Reagan - Class Act

Get over it. The Cold War is over, you lost and there's squat you can do about it.:razz:

Liberals have been pissed off since Reagan was first elected. They thought they would be in total rule ad infinitum. Only problem with that line of thought is there is competition. And Liberals hate competition to their sick ideology. This is why Liberals got pissed when they lost the House for the first time in FORTY FUCKING YEARS!!!!! IN 1994, and when the SCOTUS put a stop to their antics in 2000.
The Berlin Wall just fell down from lack of repairs too, right?

and here there are those on your side who accuse liberals of believing Obama is some sort of messiah. I think it's called "projection."

Reagan called the USSR an Evil Empire and vowed to destroy them not with weapons, but by letting the people know there was something better than the dehumanizing failure and poverty of Progressive ideology
Get over it. The Cold War is over, you lost and there's squat you can do about it.:razz:

Liberals have been pissed off since Reagan was first elected. They thought they would be in total rule ad infinitum. Only problem with that line of thought is there is competition. And Liberals hate competition to their sick ideology. This is why Liberals got pissed when they lost the House for the first time in FORTY FUCKING YEARS!!!!! IN 1994, and when the SCOTUS put a stop to their antics in 2000.
They're pissed alright. Pissed because he made liberals spent dinosaur and they had to change to "progressives", pissed because he brought America back from the brink of abject failure after four years of Carter and several other weak administrations, pissed because they were sure he would lead the US into World War III but didn't, but mostly pissed because the led the free world in the dismantling of the Soviet Union.

Anyway you spin it, that's one hell of a legacy.
Get over it. The Cold War is over, you lost and there's squat you can do about it.:razz:

Liberals have been pissed off since Reagan was first elected. They thought they would be in total rule ad infinitum. Only problem with that line of thought is there is competition. And Liberals hate competition to their sick ideology. This is why Liberals got pissed when they lost the House for the first time in FORTY FUCKING YEARS!!!!! IN 1994, and when the SCOTUS put a stop to their antics in 2000.
They're pissed alright. Pissed because he made liberals spent dinosaur and they had to change to "progressives", pissed because he brought America back from the brink of abject failure after four years of Carter and several other weak administrations, pissed because they were sure he would lead the US into World War III but didn't, but mostly pissed because the led the free world in the dismantling of the Soviet Union.

Anyway you spin it, that's one hell of a legacy.

Now, we're seeing the end result of Liberalism unleashed. And these useless idiots are saying the GOP has to "moderate"? Translation: Warp speed to the Left so that you cannot tell one party from the other.
Seriously.... when will there be another like him....

[FONT=&quot]Upon reading or hearing that question every decent American will want to get down on their knees to pray the answer to that question is "Never again." Here are the facts on file about the B actor who fucked the United States while white trash cheered him on...[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]1. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]John Maynard[/FONT] Reagan tripled the national debt from $900kkk in 1981 to $2.8kkkk at the end of his term, an amount equal to America's spending the first 80 years of the century which included two world wars. After cutting taxes for the top 5% from 70% to 28% his first year in office, federal revenue dropped off thereby proving the lie tax cuts increase revenue. The Bobbleheaded One was never able to get spending under control so he borrowed more and more like the fool he was.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]2. Milton Friedman Reagan raised taxes 11 times in seven seven of his eight years in office. A closet New Dealer with an almost religious belief in Keynesian economics ("voodoo", "trickle down" or "supply side" depending on who is talking) Reagan was never afraid to raise taxes. Reagan raised taxes on the blue collar middle class with a nod, a wink, and America's potgutted benignly smiling preachers behind him. White trash stood in line to praise him for fucking them as their children would later stand in line to praise Junebug Bush, Regan's spiritual heir. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]3. Barry Goldwater Reagan exploded the cost of the federal government and increased the size. The Bobbleheaded One bragged, "Government is the problem" and further promised to control runaway growth of federal spending. We fiscal conservatives are still waiting. Federal spending ballooned under Reagan. He signed pay parity laws without any consideration of pension effects PLUS IN PEACETIME hiked defense spending by over $100 billion a year to Vietnam era spending levels. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]4. New Economy Reynald Reagan signed a major embarrassment giving amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens The open borders bill made any immigrant who had entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty, which gave effective cover to the other five million illegals in country at the time, setting the stage for today's disastrous situation. In the bonus round Reagan ensured there were no sanctions on employers who hired undocumented immigrants. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]5. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Bozo [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Reagan's clownshow secretly sold arms to officials in Iran fighting against the Ayatollah and for good measure financed revolutions in Central America; then when he got caught he pretended to be senile, admitting over 100 times he couldn't remember what was going on around him. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]6. Nutball God Ronald Reagan funded Osama Bin Laden and financed the Taliban. The Bobbleheaded One financed training, arms, and other materiel funding Islamist mujahidin fighters in Afghanistan. There is absolutelty no question at all that Reagan’s decision to continue Charlie Wilson's war played a direct role in Bin Laden’s ascendancy.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]7. NeoCon Ron Reagan supported Saddam Hussein's rise to status of regional potentate by pressuring Saudi Arabia, Italy and other nations to pass money and arms along to Saddam Hussein. There was absolute proof Hussein used chemical weapons against Kurds and against Iran but in line with Reagan's support for that sort of thing, US money and arms kept on coming.[/FONT]

The little man on the left, Remfsfeld, later said, "As you know, you go to war with the Army you have.
They're not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time."
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Seriously.... when will there be another like him....

[FONT=&quot]Upon reading or hearing that question every decent American will want to get down on their knees to pray the answer to that question is "Never again." Here are the facts on file about the B actor who fucked the United States while white trash cheered him on...[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]1. Reagan tripled the national debt from $900kkk in 1981 to $2.8kkkk at the end of his term, an amount equal to America's spending the first 80 years of the century which included two world wars. After cutting taxes for the top 5% from 70% to 28% his first year in office, federal revenue dropped off thereby proving the lie tax cuts increase revenue. The Bobbleheaded One was never able to get spending under control so he borrowed more and more like the fool he was.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]2. President Bobblehead raised taxes 11 times in seven seven of his eight years in office. A closet New Dealer with an almost religious belief in Keynesian economics ("voodoo", "trickle down" or "supply side" depending on who is talking) Reagan was never afraid to raise taxes. Reagan raised taxes on the blue collar middle class with a nod, a wink, and a preacher standing besidehim and white trash stood in line to praise him for fucking them. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]3. John Maynard Reagan exploded the cost of the federal government and increased the size. The Bobbleheaded One bragged, "Government is the problem" and further promised to control runaway growth of federal spending. We fiscal conservatives are still waiting. Federal spending ballooned under Reagan. He signed pay parity laws without any consideration of pension effects PLUS IN PEACETIME hiked defense spending by over $100 billion a year to Vietnam era spending levels. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]4. New Economy Reynald Reagan signed a major embarrassment giving amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens The open borders bill made any immigrant who had entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty, which gave effective cover to the other five million illegals in country at the time, setting the stage for today's disastrous situation. In the bonus round Reagan ensured there were no sanctions on employers who hired undocumented immigrants. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]5. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Reagan's clownshow secretly sold arms to officials in Iran fighting against the Ayatollah and for good measure financed revolutions in Central America; then when he got caught he pretended to be senile, admitting over 100 times he couldn't remember what was going on around him. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]6. Nutball God Ronald Reagan funded Osama Bin Laden and financed the Taliban. The Bobbleheaded One financed training, arms, and other materiel funding Islamist mujahidin fighters in Afghanistan. There is absolutelty no question at all that Reagan’s decision to continue Charlie Wilson's war played a direct role in Bin Laden’s ascendancy.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]7. NeoCon Ron Reagan supported Saddam Hussein's rise to status of regional potentate by pressuring Saudi Arabia, Italy and other nations to pass money and arms along to Saddam Hussein. There was absolute proof Hussein used chemical weapons against Kurds and against Iran but in line with Reagan's support for that sort of thing, US money and arms kept on coming.[/FONT]

1. Reagan never controlled Congress. The Democrats promised him spending cuts and lied to his face. So your premise is bullshit, Id accept that for that scumbag Dubya, but not for Reagan

2. Reagan let the private sector get back to work. AT the end of his first term the economy was a million times better than the one her inherited and the best was yet to come

Everything else you said is bullshit and not worth the time to respond
Seriously.... when will there be another like him....

[FONT=&quot]Upon reading or hearing that question every decent American will want to get down on their knees to pray the answer to that question is "Never again." Here are the facts on file about the B actor who fucked the United States while white trash cheered him on...[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]1. Reagan tripled the national debt from $900kkk in 1981 to $2.8kkkk at the end of his term, an amount equal to America's spending the first 80 years of the century which included two world wars. After cutting taxes for the top 5% from 70% to 28% his first year in office, federal revenue dropped off thereby proving the lie tax cuts increase revenue. The Bobbleheaded One was never able to get spending under control so he borrowed more and more like the fool he was.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]2. President Bobblehead raised taxes 11 times in seven seven of his eight years in office. A closet New Dealer with an almost religious belief in Keynesian economics ("voodoo", "trickle down" or "supply side" depending on who is talking) Reagan was never afraid to raise taxes. Reagan raised taxes on the blue collar middle class with a nod, a wink, and a preacher standing besidehim and white trash stood in line to praise him for fucking them. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]3. John Maynard Reagan exploded the cost of the federal government and increased the size. The Bobbleheaded One bragged, "Government is the problem" and further promised to control runaway growth of federal spending. We fiscal conservatives are still waiting. Federal spending ballooned under Reagan. He signed pay parity laws without any consideration of pension effects PLUS IN PEACETIME hiked defense spending by over $100 billion a year to Vietnam era spending levels. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]4. New Economy Reynald Reagan signed a major embarrassment giving amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens The open borders bill made any immigrant who had entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty, which gave effective cover to the other five million illegals in country at the time, setting the stage for today's disastrous situation. In the bonus round Reagan ensured there were no sanctions on employers who hired undocumented immigrants. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]5. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Reagan's clownshow secretly sold arms to officials in Iran fighting against the Ayatollah and for good measure financed revolutions in Central America; then when he got caught he pretended to be senile, admitting over 100 times he couldn't remember what was going on around him. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]6. Nutball God Ronald Reagan funded Osama Bin Laden and financed the Taliban. The Bobbleheaded One financed training, arms, and other materiel funding Islamist mujahidin fighters in Afghanistan. There is absolutelty no question at all that Reagan’s decision to continue Charlie Wilson's war played a direct role in Bin Laden’s ascendancy.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]7. NeoCon Ron Reagan supported Saddam Hussein's rise to status of regional potentate by pressuring Saudi Arabia, Italy and other nations to pass money and arms along to Saddam Hussein. There was absolute proof Hussein used chemical weapons against Kurds and against Iran but in line with Reagan's support for that sort of thing, US money and arms kept on coming.[/FONT]

1. Reagan never controlled Congress. The Democrats promised him spending cuts and lied to his face. So your premise is bullshit, Id accept that for that scumbag Dubya, but not for Reagan

2. Reagan let the private sector get back to work. AT the end of his first term the economy was a million times better than the one her inherited and the best was yet to come

Everything else you said is bullshit and not worth the time to respond

An excuse followed by a lie. You can take the boy out of the trailer, but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy, it seems. Although to be fair you get credit for acknowledging the truth about Junebug. That is a welcome admission and a surprise.

Every single word of my post is accurate. That is 100%.

While your defense of the Bobbleheaded One is an embarrassment on your behalf to honest persons of normal emotional maturity and an IQ over about sixty. Reagan's prosperity was built in credit. Wny don't you borrow as much as you, your father and your grandfathers spent over yours and their working lives and then continue to borrow to pay expenses plus to pay back debt coming due and see how that works out? That was - and in fact remains the ReagaNUT style "new economy" to the current second.

Interesting to note that you have joined the legions of mental defectives criticizing one president who doesn't control congress while using a much better congressional relationship as an excuse for another. Tut, tut. Damned bad form, sonny.
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So Reagan was responsible for Ollie North but Obama had nothing to do with Benghazi?

"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem." -- Ronald Reagan

"Here hold my umbrella" -- Barack Hussein Benghazi IRS AP Obama

Reagan is the conservative God and what he did was much much worse in reality than the G.O.P. invented Benghazi conspiracy theory.

Remember when Reagan ignored the Marines calling for help then went to a fundraiser the next day and blamed the attack on a video?

Yea, me neither

I remember when Reagan put the Marines in Beiruit and then when the terrorist group sponsored by one of the nations he was secretly involved in an arms deal with blew us up he did nothing but cut and run.
Does man make history, or does history make the man? Not a simple question, and one not easily comprehended by partisan hacks (a shout-out to warrior and crusaderfrank, among other hacks).

RR was a great communicator and was able to make a personal connection with conservatives, liberals, Democrats, fellow Republicans and world leaders. These were his greatest strengths; foresight was not.

He was also lucky; he didn't have buffoons like McConnell and Boehner in Congress; no one in the other party was so brazen as McConnell to make bringing down the President his one priority and stonewalling every effort by him to govern.
Does man make history, or does history make the man? Not a simple question, and one not easily comprehended by partisan hacks (a shout-out to warrior and crusaderfrank, among other hacks).

RR was a great communicator and was able to make a personal connection with conservatives, liberals, Democrats, fellow Republicans and world leaders. These were his greatest strengths; foresight was not.

He was also lucky; he didn't have buffoons like McConnell and Boehner in Congress; no one in the other party was so brazen as McConnell to make bringing down the President his one priority and stonewalling every effort by him to govern.

Obama doesn't govern, he dictates. He's more like Chavez who he idolizes.


Reagan ignored things and US Marines DIED!!! :evil:

Reagan Orders Marines Out of Lebanon

On October 23, 1983, after Reagan had sent troops into Lebanon, a terrorist attack blew up the U.S. barracks killing 241 troops. Weeks later, Reagan pulled the troops out of Lebanon, saying:

Perhaps we didn’t appreciate fully enough the depth of the hatred and the complexity of the problems that made the Middle East such a jungle ... that it did not create in us the concern for the marines’ safety that it should have.

In the weeks immediately after the bombing, I believe the last thing that we should do was turn tail and leave. Yet the irrationality of Middle Eastern politics forced us to rethink our policy ... If that policy had changed towards more of a neutral position and neutrality, those 241 marines would be alive today.

The Myth of Ronald Reagan?s Foreign Policy
Does man make history, or does history make the man? Not a simple question, and one not easily comprehended by partisan hacks (a shout-out to warrior and crusaderfrank, among other hacks).

RR was a great communicator and was able to make a personal connection with conservatives, liberals, Democrats, fellow Republicans and world leaders. These were his greatest strengths; foresight was not.

He was also lucky; he didn't have buffoons like McConnell and Boehner in Congress; no one in the other party was so brazen as McConnell to make bringing down the President his one priority and stonewalling every effort by him to govern.

Freddo, RR had a short "to-do" list

1. Defeat Soviet Communism

2. Hand the US economy back to US entrepreneurs

If your FDR is "Great" for 7 years of 20% Unemployment, RR is a God
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