Reagan's worst transgression


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
The worst thing Ronals Reagsn did as President was that he fostered this notion that "the government" is bad.

This has led a whole generation of Americans to distrust and even despise their government.

Our government is the very embodiment of our Constitution.

Am I saying I approve of everything our gov does? Hell no. But I believe in America and it is based on Constitutional Government. Those who continually debase the government are not lovers of America.
I don't agree.

Reagan was a member of the "government" after all.

I don't think it was so much that "government is bad" but that a certain type of government is bad. Some will agree, some will disagree, but I don't think Reagan would have opposed a Constitutional government in the least - he just might differ from you on what is a Constitutional government and what is not.
I didn't need Reagan to tell me that too much government intervention causes unintended consequences, we don't need anarchy but we've reached the ridiculous stage on the size government we have.
"Government IS the problem" Ronald Reagan

It's been the right wing mantra for thirty years.
"Government IS the problem" Ronald Reagan

It's been the right wing mantra for thirty years.

Of course, a reasonable person who hears this doesn't take it to mean the solution is anarchy (i.e. no government), but that too much, or over-reaching government is the problem. It's just a matter of applying a little sense to the statement. If your point is that Reagan was an anarchist who wanted no government, you're way off base.
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The worst thing Ronals Reagsn did as President was that he fostered this notion that "the government" is bad.

This has led a whole generation of Americans to distrust and even despise their government.

Our government is the very embodiment of our Constitution.

Am I saying I approve of everything our gov does? Hell no. But I believe in America and it is based on Constitutional Government. Those who continually debase the government are not lovers of America.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and bet that you're a product of the government schools too.
reagans worst transgression was allowing the cia to use money from cocaine sale they let enter the country through miami in order to fund the contras
That was bad but creating a whole generation which sees our own government as the enemy is far worse.

No I think RR was using what he could to get elected, unfortunately is matastisized into the disease we see today on the right, rabid hatred for the US government.
Speaking of Reagan, you all see the great Reagan-themed video blasting the Big Government Far-Left liberals that currently infest Washington DC???

One of the hottest vids on Youtube these days - Americans are yearning for some common-sense pro-American government these days...

[ame=]YouTube - "Those Voices Don't Speak for the Rest of Us"[/ame]
"Government IS the problem" Ronald Reagan

It's been the right wing mantra for thirty years.

Either you're willfully ignorant, or a complete moron.

Do you really believe that Ronald Reagan was promoting anarchy?

Some seem to live in such a black and white world as to think that just because one opposes something, they must be an anarchist,racist,sexist etc.:cuckoo:
i think everyone would agree that in order to have a strong education system, we need teachers.

however, if you have a bunch of teachers that only care about receiving a paycheck, getting tenured, having sex with their students, would it be out of line for a new superintendant to say that teachers (at that school district) are more the problem than the solution?
reagans worst transgression was allowing the cia to use money from cocaine sale they let enter the country through miami in order to fund the contras

I think his worst transgression was allowing Bush to be his VP, without Bush Sr. in the White House ; chances are; there would have been no Bush Jr in the White House.:evil:
You know what's really funny? The people who are now saying government has only our best interests at heart were saying from January 2001-January 2009 how horrible government was.
do you know any teachers?


maybe you thought i was saying all teachers sleep with their students.


sometimes the people we rely on the most can, in fact, be the problem.

it was an anology.

sorry that wasn't clear.
You know what's really funny? The people who are now saying government has only our best interests at heart were saying from January 2001-January 2009 how horrible government was.

Yup. Now that the Dems are in control and sweeping the country down the drain... it's all good.
Speaking of Reagan, you all see the great Reagan-themed video blasting the Big Government Far-Left liberals that currently infest Washington DC???

One of the hottest vids on Youtube these days - Americans are yearning for some common-sense pro-American government these days...

YouTube - "Those Voices Don't Speak for the Rest of Us"

Great Find Sinatra!! Sad how the liberal left is so disconnected from mainstream Americans....
The worst thing Ronals Reagsn did as President was that he fostered this notion that "the government" is bad.

This has led a whole generation of Americans to distrust and even despise their government.

Our government is the very embodiment of our Constitution.

Am I saying I approve of everything our gov does? Hell no. But I believe in America and it is based on Constitutional Government. Those who continually debase the government are not lovers of America.

I'd really blame Nixon for starting any distrust in government.

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