Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Here is also the REAL Ronald Reagan exposed.

Reagan |

and they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are led by their cheerleading reagan cousin worshipper Crusader Retard.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D
Here is also the REAL Ronald Reagan exposed.

Reagan |

and they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are led by their cheerleading reagan cousin worshipper Crusader Retard.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D

this part in my link REALLY hit the nail right on the head.Reagan being senile as he was,actully came close to getting us into world war 3 with the russians because of his stupidity.If Not for Gorbechev being the peaceseeker he was and russia had a maniac in power at the time,Reagan would have achived that.:cuckoo:

Which brings us to myth number two:
Jimmy Carter wrecked the economy, and Reagan's bold tax cuts saved it.
This is utterly absurd. Economic growth indices -- GDP, jobs, revenues -- were all positive when Carter left office. All plunged after Reagan policies took effect.
Reagan didn't cure inflation, the main economic problem during the Carter years. Carter's Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker tried when he raised interest rates. That's the opposite of what Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan has done to keep inflation low.
Carter's policies and people fought inflation, but maintained real growth. On the other hand, Reagan's policies helped cause the worst recession since the Great Depression: two bleak years with nearly double-digit unemployment! Reaganomics failed in less than a year, and it took an entire second year for the economy to recover from the failure.
Carter didn't cause the inflation problem, but his tough policies and smart personnel solved it. Unfortunately for Carter, it took too long for the good results to kick in. Not only didn't Reagan help whip inflation, he actually opposed the Volcker policies!
Another major myth:
Reagan cut taxes on all Americans, and that led to a great expansion.
Here's the truth: the total federal tax burden increased during the Reagan years, and most Americans paid more in taxes after Reagan than before. The "Reagan Recovery" was unremarkable. It looks great only contrasted against the dismal Reagan Recession -- but it had nothing to do with Supply Side voodoo.
With a red ink explosion -- $300 BILLION deficits looming as far as the eye could see -- GOP Senators, notably including Bob Dole, led the way on tax hikes. The economy enjoyed its recovery only after total tax increases larger than the total tax cuts were implemented. Most importantly, average annual GDP growth during the Reagan 80s was lower than during the Clinton 90s or the JFK-LBJ 60s!
Enough about the economy. Here's the biggest myth of them all:
Ronald Reagan won the "Cold War".
In reality, Reagan did nothing to bring down the Soviet Union.
By 1980, the Soviet Union was trying to cut its own defense spending. Reagan made it harder for them to do so. In fact, Reagan increased the possibility of a nuclear war because he was -- frankly, and sadly -- senile. He thought we could actually recall submarine-launched nuclear missiles (talk about a Reagan myth), and bullied the Soviets to highest alert several times.
Critically, Reagan never even tried to bring down the Soviet Union.
Wasteful overspending on defense didn't end the Soviet Union. In fact, it played into the hands of authoritarian "Communist" hard-liners in the Kremlin. Reagan thought the Soviet Union was more powerful than we were. He was trying to close what he called "the window of vulnerability."
This was sheer idiocy.
No general in our military would trade our armed forces for theirs. If it were to happen, none of the Soviet military command would turn down that deal. We had better systems, better troops, and better morale.
Here's the truth: we'd already won the Cold War before Reagan took office. All Reagan needed to do was continue the tried-and-true containment policies Harry S. Truman began and all subsequent presidents employed. The Soviet Union was Collapsing from within. The CIA actually told this to Reagan as he took office.
Here's an example: the Soviet Union military couldn't deal with a weak state on its own border, the poor, undermanned Afghanistan. Most of the Soviets' military might had to make sure its "allies" in the Warsaw Pact and subjects along the South Asian front didn't revolt. Even Richard Nixon told Reagan he could balance the budget with big defense cuts.
Reagan ignored this, and wrecked our budget.
We didn't have to increase weapons spending, but Reagan didn't care. He ran away from summits with the dying old-guard Soviets, and the new-style "glasnost" leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev baffled the witless Reagan and his closed-minded extremist advisors.
Maggie Thatcher finally cajoled the Gipper into meeting Gorby, and Gorby cleaned Reagan's clock. Reagan's hard-right "handlers" nearly had to drag Reagan out of the room before he signed away our entire nuclear deterrent. Reagan -- and the planet -- was lucky Gorbachev sought genuine and stable peace. Had Yuri Andropov's health held, Reagan's "jokes" and gaffes might have caused World War III.
Eventually Reagan even gave Gorbachev his seal of approval. Visiting Moscow before the August Coup, Reagan said the Soviet Union was no longer the "Evil Empire." He predicted his friend Gorbachev would lead the Soviet Union for many years to come.
As usual, Reagan was wrong. A few months later, disgruntled military officers kidnapped Gorbachev, throwing him out of power forever. Reagan remained disengaged: nothing he did caused the coup, and nothing he did made the Soviet military support Boris Yeltsin over their superiors.
We're all fortunate things happened as they did -- but once again, Reagan did nothing to make this fluke more likely.
All this is vintage Reagan. Reagan took credit for others' hard word and hard choices, and blamed them for his failures. Reagan even blamed Jimmy Carter for Reagan's foolish, fatal, and reckless decision to leave 243 Marines stationed in Beirut, helpless and unguarded.
Reagan hired over 100 crooks to run our government, and broke several laws himself. His policies were almost uniformly self-defeating, wrong-headed, immoral and unfair.
Reagan was an actor playing the part of the president. He was style over substance; lucky, not good.
And once the myths are stripped from the "legacy", the truth becomes obvious:
Reagan was by far the most overrated man in American history.
Reagan was by far the most overrated man in American history.
damn straight.:beer::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Reagan entered office in 1981 with a short "to do" list

1. Let US Businesses get back to work
2. Crush the USSR

By the time he left we were in the middle of the largest and longest peacetime economic expansion in history and the USSR was finished

People have been lying about his results and that's their problem
[ame=]Reagan at Brandenburg Gate - "tear down this wall" - YouTube[/ame]

Anyone notice Gorby there?

Me neither
at 3:53 and 3:55 pm today someone farted in here.:9::9:

His handlers sure are getting worried the truth about reagan is being exposed the way they keep sending him here IMMEDIATELY after i get the truth out about reagans corruption,how he shits all over the floor so quickly in each post.:D
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FAIR ???????????? FAIR ??????????? SON OF A BEECH !!!!!!!!!!

"Reagan Was the Butcher of My People:" Fr. Miguel D’Escoto Speaks From Nicaragua


We go to Managua, Nicaragua to speak with Fr. Miguel D’Escoto, a Catholic priest who was Nicaragua’s Foreign Minister under the Sandinista government in the 1980s. [Includes transcript]
The 8 years Reagan was in office represented one of the most bloody eras in the history of the Western hemisphere, as Washington funneled money, weapons and other supplies to right wing death squads. And the death toll was staggering–more than 70,000 political killings in El Salvador, more than 100,000 in Guatemala, 30,000 killed in the contra war in Nicaragua. In Washington, the forces carrying out the violence were called "freedom fighters." This is how Ronald Reagan described the Contras in Nicaragua: "They are our brothers, these freedom fighters and we owe them our help. They are the moral equal of our founding fathers."
•Fr. Miguel D’Escoto, a Catholic priest based in Managua, Nicaragua. He was Nicaragua’s Foreign Minister under the Sandinista government in the 1980s.

When what is called the Hollywood movie system ended,the TV was becoming bigger.
Old movies to TV was going to be big money with residuals,BUT NO !! As president of Screen Actors guild ,he sold out his own fellow actors getting near zero for RESIDUALS. BUT HE GOT TV DEAL via MOB with GE.
SEE AT 4:50 Reagan has a history to forget under oath .....gee remind u of IRAN CONTRA ??

The great Ronald reagan:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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This thread provides all the proof you ever need that Progressives are pathological lairs.

They say Reagan damaged the Great Carter Economy and Gorby decided to dismantle the USSR.

It's the complete opposite of the truth.

Have to give them credit for being so brazen and just not caring that they're lying
This thread provides all the proof you ever need that Progressives are pathological lairs.

They say Reagan damaged the Great Carter Economy and Gorby decided to dismantle the USSR.

It's the complete opposite of the truth.

Have to give them credit for being so brazen and just not caring that they're lying

Except no one said either of these things...

Reagan destroyed the middle class which had long preceded Carter, and even Republicans used to think was a good idea. Eisenhower and Nixon got it. A strong unionized middle class was the backbone of the American economy, and it was more important than one recession.

Nor do we think that Gorby dismantled the USSR. We're just pragmatic enough to realize the USSR did not fall because Reagan talked to a wall, or because he armed some crazy jihadists in Afghanistan.

The USSR fell for the same reason that British Empire fell.
Reagan entered office in 1981 with a short "to do" list

1. Let US Businesses get back to work
2. Crush the USSR

By the time he left we were in the middle of the largest and longest peacetime economic expansion in history and the USSR was finished

People have been lying about his results and that's their problem

Unfortunately, he didn't accomplish either.

Manufacturing jobs declined under Reagan. Oh, he tried to stem the tide by imposing some limits on the Japanese, but the fact is, Reagan stood their impotently while factories shuttered their doors.

As for the USSR, the thing was, we never saw that coming. Years of being afraid of "The Evil Empire", we discovered they were a collection of third world countries that didn't really like each other that much.
This thread provides all the proof you ever need that Progressives are pathological lairs.

They say Reagan damaged the Great Carter Economy and Gorby decided to dismantle the USSR.

It's the complete opposite of the truth.

Have to give them credit for being so brazen and just not caring that they're lying

Except no one said either of these things...

Reagan destroyed the middle class which had long preceded Carter, and even Republicans used to think was a good idea. Eisenhower and Nixon got it. A strong unionized middle class was the backbone of the American economy, and it was more important than one recession.

Nor do we think that Gorby dismantled the USSR. We're just pragmatic enough to realize the USSR did not fall because Reagan talked to a wall, or because he armed some crazy jihadists in Afghanistan.

The USSR fell for the same reason that British Empire fell.

Yeah, unions. Awesome. In NYC they add anywhere from 25% to 33% to to cost of construction depending on trade. In other words, a project that cost normal people 10MM will cost 12-13 if you use Union Labor.

My office is on 42nd and Lex and everyday I meet union "workers", 4 of them. They start each day by inflating a large rat, blowing whistles and handing out flyers protesting that the building choose not to use Union masons. Can you imagine paying 4 people to protest? Normal business would take that money and spend it on sales and promotion. But not Joe's beloved Unions.

Joe hit the trifecta of Reagan Lies: Reagan destroyed the economy, the USSR fells because they just felt like it and Reagan armed Jihadists.

3 for 3, Joe

Perfect Pathology
Yeah, unions. Awesome. In NYC they add anywhere from 25% to 33% to to cost of construction depending on trade. In other words, a project that cost normal people 10MM will cost 12-13 if you use Union Labor.

Yeah, so? That extra 2-3 million goes back into the economy with working folks having a little more money in their pocket. I'm not seeing the problem here that the people who DID the work actually see a little more of the money.

My office is on 42nd and Lex and everyday I meet union "workers", 4 of them. They start each day by inflating a large rat, blowing whistles and handing out flyers protesting that the building choose not to use Union masons. Can you imagine paying 4 people to protest? Normal business would take that money and spend it on sales and promotion. But not Joe's beloved Unions.

Yup, I think that unions need to go back to what they did in the good old days. It involved kneecaps and lead pipes. Fuck that inflatable rat shit.

Joe hit the trifecta of Reagan Lies: Reagan destroyed the economy, the USSR fells because they just felt like it and Reagan armed Jihadists.

3 for 3, Joe

Perfect Pathology

i'm still waiting for you tell me what Reagan actually did to bring down the USSR.

Exactly. Specifically.

Reagan entered office in 1981 with a short "to do" list

1. Let US Businesses get back to work
2. Crush the USSR

By the time he left we were in the middle of the largest and longest peacetime economic expansion in history and the USSR was finished

People have been lying about his results and that's their problem

Unfortunately, he didn't accomplish either.

Manufacturing jobs declined under Reagan. Oh, he tried to stem the tide by imposing some limits on the Japanese, but the fact is, Reagan stood their impotently while factories shuttered their doors.

As for the USSR, the thing was, we never saw that coming. Years of being afraid of "The Evil Empire", we discovered they were a collection of third world countries that didn't really like each other that much.

You never saw it coming. Reagan made it a priority and it happened

Now you're all butthurt he crushed your home team so you have to lie about it
Reagan's policy was to cut individual and corporate tax rates sharply, and to restrain the growth in government spending and regulation. The Democrats, who were in control of the House, resisted and delayed the Reagan tax cuts, so they were not fully implemented until 1983. Obama had the luxury of having his party in control of both houses of Congress, so he was able to get his proposed, massive government spending increases enacted almost immediately.

When Reagan left office in January 1989, he had presided over "seven fat years," as Bob Bartley, the now-deceased editor of The Wall Street Journal, called the Reagan era. Unemployment was half of its recession high, economic growth averaged more than 4 percent after the recession bottom in 1982, the deficit was falling and was under a very manageable 3 percent of gross domestic product, the GDP-debt ratio was falling, inflation had dropped by about two-thirds, and every American individual and company had seen very sharp reductions in their marginal tax rates — the maximum rate fell from 70 percent to only 28 percent by the time Reagan left office.
Keynesian economics, practiced during the late 1960s and 1970s, became thoroughly discredited with the stagflation of the 1970s — which, in theory, was impossible under the old model — and the subsequent Reagan supply-side boom.

The Clinton administration, after its so-so economic performance in the first term with small increases in tax rates and government spending, partially reverted to Reaganomics in its second term; with a capital-gains rate cut and reductions in spending as a percentage of GDP. The result was very strong economic growth and budget surpluses
Obama?s Economics Failing Under Keynesian Policies
the quote from the newsmax article stating that the deficit fell under Reagan is BIG FAT LIE.... you should know that and recognize a lie when you see one.....

You never saw it coming. Reagan made it a priority and it happened

Now you're all butthurt he crushed your home team so you have to lie about it

Guy, I was in the Army at the time the USSR fell in 1989, long after Reagan had left to enjoy his senile dementia.

No, no one saw it coming. The Army was still publishing these big glossy OPFOR books about how scary the USSR was because they had technology that was 20 years behind ours. We were still wargaming the Fulda Gap scenario of a Soviet Invasion of Germany that we now know they never could have pulled off.
Yup, I think that unions need to go back to what they did in the good old days. It involved kneecaps and lead pipes. Fuck that inflatable rat shit. .

Which is one reason why all those jobs went south and east, and why you need to work three jobs instead of one.

because the 1%ers are suicidal greedy.

Yes, we know you guys are. It's like you never fucking learn.
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