Reagan - Class Act

[ame=]Liberal Caller Punks Rush Limbaugh Regarding Ronald Reagan's Conservatism - YouTube[/ame]
don't know why rw'ers keep pushing the raygun fairytale. Even Kristol does it. Runs contrary to the facts. So he outspent the Ruskies on arms by giving taxpayer $ to the arms contractors & put the US in debt. Whats so noble about that. We're still paying through the nose to maintain, find & disable all those munitions
The American Progressive, in love with slavery and can't wait until they're once again under a jackboot, will always HATE Reagan because he freed tens of millions from the crushing, dehumanizing oppression of Soviet Communism.
A actor playing a part.

Ronald Reagan played the role of a hard working, deeply religious family man. He was none of those. Jimmy Carter was and is. Unfortunately, the voters preferred the Hollywood fake to the real thing.

Ronald Reagan was a group phenomenon. His advisers ran the country while he took naps and vacations. Reagan was not even in charge of the group. He was an amiable front man who nevertheless needed to be told what to say and where to put his feet.

According to David Stockman Edmund Meese was "the acting president."
don't know why rw'ers keep pushing the raygun fairytale. Even Kristol does it. Runs contrary to the facts. So he outspent the Ruskies on arms by giving taxpayer $ to the arms contractors & put the US in debt. Whats so noble about that. We're still paying through the nose to maintain, find & disable all those munitions

One Obama Deficit > Any Reagan budget

One Obama Deficit > All of Reagan's deficits combined

There should be Pax Americana
A actor playing a part.

Ronald Reagan played the role of a hard working, deeply religious family man. He was none of those. Jimmy Carter was and is. Unfortunately, the voters preferred the Hollywood fake to the real thing.

Ronald Reagan was a group phenomenon. His advisers ran the country while he took naps and vacations. Reagan was not even in charge of the group. He was an amiable front man who nevertheless needed to be told what to say and where to put his feet.

According to David Stockman Edmund Meese was "the acting president."

[ame=]Reagan - Tear Down This Wall - YouTube[/ame]
One of the many wonderful things about Reagan is his enduring ability to reduce his opponents to elicit whining from the left. It is doubtless a measure of success little seen since FDR.
One of the many wonderful things about Reagan is his enduring ability to reduce his opponents to elicit whining from the left. It is doubtless a measure of success little seen since FDR.

He is still got them liberas whining to this day, in this thread, from the dead :cool:
Read the books by the children Reagan didn't abandon. That tells honest folks all they need to know about the B actor who in the role of a lifetime made halfwit America feel like they were somebody.

The man tripled the national debt financing what his vice president called "voodoo economics" and the highly credentialed world (Paul Krugman, for example) celebrated as the "post industrial New Economy."

Reagan's primary accomplishments were making greed respectable and giving Wall Street the keys to the US Treasury.

Is it any wonder halfwit America stands in line for a chance to cheer the man's memory?
Whine away boys. It is testament to the man's enduring legacy of success.:)
Whine away boys. It is testament to the man's enduring legacy of success.:)

No whine here. Facts are facts. The bobbleheaded one tripled the debt to pay corporations to steal from the US Treasury and white trash fell over themselves to applaud because they are too stupid to look past their own reflection in the ReagaNUT cesspool.

On the up side, uncurious and/or doubting fools declared the earth was flat for 5,000 years. Reagan's legacy is being challenged by his own people 25 years after the bobbleheaded old Keynesian corporate welfare queen stopped telling foreign leaders war stories based on his movie experience. For presidential legacies it doesn't get much worse than that, although Junebug Bush will know what "worse than that" feels like if he doesn't choke to death on a peanut first.:dance:
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Read the books by the children Reagan didn't abandon. That tells honest folks all they need to know about the B actor who in the role of a lifetime made halfwit America feel like they were somebody.

The man tripled the national debt financing what his vice president called "voodoo economics" and the highly credentialed world (Paul Krugman, for example) celebrated as the "post industrial New Economy."

Reagan's primary accomplishments were making greed respectable and giving Wall Street the keys to the US Treasury.

Is it any wonder halfwit America stands in line for a chance to cheer the man's memory?

The President isn't my Daddy, Honey

Paul Krugman? LOL

What a joke

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