Ready for yet another Stormy Daniels' tidbit?

I suspect Trump did get it on with Stormy. I don't care. I suspect Bill Clinton probably got some porn star loving after he left office, probably with some of the porn stars he had a photo op with. I don't care. I suspect Hillary is an enabler for Bill Clinton's sexual adventures. To be consistent, Melania Trump is probably an enabler for Donald Trump's sexual adventures. There is a long history of presidents cheating on their wives, both democrat and republican.
Sooo...if she took the money then that means she agreed to keep her mouth shut.

Now she has to prove she was “coerced” into taking the money.

No one is going to believe the whore no matter what her story is, except the leftwing loons she is selling her story to.

It’s funny that Dems are all in with this story, apparently now it’s their best chance to finally “get” Donald Trump.
You seem to be conflicted or in denial. You say that no one will believe her and also that it's our best chance to get him in the same breath.

Yes. That’s just how delusional you regressives are.
Ready for yet another Stormy Daniels' tidbit?

It takes a never ending stream of fake news to get the snowflakes through 8 years of Trump! You gotta give them a lot of latitude in dealing with their Trump Derangement Syndrome. That's the main function of NBC and CBS these days, keep some sort of trash story on the front pages or in their news or at least on Saturday Night Live or 60 Minutes so that their base is under the impression that Mueller and the Left are making progress against him uncovering some big story about to blow up in Trump's face any day now! But I saw Trump live close up and personal just the other day, and believe me, none of this crap worries him one bit. It's all just a show to keep the Leftard's heads from exploding.

Really? Remember this from a few days ago:

Trump Falsely Claims He Won In Arbitration And Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Just Shut Him Down (VIDEO)

This case has already been won in arbitration, and anything beyond that I would refer you to the president’s outside counsel,” Sanders added. And that’s kind of weird because Sanders just accidentally admitted to a deal between Daniels and Trump just after claiming it’s not true. If Trump is not a party to arbitration then he can’t possibly have won in arbitration with the pornstar who was (allegedly) his fuck buddy from the summer 2006 “well into the year 2007,” according to the suit.

He is up to his eyeballs in alligators!
Sooo...if she took the money then that means she agreed to keep her mouth shut.

Now she has to prove she was “coerced” into taking the money.

No one is going to believe the whore no matter what her story is, except the leftwing loons she is selling her story to.

It’s funny that Dems are all in with this story, apparently now it’s their best chance to finally “get” Donald Trump.

did Trump sign the agreement ? Did anyone sign the agreement?

1) if its not signed there IS NO CONTRACT

2) if it is signed there is the proof needed for a Grand Jury subpoena

bada bing BADA FUCKIN' BOOM !!!
Whatever gets you through the day. You know there's big beautiful world out there. You don't have to stay in that dank basement scouring the internet for the latest anti Trump tidbits.
"60 Minutes" has always been left wing News.
It's not reliable.
It's just Democrat hate mongering.
Whatever gets you through the day. You know there's big beautiful world out there. You don't have to stay in that dank basement scouring the internet for the latest anti Trump tidbits.


Trump Lawyers Are Considering
Yep I don't think to consider means they have decided either way....but really? who cares? No one I know has ever thought Trump was a beacon of morality in marriage...
I wonder how it must feel to keep tossing crap against the wall just to see it not stick over and over again....

To consider....

  1. think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.
    "each application is considered on its merits"
    synonyms: think about, contemplate, reflect on, examine, review; More
    • think about and be drawn toward (a course of action).
      "he had considered giving up his job"
    • regard (someone or something) as having a specified quality.
      "I consider him irresponsible"
      synonyms: deem, think, believe, judge, adjudge, rate, count, find;
I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing the left chase every glimmer of hope they’re fed by the MSM. It’s funnier than watching a dog chasing it’s tail.

Remember when Madcow spent a week building up their hopes about his tax returns? :laugh:
Ask yourself WHY this injunction may be important to Trump........("Fake news" retorts........LOL)

Trump Lawyers Are Considering A Challenge To Stop "60 Minutes" From Airing A Stormy Daniels Interview

Lawyers associated with President Donald Trump are considering legal action to stop 60 Minutes from airing an interview with Stephanie Clifford, the adult film performer and director who goes by Stormy Daniels, BuzzFeed News has learned.

“We understand from well-placed sources they are preparing to file for a legal injunction to prevent it from airing,” a person informed of the preparations told BuzzFeed News on Saturday evening.

It was not immediately clear what legal argument the lawyers would be making to support the considered litigation, and Trump and his legal team often have threatened litigation without following through on those threats in the past.

Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney who previously was a longtime lawyer for the Trump Organization, directed questions about the possibility of litigation to Larry Rosen, who Cohen told BuzzFeed News is “my attorney handling this matter.” Rosen — a partner in the firm LaRocca, Hornik, Rosen, Greenberg & Blaha — acknowledged his role in the matter generally but did not comment directly on the possibility of seeking an injunction.

BuzzFeed News has learned that CBS plans to air the 60 Minutes interview with Clifford next Sunday, March 18..
.............An action to try to prevent the interview from airing would be the latest in a flurry of developments in a case that began just before the 2016 election when Cohen paid Clifford $130,000 in return for her silence about a sexual relationship she allegedly had with Trump in 2006.

Trump Lawyers Are Considering A Challenge To Stop "60 Minutes" From Airing A Stormy Daniels Interview
So do you think she's going to "talk" and let the chips fall where they may, or do you think she's just going on to chat about her newest movie?
Ask yourself WHY this injunction may be important to Trump........("Fake news" retorts........LOL)

Trump Lawyers Are Considering A Challenge To Stop "60 Minutes" From Airing A Stormy Daniels Interview

Lawyers associated with President Donald Trump are considering legal action to stop 60 Minutes from airing an interview with Stephanie Clifford, the adult film performer and director who goes by Stormy Daniels, BuzzFeed News has learned.

“We understand from well-placed sources they are preparing to file for a legal injunction to prevent it from airing,” a person informed of the preparations told BuzzFeed News on Saturday evening.

It was not immediately clear what legal argument the lawyers would be making to support the considered litigation, and Trump and his legal team often have threatened litigation without following through on those threats in the past.

Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney who previously was a longtime lawyer for the Trump Organization, directed questions about the possibility of litigation to Larry Rosen, who Cohen told BuzzFeed News is “my attorney handling this matter.” Rosen — a partner in the firm LaRocca, Hornik, Rosen, Greenberg & Blaha — acknowledged his role in the matter generally but did not comment directly on the possibility of seeking an injunction.

BuzzFeed News has learned that CBS plans to air the 60 Minutes interview with Clifford next Sunday, March 18...............An action to try to prevent the interview from airing would be the latest in a flurry of developments in a case that began just before the 2016 election when Cohen paid Clifford $130,000 in return for her silence about a sexual relationship she allegedly had with Trump in 2006.

Trump Lawyers Are Considering A Challenge To Stop "60 Minutes" From Airing A Stormy Daniels Interview

Good news! Thank you! I'm sure CBS has better lawyers than Trump.
people's court has better lawyers than Trump

they should have kept Betsy off this week
Ready for yet another Stormy Daniels' tidbit?
Unless it's material to some sort of federal or state potentially criminal activity, no, not really.

In my mind, Daniels herself any wrongs she may have suffered or that she may continue to suffer are eclipsed by the federal election violations that may have been part and parcel to the NDA she signed and the manner by which that NDA and its terms were executed.

Daniels and Trump having a tryst or two (or however many) just isn't something that interests me. That probably interests Melania Trump (perhaps even Barron and the other Trumps), as well it should. I know what I'd do were I to learn that my spouse cheated on me, but that is what I'd do. Melania and Donald may feel differently, and if they do, that's their business.

Now, as someone who utterly detests Donald Trump I would detest him regardless of whether he's POTUS. Before Trump announced his candidacy, I'd on rare occasion heard bits and pieces of scuttlebutt about him -- none of it good -- "over the garden fence," as some might say, but because I didn't have occasion to interact with Trump, and because some of it seemed so preposterous that it was hard to believe a person from Trumps background would behave that way, I didn't put much stock in those remarks; thus I was quite content to give the guy a chance when I first heard about his likely running for POTUS. Then Trump announced his candidacy for POTUS, started speaking for himself, and corroborated the character picture I'd been given of him. I thought "OMFG! They weren't kidding! That guy is every bit the cad people have said he is."

Having said that, I would absolutely enjoy seeing Melania divorce Trump while he's POTUS. Trump loves being the first to do things, and that'd be yet another first he can claim, and, IMO, it's one he deserves.
Pretty hard on Barron, though.
Ask yourself WHY this injunction may be important to Trump........("Fake news" retorts........LOL)

Trump Lawyers Are Considering A Challenge To Stop "60 Minutes" From Airing A Stormy Daniels Interview

Lawyers associated with President Donald Trump are considering legal action to stop 60 Minutes from airing an interview with Stephanie Clifford, the adult film performer and director who goes by Stormy Daniels, BuzzFeed News has learned.

“We understand from well-placed sources they are preparing to file for a legal injunction to prevent it from airing,” a person informed of the preparations told BuzzFeed News on Saturday evening.

It was not immediately clear what legal argument the lawyers would be making to support the considered litigation, and Trump and his legal team often have threatened litigation without following through on those threats in the past.

Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney who previously was a longtime lawyer for the Trump Organization, directed questions about the possibility of litigation to Larry Rosen, who Cohen told BuzzFeed News is “my attorney handling this matter.” Rosen — a partner in the firm LaRocca, Hornik, Rosen, Greenberg & Blaha — acknowledged his role in the matter generally but did not comment directly on the possibility of seeking an injunction.

BuzzFeed News has learned that CBS plans to air the 60 Minutes interview with Clifford next Sunday, March 18..
.............An action to try to prevent the interview from airing would be the latest in a flurry of developments in a case that began just before the 2016 election when Cohen paid Clifford $130,000 in return for her silence about a sexual relationship she allegedly had with Trump in 2006.

Trump Lawyers Are Considering A Challenge To Stop "60 Minutes" From Airing A Stormy Daniels Interview
am I ready for yet another Stormy Daniels, (we're grasping at straws), thread?

not really.
Ask yourself WHY this injunction may be important to Trump........("Fake news" retorts........LOL)

Trump Lawyers Are Considering A Challenge To Stop "60 Minutes" From Airing A Stormy Daniels Interview

Lawyers associated with President Donald Trump are considering legal action to stop 60 Minutes from airing an interview with Stephanie Clifford, the adult film performer and director who goes by Stormy Daniels, BuzzFeed News has learned.

“We understand from well-placed sources they are preparing to file for a legal injunction to prevent it from airing,” a person informed of the preparations told BuzzFeed News on Saturday evening.

It was not immediately clear what legal argument the lawyers would be making to support the considered litigation, and Trump and his legal team often have threatened litigation without following through on those threats in the past.

Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney who previously was a longtime lawyer for the Trump Organization, directed questions about the possibility of litigation to Larry Rosen, who Cohen told BuzzFeed News is “my attorney handling this matter.” Rosen — a partner in the firm LaRocca, Hornik, Rosen, Greenberg & Blaha — acknowledged his role in the matter generally but did not comment directly on the possibility of seeking an injunction.

BuzzFeed News has learned that CBS plans to air the 60 Minutes interview with Clifford next Sunday, March 18..
.............An action to try to prevent the interview from airing would be the latest in a flurry of developments in a case that began just before the 2016 election when Cohen paid Clifford $130,000 in return for her silence about a sexual relationship she allegedly had with Trump in 2006.

Trump Lawyers Are Considering A Challenge To Stop "60 Minutes" From Airing A Stormy Daniels Interview
am I ready for yet another Stormy Daniels, (we're grasping at straws), thread?

But you might have been all for republicans raking Clinton over the coals
not really.
Ask yourself WHY this injunction may be important to Trump........("Fake news" retorts........LOL)

Trump Lawyers Are Considering A Challenge To Stop "60 Minutes" From Airing A Stormy Daniels Interview

Lawyers associated with President Donald Trump are considering legal action to stop 60 Minutes from airing an interview with Stephanie Clifford, the adult film performer and director who goes by Stormy Daniels, BuzzFeed News has learned.

“We understand from well-placed sources they are preparing to file for a legal injunction to prevent it from airing,” a person informed of the preparations told BuzzFeed News on Saturday evening.

It was not immediately clear what legal argument the lawyers would be making to support the considered litigation, and Trump and his legal team often have threatened litigation without following through on those threats in the past.

Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney who previously was a longtime lawyer for the Trump Organization, directed questions about the possibility of litigation to Larry Rosen, who Cohen told BuzzFeed News is “my attorney handling this matter.” Rosen — a partner in the firm LaRocca, Hornik, Rosen, Greenberg & Blaha — acknowledged his role in the matter generally but did not comment directly on the possibility of seeking an injunction.

BuzzFeed News has learned that CBS plans to air the 60 Minutes interview with Clifford next Sunday, March 18..
.............An action to try to prevent the interview from airing would be the latest in a flurry of developments in a case that began just before the 2016 election when Cohen paid Clifford $130,000 in return for her silence about a sexual relationship she allegedly had with Trump in 2006.

Trump Lawyers Are Considering A Challenge To Stop "60 Minutes" From Airing A Stormy Daniels Interview
So do you think she's going to "talk" and let the chips fall where they may, or do you think she's just going on to chat about her newest movie?

chat wont be in her next movie ... or clothes !
Ask yourself WHY this injunction may be important to Trump........("Fake news" retorts........LOL)

Trump Lawyers Are Considering A Challenge To Stop "60 Minutes" From Airing A Stormy Daniels Interview

Lawyers associated with President Donald Trump are considering legal action to stop 60 Minutes from airing an interview with Stephanie Clifford, the adult film performer and director who goes by Stormy Daniels, BuzzFeed News has learned.

“We understand from well-placed sources they are preparing to file for a legal injunction to prevent it from airing,” a person informed of the preparations told BuzzFeed News on Saturday evening.

It was not immediately clear what legal argument the lawyers would be making to support the considered litigation, and Trump and his legal team often have threatened litigation without following through on those threats in the past.

Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney who previously was a longtime lawyer for the Trump Organization, directed questions about the possibility of litigation to Larry Rosen, who Cohen told BuzzFeed News is “my attorney handling this matter.” Rosen — a partner in the firm LaRocca, Hornik, Rosen, Greenberg & Blaha — acknowledged his role in the matter generally but did not comment directly on the possibility of seeking an injunction.

BuzzFeed News has learned that CBS plans to air the 60 Minutes interview with Clifford next Sunday, March 18..
.............An action to try to prevent the interview from airing would be the latest in a flurry of developments in a case that began just before the 2016 election when Cohen paid Clifford $130,000 in return for her silence about a sexual relationship she allegedly had with Trump in 2006.

Trump Lawyers Are Considering A Challenge To Stop "60 Minutes" From Airing A Stormy Daniels Interview
Good luck to them.....:lol:

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