Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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And what happened then, Joe? What happened when the Cuban people bought into the whole "Capitalism is evil" routine of Castro and Che and did away with free market systems and went with State run systems? What's the standard of living NOW for the average Cuban? What rights do they have? You think it was shitty living in Cuba under Batista? It's far worse under the Castro brothers!

Most Cubans would probably disagree with you. In fact, I would go so far as to say that long after they are dead, the Castro brothers and Che will be remembered as heroes even after Cubans figure out Communism doesn't really work.

This is what a lot of you foaming at the mouth right-wingers don't get.

Vietnamese folks have embraced capitalism and reconciled with the free world. They STILL revere Ho Chi Mihn the way we revere Geo. Washington.

Stalin was recently voted the third greatest figure in Russian history. (After SAINT Alexander Nevsky and the Prime Minister who freed the Serfs.)

Second point- Yes, living in Cuba sucks, because we've been spending the last 50 years punishing Cuba economically with sanctions. And shame on us for doing so, and shame on us for letting the bitter exile community have so much power.

Joe the little schoolboy Communist, he believes the American Liberal version of Communism and never met and never talked with anyone who fled these various Workers Paradise for the USA.

I never met anyone from Cuba or the former USSR who speaks fondly of the world they left behind. My favorite comment was from a Russian émigré who left a week after the wall came down and is now a wealthy landlord here. To him the Joes of the world are the dumbest people on the planet pining openly for the worst political/ economic system.

You don't really know very much about you, Joe? Let me clue you in...

When most Cubans speak of Castro they don't actually say his name...instead they stroke their chins (because Castro is referred to as "The Beard" by Cubanos). They do this because making comments about Fidel even to your neighbors can land a Cuban in prison.

At some point Cuba will emerge from the shadow of Communism. When that happens and the Cuban people are able to prosper for the first time in decades, Fidel Castro will be seen for what he was...a brutal dictator.

Che died back in the 60's, Dude...didn't you get the memo on that?

Guy, you need to get a memo. The assholes in Florida we made the mistake of letting in are not an accurate source. Half of them were thrown out of Cuban mental hospitals and prisons.

We need to stop letting THIS GUY dictate our Cuba policy.


Ive been active in affordable housing in Little Havana for over 20 years and I never met anyone like Scarface and again the Cuban landlords and tenants will tell you to your face that you're a liar and not too bright either

And what happened then, Joe? What happened when the Cuban people bought into the whole "Capitalism is evil" routine of Castro and Che and did away with free market systems and went with State run systems? What's the standard of living NOW for the average Cuban? What rights do they have? You think it was shitty living in Cuba under Batista? It's far worse under the Castro brothers!

Most Cubans would probably disagree with you. In fact, I would go so far as to say that long after they are dead, the Castro brothers and Che will be remembered as heroes even after Cubans figure out Communism doesn't really work.

This is what a lot of you foaming at the mouth right-wingers don't get.

Vietnamese folks have embraced capitalism and reconciled with the free world. They STILL revere Ho Chi Mihn the way we revere Geo. Washington.

Stalin was recently voted the third greatest figure in Russian history. (After SAINT Alexander Nevsky and the Prime Minister who freed the Serfs.)

Second point- Yes, living in Cuba sucks, because we've been spending the last 50 years punishing Cuba economically with sanctions. And shame on us for doing so, and shame on us for letting the bitter exile community have so much power.

Put another way, the same people who put FDR on top of US Presidents list Stalin third

You don't really know very much about you, Joe? Let me clue you in...

When most Cubans speak of Castro they don't actually say his name...instead they stroke their chins (because Castro is referred to as "The Beard" by Cubanos). They do this because making comments about Fidel even to your neighbors can land a Cuban in prison.

At some point Cuba will emerge from the shadow of Communism. When that happens and the Cuban people are able to prosper for the first time in decades, Fidel Castro will be seen for what he was...a brutal dictator.

Che died back in the 60's, Dude...didn't you get the memo on that?

Guy, you need to get a memo. The assholes in Florida we made the mistake of letting in are not an accurate source. Half of them were thrown out of Cuban mental hospitals and prisons.

We need to stop letting THIS GUY dictate our Cuba policy.


Ah, so you're basing your knowledge of Cuba on "Scarface"? That explains a lot... :cuckoo:
I'm speaking about the Cuba that I know from visiting the're speaking about the Cuba that you "know" from watching a movie that was a remake of an earlier American movie. Gee, I wonder who knows more about the REAL Cuba!
American policy in regards to Cuba has always sucked. It sucked before Castro and it sucks today.
Joe the little schoolboy Communist, he believes the American Liberal version of Communism and never met and never talked with anyone who fled these various Workers Paradise for the USA.

I never met anyone from Cuba or the former USSR who speaks fondly of the world they left behind. My favorite comment was from a Russian émigré who left a week after the wall came down and is now a wealthy landlord here. To him the Joes of the world are the dumbest people on the planet pining openly for the worst political/ economic system.

Guy, somehow I doubt you spend any time talking to anyone outside these boards.

Of course people who leave a country aren't going to say fond things about it. Do you realize what a big step leaving the country of your birth actually is?

Fact is, most Cubans are still in Cuba. Most Russians stayed in the USSR.

Incidently, I did work with a guy who used to live in the Ukranian SSR, and he had found memories of Communism.
Joe the little schoolboy Communist, he believes the American Liberal version of Communism and never met and never talked with anyone who fled these various Workers Paradise for the USA.

I never met anyone from Cuba or the former USSR who speaks fondly of the world they left behind. My favorite comment was from a Russian émigré who left a week after the wall came down and is now a wealthy landlord here. To him the Joes of the world are the dumbest people on the planet pining openly for the worst political/ economic system.

Guy, somehow I doubt you spend any time talking to anyone outside these boards.

Of course people who leave a country aren't going to say fond things about it. Do you realize what a big step leaving the country of your birth actually is?

Fact is, most Cubans are still in Cuba. Most Russians stayed in the USSR.

Incidently, I did work with a guy who used to live in the Ukranian SSR, and he had found memories of Communism.

Ah, Joe? Most Cubans are still in Cuba because the people running Cuba don't give them choice to leave.

See here's the thing...when a system really IS great? You don't have to build "Iron Curtains" to keep the people there. If Cuba was great people wouldn't risk their lives on leaky boats traversing shark infested waters to try and get out.

Ah, Joe? Most Cubans are still in Cuba because the people running Cuba don't give them choice to leave.

See here's the thing...when a system really IS great? You don't have to build "Iron Curtains" to keep the people there. If Cuba was great people wouldn't risk their lives on leaky boats traversing shark infested waters to try and get out.

Okay, guy, the "Iron Curtain" was a metaphor. There was no actual physical "Iron Curtain".

I know this is hard for you to grasp, but there it is.

Again, people risk their lives to get here from Cuba for the same reason they risk their lives to get here from Mexico.

Yet no one would say that the 20 million who've escaped from Mexico is a condemnation of Capitalism. But 1 million Cubans absolutely PROVES that Communism sucks (for the folks who were helping big corporations rape the country and were no longer welcome by their neighbors.)

Am I saying Cuba is wonderful. Nope. Communism really doesn't work well. And the fact is, for the last 50 years, we've made it impossible for ANYONE to do business in Cuba.
Joe the little schoolboy Communist, he believes the American Liberal version of Communism and never met and never talked with anyone who fled these various Workers Paradise for the USA.

I never met anyone from Cuba or the former USSR who speaks fondly of the world they left behind. My favorite comment was from a Russian émigré who left a week after the wall came down and is now a wealthy landlord here. To him the Joes of the world are the dumbest people on the planet pining openly for the worst political/ economic system.

Guy, somehow I doubt you spend any time talking to anyone outside these boards.

Of course people who leave a country aren't going to say fond things about it. Do you realize what a big step leaving the country of your birth actually is?

Fact is, most Cubans are still in Cuba. Most Russians stayed in the USSR.

Incidently, I did work with a guy who used to live in the Ukranian SSR, and he had found memories of Communism.

Fond memories of bread lines and poverty? Can other people see your friend or are you the only one who can see him and talk to him?

Tell us again what turned you away from being a Republican

Ah, Joe? Most Cubans are still in Cuba because the people running Cuba don't give them choice to leave.

See here's the thing...when a system really IS great? You don't have to build "Iron Curtains" to keep the people there. If Cuba was great people wouldn't risk their lives on leaky boats traversing shark infested waters to try and get out.

Okay, guy, the "Iron Curtain" was a metaphor. There was no actual physical "Iron Curtain".

I know this is hard for you to grasp, but there it is.

Again, people risk their lives to get here from Cuba for the same reason they risk their lives to get here from Mexico.

Yet no one would say that the 20 million who've escaped from Mexico is a condemnation of Capitalism. But 1 million Cubans absolutely PROVES that Communism sucks (for the folks who were helping big corporations rape the country and were no longer welcome by their neighbors.)

Am I saying Cuba is wonderful. Nope. Communism really doesn't work well. And the fact is, for the last 50 years, we've made it impossible for ANYONE to do business in Cuba.

There was no Iron Curtain? Not literally, but you'd have to be a total Progressive fool to talk like that.

Yes, I still get goosebumps at " this gate"
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Russian engineer in NJ 1989, in tears at his first visit to an A&P. A grown man crying openly. Why? He said JoeB's imaginary friends lied to him his whole life, they told him there was nothing like the prosperity and choices the American middle class enjoyed, it was all a lie all propaganda. And there, right in front of him was more fresh food than he'd ever seen in his entire life. Because it was run by free enterprise and not by the government
Russian engineer in NJ 1989, in tears at his first visit to an A&P. A grown man crying openly. Why? He said JoeB's imaginary friends lied to him his whole life, they told him there was nothing like the prosperity and choices the American middle class enjoyed, it was all a lie all propaganda. And there, right in front of him was more fresh food than he'd ever seen in his entire life. Because it was run by free enterprise and not by the government

And it's very nice and stuff.

But here's the thing. The reason why we have so much fresh food is because the government subsidizes farming.

Latest breaking news on US farm bill 2013 -

The US Senate advanced a a $955 billion five-year farm bill in June 2013. The bill would cut $24 billion from current spending levels over 10 years, including $4 billion-worth of cuts in food stamps.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said he hopes that House leaders will allow a floor vote on the Senate farm bill this year

Hey, if you are throwing nearly a TRILLION dollars at farmers over a five year period, that's not a "Free Market", dude.

Wow, you really are a stupid person, aren't you?
Russian engineer in NJ 1989, in tears at his first visit to an A&P. A grown man crying openly. Why? He said JoeB's imaginary friends lied to him his whole life, they told him there was nothing like the prosperity and choices the American middle class enjoyed, it was all a lie all propaganda. And there, right in front of him was more fresh food than he'd ever seen in his entire life. Because it was run by free enterprise and not by the government

And it's very nice and stuff.

But here's the thing. The reason why we have so much fresh food is because the government subsidizes farming.

Latest breaking news on US farm bill 2013 -

The US Senate advanced a a $955 billion five-year farm bill in June 2013. The bill would cut $24 billion from current spending levels over 10 years, including $4 billion-worth of cuts in food stamps.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said he hopes that House leaders will allow a floor vote on the Senate farm bill this year

Hey, if you are throwing nearly a TRILLION dollars at farmers over a five year period, that's not a "Free Market", dude.

Wow, you really are a stupid person, aren't you?

The person that's rather ignorant is yourself, think Obama wants the Farm Bill passed to help farmers, when it's the Food Stamp program that is a major part of the Farm Bill that Barry wants propped up. Barack Obama could care less about America's farmers.

Ah, Joe? Most Cubans are still in Cuba because the people running Cuba don't give them choice to leave.

See here's the thing...when a system really IS great? You don't have to build "Iron Curtains" to keep the people there. If Cuba was great people wouldn't risk their lives on leaky boats traversing shark infested waters to try and get out.

Okay, guy, the "Iron Curtain" was a metaphor. There was no actual physical "Iron Curtain".

I know this is hard for you to grasp, but there it is.

Again, people risk their lives to get here from Cuba for the same reason they risk their lives to get here from Mexico.

Yet no one would say that the 20 million who've escaped from Mexico is a condemnation of Capitalism. But 1 million Cubans absolutely PROVES that Communism sucks (for the folks who were helping big corporations rape the country and were no longer welcome by their neighbors.)

Am I saying Cuba is wonderful. Nope. Communism really doesn't work well. And the fact is, for the last 50 years, we've made it impossible for ANYONE to do business in Cuba. you not understand what the Berlin Wall was, Joe? It was a barrier constructed to keep people under Soviet domination from leaving for the West. It was very much a "physical" Iron Curtain. It consisted of concrete walls, barbed wire and guards with rifles shooting anyone trying to cross. That isn't a "metaphor"! People aren't killed by a metaphor.

The person that's rather ignorant is yourself, think Obama wants the Farm Bill passed to help farmers, when it's the Food Stamp program that is a major part of the Farm Bill that Barry wants propped up. Barack Obama could care less about America's farmers.

Hey, DogStyle,

Food Stamps have always been a part of the Agriculture Bills, not just starting with Obama.

The purpose is to create demand to keep prices up.

Hense, the reason why we don't have "bread lines" today like we did in the 1930's is because there's enough demand to make growing food profitable.

The government also provides CROP INSURANCE to farmers. IN short, if you are farmer and you have a drought or a vermin infestation that wipes out your crop, you don't go out of business. Bunch of fucking socialists.

The Senate is voting on a $955 billion farm bill. Here?s what?s in it.
[ you not understand what the Berlin Wall was, Joe? It was a barrier constructed to keep people under Soviet domination from leaving for the West. It was very much a "physical" Iron Curtain. It consisted of concrete walls, barbed wire and guards with rifles shooting anyone trying to cross. That isn't a "metaphor"! People aren't killed by a metaphor.

You do realize the "Berlin Wall" was deep inside the middle of East Germany, right?

Hey, but you guys should be happy. Communism had an epic fail 20 whole years before Capitalism did.

Maybe it's time to look for something better?
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