Reading Trumps tweet about the "progressives" in American government, I say this...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
If I, as a Canadian, left for America, I would embrace American Values and your system I wouldn't try to change it to become more like the shytehole I left. In particular if I was serving in government, who thinks otherwise?

So, if one stays in their shytehole, they should fight the good fight. Be they in Iceland, Japan, China, Canada or Timbucktwo. If they leave, then leave their bs behind.

Really, why would anyone leave their nation and try and make America a closer resemblance to what they left behind? It's insulting to everyone, especially Americans.

I wouldn't have stated it the way Trump did, but, he got his message across. Ruffling some feathers but also talking straight. There is too much at stake to just pretend that some in government are doing well for Americans when your border is being invaded and they are painting AMERICA as the bad guy. Wtf!?
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Does anyone outside the news cycle care about Trumps tweets? I could care less about what he rants on about. Tweets are asinine to begin with.
Does anyone outside the news cycle care about Trumps tweets? I could care less about what he rants on about. Tweets are asinine to begin with.

He controls the news cycle. That's his tactic and it works.

Tweets matter I suppose.
Really, why would anyone leave their nation and try and make America a closer resemblance to what they left behind? It's insulting to everyone, especially Americans.
That's a stupid,hamhanded statement. America can always be improved, and it depends on the idea on the table.
Does anyone outside the news cycle care about Trumps tweets? I could care less about what he rants on about. Tweets are asinine to begin with.

He controls the news cycle. That's his tactic and it works.

Tweets matter I suppose.
lol. Point taken.

They matter because the news thinks they do. I don't think the public gives a rats ass though. The wingers care only as much as it reinforces their bias and the rest of us don't even know what he tweets.
Really, why would anyone leave their nation and try and make America a closer resemblance to what they left behind? It's insulting to everyone, especially Americans.
That's a stupid,hamhanded statement. America can always be improved, and it depends on the idea on the table.
so why don't they attempt to improve the country they are leaving instead pf trying to screw this one up?
Really, why would anyone leave their nation and try and make America a closer resemblance to what they left behind? It's insulting to everyone, especially Americans.
That's a stupid,hamhanded statement. America can always be improved, and it depends on the idea on the table.

He didn't claim America couldn't be improved. I believe he was suggesting that a lot of folks don't wish to improve America, but wreak havoc instead.
Really, why would anyone leave their nation and try and make America a closer resemblance to what they left behind? It's insulting to everyone, especially Americans.
That's a stupid,hamhanded statement. America can always be improved, and it depends on the idea on the table.
so why don't they attempt to improve the country they are leaving instead pf trying to screw this one up?

Trump is already screwing up this country. He doesn't need any help.
Really, why would anyone leave their nation and try and make America a closer resemblance to what they left behind? It's insulting to everyone, especially Americans.
That's a stupid,hamhanded statement. America can always be improved, and it depends on the idea on the table.

Of course you can improve a nation, but not by using the same failed policies and ideals that have failed constantly. Communism. "The New Green Deal". I mean who really believes this cash grab BS?

People are literally telling ICE, DHS, and America, "you racists pieces of shyte won't allow a BILLION to walk across your country!? You are so inhumane!" Even as you are the #1 location for the worlds immigrants, HALF of the worlds immigrants head to America.

What' scary, is that some of these airheads who are most critical of government, are in your government, and have taken an oath to your citizens, yet, they offer free stuff for those illegally in your country while offering U.S citizens a smile.

There is no common sense, logic or reasoning. I don't buy the b.s that they are somehow morally superior to wish this. if they were, they would welcome them ALL to Cali and New York. They don't though, why? Why did some get angry when Trump was going to fly them to Cali?

Come on, let's cut through the semantics please. Instinctively we all know how this is going to end if the "progressives" get their way. Socialism. Open Borders. The end of your constitution and the American sovereignty.. How does anyone think the rest of the world will fair if America fails and China is free to do as they please?
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Really, why would anyone leave their nation and try and make America a closer resemblance to what they left behind? It's insulting to everyone, especially Americans.
That's a stupid,hamhanded statement. America can always be improved, and it depends on the idea on the table.
so why don't they attempt to improve the country they are leaving instead pf trying to screw this one up?

Trump is already screwing up this country. He doesn't need any help.
If having the best economy this nation has seen in decades is screwing up the country screw away Trump screw away
Really, why would anyone leave their nation and try and make America a closer resemblance to what they left behind? It's insulting to everyone, especially Americans.
That's a stupid,hamhanded statement. America can always be improved, and it depends on the idea on the table.

What do you think Trump's motto meant? Make America great again was exactly that; America can be improved.
Does anyone outside the news cycle care about Trumps tweets? I could care less about what he rants on about. Tweets are asinine to begin with.

Actually I think it's pretty brilliant.

The MSM reports what they want to report. They edit out things they don't want you to know about, and change things people have said.

For instance, Trump called all Mexicans rapists and thieves. No truth to that at all, but that's what the MSM and talking heads on comedy shows were saying, and people believed it. Trump gets on Twitter, and all eyes focus on him. He can tell the truth that way and absolutely nobody can stop him.

Bush took so much criticism, especially for the Iraq war, and he barley defended himself. Even if he did, the only one that would have reported it would have been Fox. When the media lied and said Trump called all white supremacists good people, he was able to draw enough attention to put that lie to rest. GW would have sat back in the Oval Office in silence.
If I, as a Canadian, left for America, I would embrace American Values and your system I wouldn't try to change it to become more like the shytehole I left. In particular if I was serving in government, who thinks otherwise?

So, if one stays in their shytehole, they should fight the good fight. Be they in Iceland, Japan, China, Canada or Timbucktwo. If they leave, then leave their bs behind.

Really, why would anyone leave their nation and try and make America a closer resemblance to what they left behind? It's insulting to everyone, especially Americans.

I wouldn't have stated it the way Trump did, but, he got his message across. Ruffling some feathers but also talking straight. There is too much at stake to just pretend that some in government are doing well for Americans when your border is being invaded and they are painting AMERICA as the bad guy. Wtf!?

That's the problem we have been trying to inform people about. These people are not going to change. Hell, in fact, we are being forced into becoming a bilingual country simply because these southerners are too lazy to learn our language. Now, you have to press numbers on your phone to speak the language of your country. Most of our signs are in Spanish/ English. They even forced us to have different ballots for foreigners to understand what they are voting on.

That didn't happen during the European movement. People back then did leave everything behind to become Americans. Yes, they spoke their native tongue in their little communities. But outside of those communities, they conveyed everything in English. And mind you, during the 60's, it was not easy to learn a language as it is today. Today, you have the internet, tons of CD's you can buy to learn a new language, even take classes over the computer if you are working and don't have time to study.

These people from south America are coming here to change our country. It's a huge problem we are trying to control.
Really, why would anyone leave their nation and try and make America a closer resemblance to what they left behind? It's insulting to everyone, especially Americans.
That's a stupid,hamhanded statement. America can always be improved, and it depends on the idea on the table.

Of course you can improve a nation, but not by using the same failed policies and ideals that have failed constantly. Communism. "The New Green Deal". I mean who really believes this cash grab BS?

People are literally telling ICE, DHS, and America, "you racists pieces of shyte won't allow a BILLION to walk across your country!? You are so inhumane!" Even as you are the #1 location for the worlds immigrants, HALF of the worlds immigrants head to America.

What' scary, is that some of these airheads who are most critical of government, are in your government, and have taken an oath to your citizens, yet, they offer free stuff for those illegally in your country while offering U.S citizens a smile.

There is no common sense, logic or reasoning. I don't buy the b.s that they are somehow morally superior to wish this. if they were, they would welcome them ALL to Cali and New York. They don't though, why? Why did some get angry when Trump was going to fly them to Cali?

Come on, let's cut through the semantics please. Instinctively we all know how this is going to end if the "progressives" get their way. Socialism. Open Borders. The end of your constitution and the American sovereignty.. How does anyone think the rest of the world will fair if America fails and China is free to do as they please?

The fact is that pure capitalism is equally bad yet that is wat trump and the Republican Party support. Trump constantly favors big business over the average American.

The fact is that voters oppose Trump's immigration and border policies. The fact is that women and children are no threat to America. This is coming about because of America's appetite for drugs. This is what fuels the drug cartels. Maybe instead of going after women and children, we should go after the drug cartels and make it hard for them to move their money around. You are indeed inhumane. I wonder hhow many Cristians went to chhurch and heard about the parable of the Good Semaritan.

You have no commonsense, loggic or commonsense since you support hate mongers like Trump. The fact is that policy should not be used to get even with your enemies. That was done in cutting deductions on state and local taxes. Obama had the problem and he sent them to red states and blue states. Why don't we conduct all foreign policy that way. States that don't want to pay for war do not have to pay taxes.

We know how this is going to end if Trump gets his way. We lose our moral compass and once that happens, we might as well destroy the country. That is what you want to do.
Does anyone outside the news cycle care about Trumps tweets? I could care less about what he rants on about. Tweets are asinine to begin with.

Actually I think it's pretty brilliant.

The MSM reports what they want to report. They edit out things they don't want you to know about, and change things people have said.

For instance, Trump called all Mexicans rapists and thieves. No truth to that at all, but that's what the MSM and talking heads on comedy shows were saying, and people believed it. Trump gets on Twitter, and all eyes focus on him. He can tell the truth that way and absolutely nobody can stop him.

Bush took so much criticism, especially for the Iraq war, and he barley defended himself. Even if he did, the only one that would have reported it would have been Fox. When the media lied and said Trump called all white supremacists good people, he was able to draw enough attention to put that lie to rest. GW would have sat back in the Oval Office in silence.

You would think that. It shows what a idiot you are. One of the reasons Trump's negatives are so high is his tweets. All he does is whine and personally attack people on twitter.

Trump did try to imply that both sides were at fault in Charlottesville when it was one side that incited the violence. The white supremacists, fascists and neo-nazis. If anyone was rallying with them then they are not good people. Trump did not tell the truth and a majority of voters thought e did not give a strong enough of a condemnation of the white supremacists, neo-nazis and fascists that started the violence.

You are right that Bush did not defend himself strongly enough but Trump does more damage to himself as much as Bush did by not speaking out.
If I, as a Canadian, left for America, I would embrace American Values and your system I wouldn't try to change it to become more like the shytehole I left. In particular if I was serving in government, who thinks otherwise?

So, if one stays in their shytehole, they should fight the good fight. Be they in Iceland, Japan, China, Canada or Timbucktwo. If they leave, then leave their bs behind.

Really, why would anyone leave their nation and try and make America a closer resemblance to what they left behind? It's insulting to everyone, especially Americans.

I wouldn't have stated it the way Trump did, but, he got his message across. Ruffling some feathers but also talking straight. There is too much at stake to just pretend that some in government are doing well for Americans when your border is being invaded and they are painting AMERICA as the bad guy. Wtf!?

Impressive that someone in another country gets that yet so many here do not.
Does anyone outside the news cycle care about Trumps tweets? I could care less about what he rants on about. Tweets are asinine to begin with.

Actually I think it's pretty brilliant.

The MSM reports what they want to report. They edit out things they don't want you to know about, and change things people have said.

For instance, Trump called all Mexicans rapists and thieves. No truth to that at all, but that's what the MSM and talking heads on comedy shows were saying, and people believed it. Trump gets on Twitter, and all eyes focus on him. He can tell the truth that way and absolutely nobody can stop him.

Bush took so much criticism, especially for the Iraq war, and he barley defended himself. Even if he did, the only one that would have reported it would have been Fox. When the media lied and said Trump called all white supremacists good people, he was able to draw enough attention to put that lie to rest. GW would have sat back in the Oval Office in silence.

You would think that. It shows what a idiot you are. One of the reasons Trump's negatives are so high is his tweets. All he does is whine and personally attack people on twitter.

Trump did try to imply that both sides were at fault in Charlottesville when it was one side that incited the violence. The white supremacists, fascists and neo-nazis. If anyone was rallying with them then they are not good people. Trump did not tell the truth and a majority of voters thought e did not give a strong enough of a condemnation of the white supremacists, neo-nazis and fascists that started the violence.

You are right that Bush did not defend himself strongly enough but Trump does more damage to himself as much as Bush did by not speaking out.

There was a show named after you that was on many years ago. It was called Lost In Space.

First off, the people holding the rally had a permit from the city. It was intended as a peaceful rally. Nobody else was invited. Secondly, it wasn't until the terrorist group ANTIFA showed up when all the trouble started, just like they start trouble everywhere they go.

The reason Trump's numbers are so low is, polls can't be trusted as we seen the last presidential election. They are not designed to tell you what people think, they are designed to try and tell you what to think.

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily

The media knows they control people with weak minds. If they did a story that Trump was found to be from another planet, probably about 30% of the libs would believe it to a tee.
Really, why would anyone leave their nation and try and make America a closer resemblance to what they left behind? It's insulting to everyone, especially Americans.
That's a stupid,hamhanded statement. America can always be improved, and it depends on the idea on the table.
so why don't they attempt to improve the country they are leaving instead pf trying to screw this one up?

Trump is already screwing up this country. He doesn't need any help.
If having the best economy this nation has seen in decades is screwing up the country screw away Trump screw away
So, the economy is everything. Fuck the environment, fuck the deficit, fuck our farmers, fuck our Allies, fuck children at the border, fuck the lying, fuck the abuse of women, fuck the bigotry & racism.

Trump borrows 1,5 trillion to pump up the economy, And here we are in this so called great nd our deficits are skyrocketing.

And dumbass you thinks everything is great.
Does anyone outside the news cycle care about Trumps tweets? I could care less about what he rants on about. Tweets are asinine to begin with.

Actually I think it's pretty brilliant.

The MSM reports what they want to report. They edit out things they don't want you to know about, and change things people have said.

For instance, Trump called all Mexicans rapists and thieves. No truth to that at all, but that's what the MSM and talking heads on comedy shows were saying, and people believed it. Trump gets on Twitter, and all eyes focus on him. He can tell the truth that way and absolutely nobody can stop him.

Bush took so much criticism, especially for the Iraq war, and he barley defended himself. Even if he did, the only one that would have reported it would have been Fox. When the media lied and said Trump called all white supremacists good people, he was able to draw enough attention to put that lie to rest. GW would have sat back in the Oval Office in silence.

You would think that. It shows what a idiot you are. One of the reasons Trump's negatives are so high is his tweets. All he does is whine and personally attack people on twitter.

Trump did try to imply that both sides were at fault in Charlottesville when it was one side that incited the violence. The white supremacists, fascists and neo-nazis. If anyone was rallying with them then they are not good people. Trump did not tell the truth and a majority of voters thought e did not give a strong enough of a condemnation of the white supremacists, neo-nazis and fascists that started the violence.

You are right that Bush did not defend himself strongly enough but Trump does more damage to himself as much as Bush did by not speaking out.

There was a show named after you that was on many years ago. It was called Lost In Space.

First off, the people holding the rally had a permit from the city. It was intended as a peaceful rally. Nobody else was invited. Secondly, it wasn't until the terrorist group ANTIFA showed up when all the trouble started, just like they start trouble everywhere they go.

The reason Trump's numbers are so low is, polls can't be trusted as we seen the last presidential election. They are not designed to tell you what people think, they are designed to try and tell you what to think.

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily

The media knows they control people with weak minds. If they did a story that Trump was found to be from another planet, probably about 30% of the libs would believe it to a tee.

92% of the shit Trump does is negartive,.

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