Reagan or Trump? Who was better?


But it was a totally different time and circumstance

Trump was denied his chance
Reagan did not have to deal with the moral divide that currently exists in the US.
Valid point. We are also talking about almost 40 years difference between them and their administrations. I was a Reagan backer in 1976 when he ran against Ford in the primaries. Reagan's first mistake was the future Bush 41 as VP. I was hoping RR would run with Schweicker again like in 1976.
You know, I've heard a lot of Trump supporters saying that he was the best president evah!

I also remember a few years back when Reagan was deified as the best president as well. question is.............which president was better, Trump or Reagan?
Trump. Reagan didn't even fix Carter's American fuel supply screwup. No president did until Trump.
You know, I've heard a lot of Trump supporters saying that he was the best president evah!

I also remember a few years back when Reagan was deified as the best president as well. question is.............which president was better, Trump or Reagan?
Let’s see,one was a servant of Wall Street,catered to the upper class,a mass murdering warmonger,got us into more debt than any previous president combined,destroyed the livlihoods of innocent actors trying to make living while being an informant for the evil j Edgar Hoover and the evil fbi,got the cia back to its evil ways of starting wars again getting the cia back to its dirty tricks of covert wars again which carter dismantled while in office,had the Iran contra affair,the October surprise proving what a traiter he was to the American people,While the other brought more jobs back to the country than any president in the past sixty years,has the deep state trying to take him out through one phony impeachment after another because they cannot kill him failing because he has been one step ahead of them,has the evil fbi trying to put him in prison because he is the first president sense kennedy not part of the corrupt two party system,the first to serve the people sense him instead of the elite,gee that’s a tough one. :laughing0301:
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They were both hated by the America Last Establishment. Both love America and were former Democrats.

Trump had to deal with far more treasonous and self hating media within his country. Trump had to deal with more influential and powerful adversaries. Reagan had to deal with the greater unknown in their adversaries and was able to expand Americas influence.

Trump would need another term to get it right, he had to deal with some real losers early on.
Yeah Reagan was so much hated by the establishment that’s why he got us into debt more than any president combined,was a war mongering mass murderer who catered to Wall Street and was a servant of the elite getting the cia back to its dirty covert wars operations that was non existent under the carter administration but kicked up again after hiring William Casey,yep that’s someone the establishment would hate alright and loved America being a servant of Wall Street,:laughing0301:
Reagan joined hands with every senator to replace US minorities with Business Visas from China and Japan.
I know business people love him, but he was a ruthless scumbag in many ways.
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113: The understatement of the century.:thup: You mentioned before Trump you never liked a gop president,good boy. :thup: Although I wouldn’t go as far as you in not liking a gop president before trump but pretty damn close. Calvin coolidge was also a president for the people instead a servant of the elite,remember the roaring twenty’s when we had a booming economy? Got to go all the way back to coolidge to find a gop president before trump who was not evil and corrupt.

All the nuts who like Reagan and are trump supporters who realise how deadly the vaccines are,are obviously clueless that fauchi who they agree is demonic,that Reagan was the bastard motherfucker who appointed him to the high position on power in the White House he has always enjoyed.:uhoh3:
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Wow.................Reagan was essentially deified up until around the Obama administration (and partly through that), but since the Trump regime, it seems that Reagan has lost favor with the GOP and now they worship Trump.

My how times change...................
You know, I've heard a lot of Trump supporters saying that he was the best president evah!

I also remember a few years back when Reagan was deified as the best president as well. question is.............which president was better, Trump or Reagan?
Wow.................Reagan was essentially deified up until around the Obama administration (and partly through that), but since the Trump regime, it seems that Reagan has lost favor with the GOP and now they worship Trump.

My how times change...................
Dumbass I don’t worship trump I worship his Poilicys,you trolls like to put words in our mouths. i always hated Reagan,unlike the Reaganuts I don’t ignore his corruption.
“Here you and I are, two men in a room, probably the only two men in the world who could bring about World War III. But by the same token, we may be the only two men in the world who could perhaps bring about peace in the world.” - Reagan To Gorbachev

that's leadership, my friends
Trump was Reagan's protégé, a diehard reganista

who was the better potus?

well, are we talking policies , or personalities?

Reagan, no contest. There were policies of his I didn't like, mostly voodoo economics, but the man was a leader. Plus, he couldn't be played like a fiddle by his opponents and the media.
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Trump ran as MAGA while Reagan ran as Rich get Richer.
Don't forget Reagan's Amnesty.
Entirely different style Presidencies and men.Reagan was a
down to earth communicator and also loved to pen his
thoughts.Wrote letters.Trump does not cotton reading or
writing.Just flappin' his Jaw.Even though he was a much more
impactful fighter for the Cause.The cause of Americana.Freedom
and Liberties.Trump most often Communicated with a joking
manner and snarky appraisal of his opponents.Reagan was more
like a Baseball game announcer describing what is and was.
Balls and strikes.Trump more interested in Boasting on himself
and diminishing his opponents.Like most Big name Prize Fighters.
Neither man was anything like a Jack Demsey.Who was incessantly
committed to being a roughhouse brawler.Trump likes to paint himself
that way,but Reagan is more the Polite Dude Cowboy with a snappy
hat and scarf around his neck.
Both men take themself and the Country very seriously.
It's just their style is completely at odds.
Reagan defined by the way he approached an Emergency
{ Air Traffic Controller Strike } and Trump by his standing up to the
D.C. Swamp bullies and MSM cartel on a daily basis.
Entirely different style Presidencies and men.Reagan was a
down to earth communicator and also loved to pen his
thoughts.Wrote letters.Trump does not cotton reading or
writing.Just flappin' his Jaw.Even though he was a much more
impactful fighter for the Cause.The cause of Americana.Freedom
and Liberties.Trump most often Communicated with a joking
manner and snarky appraisal of his opponents.Reagan was more
like a Baseball game announcer describing what is and was.
Balls and strikes.Trump more interested in Boasting on himself
and diminishing his opponents.Like most Big name Prize Fighters.
Neither man was anything like a Jack Demsey.Who was incessantly
committed to being a roughhouse brawler.Trump likes to paint himself
that way,but Reagan is more the Polite Dude Cowboy with a snappy
hat and scarf around his neck.
Both men take themself and the Country very seriously.
It's just their style is completely at odds.
Reagan defined by the way he approached an Emergency
{ Air Traffic Controller Strike } and Trump by his standing up to the
D.C. Swamp bullies and MSM cartel on a daily basis.
The impression you get from Trump is the 1 second sound bites the Liberals use.
I watch entire interviews from both sides and Trump knows what he's talking about.
Reagan was far better. Plus, Reagan acted like a president and did not shame the office with petty, childish behavior the way Trump did. I say this as someone who donated to and voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.

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