Reagan - Class Act

Does man make history, or does history make the man? Not a simple question, and one not easily comprehended by partisan hacks (a shout-out to warrior and crusaderfrank, among other hacks).

RR was a great communicator and was able to make a personal connection with conservatives, liberals, Democrats, fellow Republicans and world leaders. These were his greatest strengths; foresight was not.

He was also lucky; he didn't have buffoons like McConnell and Boehner in Congress; no one in the other party was so brazen as McConnell to make bringing down the President his one priority and stonewalling every effort by him to govern.

Obama doesn't govern, he dictates. He's more like Chavez who he idolizes.

Do I need to remind you again? You're a partisan hack (and not very bright). Find a new hobby.
Does man make history, or does history make the man? Not a simple question, and one not easily comprehended by partisan hacks (a shout-out to warrior and crusaderfrank, among other hacks).

RR was a great communicator and was able to make a personal connection with conservatives, liberals, Democrats, fellow Republicans and world leaders. These were his greatest strengths; foresight was not.

He was also lucky; he didn't have buffoons like McConnell and Boehner in Congress; no one in the other party was so brazen as McConnell to make bringing down the President his one priority and stonewalling every effort by him to govern.

Obama doesn't govern, he dictates. He's more like Chavez who he idolizes.

Do I need to remind you again? You're a partisan hack (and not very bright). Find a new hobby.
So what I am partisan. I know that the Democrat party is the antithesis of what America was founded on. And I would prefer to know who my enemies are.
Does man make history, or does history make the man? Not a simple question, and one not easily comprehended by partisan hacks (a shout-out to warrior and crusaderfrank, among other hacks).

RR was a great communicator and was able to make a personal connection with conservatives, liberals, Democrats, fellow Republicans and world leaders. These were his greatest strengths; foresight was not.

He was also lucky; he didn't have buffoons like McConnell and Boehner in Congress; no one in the other party was so brazen as McConnell to make bringing down the President his one priority and stonewalling every effort by him to govern.

Freddo, RR has a short "to-do" list

1. Defeat Soviet Communism

2. Hand the US economy back to US entrepreneurs

If you;re FDR is "Great" for 7 years of 20% Unemployment, RR is a God

Gee, thanks CF. All those history courses I took must have been a waste of time. Though I suppose I could supplement my understanding of history with some of the source material, published by the Ministry of Truth, which you use.

[I like to use a little humor with CrusaderFrank, one never knows when the mental illness he suffers may turn violent, either on himself, others or small animals. I emphasize small animals because CF's criminal record includes a fowl crime. In fact the goose he tried to molest kicked his ass and he still has a slight speech impediment from the goose bite.]
Obama doesn't govern, he dictates. He's more like Chavez who he idolizes.

Do I need to remind you again? You're a partisan hack (and not very bright). Find a new hobby.
So what I am partisan. I know that the Democrat party is the antithesis of what America was founded on. And I would prefer to know who my enemies are.

Boris has no clue about anything. He posts like a prepubescent little girl
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A actor playing a part.

Ronald Reagan played the role of a hard working, deeply religious family man. He was none of those. Jimmy Carter was and is. Unfortunately, the voters preferred the Hollywood fake to the real thing.

Ronald Reagan was a group phenomenon. His advisers ran the country while he took naps and vacations. Reagan was not even in charge of the group. He was an amiable front man who nevertheless needed to be told what to say and where to put his feet.

According to David Stockman Edmund Meese was "the acting president."

Carter was a train wreck!
A actor playing a part.

Ronald Reagan played the role of a hard working, deeply religious family man. He was none of those. Jimmy Carter was and is. Unfortunately, the voters preferred the Hollywood fake to the real thing.

Ronald Reagan was a group phenomenon. His advisers ran the country while he took naps and vacations. Reagan was not even in charge of the group. He was an amiable front man who nevertheless needed to be told what to say and where to put his feet.

According to David Stockman Edmund Meese was "the acting president."

Carter was a train wreck!

Really? I was never a fan on the Born Again President, but a train wreck? Hmm, let us check some facts.

be right back
Does man make history, or does history make the man? Not a simple question, and one not easily comprehended by partisan hacks (a shout-out to warrior and crusaderfrank, among other hacks).

RR was a great communicator and was able to make a personal connection with conservatives, liberals, Democrats, fellow Republicans and world leaders. These were his greatest strengths; foresight was not.

He was also lucky; he didn't have buffoons like McConnell and Boehner in Congress; no one in the other party was so brazen as McConnell to make bringing down the President his one priority and stonewalling every effort by him to govern.

Freddo, RR has a short "to-do" list

1. Defeat Soviet Communism

2. Hand the US economy back to US entrepreneurs

If you;re FDR is "Great" for 7 years of 20% Unemployment, RR is a God

Gee, thanks CF. All those history courses I took must have been a waste of time. Though I suppose I could supplement my understanding of history with some of the source material, published by the Ministry of Truth, which you use.

[I like to use a little humor with CrusaderFrank, one never knows when the mental illness he suffers may turn violent, either on himself, others or small animals. I emphasize small animals because CF's criminal record includes a fowl crime. In fact the goose he tried to molest kicked his ass and he still has a slight speech impediment from the goose bite.]

Yes, they were a total waste of time because they took your ability to think and replaced it with idol worship

Under FDR, from 1933 until Hitler invaded France in 1940, unemployment averaged 20% in the USA

Explain how that is "Great" and not a mockery?
Obama doesn't govern, he dictates. He's more like Chavez who he idolizes.

Do I need to remind you again? You're a partisan hack (and not very bright). Find a new hobby.
So what I am partisan. I know that the Democrat party is the antithesis of what America was founded on. And I would prefer to know who my enemies are.

Being partisan is okay, being a hack is not.

Do you oppose equal opportunity?
Equal pay for equal work?
A Women's right to choose?
A person's right to marry someone they love?
The right to a free public education?
The right of workers to form unions and bargain collectively?
Gays and lesbians to serve their country in our armed forces?

If you do you're a Callous Conservative, the antithesis of Thomas Jefferson and the values expressed in the Declaration of Independence.
A actor playing a part.

Ronald Reagan played the role of a hard working, deeply religious family man. He was none of those. Jimmy Carter was and is. Unfortunately, the voters preferred the Hollywood fake to the real thing.

Ronald Reagan was a group phenomenon. His advisers ran the country while he took naps and vacations. Reagan was not even in charge of the group. He was an amiable front man who nevertheless needed to be told what to say and where to put his feet.

According to David Stockman Edmund Meese was "the acting president."

Carter was a train wreck!

You're simply being a parrot and couldn't provide a concise and clear justification for calling President Carter a train wreck. Most of your posts suggest even a parrot has a better understanding of the words s/he uses.

Thank you for that, Truthseeker.

The devolution of a myth in full view without a false word, a false note, or anything but FACTUAL sadness - most compellingly, in Reagan's own words - at what passed for leadership in the 1980s.

Many of us knew before he was elected he was not up to the job. It is evidence like that series of FACTUAL vignettes that illustrate how we got to this place and further illustrates how the people who support empty suits are responsible.

Clintonistas should not be happy about this, nor should Bush Leaguers. Reagan was at least an honest fool. No honest person with a three digit IQ can say that about either Clinton or Junebug Bush. Assembled vignettes from real life illustrating their true nature will make the one above look like a happy place.
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Doesn't it strike any of you dolts that your whining about Reagan a quarter century since leaving office is testament to at least his enduring legacy? No one much talks about Clinton anymore a mere 13 years later. Reagan was a giant who left behind an obviously very embittered left; and that with very good reason.

We understand.:razz:
Doesn't it strike any of you dolts that your whining about Reagan a quarter century since leaving office is testament to at least his enduring legacy? No one much talks about Clinton anymore a mere 13 years later. Reagan was a giant who left behind an obviously very embittered left; and that with very good reason.

We understand.:razz:


You don't.

Anyone too stupid to understand that no conservative or friend to the United States could possibly spend more in EIGHT YEARS than the total spent in the previous EIGHTY YEARS during which two world wars were fought and won - and did it on credit, doesn't understand much about anything.

Reagan was a fucking idiot led around by a string on his belt. The man got to be president because white trash needed a self esteem boost and the truth wasn't going to work for them. So Don Regan took Otis Chandler's protege, a B actor, and turned him into the feelgood president.

No, sport, you and the filthy fucking white trash who lionize Reagan don't understand much of anything. If you did and were capable of understanding what you people have done to the country, you'd be slowing down at the next bridge you cross on the way home to see if there is a bullet left.

None of which can possibly be construed as respect for Clinton, who was, in fact, forgettable, and among the lowest life forms in earthly politics. In his first eight years out of office the man grifted about eighty million in "speech and consulting fees" that look to me more like payoffs for signing repeal of Glass Steagall and signing CFTMA and pardoning Marc Rich. No other human being ever claimed eighty million in "earnings" without inventing something or improving a process or creating at least one private sector job. Clinton used ReagaNUTic accounting to "balance" the budget, and he used the power of the pardon as corruptly as any president in US history. He is scum who appealed to the worst instincts of the kneepadders bragging him up.

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Do I need to remind you again? You're a partisan hack (and not very bright). Find a new hobby.
So what I am partisan. I know that the Democrat party is the antithesis of what America was founded on. And I would prefer to know who my enemies are.

Being partisan is okay, being a hack is not.

Do you oppose equal opportunity?
So long as it is based purely on a person's ability and not skin color
Equal pay for equal work?
why not?
A Women's right to choose?
Not at the expense of unborn children. That is unacceptable.
A person's right to marry someone they love?
Only the true definition of marriage is valid: One man-one woman.
The right to a free public education?
You mean public indoctrination of socialism. School choice should be stressed and the Department of Education abolished. Public schooling should revert back to the local level.
The right of workers to form unions and bargain collectively?
Private businesses yes, but not public sector leeches.
Gays and lesbians to serve their country in our armed forces?
As long as it isn't flaunted. DADT was a good compromise.

If you do you're a Callous Conservative, the antithesis of Thomas Jefferson and the values expressed in the Declaration of Independence.
Doesn't it strike any of you dolts that your whining about Reagan a quarter century since leaving office is testament to at least his enduring legacy? No one much talks about Clinton anymore a mere 13 years later. Reagan was a giant who left behind an obviously very embittered left; and that with very good reason.

We understand.:razz:


You don't.

Anyone too stupid to understand that no conservative or friend to the United States could possibly spend more in EIGHT YEARS than the total spent in the previous EIGHTY YEARS during which two world wars were fought and won - and did it on credit, doesn't understand much about anything.

Reagan was a fucking idiot led around by a string on his belt. The man got to be president because white trash needed a self esteem boost and the truth wasn't going to work for them. So Don Regan took Otis Chandler's protege, a B actor, and turned him into the feelgood president.

No, sport, you and the filthy fucking white trash who lionize Reagan don't understand much of anything. If you did and were capable of understanding what you people have done to the country, you'd be slowing down at the next bridge you cross on the way home to see if there is a bullet left.

None of which can possibly be construed as respect for Clinton, who was, in fact, forgettable, and among the lowest life forms in earthly politics. In his first eight years out of office the man grifted about eighty million in "speech and consulting fees" that look to me more like payoffs for signing repeal of Glass Steagall and signing CFTMA and pardoning Marc Rich. No other human being ever claimed eighty million in "earnings" without inventing something or improving a process or creating at least one private sector job. Clinton used ReagaNUTic accounting to "balance" the budget, and he used the power of the pardon as corruptly as any president in US history. He is scum who appealed to the worst instincts of the kneepadders bragging him up.

No, really - we do understand. It's not easy getting your asses handed to you, but there you go. Who knows, in the highly unlikely scenario that Obama is successful right wingers may be whining about him even 25 years on as absurdly as you do about Reagan.

Again, it is the way of things, and again - we do understand.
Doesn't it strike any of you dolts that your whining about Reagan a quarter century since leaving office is testament to at least his enduring legacy? No one much talks about Clinton anymore a mere 13 years later. Reagan was a giant who left behind an obviously very embittered left; and that with very good reason.

We understand.:razz:


You don't.

Anyone too stupid to understand that no conservative or friend to the United States could possibly spend more in EIGHT YEARS than the total spent in the previous EIGHTY YEARS during which two world wars were fought and won - and did it on credit, doesn't understand much about anything.

Reagan was a fucking idiot led around by a string on his belt. The man got to be president because white trash needed a self esteem boost and the truth wasn't going to work for them. So Don Regan took Otis Chandler's protege, a B actor, and turned him into the feelgood president.

No, sport, you and the filthy fucking white trash who lionize Reagan don't understand much of anything. If you did and were capable of understanding what you people have done to the country, you'd be slowing down at the next bridge you cross on the way home to see if there is a bullet left.

None of which can possibly be construed as respect for Clinton, who was, in fact, forgettable, and among the lowest life forms in earthly politics. In his first eight years out of office the man grifted about eighty million in "speech and consulting fees" that look to me more like payoffs for signing repeal of Glass Steagall and signing CFTMA and pardoning Marc Rich. No other human being ever claimed eighty million in "earnings" without inventing something or improving a process or creating at least one private sector job. Clinton used ReagaNUTic accounting to "balance" the budget, and he used the power of the pardon as corruptly as any president in US history. He is scum who appealed to the worst instincts of the kneepadders bragging him up.

No, really - we do understand. It's not easy getting your asses handed to you, but there you go. Who knows, in the highly unlikely scenario that Obama is successful right wingers may be whining about him even 25 years on as absurdly as you do about Reagan.

Again, it is the way of things, and again - we do understand.

You seem to believe you're addressing a Democrat or an Obama supporter, by itself evidence of mental defect, now let us add reading facts you don't like and calling it whining.

Here is the reality: there is nothing you or any ReagaNUT can post that changes the fact that NeoCon Ron made halfwit America feel good for a few years. Then the hero of Iran-Contra's debt-fueled voodoo economics crashed. Now you nutballs have to look back to find a hero. End of story.

Here is another reality: there is nothing absurd about telling the truth. When you and the legions of human cattle still lionizing the halfwitted B actor who handed the MIC and Wall Street the keys to the United States Treasury figure it out that facts are facts you'll be on a better path.

Here is a problem with a solution we can call Dugdale's Razor or maybe Jukes's Tail:
Q: If we call a cow's tail a leg, how many legs does it have?
A: Four.
Dugdale's Razor: Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.
Reagan's answer: Five.
Calling Reagan a small government fiscal conservative doesn't make him one. You can call him whatever, but it don't change the facts. The Bobbleheaded old crowd pleaser tripled the USA's debt, spending as much in eight years as the nation had spent the previous eighty years overcoming a depression and winning two world wars - and the stupid old fuck did it on credit.

Anyone who believes those facts prove Reagan was anything but a closeted Keynesian New Dealer is a fucking idiot.

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You would deny rights to other citizens based on your values. That makes you anti-democratic, not as you suggest anti "democrat".

In responding to Quotes, it needs to be done outside of the Protected Quote Box. You cannot add text inside a protected quote. -Intense
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the fascination of the Gipper by toda's right is understandable because the likes of Fox's Bill Kristol mentioning his name at least one time during every broadcast & the fact that today's conservative voters aren't known for their research abilities.
You seem to believe you're addressing a Democrat or an Obama supporter, by itself evidence of mental defect, now let us add reading facts you don't like and calling it whining.

Here is the reality: there is nothing you or any ReagaNUT can post that changes the fact that NeoCon Ron made halfwit America feel good for a few years. Then the hero of Iran-Contra's debt-fueled voodoo economics crashed. Now you nutballs have to look back to find a hero. End of story.

Here is another reality: there is nothing absurd about telling the truth. When you and the legions of human cattle still lionizing the halfwitted B actor who handed the MIC and Wall Street the keys to the United States Treasury figure it out that facts are facts you'll be on a better path.

Here a problem with a solution we can call Dugdale's Razor or maybe Jukes's Tail:

Q: If we call a cow's tail a leg, how many legs does it have?

A: Four.

Dugdale's Razor: Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.

Reagan's answer: Five.

Calling Reagan a small government fiscal conservative doesn't change the facts. He tripled the debt spending as much in eight years as the nation had spent the previous eighty years overcoming a depression and winning two world wars, and he did it on credit.

Anyone who believes those facts prove Reagan was anything but a closeted Keynesian New Dealer is a fucking idiot.

I have tried being sympathetic, but obviously your pathological hatred or simple ignorance (I'd go with the latter) has left you incapable of reason.

We are unknown to each other, so I really can't bring myself to give a rat's ass except to say once again is that I understand your bitterness. The problem is something you need to deal with yourself. If, or how you do so is entirely up to you.

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