Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Joe, unlike the ObamaCare website, SDI worked.

You and Carl Sagan got it wrong.

And the system gets better every time.

It must suck to keep rooting for the USSR and failure

10 million people have signed up for ObamaCare using the website.

SDI has worked- once, under lab conditions in a controlled environment.

We can't say for sure how many signed up, we're not sure if they're citizens or if they paid.

SDI worked Josef, sucks to be you
US Missile Defense System Finally Meets With Success
By Elizabeth Palermo, Live Science Contributor | June 26, 2014 12:23pm ET

Missile Interceptor Test - June 22, 2014
Pin It The United States military's Ground-based Midcourse Defense system was tested on June 22, 2014. An interceptor was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California and successfully destroyed a mock enemy missile over the Pacific Ocean.
Credit: Missile Defense Agency/U.S. Department of Defense
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The United States military announced this week that on June 22, a so-called interceptor launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California and successfully destroyed a mock enemy warhead high over the Pacific Ocean.

The successful test of the nation's ground-based missile defense system was a landmark event for the military and the government contractors responsible for developing and maintaining the country's ground-based defenses.

The Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system tested on Sunday (June 22) had previously failed its last four tests, the first of which was carried out in December 2008, reported the Los Angeles Times. Sunday's successful interception marks the first time in six years that the system proved effective at destroying a test target. [7 Technologies That Transformed Warfare]

“This is a very important step in our continuing efforts to improve and increase the reliability of our homeland ballistic missile defense system," James D. Syring, Navy Vice Admiral and director of the Missile Defense Agency (MDA), said in a statement.

US Missile Defense System Finally Meets With Success

The Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system tested on Sunday (June 22) had previously failed its last four tests, the first of which was carried out in December 2008, reported the Los Angeles Times. Sunday's successful interception marks the first time in six years that the system proved effective at destroying a test target

While no such system was ever deployed under the Reagan administration,

However, as the LA Times reported earlier this month, just because this particular kill vehicle destroyed its target, that doesn't mean the next one will. Each kill vehicle is handmade and contains over 1,000 component parts, which means that no two of these devices are the same. According to the Times, engineers who have worked on the missile defense system acknowledge that because each kill vehicle is unique, even a successful test might not predict the performance of future interceptors launched in combat.



The system was declared operational 10 years ago and has cost a total of $40 billion. It dates back to President Reagan’s “Star Wars” concept.

The defending missile is supposed to hit the incoming missile in mid-air. Like all the previous tests, this one was carefully staged.

Those launching the intercepting missile knew the target’s exact dimensions, its time of launch, its trajectory, and its speed.

This information would not be available in time of war.

News & Views: Missile defense hits its target
A Gallup poll taken in 1992 found that Ronald Reagan was the most unpopular living president apart from Nixon, and ranked even below Jimmy Carter; just 46 percent of Americans had a favorable view of Reagan while Carter was viewed favorably by 63 percent of Americans.

This was before the Hollywood-style re-write of Reagan’s presidency that created the fictional character portrayed during Reagan’s 100th birthday celebration. The campaign was led by Grover Norquist and his “Ronald Reagan Legacy Project,” along with corporate-funded propaganda mills like Heritage and American Enterprise Institute that underwrote hundreds of flattering books to create a mythic hero and perpetual tax-cutter.

...Did Reagan end the Cold War? Immediately after the Berlin Wall fell, a USA Today survey found that only 14% of respondents believed that. Historians mostly credit forty years of “Containment” by eight U.S. presidents.

Vox Verax: The Whitewashing of Ronald Reagan
Your source is even less credible than yourself. He talks about polls that he can't link doubting, no doubt, that idiots would link his articles to those who could actually think for themselves.

The failure is just as much yours as the fool you linked.

Failures really don't like Reagan, and I can't imagine why.:D

Three Gallup ratings in 1990, 1992, and 1993 showed Reagan's job approval rating in the 50% to 54% range

Ronald Reagan From the People?s Perspective: A Gallup Poll Review

However, Reagan, Ford, Carter, and George H.W. Bush have enjoyed substantial increases in public approval since leaving office, particularly when they have stayed out of partisan politics.

Kennedy Still Highest-Rated Modern President, Nixon Lowest

Poppy Bush’s approval rating hit a low of 29 percent in midsummer 1992, a steep decline of 60 percent in 16 months.

5 Presidents With the Biggest Approval Rating Declines | Listosaur | Hungry for Knowledge


By 1992, three years after he left the White House, Ronald Reagan was anything but a beloved former president. As a painful recession gripped the country, the public came to see the Reagan years — which featured a massive defense buildup, soaring deficits and even a stock market crash in 1987 — as the source of their economic woes. Running for president that year, Bill Clinton promised to enact a clean break from the “failed policies of Reagan and Bush.” As Reagan prepared to speak at the Republican National Convention in August, a Gallup poll found that just 46 percent of Americans had a favorable view of him. By contrast, Jimmy Carter, the man Reagan had defeated in a 44-state rout in 1980, was viewed favorably by 63 percent of the American public. The Reagan presidency stood in something approaching disrepute.

Today, though, you’d never know any of this happened. In the two decades since it bottomed out, Reagan’s image has been resurrected, thanks largely to a relentless campaign from conservative activists.

When Reagan was (much) less popular than Carter -
Do you honestly think posting the same Salon article not once but twice is going to legitimize it or make you seem any more credible? Desperate historical revision was for the likes of the peasant population of post-Red October Russia.

Still, as with the likes of Camp, I despair the dumbing down of America.
Not ironically you are misinformed. It was simply named Washington National Airport. It is now named Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.

Dumbing down I suppose.

You got no room to talk about dumbing down. It was originally named National Airport and built by FDR. It became Washington National when Reagan gave up federal government ownership of the airport and became named Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport under Clinton. It is usually referred to as simply Reagan International.
It was never referred to as the Washington, D.C. International Airport.
No, your dumbing down is apparent and not only with your tenuous grasp of history. To wit:

For decades it was called Washington National Airport; it was renamed in 1998 to honor former U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is an example of dumbing down. You can't deny it, too obvious. Sorry.


For decades it was called Washington National Airport; it was renamed in 1998 to honor former U.S. President Ronald Reagan. The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority

Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Your source is even less credible than yourself. He talks about polls that he can't link doubting, no doubt, that idiots would link his articles to those who could actually think for themselves.

The failure is just as much yours as the fool you linked.

Failures really don't like Reagan, and I can't imagine why.:D

Three Gallup ratings in 1990, 1992, and 1993 showed Reagan's job approval rating in the 50% to 54% range

Ronald Reagan From the People?s Perspective: A Gallup Poll Review

However, Reagan, Ford, Carter, and George H.W. Bush have enjoyed substantial increases in public approval since leaving office, particularly when they have stayed out of partisan politics.

Kennedy Still Highest-Rated Modern President, Nixon Lowest

Poppy Bush’s approval rating hit a low of 29 percent in midsummer 1992, a steep decline of 60 percent in 16 months.

5 Presidents With the Biggest Approval Rating Declines | Listosaur | Hungry for Knowledge


By 1992, three years after he left the White House, Ronald Reagan was anything but a beloved former president. As a painful recession gripped the country, the public came to see the Reagan years — which featured a massive defense buildup, soaring deficits and even a stock market crash in 1987 — as the source of their economic woes. Running for president that year, Bill Clinton promised to enact a clean break from the “failed policies of Reagan and Bush.” As Reagan prepared to speak at the Republican National Convention in August, a Gallup poll found that just 46 percent of Americans had a favorable view of him. By contrast, Jimmy Carter, the man Reagan had defeated in a 44-state rout in 1980, was viewed favorably by 63 percent of the American public. The Reagan presidency stood in something approaching disrepute.

Today, though, you’d never know any of this happened. In the two decades since it bottomed out, Reagan’s image has been resurrected, thanks largely to a relentless campaign from conservative activists.

When Reagan was (much) less popular than Carter -
Do you honestly think posting the same Salon article not once but twice is going to legitimize it or make you seem any more credible? Desperate historical revision was for the likes of the peasant population of post-Red October Russia.

Still, as with the likes of Camp, I despair the dumbing down of America.

Got it, Giving you CREDIBLE links having Gallup polls showing 50% approval ratings for Ronnie and 29% for Bush, doesn't allow you to believe Reagan hit 46% favorable ratings, just before the GOP Convention in 1992? As the US economy was tanking? lol
@ Dad: Salon is not a credible link. The airport is called Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Finally, it is invariable that I become condescending with you for reasons beyond my control. Imagine you must be used to it when attempting to engage those beyond your dumbed down cronies.

My bad, I suppose.
Not ironically you are misinformed. It was simply named Washington National Airport. It is now named Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.

Dumbing down I suppose.

You got no room to talk about dumbing down. It was originally named National Airport and built by FDR. It became Washington National when Reagan gave up federal government ownership of the airport and became named Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport under Clinton. It is usually referred to as simply Reagan International.
It was never referred to as the Washington, D.C. International Airport.
No, your dumbing down is apparent and not only with your tenuous grasp of history. To wit:

For decades it was called Washington National Airport; it was renamed in 1998 to honor former U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is an example of dumbing down. You can't deny it, too obvious. Sorry.

A genuine dumb ass is one that goes on the attack and calls others dumb armed with nothing more than wikipedia for a source. National Airport was always National Airport until 1987 when the Washington Metropolitan Airports Authority was established.
Anyhow, here is a more reliable source:

SDI worked, USSR defeated, real economic growth, drives "American" liberals to insanity.

Not bad, Ronnie. Not bad at all
Guy we have crumbling bridges, ineffective schools and all our manufacturing is going to China.

You guys did more damage to this country than the 'communists' ever did.

Step 1. Insert <Laundry List of stuff Democrats fucked Up>
Step 2. Blame Republicans
Step 3. Go to Step 1

Really? I seem to remember those bridges collapsing on Bush's watch... along with the infrastructure.

I mean, it's amazing. You guys take no credit for Nixon, Ford, or either of the Bushes and you replace Reagan with a mythical version.
SDI worked, USSR defeated, real economic growth, drives "American" liberals to insanity.

Not bad, Ronnie. Not bad at all

THe real Reagan record.

Middle class destroyed.
National Debt tripled and deficit spending instutionalized
Billions pissed away on "Star Wars"
Jihadists armed and turn on America
Progressives have to lie about their failures and Conservative success

What are you going to say that you're espousing a system with a guaranteed fail but this time it'll work?
You got no room to talk about dumbing down. It was originally named National Airport and built by FDR. It became Washington National when Reagan gave up federal government ownership of the airport and became named Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport under Clinton. It is usually referred to as simply Reagan International.
It was never referred to as the Washington, D.C. International Airport.
No, your dumbing down is apparent and not only with your tenuous grasp of history. To wit:

For decades it was called Washington National Airport; it was renamed in 1998 to honor former U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is an example of dumbing down. You can't deny it, too obvious. Sorry.

A genuine dumb ass is one that goes on the attack and calls others dumb armed with nothing more than wikipedia for a source. National Airport was always National Airport until 1987 when the Washington Metropolitan Airports Authority was established.
Anyhow, here is a more reliable source:

What is so difficult with Washington National becoming Ronald Reagan Washington National? WTF is it you don't understand?

Even being dumbed down by elementary public education is no excuse at this level of simplicity.
SDI worked, USSR defeated, real economic growth, drives "American" liberals to insanity.

Not bad, Ronnie. Not bad at all

THe real Reagan record.

Middle class destroyed.
National Debt tripled and deficit spending instutionalized
Billions pissed away on "Star Wars"
Jihadists armed and turn on America

^ that

He raised taxes & traded weapons to Iranians too ;)
SDI worked, USSR defeated, real economic growth, drives "American" liberals to insanity.

Not bad, Ronnie. Not bad at all

THe real Reagan record.

Middle class destroyed.
National Debt tripled and deficit spending instutionalized
Billions pissed away on "Star Wars"
Jihadists armed and turn on America
Progressives have to lie about their failures and Conservative success

What are you going to say that you're espousing a system with a guaranteed fail but this time it'll work?

Um, the system I espouse is what we had before Reagan. The rich pay their fair share and workers are unionized to make sure their employers aren't cheating them.

That worked reasonably well and we had the highest standard of living in the world.
THe real Reagan record.

Middle class destroyed.
National Debt tripled and deficit spending instutionalized
Billions pissed away on "Star Wars"
Jihadists armed and turn on America
Progressives have to lie about their failures and Conservative success

What are you going to say that you're espousing a system with a guaranteed fail but this time it'll work?

Um, the system I espouse is what we had before Reagan. The rich pay their fair share and workers are unionized to make sure their employers aren't cheating them.

That worked reasonably well and we had the highest standard of living in the world.

The rich already pay the majority of the income tax. What proof do you have that they are not paying 'their fair share?' ....well I would guess in your mind, they should pay most if not all their income to the corrupt and inefficient big government you love...which would do nothing, but farther destroy the economy.

Reagan, like all our presidents has much to criticize. But compared to what? Compared to Big Ears, he looks very good.

You hate Reagan, but love BO. Now that is some kind of crazy psychosis.
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The rich already pay the majority of the income tax. What proof do you have that they are paying 'their fair share?'

Income taxes only account for 40% of federal revenues. THat's not even factoring in state taxes. Other taxes like Social Security and medicare fall firmly on the shoulders of the middle class.

....well I would guess in your mind, they should pay most if not all their income to the corrupt and inefficient big government you love...which would do nothing but farther destroy the economy.

Most countries that have socialized medicine and a bigger social safety net are more prosperous than we are. They live longer, have lower infant mortality rates, less crime, less prisons.

[Reagan, like all our presidents has much to criticize. But compared to what? Compared to Big Ears, he looks very good.

You hate Reagan, but love BO. Now that is some kind of crazy psychosis.

I voted for Reagan twice, but only voted for Obama once. (ANd that was only because the GOP nominated a fucking Mormon.)

Again, I really don't waste a lot of time talking to Libertarian Loons. Most of you just need to put down the bong.
Progressives have to lie about their failures and Conservative success

What are you going to say that you're espousing a system with a guaranteed fail but this time it'll work?

Um, the system I espouse is what we had before Reagan. The rich pay their fair share and workers are unionized to make sure their employers aren't cheating them.

That worked reasonably well and we had the highest standard of living in the world.

The rich already pay the majority of the income tax. What proof do you have that they are not paying 'their fair share?' ....well I would guess in your mind, they should pay most if not all their income to the corrupt and inefficient big government you love...which would do nothing, but farther destroy the economy.

Reagan, like all our presidents has much to criticize. But compared to what? Compared to Big Ears, he looks very good.

You hate Reagan, but love BO. Now that is some kind of crazy psychosis.

Majority of income taxes? Oh that 42% of the pie? Near post WW2's share of federal revenues?

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory

This paragraph from the report says it all—

“The reduction in the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment and productivity growth. The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie. However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top of the income distribution.”

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study - Forbes

As measured by IRS data, the share of income accruing to the top 0.1% of U.S. families increased from 4.2% in 1945 to 12.3% by 2007 before falling to 9.2% due to the 2007-2009 recession. At the same time, the average tax rate paid by the top 0.1% fell from over 50% in 1945 to about 25% in 2009.

Congressional Research Service Report On Tax Cuts For Wealthy Suppressed By GOP (UPDATE)

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

Third World countries. One of the things they all had in common was a small, very rich elite, small middle class, and a large lower class. They also shared very low economic growth as a result. This has been known for at least 50 years. The US has been going in this direction for at least the last 30 years as we have gradually de-industrialized and government policies (such as trickle down economics. 'free trade', etc) have promoted the shift of wealth from the lower and middle classes to the economic elite
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