Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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That's because the fantasies the rich create about their value to society are so unrealistic that even Hollywood rejects those scripts.

Which rich are we talking about? The ones who own businesses and employe people like your stupid ass .

Saying that the rich create jobs is like saying that vampires create blood. That sucks!

That analogy makes almost no sense at all, Prometheus. The fact takes capital to create jobs. Rich people HAVE capital! Given the right incentives rich people will try to increase their holdings by investing in businesses that create jobs. On the other hand...if you treat profit as a crime and create taxes to seize profits...then rich people won't risk capital in businesses and jobs won't be created. I know this whole subject is "confusing" to you starry eyed progressives but it's really quite simple if you put some thought into it.
You want us to emulate Cuba? Before you make a total ass of yourself...I would suggest you visit Cuba and see for yourself what happens to a country when a bunch of zealots seize the assets of the wealthy. It's not pretty. The Cuban people live a miserable life and it's because their leaders decided that Capitalism was evil and they knew better.

The Commies were the wealthy, sucker. The boogeyman your Masters tell you to hate were heirs to the fortunes milked by Capitalism. Typical of spoiled-rotten scum, they were impatient with waiting for Daddy to die so they could inherit. That's why they took control of the democratic revolution and imposed an Heirhead dictatorship on their gullible guerrillas. Their governance was also incompetent because the unfit spawn of your rich heroes never had to compete. The conceit your fatcats bred into them made them sure they were naturally endowed with the ability to run things and didn't have to learn how to get things done.

The Jabba the Hutt plutocratic parasites you want us to worship are the very ones who beget the Limousine Left you want us to hate.
You want us to emulate Cuba? Before you make a total ass of yourself...I would suggest you visit Cuba and see for yourself what happens to a country when a bunch of zealots seize the assets of the wealthy. It's not pretty. The Cuban people live a miserable life and it's because their leaders decided that Capitalism was evil and they knew better.

The Commies were the wealthy, sucker. The boogeyman your Masters tell you to hate were heirs to the fortunes milked by Capitalism. Typical of spoiled-rotten scum, they were impatient with waiting for Daddy to die so they could inherit. That's why they took control of the democratic revolution and imposed an Heirhead dictatorship on their gullible guerrillas. Their governance was also incompetent because the unfit spawn of your rich heroes never had to compete. The conceit your fatcats bred into them made them sure they were naturally endowed with the ability to run things and didn't have to learn how to get things done.

The Jabba the Hutt plutocratic parasites you want us to worship are the very ones who beget the Limousine Left you want us to hate. don't have a clue what you're talking you?
Which rich are we talking about? The ones who own businesses and employe people like your stupid ass .

Saying that the rich create jobs is like saying that vampires create blood. That sucks!

That analogy makes almost no sense at all, Prometheus. The fact takes capital to create jobs. Rich people HAVE capital! Given the right incentives rich people will try to increase their holdings by investing in businesses that create jobs. On the other hand...if you treat profit as a crime and create taxes to seize profits...then rich people won't risk capital in businesses and jobs won't be created. I know this whole subject is "confusing" to you starry eyed progressives but it's really quite simple if you put some thought into it.

I'd rather step on their toes than lick their boots. There's no such thing as creating a job. It's not a statue that you can look at; it's an activity, so the employee makes it into something useful. Again, the Capitalist is like a car key--necessary but not valued at more than $5 on a $50,000 car, which is the work force. The predatory plutocratic parasites suck our blood by paying us far less than what we produce after they click on the ignition.

The Middle Ages had plenty of capital but were unproductive, because all capital does is suck blood. Capitalism is just a branch grafted on to the feudalist tree used for lynching peasants.
Cuba under Castro failed because it was run by the children of rich people? The system they chose had nothing to do with that failure of course...right?

What Poly-Sci professor saddled you with THAT nonsense, Prom...seriously Dude...
You want us to emulate Cuba? Before you make a total ass of yourself...I would suggest you visit Cuba and see for yourself what happens to a country when a bunch of zealots seize the assets of the wealthy. It's not pretty. The Cuban people live a miserable life and it's because their leaders decided that Capitalism was evil and they knew better.

The Commies were the wealthy, sucker. The boogeyman your Masters tell you to hate were heirs to the fortunes milked by Capitalism. Typical of spoiled-rotten scum, they were impatient with waiting for Daddy to die so they could inherit. That's why they took control of the democratic revolution and imposed an Heirhead dictatorship on their gullible guerrillas. Their governance was also incompetent because the unfit spawn of your rich heroes never had to compete. The conceit your fatcats bred into them made them sure they were naturally endowed with the ability to run things and didn't have to learn how to get things done.

The Jabba the Hutt plutocratic parasites you want us to worship are the very ones who beget the Limousine Left you want us to hate. don't have a clue what you're talking you?

You don't have a firm grasp of what clue means or you wouldn't use it that way. That is a bimbo Heiresshead Valley Girl expression, so I'll pay as much attention to you as I would to Kim Kardashian.
Saying that the rich create jobs is like saying that vampires create blood. That sucks!

That analogy makes almost no sense at all, Prometheus. The fact takes capital to create jobs. Rich people HAVE capital! Given the right incentives rich people will try to increase their holdings by investing in businesses that create jobs. On the other hand...if you treat profit as a crime and create taxes to seize profits...then rich people won't risk capital in businesses and jobs won't be created. I know this whole subject is "confusing" to you starry eyed progressives but it's really quite simple if you put some thought into it.

I'd rather step on their toes than lick their boots. There's no such thing as creating a job. It's not a statue that you can look at; it's an activity, so the employee makes it into something useful. Again, the Capitalist is like a car key--necessary but not valued at more than $5 on a $50,000 car, which is the work force. The predatory plutocratic parasites suck our blood by paying us far less than what we produce after they click on the ignition.

The Middle Ages had plenty of capital but were unproductive, because all capital does is suck blood. Capitalism is just a branch grafted on to the feudalist tree used for lynching peasants.

There is no such thing as creating a job? Really! So the businesses that I've started over the years didn't create jobs for all the people who worked for me? Those jobs just spontaneously appeared? Is that what you're saying?

"Predatory plutocratic parasites"? LOL...ah, you've got to love someone with a lot of education and absolutely no clue how to employ it!
The Commies were the wealthy, sucker. The boogeyman your Masters tell you to hate were heirs to the fortunes milked by Capitalism. Typical of spoiled-rotten scum, they were impatient with waiting for Daddy to die so they could inherit. That's why they took control of the democratic revolution and imposed an Heirhead dictatorship on their gullible guerrillas. Their governance was also incompetent because the unfit spawn of your rich heroes never had to compete. The conceit your fatcats bred into them made them sure they were naturally endowed with the ability to run things and didn't have to learn how to get things done.

The Jabba the Hutt plutocratic parasites you want us to worship are the very ones who beget the Limousine Left you want us to hate. don't have a clue what you're talking you?

You don't have a firm grasp of what clue means or you wouldn't use it that way. That is a bimbo Heiresshead Valley Girl expression, so I'll pay as much attention to you as I would to Kim Kardashian.

Since I'm from Massachusetts...about as far from the "Valley" as you can get, both literally and figuratively, your contention makes as much sense as the rest of your verbal diarrhea.
Saying that the rich create jobs is like saying that vampires create blood. That sucks!

That analogy makes almost no sense at all, Prometheus. The fact takes capital to create jobs. Rich people HAVE capital! Given the right incentives rich people will try to increase their holdings by investing in businesses that create jobs. On the other hand...if you treat profit as a crime and create taxes to seize profits...then rich people won't risk capital in businesses and jobs won't be created. I know this whole subject is "confusing" to you starry eyed progressives but it's really quite simple if you put some thought into it.

I'd rather step on their toes than lick their boots. There's no such thing as creating a job. It's not a statue that you can look at; it's an activity, so the employee makes it into something useful. Again, the Capitalist is like a car key--necessary but not valued at more than $5 on a $50,000 car, which is the work force. The predatory plutocratic parasites suck our blood by paying us far less than what we produce after they click on the ignition.

The Middle Ages had plenty of capital but were unproductive, because all capital does is suck blood. Capitalism is just a branch grafted on to the feudalist tree used for lynching peasants.

The layers of stupidity in this post are staggering, Prom.

So let me see if I understand how this SHOULD work in your confused mind...

The "predatory plutocratic parasites" (otherwise known as business owners) should pay you MORE than you produce? That makes sense to you? Really? Wow, you are either really stoned this morning or you are about as clueless AS a Kardashian.
Cuba under Castro failed because it was run by the children of rich people? The system they chose had nothing to do with that failure of course...right?

What Poly-Sci professor saddled you with THAT nonsense, Prom...seriously Dude...

You think any idea you don't want to hear must come from Academentia? The university is an obsolete aristocratic institution designed specifically for spoiled-rotten garbage living off an allowance, so you'll never get ideas like mine from that Snob Mob source. Modern ideologies represent only a pillow fight at a prep school, from which real Americans are excluded. But Brown-noses don't want to hear anything bad about Bluebloods, except when the preppy progressives pretend to be against your Heirhead idols, who are their fraternity brothers. They both are joined together pulling a frat-rat prank on you mice.
Cuba under Castro failed because it was run by the children of rich people? The system they chose had nothing to do with that failure of course...right?

What Poly-Sci professor saddled you with THAT nonsense, Prom...seriously Dude...

You think any idea you don't want to hear must come from Academentia? The university is an obsolete aristocratic institution designed specifically for spoiled-rotten garbage living off an allowance, so you'll never get ideas like mine from that Snob Mob source. Modern ideologies represent only a pillow fight at a prep school, from which real Americans are excluded. But Brown-noses don't want to hear anything bad about Bluebloods, except when the preppy progressives pretend to be against your Heirhead idols, who are their fraternity brothers. They both are joined together pulling a frat-rat prank on you mice.

Ah...right...NOW I'm starting to get a feel for where you're coming from...

You WERE in college but flunked out? Gee, Prom...didn't they understand the "brilliance" of your analogies? :eusa_boohoo:

I'm some point in your life did someone tell you that you were an astute observer of the human condition and if so...did you actually believe them?
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You progressives are just going to have to deal with the fact that Ronald Reagan hurt your cause to destroy the United States of America


I remember the years before Reagan, when we had a vibrant middle class, guys like my dad who were in the union could own their own homes and vacation property and take trips with the family, and lived a pretty comfortable life.

Now I know folks like myself who have college educations, but are still working two and three jobs to make ends meet.

The rich got richer and the rest of got screwed.

No, the reason why Reagan is hated is because he destroyed the middle class.

yep.yep,and yep.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
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I remember the years before Reagan, when we had a vibrant middle class, guys like my dad who were in the union could own their own homes and vacation property and take trips with the family, and lived a pretty comfortable life.

Now I know folks like myself who have college educations, but are still working two and three jobs to make ends meet.

The rich got richer and the rest of got screwed.

Lol how droll do you not know anything but what is spoon fed you why you for ever going to be ignorant but actually happened but you're young still and too f****** stupid to realize what the 80's actually were like

Guy, I lived through the 1980's. They weren't that impressive. It started with a recession and ended with a recession.

Fact was, Unemployment was as bad at the end of Reagan's first term as it was when he took office.


thats what I have said to the reagan zombies over a hundred times on this thread.

the thing that proves you correct is actual broadcasts from the 1980's back then that I posted here on post # 568 which predictably,they covered their ears and closed their eyes on in.:D

myself and friends even spelled it out for them dummies style here on post # 576

only to watch out facts go ignored.

these reagan zombies would be laughed out of debating hall within a minute refusing to address their opponents facts like they do.good thing they arent lawyers,nobody would want them to represent them.:D
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Lol how droll do you not know anything but what is spoon fed you why you for ever going to be ignorant but actually happened but you're young still and too f****** stupid to realize what the 80's actually were like

Well I'm not too young to remember, lad.

Reagan's contribution to the mess we're in now is obvious.

Doubt me?

Do your own reseach into the size of government, the size of the deficit and the sixe of the national debt.

Everything the right wing mytholgy yells us about Reagan is a big fat lie.

the datas are there so there's NO excuse for being fooled other than you WANT to be fooled.

And this is the problem.

The REAL Reagan tripled the debt, raised taxes after cutting them, dramatically increased government spending, appointed moderates to the courts, gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens, and did dozens of other things that Republicans would never forgive a Bush for.

But he gave a really pretty speech in Berlin and a few years later, the wall came down.

And thus a legend is born.

Like you said before,the berlin wall did not come down till 3 years later after he was out of office and somehow reagan gets the credit for that. the dates are there for sure and so are tapes of actual broadcasts from the 80 of MAINSTREAM MEDIA announcers I have posted announcing that reagans policys betrayed the middle class.actual live broadcasts back then. it:D:lmao::lmao::lmao:
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Well I'm not too young to remember, lad.

Reagan's contribution to the mess we're in now is obvious.

Doubt me?

Do your own reseach into the size of government, the size of the deficit and the sixe of the national debt.

Everything the right wing mytholgy yells us about Reagan is a big fat lie.

the datas are there so there's NO excuse for being fooled other than you WANT to be fooled.

And this is the problem.

The REAL Reagan tripled the debt, raised taxes after cutting them, dramatically increased government spending, appointed moderates to the courts, gave amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens, and did dozens of other things that Republicans would never forgive a Bush for.

But he gave a really pretty speech in Berlin and a few years later, the wall came down.

And thus a legend is born.

The beauty of Reagan is he could do all the things above and yet convince people he did just the opposite. Why is that? Was it his acting ability, his little grin, did he believe his own words, or did people want to believe, just what?
Was his whole presidency one giant acting role and even he and the audience didn't know it? If so it deserves an academy award, it still today gets good revues today.
Did he in fact, not remember 124 times when questioned by the Iran-Contra Congressional committee? But his best scene was the tear down the wall take.
and support and aid contra terrorists as well yet people still love him today.they were taken in by the actor who acted and fooled many people here.
Tip O'Neill didn't come out on day one and say, "I hope he Fails".

That could be because unlike Obama, Reagan's plan was not to destroy the United States of America

Really? Quadrupling the National Debt, shipping all the good paying jobs to Asia, (The Japanese paid him a 1 Million dollar speaking fee after he left office) busting up the Middle Class.

Looks like he pretty much destroyed America to me.

thats cause you arent in denial.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
You can tell how deluded people are about Reagan when they try to convince themselves that the Berlin Wall just fell on its own or that Reagan "raised taxes"

And what happened then, Joe? What happened when the Cuban people bought into the whole "Capitalism is evil" routine of Castro and Che and did away with free market systems and went with State run systems? What's the standard of living NOW for the average Cuban? What rights do they have? You think it was shitty living in Cuba under Batista? It's far worse under the Castro brothers!

Most Cubans would probably disagree with you. In fact, I would go so far as to say that long after they are dead, the Castro brothers and Che will be remembered as heroes even after Cubans figure out Communism doesn't really work.

This is what a lot of you foaming at the mouth right-wingers don't get.

Vietnamese folks have embraced capitalism and reconciled with the free world. They STILL revere Ho Chi Mihn the way we revere Geo. Washington.

Stalin was recently voted the third greatest figure in Russian history. (After SAINT Alexander Nevsky and the Prime Minister who freed the Serfs.)

Second point- Yes, living in Cuba sucks, because we've been spending the last 50 years punishing Cuba economically with sanctions. And shame on us for doing so, and shame on us for letting the bitter exile community have so much power.

And what happened then, Joe? What happened when the Cuban people bought into the whole "Capitalism is evil" routine of Castro and Che and did away with free market systems and went with State run systems? What's the standard of living NOW for the average Cuban? What rights do they have? You think it was shitty living in Cuba under Batista? It's far worse under the Castro brothers!

Most Cubans would probably disagree with you. In fact, I would go so far as to say that long after they are dead, the Castro brothers and Che will be remembered as heroes even after Cubans figure out Communism doesn't really work.

This is what a lot of you foaming at the mouth right-wingers don't get.

Vietnamese folks have embraced capitalism and reconciled with the free world. They STILL revere Ho Chi Mihn the way we revere Geo. Washington.

Stalin was recently voted the third greatest figure in Russian history. (After SAINT Alexander Nevsky and the Prime Minister who freed the Serfs.)

Second point- Yes, living in Cuba sucks, because we've been spending the last 50 years punishing Cuba economically with sanctions. And shame on us for doing so, and shame on us for letting the bitter exile community have so much power.

You don't really know very much about you, Joe? Let me clue you in...

When most Cubans speak of Castro they don't actually say his name...instead they stroke their chins (because Castro is referred to as "The Beard" by Cubanos). They do this because making comments about Fidel even to your neighbors can land a Cuban in prison.

At some point Cuba will emerge from the shadow of Communism. When that happens and the Cuban people are able to prosper for the first time in decades, Fidel Castro will be seen for what he was...a brutal dictator.

Che died back in the 60's, Dude...didn't you get the memo on that?
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You don't really know very much about you, Joe? Let me clue you in...

When most Cubans speak of Castro they don't actually say his name...instead they stroke their chins (because Castro is referred to as "The Beard" by Cubanos). They do this because making comments about Fidel even to your neighbors can land a Cuban in prison.

At some point Cuba will emerge from the shadow of Communism. When that happens and the Cuban people are able to prosper for the first time in decades, Fidel Castro will be seen for what he was...a brutal dictator.

Che died back in the 60's, Dude...didn't you get the memo on that?

Guy, you need to get a memo. The assholes in Florida we made the mistake of letting in are not an accurate source. Half of them were thrown out of Cuban mental hospitals and prisons.

We need to stop letting THIS GUY dictate our Cuba policy.

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