Reagan - Class Act

Whine away boys. It is testament to the man's enduring legacy of success.:)

No whine here. Facts are facts. The bobbleheaded one tripled the debt to pay corporations to steal from the US Treasury and white trash fell over themselves to applaud because they are too stupid to look past their own reflection in the ReagaNUT cesspool.

On the up side, uncurious and/or doubting fools declared the earth was flat for 5,000 years. Reagan's legacy is being challenged by his own people 25 years after the bobbleheaded old Keynesian corporate welfare queen stopped telling foreign leaders war stories based on his movie experience. For presidential legacies it doesn't get much worse than that, although Junebug Bush will know what "worse than that" feels like if he doesn't choke to death on a peanut first.:dance:
You prediction would only come to pass with a restructuring of history we last saw in Stalin's Soviet Union.

Do you have any idea how ditzy you would sound to anyone but those too young, too partisan or too ignorant?
As anyone who was conscious during the Reagan era can attest, Reagan was not especially popular during his term. That is, his popularity ratings were only average, and his administration was constantly involved in scandals. Real, actual, scandals, like Iran/Contra. It was only after Reagan was gone that our nutty conservative media decided to completely rewrite history and reclassify Reagan as the most popular president in all of history. As you can read here, a lot of the rubes have fallen for it.

Reagan's icon status is ironic, given that if someone holding Reagan's positions ran for office today, he'd lose in the Republican primary, as all the conservatives would call him a socialist. Compared to the modern GOP, Reagan was a flaming liberal.
Reagan's icon status is ironic, given that if someone holding Reagan's positions ran for office today, he'd lose in the Republican primary, as all the conservatives would call him a socialist. Compared to the modern GOP, Reagan was a flaming liberal.
As someone who was also alive at the time, and fully cognizant, I recall that the US was in shambles after being humiliated with Carter's reaction to the embassy takeover and the economy he handed Reagan.

Reagan changed everything. He re-asserted American power in light of Carter's failings, changed the country and was crucial in changing the world. Except for FDR, Churchill, and maybe Thatcher there have been no greater leaders in the western world since Abraham Lincoln.
Whine away boys. It is testament to the man's enduring legacy of success.:)

No whine here. Facts are facts. The bobbleheaded one tripled the debt to pay corporations to steal from the US Treasury and white trash fell over themselves to applaud because they are too stupid to look past their own reflection in the ReagaNUT cesspool.

On the up side, uncurious and/or doubting fools declared the earth was flat for 5,000 years. Reagan's legacy is being challenged by his own people 25 years after the bobbleheaded old Keynesian corporate welfare queen stopped telling foreign leaders war stories based on his movie experience. For presidential legacies it doesn't get much worse than that, although Junebug Bush will know what "worse than that" feels like if he doesn't choke to death on a peanut first.:dance:
You prediction would only come to pass with a restructuring of history we last saw in Stalin's Soviet Union.

Do you have any idea how ditzy you would sound to anyone but those too young, too partisan or too ignorant?

Do you understand what tripling the national debt in peacetime means?
It means you must also be ignorant in re which of us people with a clue regard as ditzy.

Still, thanks for your insights. From time to time one forgets who goes where in the nutball dystopia.
the guy who invited the taliban into the whitehouse, spent like a drunken sailor on war corporatism (lavishing millions of taxpayer dollars on defense contractors) & armed terrorists is idolized by the Right. You can't make this stuff up. :clap2:

^THIS, from a poster who idolizes a President that aided in installing the terrorist organization known as The Muslim Brotherhood, as leaders of Egypt, who are now calling for the destruction of our closest ally in the middle east,.....has thrown billions of taxpayers dollars down the tubes, in support of Green Energy companies that were fully known to have zero chance of succeeding,....Is directly responsible for the brutal deaths of four Americans, who were needlessly MURDERED due to the abject incompetence of the man the above poster idolizes,...has elected to sick his IRS dogs on an opposing political party, and is about to sick his IRS dogs on the American people....Has chosen to threaten the freedoms of the press, by electing to sick his DOJ dogs on various media entities,....has broken just about every promise made to the dupes who continue to support his fully prove inept ass,....overseas the most insular administration in US history,.....overseas what is becoming the most dirty and corrupt administration in US history,.....aaaaaand, has taken the pride of being an American, that Reagan undoubtedly helped to nurture after Carter's disastrous Presidency, and pissed it right down the friggin' toilet.

You can't make this stuff's ALL true.
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Yep. He's a class act, all right. While Obama is supposed to have a crystal ball allowing him to examine all the minute details of the comings and goings of the IRS, Reagan gets a pass for allegedly being completely ignorant to the fact that the US was engaged in an illegal war in Nicaragua.

And don't get me started on how he completely ignored a national health crisis.
I think he was a class act and a great communicator. That being said, I don't give him a pass for Lebanon.
Yep. He's a class act, all right. While Obama is supposed to have a crystal ball allowing him to examine all the minute details of the comings and goings of the IRS, Reagan gets a pass for allegedly being completely ignorant to the fact that the US was engaged in an illegal war in Nicaragua.

And don't get me started on how he completely ignored a national health crisis.

In the hearings on Iran Contra Reagan used the "I don't remember" 124 times, but he did remember a lot of good things about his presidency.
Whine away boys. It is testament to the man's enduring legacy of success.:)

No whine here. Facts are facts. The bobbleheaded one tripled the debt to pay corporations to steal from the US Treasury and white trash fell over themselves to applaud because they are too stupid to look past their own reflection in the ReagaNUT cesspool.

On the up side, uncurious and/or doubting fools declared the earth was flat for 5,000 years. Reagan's legacy is being challenged by his own people 25 years after the bobbleheaded old Keynesian corporate welfare queen stopped telling foreign leaders war stories based on his movie experience. For presidential legacies it doesn't get much worse than that, although Junebug Bush will know what "worse than that" feels like if he doesn't choke to death on a peanut first.:dance:

it never gets tiresome watching you take the reagan trolls to school.They can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:D:lol:

A actor playing a part.
a fact they just cant seem to comprehend Mr Clean.hee hee.

Ronald Reagan played the role of a hard working, deeply religious family man. He was none of those. Jimmy Carter was and is. Unfortunately, the voters preferred the Hollywood fake to the real thing.

Ronald Reagan was a group phenomenon. His advisers ran the country while he took naps and vacations. Reagan was not even in charge of the group. He was an amiable front man who nevertheless needed to be told what to say and where to put his feet.

According to David Stockman Edmund Meese was "the acting president."


a fact the Reagan apologists just cant handle.:clap2:
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:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: The Reagan apologists like Crusader idiot and this thread starter just dont get it that it was because of media mouthpieces like Rush Limbaugh that the myth started circulating that he created jobs and all that crap for the american people.People like frank were not even around then.Some us who were there actually there, remember how bad things were under reagan.

Try and tell that to all the steelworkers I ran into up in pennsylvania at the time who hate Reagan today for shipping all their jobes overseas back then that he created jobs for the american people.:cuckoo: I ran into umpteen number of people back then saying-Im unemployed now,thanks to Reagan getting rid of all our jobs.try and tell that to THEM that he was a great president for the people.:cuckoo:

don't know why rw'ers keep pushing the raygun fairytale. Even Kristol does it. Runs contrary to the facts. So he outspent the Ruskies on arms by giving taxpayer $ to the arms contractors & put the US in debt. Whats so noble about that. We're still paying through the nose to maintain, find & disable all those munitions
some people just cant handle pesky facts and accepting they have been brainwashed and lied to all these years.
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don't know why rw'ers keep pushing the raygun fairytale. Even Kristol does it. Runs contrary to the facts. So he outspent the Ruskies on arms by giving taxpayer $ to the arms contractors & put the US in debt. Whats so noble about that. We're still paying through the nose to maintain, find & disable all those munitions

One Obama Deficit > Any Reagan budget

One Obama Deficit > All of Reagan's deficits combined

There should be Pax Americana

No question that Obama is worse than Reagan,Heck every president with the exception of Carter has been worse than the previous president since JFK,again our last GREAT president.

you will ignore this of course like you always do when your losing these debates but dont forget to mention while your at it,how Reagan created the worst deficit EVER in the history of america at that time,worse than any president COMBINED!!!!!!!!!!!:lmao: his trillion dollar debt which was unheard of at the time.

Great man, Great President, FACT!....'nuff said.


might as well put Stalin and Hitler in that same breath while your telling lies which is something YOU specialize in.HEE HEE.
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As anyone who was conscious during the Reagan era can attest, Reagan was not especially popular during his term. That is, his popularity ratings were only average, and his administration was constantly involved in scandals. Real, actual, scandals, like Iran/Contra. It was only after Reagan was gone that our nutty conservative media decided to completely rewrite history and reclassify Reagan as the most popular president in all of history. As you can read here, a lot of the rubes have fallen for it.

Reagan's icon status is ironic, given that if someone holding Reagan's positions ran for office today, he'd lose in the Republican primary, as all the conservatives would call him a socialist. Compared to the modern GOP, Reagan was a flaming liberal.

Mamooth,you,Dugdale Jukes and truthseeker are overloading and about to fry their brains with way too much logic,common sense and facts they cant comprehend or handle.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: the scene where jack Nicholson in the movie A FEW GOOD MEN where he says-YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH. so much applies to the raygun apologists.:D

Yep. He's a class act, all right. While Obama is supposed to have a crystal ball allowing him to examine all the minute details of the comings and goings of the IRS, Reagan gets a pass for allegedly being completely ignorant to the fact that the US was engaged in an illegal war in Nicaragua.

And don't get me started on how he completely ignored a national health crisis.
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I think America needed Ronald Reagan during his time in history. He brought back pride in America.
However, he wouldn't be accepted in todays GOP, he would be classified a RINO by the far, far right dominated GOP.

comedy should start a comedy club.:lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh: RINO my ass.His policys of betraying america like he did set the bar for future presidents in how everyone of them since then have followed his policys of shippig jobs from americans overseas.

Obama true to form in betraying americans,said in his inarguartion speech,he would like to follow the path reagan laid out,sure enough he has.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

a TRUE RINO is ron paul.He got out of politics and ran as an independent when he discovered working under the Reagan administration and being a reagan supporter in the beginning,how both parties are corrupt.He saw first hand working in the Reagan administration,he layer on wanted no part of reagan and his corruption he ran in washington.:cuckoo:

so much for the myth that Reagan was a great man and great president.This link wont be read by the Reagan apologists of course.:cuckoo:

Matter of fact BFGRN posted that comice strip in this link but to no surprise,ALL the reagan apologists ignored it since it proved them wrong,and proved how evil and corrupt Reagan REALLY is. the only thing they got wrong here in this link is that Hrding was corrupt.Everything else they nailed.
Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

so much for the fairy tale and myth that Reagan was a great man and a great president.according to you Reagan apologists logic,Hitler and Stalin were great men and great leaders as well.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::cuckoo:
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Wow, 9/11 dingbat job, I see that on several fronts history has passed you by and you are having an incredibly difficult time coming to terms with it. That level of pathology is tough, so I wish you the best of luck - you'll need it.
Reagan used to carry his little witty sayings on 3 by 5 cards. One for every occasion. But his best line in the Iran-Contra hearings was, "I don't remember." Reagan used that line not just once but 124 times. A number of people think that was his best line ever.
Reagan used to carry his little witty sayings on 3 by 5 cards. One for every occasion. But his best line in the Iran-Contra hearings was, "I don't remember." Reagan used that line not just once but 124 times. A number of people think that was his best line ever.
I think "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" will be remembered. God, can you imagine that he made that entire speech without a teleprompter?!
Wow, 9/11 dingbat job, I see that on several fronts history has passed you by and you are having an incredibly difficult time coming to terms with it. That level of pathology is tough, so I wish you the best of luck - you'll need it.

as usual MEATHEAD-such an approprite user name for you since it explains your warped fucked up brain,you can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are when you are cornered.:clap2: great excellent rebutalls to the facts troll.:clap2::clap2:

you Reagan apologists are so easy to predict its a joke.You did exactly what i said you would,evade that link, not even bothering to read the link like I said you wouldnt in that last post of mine not one single rebutall to any of my posts besides the link i posted.hee hee.:clap2::clap2::lmao::lmao::lmao:

you wouldnt last 10 seconds against even a grade school kid in a debate.:lmao: that describes you to a tee METHEAD brain.that history has passed you by on several fronts and you have an incredibly difficult time dealing with it.:D you really should consult a psychiatist and explain to them how you live in denial about Reagan.seriously.
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