Ready for yet another Stormy Daniels' tidbit?

If had sex with that hooker, which I didn't, I would be pretty insulted if she gave me a refund. I am the greatest lover who ever lived. The best, believe me. I have the best sex.

That's how you know, folks. That's how you know I didn't fuck her. If I had, SHE would be paying ME!

And when I take her to court, she will be paying me. Millions. Millions and millions. Believe me.
If had sex with that hooker, which I didn't, I would be pretty insulted if she gave me a refund. I am the greatest lover who ever lived. The best, believe me. I have the best sex.

That's how you know, folks. That's how you know I didn't fuck her. If I had, SHE would be paying ME!

And when I take her to court, she will be paying me. Millions. Millions and millions. Believe me.

Stormy D aint a hooker .. if youve watched any of her movies she would probably give Trump back his $$$ x 100 if he didnt stroke out before the finish line.
If had sex with that hooker, which I didn't, I would be pretty insulted if she gave me a refund. I am the greatest lover who ever lived. The best, believe me. I have the best sex.

That's how you know, folks. That's how you know I didn't fuck her. If I had, SHE would be paying ME!

And when I take her to court, she will be paying me. Millions. Millions and millions. Believe me.

Stormy D aint a hooker .. if youve watched any of her movies she would probably give Trump back his $$$ x 100 if he didnt stroke out before the finish line.

Whomever he slept with is no concern of mine, as long as he keeps making my country great again.
Ready for yet another Stormy Daniels' tidbit?
Unless it's material to some sort of federal or state potentially criminal activity, no, not really.

In my mind, Daniels herself any wrongs she may have suffered or that she may continue to suffer are eclipsed by the federal election violations that may have been part and parcel to the NDA she signed and the manner by which that NDA and its terms were executed.

Daniels and Trump having a tryst or two (or however many) just isn't something that interests me. That probably interests Melania Trump (perhaps even Barron and the other Trumps), as well it should. I know what I'd do were I to learn that my spouse cheated on me, but that is what I'd do. Melania and Donald may feel differently, and if they do, that's their business.

Now, as someone who utterly detests Donald Trump I would detest him regardless of whether he's POTUS. Before Trump announced his candidacy, I'd on rare occasion heard bits and pieces of scuttlebutt about him -- none of it good -- "over the garden fence," as some might say, but because I didn't have occasion to interact with Trump, and because some of it seemed so preposterous that it was hard to believe a person from Trumps background would behave that way, I didn't put much stock in those remarks; thus I was quite content to give the guy a chance when I first heard about his likely running for POTUS. Then Trump announced his candidacy for POTUS, started speaking for himself, and corroborated the character picture I'd been given of him. I thought "OMFG! They weren't kidding! That guy is every bit the cad people have said he is."

Having said that, I would absolutely enjoy seeing Melania divorce Trump while he's POTUS. Trump loves being the first to do things, and that'd be yet another first he can claim, and, IMO, it's one he deserves.
Pretty hard on Barron, though.
Perhaps. I wonder how involved his relationship with Donald is. I seem to recall that in the first months of Trump's presidency, he was going to Mar-a-Lago on the weekends, not Manhattan to be with his wife and son. I don't recall hearing that they joined him in FL on the weekends.

I went to boarding school and about the last thing I'd have wanted to do every weekend would have been to leave school to be with my folks. Not because I didn't care for my folks, but because my life, my friends, were at school where I lived. My kids went to boarding school too. I visited them plenty -- to see them compete in sports competitions (that is actually somewhat hard to do as a working parent because boarding schools schedule games without any regard for what might be parents' schedules, as well they can and should), just to see how they were doing, to make sure they knew I wasn't going to let distance be a reason for us not to be close as a family, and, of course, to know how they were maturing, both for their sake and for my own aggrandisement and satisfaction -- but at Barron's age, they too would have felt leaving school was more a punishment than anything else.
It takes a never ending stream of fake news to get the snowflakes through 8 years of Trump! You gotta give them a lot of latitude in dealing with their Trump Derangement Syndrome. That's the main function of NBC and CBS these days, keep some sort of trash story on the front pages or in their news or at least on Saturday Night Live or 60 Minutes so that their base is under the impression that Mueller and the Left are making progress against him uncovering some big story about to blow up in Trump's face any day now! But I saw Trump live close up and personal just the other day, and believe me, none of this crap worries him one bit. It's all just a show to keep the Leftard's heads from exploding.

LAME retort......but you knew that already, didn't you?
Sooo...if she took the money then that means she agreed to keep her mouth shut.

Now she has to prove she was “coerced” into taking the money.

No one is going to believe the whore no matter what her story is, except the leftwing loons she is selling her story to.

It’s funny that Dems are all in with this story, apparently now it’s their best chance to finally “get” Donald Trump.

Odd that none of Trump's layers are saying "it didn't happen". I wonder why.
If had sex with that hooker, which I didn't, I would be pretty insulted if she gave me a refund. I am the greatest lover who ever lived. The best, believe me. I have the best sex.

That's how you know, folks. That's how you know I didn't fuck her. If I had, SHE would be paying ME!

And when I take her to court, she will be paying me. Millions. Millions and millions. Believe me.

Stormy D aint a hooker .. if youve watched any of her movies she would probably give Trump back his $$$ x 100 if he didnt stroke out before the finish line.

Whomever he slept with is no concern of mine, as long as he keeps making my country great again.

yup, I could care less what he does with young girls -but I do care about his sorry old ass making Russia Great Again.
Ready for yet another Stormy Daniels' tidbit?

It takes a never ending stream of fake news to get the snowflakes through 8 years of Trump! You gotta give them a lot of latitude in dealing with their Trump Derangement Syndrome. That's the main function of NBC and CBS these days, keep some sort of trash story on the front pages or in their news or at least on Saturday Night Live or 60 Minutes so that their base is under the impression that Mueller and the Left are making progress against him uncovering some big story about to blow up in Trump's face any day now! But I saw Trump live close up and personal just the other day, and believe me, none of this crap worries him one bit. It's all just a show to keep the Leftard's heads from exploding.

Not sure how this is related to the credibility of Mueller investigation. You heard something that nobody else knows?
Yep I don't think to consider means they have decided either way....but really? who cares? No one I know has ever thought Trump was a beacon of morality in marriage.

One of more time for the REALLY dense Trump ass lickers (you, obviously)

The issue is NOT Trump's immorality.....No once really cares a hell of a lot about the fat fuck having to pay for sex............The issue is "HUSH MONEY"........and any possible breaches to campaign finance laws.......

Mull that over
Whatever gets you through the day. You know there's big beautiful world out there. You don't have to stay in that dank basement scouring the internet for the latest anti Trump tidbits.

Correct. His crap is known everywhere.
Yep I don't think to consider means they have decided either way....but really? who cares? No one I know has ever thought Trump was a beacon of morality in marriage.

One of more time for the REALLY dense Trump ass lickers (you, obviously)

The issue is NOT Trump's immorality.....No once really cares a hell of a lot about the fat fuck having to pay for sex............The issue is "HUSH MONEY"........and any possible breaches to campaign finance laws.......

Mull that over

aka - breaking federal law
One of more time for the REALLY dense Trump ass lickers (you, obviously)

The issue is NOT Trump's immorality.....No once really cares a hell of a lot about the fat fuck having to pay for sex............The issue is "HUSH MONEY"........and any possible breaches to campaign finance laws.......

Mull that over
You act like it's the first time anyone was paid to keep quiet...what did we just find out about congress? all of that tax payer hush money paid to abuse victims during Obama's 8 year reign of go rain on someones else's parade we don't give a hoot...
Besides it was the attorney's money try and prove it wasn't...Buuuaaaahahaha!

Oh just one more question......what happened to Russia collusion?

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