for seeking equal rights) is created out of Adam (man).
You guys mention the serpent, even Christians know that represented the false Prophet offering eternity if you merely aye of his teachings and believed in him.
Sound familiar?
This means:
man (Adam) was asked to partake of his second brides (Eve=the church) fruit (teachings) that she received from the false prophet (serpent) and from this mixing of good and evil doctrine as knowledge that mixed both helpful and harmful ideology mankind was no longer able to distinguish which concept and ideology was truly good or truly evil thus tainted it all by mixing it up.
Fact: the church used & mixed mythology of mithras that did walk the garden (ancient Persia) and they mixed paganism,Egyptian mysticsm, mystery religions and mixed it with Torah and transhumanism that is it's ethos.
Look at how they mixed death cultism beliefs if an underworld life in death but also teach resurrection as kingdom back into life. These are 2 opposing ideologies one which is good as it leads to building a better future world, the other evil for it forsakes this world causes chaos and leads people to covet instead of fear and despise death. It's also used to trick fools into dying for false promise of rewards in death.
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I read it all and found it fascinating. I'm not a believer so I don't see it as the word of a single deity. To me it is the history of civilization and watching it evolve while trying to separate the fact from the fiction was an entertaining and enlightening endeavor.

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