Reagan - Class Act

Iranian sponsored Hezbollah blows up the Beiruit Marine barracks while at the same time Reagan's admin is involved in the Iran/Contra dealings, no thank you regarding how great Reagan was.

He wasn't perfect like your Obama is, praise be his Holy Name


Funny how right wingers will squawk about 4 deaths in Benghazi but have no problem with a president being involved in an arms deal that had as one of its main players the nation that sponsored the terrorist group that killed 241 service members at the Marines Barracks.

the USSR defeated themselves. Reagan had nothing to do with it.

Small comfort for you, tasting the salt of the tears for your fallen Empire

[ame=]Reagan at Brandenburg Gate - "tear down this wall" - YouTube[/ame]

You're an idiot.

Pretty much everybody that debates with frank figues that out VERY quickly.:D
He doesnt get it that it was internal strifes in the soviet union that led to its collapse,that it did not matter who was presdient,it would have happened anyways.

the USSR defeated themselves. Reagan had nothing to do with it.

Your making wayy too much sense for frank to comprehend.hee hee. Gorbechav in later years when a reporter asked him if Reagan had anything to do with the collapse of the berlin wall and communism even replied saying-are you joking?:D It as Gorbechaves reforms that led to the collapse of the soviet union.
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[FONT=&quot]Upon reading or hearing that question every decent American will want to get down on their knees to pray the answer to that question is "Never again." Here are the facts on file about the B actor who fucked the United States while white trash cheered him on...[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]1. Reagan tripled the national debt from $900kkk in 1981 to $2.8kkkk at the end of his term, an amount equal to America's spending the first 80 years of the century which included two world wars. After cutting taxes for the top 5% from 70% to 28% his first year in office, federal revenue dropped off thereby proving the lie tax cuts increase revenue. The Bobbleheaded One was never able to get spending under control so he borrowed more and more like the fool he was.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]2. President Bobblehead raised taxes 11 times in seven seven of his eight years in office. A closet New Dealer with an almost religious belief in Keynesian economics ("voodoo", "trickle down" or "supply side" depending on who is talking) Reagan was never afraid to raise taxes. Reagan raised taxes on the blue collar middle class with a nod, a wink, and a preacher standing besidehim and white trash stood in line to praise him for fucking them. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]3. John Maynard Reagan exploded the cost of the federal government and increased the size. The Bobbleheaded One bragged, "Government is the problem" and further promised to control runaway growth of federal spending. We fiscal conservatives are still waiting. Federal spending ballooned under Reagan. He signed pay parity laws without any consideration of pension effects PLUS IN PEACETIME hiked defense spending by over $100 billion a year to Vietnam era spending levels. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]4. New Economy Reynald Reagan signed a major embarrassment giving amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens The open borders bill made any immigrant who had entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty, which gave effective cover to the other five million illegals in country at the time, setting the stage for today's disastrous situation. In the bonus round Reagan ensured there were no sanctions on employers who hired undocumented immigrants. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]5. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Reagan's clownshow secretly sold arms to officials in Iran fighting against the Ayatollah and for good measure financed revolutions in Central America; then when he got caught he pretended to be senile, admitting over 100 times he couldn't remember what was going on around him. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]6. Nutball God Ronald Reagan funded Osama Bin Laden and financed the Taliban. The Bobbleheaded One financed training, arms, and other materiel funding Islamist mujahidin fighters in Afghanistan. There is absolutelty no question at all that Reagan’s decision to continue Charlie Wilson's war played a direct role in Bin Laden’s ascendancy.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]7. NeoCon Ron Reagan supported Saddam Hussein's rise to status of regional potentate by pressuring Saudi Arabia, Italy and other nations to pass money and arms along to Saddam Hussein. There was absolute proof Hussein used chemical weapons against Kurds and against Iran but in line with Reagan's support for that sort of thing, US money and arms kept on coming.[/FONT]

1. Reagan never controlled Congress. The Democrats promised him spending cuts and lied to his face. So your premise is bullshit, Id accept that for that scumbag Dubya, but not for Reagan

2. Reagan let the private sector get back to work. AT the end of his first term the economy was a million times better than the one her inherited and the best was yet to come

Everything else you said is bullshit and not worth the time to respond

An excuse followed by a lie. You can take the boy out of the trailer, but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy, it seems. Although to be fair you get credit for acknowledging the truth about Junebug. That is a welcome admission and a surprise.

Every single word of my post is accurate. That is 100%.

While your defense of the Bobbleheaded One is an embarrassment on your behalf to honest persons of normal emotional maturity and an IQ over about sixty. Reagan's prosperity was built in credit. Wny don't you borrow as much as you, your father and your grandfathers spent over yours and their working lives and then continue to borrow to pay expenses plus to pay back debt coming due and see how that works out? That was - and in fact remains the ReagaNUT style "new economy" to the current second.

Interesting to note that you have joined the legions of mental defectives criticizing one president who doesn't control congress while using a much better congressional relationship as an excuse for another. Tut, tut. Damned bad form, sonny.

Frank in his desperation to live in denial about Reagan, just put fuel in his already burning down house he has..:lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl: He just shot himself in his foot and only helped you prove your point talking about how Reagan did not controll congress.

The Reagan apologists can never get their facts straight.I have seen them play dodgeball when you point out that under Reagan,we had a trillion dollar deficit.the largerst defecit ever under any president COMBINED!!! they dodge that fact and then shift the blame to congress saying it was the fault of congress ignoring it was reagans policys that led to that deficit. Here Frank is helping your case saying he did not control congress.Yeah he did not control congress,it was Reagans POLICYS that led to the worst defecit ever.:D

I also see that every Reagan apologist ran off with their tail between their legs knowing they were cornered with these facts in this link they cant refute.

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

no surprise.Nice game of dodgeball they play.:clap2::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:
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the guy who invited the taliban into the whitehouse, spent like a drunken sailor on war corporatism (lavishing millions of taxpayer dollars on defense contractors) & armed terrorists is idolized by the Right. You can't make this stuff up. :clap2:



Like clockwork,and to no surprise whatsoever,I notice how the Reagan apologists all acted like this post by DOT COM wasnt posted either just like they acted like I never posted that link in my last post before this one.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:

No surprise whatsoever that they dodged this post of Dotcoms like they dodged my link in my previous post.

Bfgrn posted this cartoon post on that other Reagan thread that was going on about a month ago and they played dodgeball with that post back then as well acting just like they did here,that it never got posted so here they are again playing dodgeball again with this post of dotcoms just like they are with my link in my last post.The Reagan apologists are so easy to predict.:D

Must suck being them being so predictable.:D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:
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You seem to believe you're addressing a Democrat or an Obama supporter, by itself evidence of mental defect, now let us add reading facts you don't like and calling it whining.

Here is the reality: there is nothing you or any ReagaNUT can post that changes the fact that NeoCon Ron made halfwit America feel good for a few years. Then the hero of Iran-Contra's debt-fueled voodoo economics crashed. Now you nutballs have to look back to find a hero. End of story.

Here is another reality: there is nothing absurd about telling the truth. When you and the legions of human cattle still lionizing the halfwitted B actor who handed the MIC and Wall Street the keys to the United States Treasury figure it out that facts are facts you'll be on a better path.

Here a problem with a solution we can call Dugdale's Razor or maybe Jukes's Tail:

Q: If we call a cow's tail a leg, how many legs does it have?

A: Four.

Dugdale's Razor: Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.

Reagan's answer: Five.

Calling Reagan a small government fiscal conservative doesn't change the facts. He tripled the debt spending as much in eight years as the nation had spent the previous eighty years overcoming a depression and winning two world wars, and he did it on credit.

Anyone who believes those facts prove Reagan was anything but a closeted Keynesian New Dealer is a fucking idiot.

I have tried being sympathetic, but obviously your pathological hatred or simple ignorance (I'd go with the latter) has left you incapable of reason.

We are unknown to each other, so I really can't bring myself to give a rat's ass except to say once again is that I understand your bitterness. The problem is something you need to deal with yourself. If, or how you do so is entirely up to you.

If it didn't matter you'd move on. If your sympathy was real you'd move on. Instead, like most people making it up as they go along and ending up a tree, you give the best imitation of "reasonable man" you can in hopes it'll be the last word.

Interesting that you deny your humiliation in passive-aggressive format, parenthetically characterizing my publishing verifiable facts as ignorance. Few ReagaNUTs have the grit to take this kind of public thrashing; most attack then run away. Thank you for taking your thrashing so civilly.

Where is the bitterness in reporting, accurately, that Ronald Reagan spent more money in eight years than the total amount spent in the eighty years before him - and he did it by tripling the national debt? Where is the bitterness in pointing out, accurately, that Reagan was about as conservative as pink spats?

Contempt for ReagaNUTs is my only emotion, which generosity of spirit impels me to manage by reporting factual information to the benighted, then offering up the odd educational tool, like Jukes' Tail, to make factual information more accessible to those with thirty years of denial under their belt.

The problem is Reagan's MEASURABLE Legacy, something no nutball has been willing to do. The Great Spender dug the deepest hole in the US Treasury in US history, and every president after him kept digging because he had done what he was paid to do: give corporations the keys to the US Treasury - keys they are not going to give up easily.
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the guy had his bona fides blown waaay out of proportion (and his shortcomings minimized or deleted) by rw fellators in order to give modern day conservatives something to fap over

The intelligent question should say-When will there be another great president like JFK,our last GREAT president?:cuckoo:


[ame=]JFK Secret Societies Speech (full version) - YouTube[/ame]


its a sick joke that Reagan is considered the best president of the 20th century over i said before,since our last great president JFK,the only decent one we have had since then is carter,with the exception of carter,ever president since then has been more evil and corrupt than the previous one.and Im obviously not a democrat since I have said Obama and Clinton are evil as well.

Its interesting that Carter like Jfk,also tried to get rid of the CIA.Like Jfk,Carter paid the price for it as well.Although his wasnt fatal like Kennedys was.They just made sure that he did not get reeleted for a second term setting him up with the october surprise.Carter started taking steps to get rid of the CIA in his last in last office but did not have enough time to implement the plans.

He came in and DID though clean house with the CIA firing the corrupt Fords appointment of George Bush as CIA director firing him and for a time,stopped the CIA'S illegal covert operations hiring Stansfield Turner who started to clean up the mess of previous administrations of covert operations in the CIA.

Then Reagan got in,and Stansfield was fired,and the CIA was happy as hell again because Reagan let them roam again and carry out their CIA covert operations as usual and things were back to normal.The CIA is the reason the world is in the mess it is.yep great president the Gipper was.:cuckoo:
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1. Reagan never controlled Congress. The Democrats promised him spending cuts and lied to his face. So your premise is bullshit, Id accept that for that scumbag Dubya, but not for Reagan

2. Reagan let the private sector get back to work. AT the end of his first term the economy was a million times better than the one her inherited and the best was yet to come

Everything else you said is bullshit and not worth the time to respond

An excuse followed by a lie. You can take the boy out of the trailer, but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy, it seems. Although to be fair you get credit for acknowledging the truth about Junebug. That is a welcome admission and a surprise.

Every single word of my post is accurate. That is 100%.

While your defense of the Bobbleheaded One is an embarrassment on your behalf to honest persons of normal emotional maturity and an IQ over about sixty. Reagan's prosperity was built in credit. Wny don't you borrow as much as you, your father and your grandfathers spent over yours and their working lives and then continue to borrow to pay expenses plus to pay back debt coming due and see how that works out? That was - and in fact remains the ReagaNUT style "new economy" to the current second.

Interesting to note that you have joined the legions of mental defectives criticizing one president who doesn't control congress while using a much better congressional relationship as an excuse for another. Tut, tut. Damned bad form, sonny.

Frank in his desperation to live in denial about Reagan, just put fuel in his already burning down house he has..:lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl: He just shot himself in his foot and only helped you prove your point talking about how Reagan did not controll congress.

The Reagan apologists can never get their facts straight.I have seen them play dodgeball when you point out that under Reagan,we had a trillion dollar deficit.the largerst defecit ever under any president COMBINED!!! they dodge that fact and then shift the blame to congress saying it was the fault of congress ignoring it was reagans policys that led to that deficit. Here Frank is helping your case saying he did not control congress.Yeah he did not control congress,it was Reagans POLICYS that led to the worst defecit ever.:D

I also see that every Reagan apologist ran off with their tail between their legs knowing they were cornered with these facts in this link they cant refute.

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

no surprise.Nice game of dodgeball they play.:clap2::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:

Nice link. It puts the Reagan Administration in perspective when you look at his scandals.
Reagan changed the world for the better. He freed Eastern Europe from the dehumanizing oppression of Progressive political economics known as Communism.

It's a system so sick and evil they build walls to keep people in and our "American" Progressives hate Reagan for pointing out what an absolute total fail they are.

That's why Reagan strikes a nerve with them, he reminds them they worship a failed, oppressive ideology that can only be carried out at gunpoint on unarmed citizens.

[FONT=&quot]Upon reading or hearing that question every decent American will want to get down on their knees to pray the answer to that question is "Never again." Here are the facts on file about the B actor who fucked the United States while white trash cheered him on...[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]1. Reagan tripled the national debt from $900kkk in 1981 to $2.8kkkk at the end of his term, an amount equal to America's spending the first 80 years of the century which included two world wars. After cutting taxes for the top 5% from 70% to 28% his first year in office, federal revenue dropped off thereby proving the lie tax cuts increase revenue. The Bobbleheaded One was never able to get spending under control so he borrowed more and more like the fool he was.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]2. President Bobblehead raised taxes 11 times in seven seven of his eight years in office. A closet New Dealer with an almost religious belief in Keynesian economics ("voodoo", "trickle down" or "supply side" depending on who is talking) Reagan was never afraid to raise taxes. Reagan raised taxes on the blue collar middle class with a nod, a wink, and a preacher standing besidehim and white trash stood in line to praise him for fucking them. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]3. John Maynard Reagan exploded the cost of the federal government and increased the size. The Bobbleheaded One bragged, "Government is the problem" and further promised to control runaway growth of federal spending. We fiscal conservatives are still waiting. Federal spending ballooned under Reagan. He signed pay parity laws without any consideration of pension effects PLUS IN PEACETIME hiked defense spending by over $100 billion a year to Vietnam era spending levels. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]4. New Economy Reynald Reagan signed a major embarrassment giving amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens The open borders bill made any immigrant who had entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty, which gave effective cover to the other five million illegals in country at the time, setting the stage for today's disastrous situation. In the bonus round Reagan ensured there were no sanctions on employers who hired undocumented immigrants. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]5. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Reagan's clownshow secretly sold arms to officials in Iran fighting against the Ayatollah and for good measure financed revolutions in Central America; then when he got caught he pretended to be senile, admitting over 100 times he couldn't remember what was going on around him. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]6. Nutball God Ronald Reagan funded Osama Bin Laden and financed the Taliban. The Bobbleheaded One financed training, arms, and other materiel funding Islamist mujahidin fighters in Afghanistan. There is absolutelty no question at all that Reagan’s decision to continue Charlie Wilson's war played a direct role in Bin Laden’s ascendancy.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]7. NeoCon Ron Reagan supported Saddam Hussein's rise to status of regional potentate by pressuring Saudi Arabia, Italy and other nations to pass money and arms along to Saddam Hussein. There was absolute proof Hussein used chemical weapons against Kurds and against Iran but in line with Reagan's support for that sort of thing, US money and arms kept on coming.[/FONT]

1. Reagan never controlled Congress. The Democrats promised him spending cuts and lied to his face. So your premise is bullshit, Id accept that for that scumbag Dubya, but not for Reagan

2. Reagan let the private sector get back to work. AT the end of his first term the economy was a million times better than the one her inherited and the best was yet to come

Everything else you said is bullshit and not worth the time to respond

An excuse followed by a lie. You can take the boy out of the trailer, but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy, it seems. Although to be fair you get credit for acknowledging the truth about Junebug. That is a welcome admission and a surprise.

Every single word of my post is accurate. That is 100%.

While your defense of the Bobbleheaded One is an embarrassment on your behalf to honest persons of normal emotional maturity and an IQ over about sixty. Reagan's prosperity was built in credit. Wny don't you borrow as much as you, your father and your grandfathers spent over yours and their working lives and then continue to borrow to pay expenses plus to pay back debt coming due and see how that works out? That was - and in fact remains the ReagaNUT style "new economy" to the current second.

Interesting to note that you have joined the legions of mental defectives criticizing one president who doesn't control congress while using a much better congressional relationship as an excuse for another. Tut, tut. Damned bad form, sonny.

If "Reagan's prosperity was built on credit" where's Obama's prosperity?

One Obama deficit > all of Reagans

One Obama Deficit > any Reagan budget
1. Reagan never controlled Congress. The Democrats promised him spending cuts and lied to his face. So your premise is bullshit, Id accept that for that scumbag Dubya, but not for Reagan

2. Reagan let the private sector get back to work. AT the end of his first term the economy was a million times better than the one her inherited and the best was yet to come

Everything else you said is bullshit and not worth the time to respond

An excuse followed by a lie. You can take the boy out of the trailer, but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy, it seems. Although to be fair you get credit for acknowledging the truth about Junebug. That is a welcome admission and a surprise.

Every single word of my post is accurate. That is 100%.

While your defense of the Bobbleheaded One is an embarrassment on your behalf to honest persons of normal emotional maturity and an IQ over about sixty. Reagan's prosperity was built in credit. Wny don't you borrow as much as you, your father and your grandfathers spent over yours and their working lives and then continue to borrow to pay expenses plus to pay back debt coming due and see how that works out? That was - and in fact remains the ReagaNUT style "new economy" to the current second.

Interesting to note that you have joined the legions of mental defectives criticizing one president who doesn't control congress while using a much better congressional relationship as an excuse for another. Tut, tut. Damned bad form, sonny.

If "Reagan's prosperity was built on credit" where's Obama's prosperity?

One Obama deficit > all of Reagans

One Obama Deficit > any Reagan budget

We can agree Obama is over his head with a lot less experience and lower quality help managing bureaucracies than Reagan had. I'm not here to defend or apologize for Obama - who didn't get my vote in 2012; Gary Johnson did, although after 2004 I made a promise to vote against the nutball in 2008 - even if the name was Jesus Christ.

Nutballs elected Obama in 2004 by re electing the most MEASURABLY failed president in US history. In 2008 there were millions like me who in 2004 had committed to vote for the Democrat in 2008, even if they ran the literal Devil.

Bottom line: loathing Reagan is not the same thing as supporting Obama. For my money Clinton belongs in prison today for what he did in Yugoslavia. Beside Junebug Bush for what he did in Iraq.
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An excuse followed by a lie. You can take the boy out of the trailer, but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy, it seems. Although to be fair you get credit for acknowledging the truth about Junebug. That is a welcome admission and a surprise.

Every single word of my post is accurate. That is 100%.

While your defense of the Bobbleheaded One is an embarrassment on your behalf to honest persons of normal emotional maturity and an IQ over about sixty. Reagan's prosperity was built in credit. Wny don't you borrow as much as you, your father and your grandfathers spent over yours and their working lives and then continue to borrow to pay expenses plus to pay back debt coming due and see how that works out? That was - and in fact remains the ReagaNUT style "new economy" to the current second.

Interesting to note that you have joined the legions of mental defectives criticizing one president who doesn't control congress while using a much better congressional relationship as an excuse for another. Tut, tut. Damned bad form, sonny.

If "Reagan's prosperity was built on credit" where's Obama's prosperity?

One Obama deficit > all of Reagans

One Obama Deficit > any Reagan budget

We can agree Obama is over his head with a lot less experience and lower quality help managing bureaucracies than Reagan had. I'm not here to defend or apologize for Obama., who didn't get my vote in 2012; Gary Johnson did, although in 2004 I made a promise to vote against the nutball in 2008, even if the name was Jesus Christ.

Nutballs elected Obama in 2004 by re electing the most MEASURABLY failed president in US history. In 2008 there were millions like me who in 2004 had committed to vote for the Democrat in 2008, even if they ran the literal Devil.

Bottom line: loathing Reagan is not the same thing as supporting Obama. For my money Clinton belongs in prison today for what he did in Yugoslavia. Beside Junebug Bush for what he did in Iraq.

Sorry, I'm not seeing your explanation of why only Reagan's deficits bought us prosperity. Want to phone a friend, maybe Krugman and ask for help?
An excuse followed by a lie. You can take the boy out of the trailer, but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy, it seems. Although to be fair you get credit for acknowledging the truth about Junebug. That is a welcome admission and a surprise.

Every single word of my post is accurate. That is 100%.

While your defense of the Bobbleheaded One is an embarrassment on your behalf to honest persons of normal emotional maturity and an IQ over about sixty. Reagan's prosperity was built in credit. Wny don't you borrow as much as you, your father and your grandfathers spent over yours and their working lives and then continue to borrow to pay expenses plus to pay back debt coming due and see how that works out? That was - and in fact remains the ReagaNUT style "new economy" to the current second.

Interesting to note that you have joined the legions of mental defectives criticizing one president who doesn't control congress while using a much better congressional relationship as an excuse for another. Tut, tut. Damned bad form, sonny.

Frank in his desperation to live in denial about Reagan, just put fuel in his already burning down house he has..:lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl: He just shot himself in his foot and only helped you prove your point talking about how Reagan did not controll congress.

The Reagan apologists can never get their facts straight.I have seen them play dodgeball when you point out that under Reagan,we had a trillion dollar deficit.the largerst defecit ever under any president COMBINED!!! they dodge that fact and then shift the blame to congress saying it was the fault of congress ignoring it was reagans policys that led to that deficit. Here Frank is helping your case saying he did not control congress.Yeah he did not control congress,it was Reagans POLICYS that led to the worst defecit ever.:D

I also see that every Reagan apologist ran off with their tail between their legs knowing they were cornered with these facts in this link they cant refute.

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

no surprise.Nice game of dodgeball they play.:clap2::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:

Nice link. It puts the Reagan Administration in perspective when you look at his scandals.

Notice that like clockwork,Frank keeps playing dodgeball and has no answers for that link?:lmao::lmao: that tells me he isnt going to click it on cause he is so much in denial. thats so obvious with his theory that star wars works and how his defictis brought us prosperity. last time I checked bringing america to prosperity doesnt included taking away americans jobs and shipping them overseas to other countries.:cuckoo:

He must have no life,the way he is willing to keep coming back for these ass beatings he is getting and willing to suffer humiliation.:D
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An excuse followed by a lie. You can take the boy out of the trailer, but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy, it seems. Although to be fair you get credit for acknowledging the truth about Junebug. That is a welcome admission and a surprise.

Every single word of my post is accurate. That is 100%.

While your defense of the Bobbleheaded One is an embarrassment on your behalf to honest persons of normal emotional maturity and an IQ over about sixty. Reagan's prosperity was built in credit. Wny don't you borrow as much as you, your father and your grandfathers spent over yours and their working lives and then continue to borrow to pay expenses plus to pay back debt coming due and see how that works out? That was - and in fact remains the ReagaNUT style "new economy" to the current second.

Interesting to note that you have joined the legions of mental defectives criticizing one president who doesn't control congress while using a much better congressional relationship as an excuse for another. Tut, tut. Damned bad form, sonny.

If "Reagan's prosperity was built on credit" where's Obama's prosperity?

One Obama deficit > all of Reagans

One Obama Deficit > any Reagan budget

We can agree Obama is over his head with a lot less experience and lower quality help managing bureaucracies than Reagan had. I'm not here to defend or apologize for Obama - who didn't get my vote in 2012; Gary Johnson did, although after 2004 I made a promise to vote against the nutball in 2008 - even if the name was Jesus Christ.

Nutballs elected Obama in 2004 by re electing the most MEASURABLY failed president in US history. In 2008 there were millions like me who in 2004 had committed to vote for the Democrat in 2008, even if they ran the literal Devil.

Bottom line: loathing Reagan is not the same thing as supporting Obama. For my money Clinton belongs in prison today for what he did in Yugoslavia. Beside Junebug Bush for what he did in Iraq.

every president AFTER carter that served,should have all gone to prison including reagan.the ones that are STILL alive that belong there are Clinton,both Bushs,and Obama of course.
1. Reagan never controlled Congress. The Democrats promised him spending cuts and lied to his face. So your premise is bullshit, Id accept that for that scumbag Dubya, but not for Reagan

2. Reagan let the private sector get back to work. AT the end of his first term the economy was a million times better than the one her inherited and the best was yet to come

Everything else you said is bullshit and not worth the time to respond

An excuse followed by a lie. You can take the boy out of the trailer, but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy, it seems. Although to be fair you get credit for acknowledging the truth about Junebug. That is a welcome admission and a surprise.

Every single word of my post is accurate. That is 100%.

While your defense of the Bobbleheaded One is an embarrassment on your behalf to honest persons of normal emotional maturity and an IQ over about sixty. Reagan's prosperity was built in credit. Why don't you borrow as much as you, your father and your grandfathers spent over yours and their working lives and then continue to borrow to pay expenses plus to pay back debt coming due and see how that works out? That was - and in fact remains the ReagaNUT style "new economy" to the current second.

Interesting to note that you have joined the legions of mental defectives criticizing one president who doesn't control congress while using a much better congressional relationship as an excuse for another. Tut, tut. Damned bad form, sonny.

If "Reagan's prosperity was built on credit" where's Obama's prosperity?

One Obama deficit > all of Reagans

One Obama Deficit > any Reagan budget

We can agree Obama is over his head with a lot less experience and lower quality help managing bureaucracies than Reagan had. I'm not here to defend or apologize for Obama - who didn't get my vote in 2012; Gary Johnson did, although after 2004 I made a promise to vote against the nutball in 2008 - even if the name was Jesus Christ.

Bottom line: loathing Reagan is not the same thing as supporting Obama. For my money Clinton belongs in prison today for what he did in Yugoslavia. Beside Junebug Bush for what he did in Iraq.

If "Reagan's prosperity was built on credit" where's Obama's prosperity?

One Obama deficit > all of Reagans

One Obama Deficit > any Reagan budget

Sorry, I'm not seeing your explanation of why only Reagan's deficits bought us prosperity. Want to phone a friend, maybe Krugman and ask for help?

Can you read? The explanation why Reagan's deficits didn't bring true prosperity has been right in front of you in bright red. You might look at heroin addicts to see how Reagan's bogus economy made people like you feel good for a while. When the heroin is gone, addicts have a hard, hard time. How do you feel today, ace?

Reagan's prosperity was debt-fueled canned heat. A high school kid of average intelligence can figure it out that living on borrowed money is not the healthiest form of prosperity.

While the nutball element clearly disagrees, living on borrowed money is not real prosperity. (See, Dugdale's Razor)
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Frank in his desperation to live in denial about Reagan, just put fuel in his already burning down house he has..:lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl: He just shot himself in his foot and only helped you prove your point talking about how Reagan did not controll congress.

The Reagan apologists can never get their facts straight.I have seen them play dodgeball when you point out that under Reagan,we had a trillion dollar deficit.the largerst defecit ever under any president COMBINED!!! they dodge that fact and then shift the blame to congress saying it was the fault of congress ignoring it was reagans policys that led to that deficit. Here Frank is helping your case saying he did not control congress.Yeah he did not control congress,it was Reagans POLICYS that led to the worst defecit ever.:D

I also see that every Reagan apologist ran off with their tail between their legs knowing they were cornered with these facts in this link they cant refute.

Reagan's was the most corrupt administration in the lifetime of most Americans

no surprise.Nice game of dodgeball they play.:clap2::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:

Nice link. It puts the Reagan Administration in perspective when you look at his scandals.

Notice that like clockwork,Frank keeps playing dodgeball and has no answers for that link?:lmao::lmao: that tells me he isnt going to click it on cause he is so much in denial. thats so obvious with his theory that star wars works and how his defictis brought us prosperity. last time I checked bringing america to prosperity doesnt included taking away americans jobs and shipping them overseas to other countries.:cuckoo:

He must have no life,the way he is willing to keep coming back for these ass beatings he is getting and willing to suffer humiliation.:D

Star Wars worked. We've successfully test fired laser based defense systems.

The deficits didn't "bring us prosperity", you might want to learn to read what I wrote

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