Reagan Had It Right All Along!


It's Just Boris
Apr 26, 2013
West end of the Erie Canal
In his 1981 Inaugural address, President Ronald Wilson Reagan said some words that still stick in the craw of Leftists. And these words were: " In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problems, government IS the problem". And nowhere is that more obvious than the lousy excuse for a POTUS we have right now. His vision of a Euroweenie Socialist paradise here in the US is being met with strong opposition (and rightly so), and his grand scheme of Obamalamacare is collapsing, even though the Liberal knob slobberers will deny and defend. Not to mention Obamalama's overall policy vision is a complete joke (again, except for his defenders).

Now what was that other statement again??

Oh yes. More wisdom from Reagan: "Nine of the most feared words: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help'".

There are many whose romantic notion of We The People working together as a collective community is so ingrained in them, that they're more than willing to forgive the bloat, sloth, waste, corruption and intergenerational dependency that are inherent in an ever-increasing government.

Their passion makes them effective communicators of this romantic vision, because it does more than attract like-minded people - it attracts those who are jealous of the success of others, those who are simply too lazy to put out the effort required of any level of success, and those who want to game the system. So there are those who are sincere about this romantic notion, and those who want to take advantage of it. Lots of voters there.

It's a much easier sell than the eat-your-vegetables message of conservatism, and conservatives had better improve their messaging before it's too late.

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There are many whose romantic notion of We The People working together as a collective community is so ingrained in them, that they're more than willing to forgive the bloat, sloth, waste, corruption and intergenerational dependency that are inherent in an ever-increasing government.

Their passion makes them effective communicators of this romantic vision, because it does more than attract like-minded people - it attracts those who are jealous of the success of others, those who are simply too lazy to put out the effort required of any level of success, and those who want to game the system. So there are those who are sincere about this romantic notion, and those who want to take advantage of it. Lots of voters there.

It's a much easier sell than the eat-your-vegetables message of conservatism, and conservatives had better improve their messaging before it's too late.

That's why we need someone who can effectively convey the timeless principles of Conservatism.

There are many whose romantic notion of We The People working together as a collective community is so ingrained in them, that they're more than willing to forgive the bloat, sloth, waste, corruption and intergenerational dependency that are inherent in an ever-increasing government.

Their passion makes them effective communicators of this romantic vision, because it does more than attract like-minded people - it attracts those who are jealous of the success of others, those who are simply too lazy to put out the effort required of any level of success, and those who want to game the system. So there are those who are sincere about this romantic notion, and those who want to take advantage of it. Lots of voters there.

It's a much easier sell than the eat-your-vegetables message of conservatism, and conservatives had better improve their messaging before it's too late.

That's why we need someone who can effectively convey the timeless principles of Conservatism.

Yeah, the party simply does not have an effective messenger right now, and I can't think of one over the last couple of decades. This may very well be one of the reasons for our consistent slide to the left.

I don't agree with you guys on several issues, but what I'm watching right now is a lopsided fight. I don't understand why it's so difficult to find some decent messengers. The lefties will say it's the message itself, fine. But we'll never know for sure until and unless you have a real, dynamic spokesperson or two.


There are many whose romantic notion of We The People working together as a collective community is so ingrained in them, that they're more than willing to forgive the bloat, sloth, waste, corruption and intergenerational dependency that are inherent in an ever-increasing government.

Their passion makes them effective communicators of this romantic vision, because it does more than attract like-minded people - it attracts those who are jealous of the success of others, those who are simply too lazy to put out the effort required of any level of success, and those who want to game the system. So there are those who are sincere about this romantic notion, and those who want to take advantage of it. Lots of voters there.

It's a much easier sell than the eat-your-vegetables message of conservatism, and conservatives had better improve their messaging before it's too late.

That's why we need someone who can effectively convey the timeless principles of Conservatism.

Yeah, the party simply does not have an effective messenger right now, and I can't think of one over the last couple of decades. This may very well be one of the reasons for our consistent slide to the left.

I don't agree with you guys on several issues, but what I'm watching right now is a lopsided fight. I don't understand why it's so difficult to find some decent messengers. The lefties will say it's the message itself, fine. But we'll never know for sure until and unless you have a real, dynamic spokesperson or two.


Conservatives do not engage in lies and voter fraud as the libs do to achieve success.

The MSM doesn't put out the conservative message even if it's communicated well.

That said, a strong, personable, attractive candidate that can overcome a dishonest opposition is hard to find.
Reagan was all talk.

He may have blathered about government being the problem, but he increased defense spending, saved Social Security, and increased Medicaid,

three of the biggest government programs in the budget.

Oh, and he ballooned the debt, thus increasing spending on the interest on the debt, and that happens to be one of our biggest government spending programs itself.
That's why we need someone who can effectively convey the timeless principles of Conservatism.

Yeah, the party simply does not have an effective messenger right now, and I can't think of one over the last couple of decades. This may very well be one of the reasons for our consistent slide to the left.

I don't agree with you guys on several issues, but what I'm watching right now is a lopsided fight. I don't understand why it's so difficult to find some decent messengers. The lefties will say it's the message itself, fine. But we'll never know for sure until and unless you have a real, dynamic spokesperson or two.


Conservatives do not engage in lies and voter fraud as the libs do to achieve success.

The MSM doesn't put out the conservative message even if it's communicated well.

That said, a strong, personable, attractive candidate that can overcome a dishonest opposition is hard to find.

As for me, I don't buy any of that.

First, I'm not talking about Democrats, lies, voter fraud or anything like it. I'm talking about messaging, image. Like it or not -- and I know conservatives fight this -- in this country at this time, image plays a larger and larger role. The Democrats understand this; the Republicans do not.

And yes, while the media is generally against you, they still interview Republicans all the time, even MSNBC. An interview is your opportunity, it does not allow you to be misquoted or quoted out of context, yet we still don't hear a clear and coherent message.

The fight over Obamacare was a perfect example. Supposedly, the GOP had "plans" that no one knew about. Where the fuck was it? Why wasn't it printed in a little red, white and blue booklet with a catchy little name and waived at the teevee cameras at every freaking opportunity no matter what the freaking interview was about? Would that really have been so difficult? Is a little organization that tough? And now we're stuck with this ACA pig, and the GOP is just as much to blame for it as the Dems.

It's about image, messaging. Then, yeah, you have to find the messengers. The clock is ticking, and it's just not happening. Forget about the Democrats and concentrate on your own house.

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Reagan had to deal with a lying D Congress, but he was still far superior as a President to any the Ds have ever offered! He wasn't perfect, but he was someone we could be proud of as a President!
Yeah, the party simply does not have an effective messenger right now, and I can't think of one over the last couple of decades. This may very well be one of the reasons for our consistent slide to the left.

I don't agree with you guys on several issues, but what I'm watching right now is a lopsided fight. I don't understand why it's so difficult to find some decent messengers. The lefties will say it's the message itself, fine. But we'll never know for sure until and unless you have a real, dynamic spokesperson or two.


Conservatives do not engage in lies and voter fraud as the libs do to achieve success.

The MSM doesn't put out the conservative message even if it's communicated well.

That said, a strong, personable, attractive candidate that can overcome a dishonest opposition is hard to find.

As for me, I don't buy any of that.

First, I'm not talking about Democrats, lies, voter fraud or anything like it. I'm talking about messaging, image. Like it or not -- and I know conservatives fight this -- in this country at this time, image plays a larger and larger role. The Democrats understand this; the Republicans do not.

And yes, while the media is generally against you, they still interview Republicans all the time, even MSNBC. An interview is your opportunity, it does not allow you to be misquoted or quoted out of context, yet we still don't hear a clear and coherent message.

The fight over Obamacare was a perfect example. Supposedly, the GOP had "plans" that no one knew about. Where the fuck was it? Why wasn't it printed in a little red, white and blue booklet with a catchy little name and waived at the teevee cameras at every freaking opportunity no matter what the freaking interview was about? Would that really have been so difficult? Is a little organization that tough? And now we're stuck with this ACA pig, and the GOP is just as much to blame for it as the Dems.

It's about image, messaging. Then, yeah, you have to find the messengers. The clock is ticking, and it's just not happening. Forget about the Democrats and concentrate on your own house.


Of course the GOP had plans for improving the healthcare system such as tort reform, pre-existing condition coverage, and inter-state purchasing.

The MSM is lopsided and biased in it's political coverage to benefit liberals.

You obviously were not aware of what the GOP was trying to do to fix healthcare coverage due to your shielding yourself from the facts.
Conservatives do not engage in lies and voter fraud as the libs do to achieve success.

The MSM doesn't put out the conservative message even if it's communicated well.

That said, a strong, personable, attractive candidate that can overcome a dishonest opposition is hard to find.

As for me, I don't buy any of that.

First, I'm not talking about Democrats, lies, voter fraud or anything like it. I'm talking about messaging, image. Like it or not -- and I know conservatives fight this -- in this country at this time, image plays a larger and larger role. The Democrats understand this; the Republicans do not.

And yes, while the media is generally against you, they still interview Republicans all the time, even MSNBC. An interview is your opportunity, it does not allow you to be misquoted or quoted out of context, yet we still don't hear a clear and coherent message.

The fight over Obamacare was a perfect example. Supposedly, the GOP had "plans" that no one knew about. Where the fuck was it? Why wasn't it printed in a little red, white and blue booklet with a catchy little name and waived at the teevee cameras at every freaking opportunity no matter what the freaking interview was about? Would that really have been so difficult? Is a little organization that tough? And now we're stuck with this ACA pig, and the GOP is just as much to blame for it as the Dems.

It's about image, messaging. Then, yeah, you have to find the messengers. The clock is ticking, and it's just not happening. Forget about the Democrats and concentrate on your own house.


Of course the GOP had plans for improving the healthcare system such as tort reform, pre-existing condition coverage, and inter-state purchasing.

The MSM is lopsided and biased in it's political coverage to benefit liberals.

You obviously were not aware of what the GOP was trying to do to fix healthcare coverage due to your shielding yourself from the facts.

Where were those plans?

Why did you avoid my point about how to get the word out about them?

And you have no idea about what I know, that's a weak, silly, shallow argument.

Your post is an example of your party's problem. You just don't want to hear it.

Good luck with that.

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That's why we need someone who can effectively convey the timeless principles of Conservatism.

Yeah, the party simply does not have an effective messenger right now, and I can't think of one over the last couple of decades. This may very well be one of the reasons for our consistent slide to the left.

I don't agree with you guys on several issues, but what I'm watching right now is a lopsided fight. I don't understand why it's so difficult to find some decent messengers. The lefties will say it's the message itself, fine. But we'll never know for sure until and unless you have a real, dynamic spokesperson or two.


Conservatives do not engage in lies and voter fraud as the libs do to achieve success.

The MSM doesn't put out the conservative message even if it's communicated well.

That said, a strong, personable, attractive candidate that can overcome a dishonest opposition is hard to find.

I am afraid that such a sweeping statement is not true.

I am a conservative and I demand more of my conservative leaders (they need to be doing better than the other guy).

I expect that most liberals are morons.

But to say that certain conservatives don't engage in unethical behavior is incorrect.

Conservatives do not engage in lies and voter fraud as the libs do to achieve success.

The MSM doesn't put out the conservative message even if it's communicated well.

That said, a strong, personable, attractive candidate that can overcome a dishonest opposition is hard to find.

As for me, I don't buy any of that.

First, I'm not talking about Democrats, lies, voter fraud or anything like it. I'm talking about messaging, image. Like it or not -- and I know conservatives fight this -- in this country at this time, image plays a larger and larger role. The Democrats understand this; the Republicans do not.

And yes, while the media is generally against you, they still interview Republicans all the time, even MSNBC. An interview is your opportunity, it does not allow you to be misquoted or quoted out of context, yet we still don't hear a clear and coherent message.

The fight over Obamacare was a perfect example. Supposedly, the GOP had "plans" that no one knew about. Where the fuck was it? Why wasn't it printed in a little red, white and blue booklet with a catchy little name and waived at the teevee cameras at every freaking opportunity no matter what the freaking interview was about? Would that really have been so difficult? Is a little organization that tough? And now we're stuck with this ACA pig, and the GOP is just as much to blame for it as the Dems.

It's about image, messaging. Then, yeah, you have to find the messengers. The clock is ticking, and it's just not happening. Forget about the Democrats and concentrate on your own house.


Of course the GOP had plans for improving the healthcare system such as tort reform, pre-existing condition coverage, and inter-state purchasing.

The MSM is lopsided and biased in it's political coverage to benefit liberals.

You obviously were not aware of what the GOP was trying to do to fix healthcare coverage due to your shielding yourself from the facts.

How did the GOP plan to deal with the problem of getting insurance with a pre-existing condition?
Conservatives do not engage in lies and voter fraud as the libs do to achieve success.

The MSM doesn't put out the conservative message even if it's communicated well.

That said, a strong, personable, attractive candidate that can overcome a dishonest opposition is hard to find.

As for me, I don't buy any of that.

First, I'm not talking about Democrats, lies, voter fraud or anything like it. I'm talking about messaging, image. Like it or not -- and I know conservatives fight this -- in this country at this time, image plays a larger and larger role. The Democrats understand this; the Republicans do not.

And yes, while the media is generally against you, they still interview Republicans all the time, even MSNBC. An interview is your opportunity, it does not allow you to be misquoted or quoted out of context, yet we still don't hear a clear and coherent message.

The fight over Obamacare was a perfect example. Supposedly, the GOP had "plans" that no one knew about. Where the fuck was it? Why wasn't it printed in a little red, white and blue booklet with a catchy little name and waived at the teevee cameras at every freaking opportunity no matter what the freaking interview was about? Would that really have been so difficult? Is a little organization that tough? And now we're stuck with this ACA pig, and the GOP is just as much to blame for it as the Dems.

It's about image, messaging. Then, yeah, you have to find the messengers. The clock is ticking, and it's just not happening. Forget about the Democrats and concentrate on your own house.


Of course the GOP had plans for improving the healthcare system such as tort reform, pre-existing condition coverage, and inter-state purchasing.

The MSM is lopsided and biased in it's political coverage to benefit liberals.

You obviously were not aware of what the GOP was trying to do to fix healthcare coverage due to your shielding yourself from the facts.

Tort reform, LOL.
Yeah, the party simply does not have an effective messenger right now, and I can't think of one over the last couple of decades. This may very well be one of the reasons for our consistent slide to the left.

I don't agree with you guys on several issues, but what I'm watching right now is a lopsided fight. I don't understand why it's so difficult to find some decent messengers. The lefties will say it's the message itself, fine. But we'll never know for sure until and unless you have a real, dynamic spokesperson or two.


Conservatives do not engage in lies and voter fraud as the libs do to achieve success.

The MSM doesn't put out the conservative message even if it's communicated well.

That said, a strong, personable, attractive candidate that can overcome a dishonest opposition is hard to find.

I am afraid that such a sweeping statement is not true.

I am a conservative and I demand more of my conservative leaders (they need to be doing better than the other guy).

I expect that most liberals are morons.

But to say that certain conservatives don't engage in unethical behavior is incorrect.


Oh, I agree, but I was simply comparing conservatives and liberals while electioneering. Certainly there are exceptions, but generally what I said is true.

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