Reagan's worst transgression

The worst thing Ronals Reagsn did as President was that he fostered this notion that "the government" is bad.

This has led a whole generation of Americans to distrust and even despise their government.

Our government is the very embodiment of our Constitution.

Am I saying I approve of everything our gov does? Hell no. But I believe in America and it is based on Constitutional Government. Those who continually debase the government are not lovers of America.

I'd really blame Nixon for starting any distrust in government.

And before that I blame the assassination of JFK making us distrust our government, and before that.....the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and after nixon and reagan, I blame letting 9/11 happen, not having enough Intelligence in our mists to prevent such from happening here on our homeland ground with the gazillion of dollars we spend on National Security, and then Katrina and the handling of such...taught me that our gvt can not be counted on in a natural disaster or crisis...this lead me to stock my own food and water for emergency purposes etc, then after that....the House of Cards that took place on Wall Street with the sub-prime Mortgage fiasco/bubble and our govt knowingly ALLOWING it to happen as my 401k's went down the drain...

there is much that has "gone wrong" that has lead me to believe that our government will never be perfect, mainly because it is not made up of Gods but made up of humans and bottom line, humans are not matter how much we may try to be, we are flawed, we make mistakes....and big ones at that!

I think the worst thing that Reagan did while he was President was give us working souls, a 100% Tax HIKE/ tax increase for our social security taxes....he DOUBLED what we were having to pay in Social security tax for both the worker and for their employer....the biggest tax increase on the working man, in our history! While, he did NOT put social security surplusses in a LOCK BOX at the time he raised our taxes, so that the hike really would have been for the boomer's retirement. Instead he began the trend of using the Social Security surplus taxes to pay for what income taxes should have been paying for and issuing essentially an IOU to SS.

That is the BIGGEST mistake he made that is hitting us now....over$4-5 trillion dollars of surplus SS dollars spent or given to the wealthiest in tax cuts, with IOU's coming due now, when we have no income tax money to pay for them....

and those rich ones that never pay in to SS on the entirety of what they make, got the bulk of that SS surplus in tax breaks for them, and they are now complaining about a tax increase that would make them pay back the SS surplus that they TOOK in tax cuts from the SS tax payer and from the workers in this country's SS retirement fund.


Do you dumb asses even know how your Country works? A President has ZERO ABILITY to spend a single dollar, much less authorize the raiding of Social Security funds. That requires the House with consent from the Senate. Both controlled by Democrats under Reagan except for 2 years.

Presidents can not determine where money will come from, nor do they create or vote on Budgets or the means to pay for them. All a President does is either sign or veto spending bills submitted to him BY CONGRESS. And Reagan shut the Government down twice while he was President by doing JUST that.

The Democrats not Reagan began using Social Security funds. The Congress doubled the Social Security tax NOT the President. A Democratic control Congress.

actually the GOP had a small majority in the senate for 6 of his 8 years in office
if i remember correctly

Not his first two. And that is when he broke the Dems. Also it was 2 years not 6, If I remember right.

The republicans in congress had 6 years in both houses, in the majority.... there was a few month period where the dems had some power because Jeffords(or something like that) went to independent and left the repubs, but then it switched right back to republicans when that Liberal Senator died in a plane crash and got replaced by a republican.... The republicaqns had 6 straight years of majority in both houses under president clinton as they had nearly 12 years of complete congressional control/power before 2007.

You are beyond STUPID. You are talking about under Bush NOT under Reagan, GOD do you even READ the stuff you respond to?
The worst thing Ronals Reagsn did as President was that he fostered this notion that "the government" is bad.

This has led a whole generation of Americans to distrust and even despise their government.

Our government is the very embodiment of our Constitution.

Am I saying I approve of everything our gov does? Hell no. But I believe in America and it is based on Constitutional Government. Those who continually debase the government are not lovers of America.
.....Nor, icons of Christianity.....

Not his first two. And that is when he broke the Dems. Also it was 2 years not 6, If I remember right.

The republicans in congress had 6 years in both houses, in the majority.... there was a few month period where the dems had some power because Jeffords(or something like that) went to independent and left the repubs, but then it switched right back to republicans when that Liberal Senator died in a plane crash and got replaced by a republican.... The republicaqns had 6 straight years of majority in both houses under president clinton as they had nearly 12 years of complete congressional control/power before 2007.

You are beyond STUPID. You are talking about under Bush NOT under Reagan.....


"Like most people in Washington, Clinton understood that Ronald Reagan was a figurehead and that it was really the Bush Cabal, which was running things for all of those 12 years. He also understood that the Bush Cabal had perpetrated the greatest fraud ever committed against the American people and that the Bush Cabal had essentially destroyed the economy of the United States - which in fact they had."

Lets HEAR IT!!! (....for Bu$henomic$)​
I don't agree.

Reagan was a member of the "government" after all.

I don't think it was so much that "government is bad" but that a certain type of government is bad. Some will agree, some will disagree, but I don't think Reagan would have opposed a Constitutional government in the least - he just might differ from you on what is a Constitutional government and what is not.

we have a constitutional government. this idea that government is not legitimate HAS fostered huge problems and hugely ignorant debates about government and the 'constitution'.

i agree with the O/P btw. This idea that people IN government run against the concept of government is absurd, imo.

it makes for pithy soundbites but ultimately its not helpful.

it's clear that government CAN regulate.
it's clear that goverment CAN act for the general welfare of the population.

the debate should be focused on to what extent should those things be done, not whether they can.
Do you dumb asses even know how your Country works? A President has ZERO ABILITY to spend a single dollar, much less authorize the raiding of Social Security funds. That requires the House with consent from the Senate. Both controlled by Democrats under Reagan except for 2 years.

Presidents can not determine where money will come from, nor do they create or vote on Budgets or the means to pay for them. All a President does is either sign or veto spending bills submitted to him BY CONGRESS. And Reagan shut the Government down twice while he was President by doing JUST that.

You seem to think American Presidents play a much more passive role than they actually do. Of course they create budgets, which they then submit to Congress for consideration. This has been going on for about 90 years now.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is a Cabinet-level office, and is the largest office within the Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP).


The Bureau of the Budget, OMB's predecessor, was established as a part of the Department of the Treasury by the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921. The Bureau of the Budget was moved to the EOP in 1939, and reorganized into OMB in 1970 during the Nixon administration[2]. The first OMB included Roy Ash (head), Paul O'Neill (assistant director), Fred Malek (deputy director) and Frank Zarb (associate director) and two dozen others. In the 1990s, OMB was reorganized to remove the distinction between management staff and budgetary staff by combining those dual roles into each given program examiner within the Resource Management Offices [3].


The OMB's predominant mission is to assist the President in overseeing the preparation of the federal budget and to supervise its administration in Executive Branch agencies. In helping to formulate the President's spending plans, the OMB evaluates the effectiveness of agency programs, policies, and procedures, assesses competing funding demands among agencies, and sets funding priorities. The OMB ensures that agency reports, rules, testimony, and proposed legislation are consistent with the President's Budget and with Administration policies.​

Yes, Congress ultimately has to pass the budget and they generally don't simply take the administration's budget and pass it unaltered. But certainly the President is an active player in designing the federal budget. Since, you know, he sits at the top of the branch of government to which the money is flowing.
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Do you dumb asses even know how your Country works? A President has ZERO ABILITY to spend a single dollar, much less authorize the raiding of Social Security funds. That requires the House with consent from the Senate. Both controlled by Democrats under Reagan except for 2 years.

Presidents can not determine where money will come from, nor do they create or vote on Budgets or the means to pay for them. All a President does is either sign or veto spending bills submitted to him BY CONGRESS. And Reagan shut the Government down twice while he was President by doing JUST that.

You seem to think American Presidents play a much more passive role than they actually do. Of course they create budgets, which they then submit to Congress for consideration. This has been going on for about 90 years now.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is a Cabinet-level office, and is the largest office within the Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP).


The Bureau of the Budget, OMB's predecessor, was established as a part of the Department of the Treasury by the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921. The Bureau of the Budget was moved to the EOP in 1939, and reorganized into OMB in 1970 during the Nixon administration[2]. The first OMB included Roy Ash (head), Paul O'Neill (assistant director), Fred Malek (deputy director) and Frank Zarb (associate director) and two dozen others. In the 1990s, OMB was reorganized to remove the distinction between management staff and budgetary staff by combining those dual roles into each given program examiner within the Resource Management Offices [3].


The OMB's predominant mission is to assist the President in overseeing the preparation of the federal budget and to supervise its administration in Executive Branch agencies. In helping to formulate the President's spending plans, the OMB evaluates the effectiveness of agency programs, policies, and procedures, assesses competing funding demands among agencies, and sets funding priorities. The OMB ensures that agency reports, rules, testimony, and proposed legislation are consistent with the President's Budget and with Administration policies.​

Yes, Congress ultimately has to pass the budget and they generally don't simply take the administration's budget and pass it unaltered. But certainly the President is an active player in designing the federal budget. Since, you know, he sits at the top of the branch of government to which the money is flowing.

Do a little research NONE of Reagan's budgets were ever approved.
"The budget plan I submit to you on Feb. 8 will realize major savings by dismantling the Department of Education" RR

Yeah, that happened
retired sgt
You do know that Ronald Reagan signed every one of the spending bills enacted by Congress during the time he was President don't you? (you should since you claim such a great understanding of how the government works) All that red ink was approved of by Ronald Reagan. He could have vetoed every one of those bills, but he didn't. True the Congress could have over rode those vetos, but that is not what happened and probably wouldn't have happened since the Dems didn't have the votes.

Ronald Reagan was at least as responsible for all that borrowed money as were the Democrats and I would argue he was the prime force behind the borrowed money because it was his initiative of huge tax breaks for the wealthy and massive increases of spending on an unnecessary military buildup that led to the unprecedented borrowing.
"Reagan's budget is dead on arrival" -- Tip O'Neill

Who KNEW Tip O'Neill was psychic??!!!!


Do you dumb asses even know how your Country works? A President has ZERO ABILITY to spend a single dollar, much less authorize the raiding of Social Security funds. That requires the House with consent from the Senate. Both controlled by Democrats under Reagan except for 2 years.

Presidents can not determine where money will come from, nor do they create or vote on Budgets or the means to pay for them. All a President does is either sign or veto spending bills submitted to him BY CONGRESS. And Reagan shut the Government down twice while he was President by doing JUST that.

You seem to think American Presidents play a much more passive role than they actually do. Of course they create budgets, which they then submit to Congress for consideration. This has been going on for about 90 years now.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is a Cabinet-level office, and is the largest office within the Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP).


The Bureau of the Budget, OMB's predecessor, was established as a part of the Department of the Treasury by the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921. The Bureau of the Budget was moved to the EOP in 1939, and reorganized into OMB in 1970 during the Nixon administration[2]. The first OMB included Roy Ash (head), Paul O'Neill (assistant director), Fred Malek (deputy director) and Frank Zarb (associate director) and two dozen others. In the 1990s, OMB was reorganized to remove the distinction between management staff and budgetary staff by combining those dual roles into each given program examiner within the Resource Management Offices [3].


The OMB's predominant mission is to assist the President in overseeing the preparation of the federal budget and to supervise its administration in Executive Branch agencies. In helping to formulate the President's spending plans, the OMB evaluates the effectiveness of agency programs, policies, and procedures, assesses competing funding demands among agencies, and sets funding priorities. The OMB ensures that agency reports, rules, testimony, and proposed legislation are consistent with the President's Budget and with Administration policies.​

Yes, Congress ultimately has to pass the budget and they generally don't simply take the administration's budget and pass it unaltered. But certainly the President is an active player in designing the federal budget. Since, you know, he sits at the top of the branch of government to which the money is flowing.

Do a little research NONE of Reagan's budgets were ever approved.

.....But Daddy Bush went right-on-AHEAD and spent-the-buck$, anyhow, huh??

That figures......

(Maybe he should have cut-back on his air-travel.......)

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You do know that Ronald Reagan signed every one of the spending bills enacted by Congress during the time he was President don't you? (you should since you claim such a great understanding of how the government works) All that red ink was approved of by Ronald Reagan. He could have vetoed every one of those bills, but he didn't. True the Congress could have over rode those vetos, but that is not what happened and probably wouldn't have happened since the Dems didn't have the votes.

Ronald Reagan was at least as responsible for all that borrowed money as were the Democrats and I would argue he was the prime force behind the borrowed money because it was his initiative of huge tax breaks for the wealthy and massive increases of spending on an unnecessary military buildup that led to the unprecedented borrowing.
You do know that Ronald Reagan signed every one of the spending bills enacted by Congress during the time he was President don't you? (you should since you claim such a great understanding of how the government works) All that red ink was approved of by Ronald Reagan. He could have vetoed every one of those bills, but he didn't. True the Congress could have over rode those vetos, but that is not what happened and probably wouldn't have happened since the Dems didn't have the votes.

Ronald Reagan was at least as responsible for all that borrowed money as were the Democrats and I would argue he was the prime force behind the borrowed money because it was his initiative of huge tax breaks for the wealthy and massive increases of spending on an unnecessary military buildup that led to the unprecedented borrowing.
he signed them because he didnt have a hell of a lot of choice
he could have veto'd the lot of them but that wouldnt have helped a whole hell of a lot
he did try to get spending down
Weak, Divecon, very weak.

He had the power as the President to veto those spending bills, but he didn't. Of course Congress with a two thirds majority could over ride his veto but the Dems never had that many votes. Even if they could have, if Reagan was really against all that spending he should have vetoed the spending bills, that way history would have recorded that he was against all that red ink. He didn't and history didn't.
Weak, Divecon, very weak.

He had the power as the President to veto those spending bills, but he didn't. Of course Congress with a two thirds majority could over ride his veto but the Dems never had that many votes. Even if they could have, if Reagan was really against all that spending he should have vetoed the spending bills, that way history would have recorded that he was against all that red ink. He didn't and history didn't.
not weak, FACT
veto's can be over ridden
and, that doesnt exactly make for a harmonious government
Reagan had the sense to work with what he was dealt
he got some things from congress that he wanted and let congress have some of the things they wanted, even though some of them were counter to his goals
You do know that Ronald Reagan signed every one of the spending bills enacted by Congress during the time he was President don't you? (you should since you claim such a great understanding of how the government works) All that red ink was approved of by Ronald Reagan. He could have vetoed every one of those bills, but he didn't. True the Congress could have over rode those vetos, but that is not what happened and probably wouldn't have happened since the Dems didn't have the votes.

Ronald Reagan was at least as responsible for all that borrowed money as were the Democrats and I would argue he was the prime force behind the borrowed money because it was his initiative of huge tax breaks for the wealthy and massive increases of spending on an unnecessary military buildup that led to the unprecedented borrowing.

SIMPLY A LIE. You see Reagan DID shut the Government down one year. TWICE. He got his military budget but the dems announced for every dollar he spent on the military they would spend one on social programs.

No one really won. And the people were upset with both the President and the Congress. He really could not realistically shut down the Government every year.

You see, if Congress had enacted HIS budgets there would have been no large increase in the deficit. The Dems are directly responsible for those deficits.

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