Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Ah, yes...IRS jackboots ringing in the streets! Forget the "law"'re going to take the money whether it's by the rules or not, right Joe! Gee, that will have investors flocking to the US to set up their businesses and hire Americans! Oh wait...why wouldn't they just choose to invest their money outside of the US where it isn't taxed at a draconian rate? Why would anyone be stupid enough to start up the next Microsoft, Apple or General Motors in a place where profits were seized by the Federal Government like it was some two bit Banana Republic? You'd have to be a moron to not start up your business in a country that wouldn't be waiting around like vultures on a tree for any potential profits.

Except most other countries in the world that are worth living in already tax a "draconian" rate.

We have the lowest taxes on the wealthy out there.

Now, yeah, you could set up in a third world country of illiterate peasents. Good luck producing a quality product there that anyone would want to buy. Because those third world peasents never revolt and just take all the shit the rich have, right?

Oh, wait.

You want us to emulate Cuba? Before you make a total ass of yourself...I would suggest you visit Cuba and see for yourself what happens to a country when a bunch of zealots seize the assets of the wealthy. It's not pretty. The Cuban people live a miserable life and it's because their leaders decided that Capitalism was evil and they knew better.
And for some of the wealthy in the US if you combine Federal, State and local taxes they are paying a rate of 55% which is the same as the rate in Belgium which has the highest individual tax rates in the world. When ObamaCare kicks in that rate will only be going up.
And for some of the wealthy in the US if you combine Federal, State and local taxes they are paying a rate of 55% which is the same as the rate in Belgium which has the highest individual tax rates in the world. When ObamaCare kicks in that rate will only be going up.

France has a marginal rate of 75%.
You want us to emulate Cuba? Before you make a total ass of yourself...I would suggest you visit Cuba and see for yourself what happens to a country when a bunch of zealots seize the assets of the wealthy. It's not pretty. The Cuban people live a miserable life and it's because their leaders decided that Capitalism was evil and they knew better.

No, I don't want us to emulate Cuba.

I point out that Cuba is exactly what you radical plutocrat supporters think is a good thing.

Before Castro, foreign corporations owned 75% of the arable land, there was no middle class and the people suffered pretty horribly. In fact, a Great American said this about our policies in Cuba.

"I believe that there is no country in the world including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my country’s policies during the Batista regime. I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra, when he justifiably called for justice and especially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption. I will even go further: to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries. That is perfectly clear."

— U.S. President John F. Kennedy,

Then the Cuban people had quite enough of that shit and did something about it.

Ah, yes...IRS jackboots ringing in the streets! Forget the "law"'re going to take the money whether it's by the rules or not, right Joe! Gee, that will have investors flocking to the US to set up their businesses and hire Americans! Oh wait...why wouldn't they just choose to invest their money outside of the US where it isn't taxed at a draconian rate? Why would anyone be stupid enough to start up the next Microsoft, Apple or General Motors in a place where profits were seized by the Federal Government like it was some two bit Banana Republic? You'd have to be a moron to not start up your business in a country that wouldn't be waiting around like vultures on a tree for any potential profits.

Except most other countries in the world that are worth living in already tax a "draconian" rate.

We have the lowest taxes on the wealthy out there.

Now, yeah, you could set up in a third world country of illiterate peasents. Good luck producing a quality product there that anyone would want to buy. Because those third world peasents never revolt and just take all the shit the rich have, right?

Oh, wait.


Democrat run school system is doing a fine job of graduating whole generation of illiterate peasants. How do you think Obama won 2 elections?
You want us to emulate Cuba? Before you make a total ass of yourself...I would suggest you visit Cuba and see for yourself what happens to a country when a bunch of zealots seize the assets of the wealthy. It's not pretty. The Cuban people live a miserable life and it's because their leaders decided that Capitalism was evil and they knew better.

No, I don't want us to emulate Cuba.

I point out that Cuba is exactly what you radical plutocrat supporters think is a good thing.

Before Castro, foreign corporations owned 75% of the arable land, there was no middle class and the people suffered pretty horribly. In fact, a Great American said this about our policies in Cuba.

"I believe that there is no country in the world including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my country’s policies during the Batista regime. I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra, when he justifiably called for justice and especially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption. I will even go further: to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries. That is perfectly clear."

— U.S. President John F. Kennedy,

Then the Cuban people had quite enough of that shit and did something about it.

And they're much much much worse off now

Well done, Che!

I don't see anyone floating on a fucking innertube to go from Miami TO Cuba

Democrat run school system is doing a fine job of graduating whole generation of illiterate peasants. How do you think Obama won 2 elections?

He won two elections because Bush brought them....

The Worst Recession in 80 years.
Two Endless Wars
A major city being wiped off the map due to his incompetence

The very fact that most of the Republicans on this board denounce every Republican President who has served since Ike EXCEPT for their mythical version of Reagan shows that even you guys don't defend what you've done.
Aside from all your other moronic ideas Joe, you imagine that treading 90 miles of open sea is "sneaking in" while crossing a 1000-mile border at night is risking one's life?!
Aside from all your other moronic ideas Joe, you imagine that treading 90 miles of open sea is "sneaking in" while crossing a 1000-mile border at night is risking one's life?!

Um, yeah, actually, it is.

Actually, probably just as dangerous to cross 90 miles of desert as it is 90 miles of ocean if you are unprepared.

Of course, most mexican illegals hire Coyotes to sneak them across, and most Cubans hire professional smugglers as well.

The only difference is, we welcome Cubans because we are still mad at Cuba for rejecting us.

We are like the world's shittiest ex-girlfriend. All that is missing is the Drunk dialing...


"Castro, You Communist bastard! I hate you!"
The very fact that most of the Republicans on this board denounce every Republican President who has served since Ike EXCEPT for their mythical version of Reagan shows that even you guys don't defend what you've done.
Some things are just worth repeating.

Today's self proclaiming uber Republicans would, if the past Republican POTUSs were in office, complain about them being too liberal.

EVEN REAGAN would have been too liberal for their current POV.

Now most of the people here who claim to be republicans simple don't know enough Republican history to know that.

they believe the MYTHS rather than the history of the Republican party and its heros.

For example..they believe that Reagan reduced the deficit, the national debt and the size of government.

they BELIEVE that and no amount of history, not even if it comes from the most conservative sources will make them change their minds.

Debating facts with FAITH BASED MORONS, like these,are largely a waste of time.
And they're much much much worse off now

Well done, Che!

I don't see anyone floating on a fucking innertube to go from Miami TO Cuba

An interesting comparison to Cuba is Chile, which had roughly the same standards of living in 1960.

Pinochet was a fucking bastard who committed human rights violations and should have stood trial for his crimes. Having said that, Chile is a second-world country while Cuba still uses vehicles from the 1940s and nobody has cell phones.
The very fact that most of the Republicans on this board denounce every Republican President who has served since Ike EXCEPT for their mythical version of Reagan shows that even you guys don't defend what you've done.
Some things are just worth repeating.

Today's self proclaiming uber Republicans would, if the past Republican POTUSs were in office, complain about them being too liberal.

EVEN REAGAN would have been too liberal for their current POV.

Now most of the people here who claim to be republicans simple don't know enough Republican history to know that.

they believe the MYTHS rather than the history of the Republican party and its heros.

For example..they believe that Reagan reduced the deficit, the national debt and the size of government.

they BELIEVE that and no amount of history, not even if it comes from the most conservative sources will make them change their minds.

Debating facts with FAITH BASED MORONS, like these,are largely a waste of time.
Weird post. There is nothing remotely true from the quote or the comments.
You want us to emulate Cuba? Before you make a total ass of yourself...I would suggest you visit Cuba and see for yourself what happens to a country when a bunch of zealots seize the assets of the wealthy. It's not pretty. The Cuban people live a miserable life and it's because their leaders decided that Capitalism was evil and they knew better.

No, I don't want us to emulate Cuba.

I point out that Cuba is exactly what you radical plutocrat supporters think is a good thing.

Before Castro, foreign corporations owned 75% of the arable land, there was no middle class and the people suffered pretty horribly. In fact, a Great American said this about our policies in Cuba.

"I believe that there is no country in the world including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my country’s policies during the Batista regime. I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra, when he justifiably called for justice and especially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption. I will even go further: to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries. That is perfectly clear."

— U.S. President John F. Kennedy,

Then the Cuban people had quite enough of that shit and did something about it.

And what happened then, Joe? What happened when the Cuban people bought into the whole "Capitalism is evil" routine of Castro and Che and did away with free market systems and went with State run systems? What's the standard of living NOW for the average Cuban? What rights do they have? You think it was shitty living in Cuba under Batista? It's far worse under the Castro brothers!
The very fact that most of the Republicans on this board denounce every Republican President who has served since Ike EXCEPT for their mythical version of Reagan shows that even you guys don't defend what you've done.
Some things are just worth repeating.

Today's self proclaiming uber Republicans would, if the past Republican POTUSs were in office, complain about them being too liberal.

EVEN REAGAN would have been too liberal for their current POV.

Now most of the people here who claim to be republicans simple don't know enough Republican history to know that.

they believe the MYTHS rather than the history of the Republican party and its heros.

For example..they believe that Reagan reduced the deficit, the national debt and the size of government.

they BELIEVE that and no amount of history, not even if it comes from the most conservative sources will make them change their minds.

Debating facts with FAITH BASED MORONS, like these,are largely a waste of time.

Reagan's "record" is what it is, Ed! Yes, he increased the national debt but he also brought America back from the awful Carter years and created more wealth than any other President we've ever had because of his belief that lowering taxes would stimulate growth. Reagan cut taxes dramatically and lo and behold the revenues that the US was taking in only declined slightly while the economy boomed.

Oh, and Ed? I'm an the whole "FAITH BASED MORONS" thing is SO missing the mark with me. My facts aren't based on "FAITH"...they're based on what actually took place during Reagan's two terms.
Explains a lot that Blow job Joe gets his political point of views from B Sci-Fi movies.

That's because the fantasies the rich create about their value to society are so unrealistic that even Hollywood rejects those scripts.

Which rich are we talking about? The ones who own businesses and employe people like your stupid ass .

Saying that the rich create jobs is like saying that vampires create blood. That sucks!

Ah, yes...IRS jackboots ringing in the streets! Forget the "law"'re going to take the money whether it's by the rules or not, right Joe! Gee, that will have investors flocking to the US to set up their businesses and hire Americans! Oh wait...why wouldn't they just choose to invest their money outside of the US where it isn't taxed at a draconian rate? Why would anyone be stupid enough to start up the next Microsoft, Apple or General Motors in a place where profits were seized by the Federal Government like it was some two bit Banana Republic? You'd have to be a moron to not start up your business in a country that wouldn't be waiting around like vultures on a tree for any potential profits.

Except most other countries in the world that are worth living in already tax a "draconian" rate.

We have the lowest taxes on the wealthy out there.

Now, yeah, you could set up in a third world country of illiterate peasents. Good luck producing a quality product there that anyone would want to buy. Because those third world peasents never revolt and just take all the shit the rich have, right?

Oh, wait.


Fidel came from one of the richest families in Cuba. Abolish inheritance and we won't be saddled with false alternatives to Capitalism.

In a typical trick to suppress the truth, this class-warfare trick was revealed in the Robert Redford movie Havana, but put into the mouth of a brutal agent of Batista so you wouldn't believe it.
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