'Real Change for Workers': Living Wage Backers Declare Victory in Local Election

Not to mention shifting consumer attitudes.

I'd much rather pump my own gas than have some fuckwit do it who doesn't give a shit if he spills gas all over my car. That's why it pisses me off when I get gas in New Jersey and I'm not allowed to pump it myself.

There were two factors: declining cost of technology and higher wages for workers.
A lot of people would prefer to have the happy helpful attendent pump their gas and check their oil etc.

But I see I've made my point here. The min wage destroys jobs, esp for those most vulnerable in the economy.

The more I think about it, the more I say your gas jockey example doesn't hold water.

A. I was a gas jockey myself and made a few dollars more per hour than the minimum wage at the time.

B. I've actually run the numbers for a gas station chain that wanted to upgrade their pumps to go self-service. The labor costs in that analysis were also considerably higher than the minimum wage.

So I stands to reason that the minimum wage had nothing to do with the elimination of gas jockey jobs.

A)Your personal experience is not really very relevant here.
B) If they had used min wage for their labor costs, would the analysis still have favored automating? At what labor cost would it not? Recall that employee cost goes beyond mere wages.

It also ignores the theater usher example. But there are dozens of examples where the labor simply got priced out of the market, in large part because of rising min wage rates.
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9/Hr is not middle class. Where do you live? This will have no effect on the middle class, well what little is left of it.

How do you figure you will build a new middle class by overpaying burger flippers?

It's the old "it will put money in the hands of people who will spend it and increase prosperity" argument. It doesnt work. We've had decades of trying that and it never works. Because "money in the hands of consumers" does not grow the economy. Business investment grows the economy.
But some people are slow learners. They still think gov't should be funding infrastructure, education, and research.

Bullshit. Here again we see the far right wingnuts telling really big lies, and hoping that the rest of us swallow that shit. Here is are the facts;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM]Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube[/ame]

And, yes, there are really stupid people that do not realize how much of what we have is the result of government funded research. Including the way in which we are communicating right now.
THE MAN is not keeping you down, Roxy.

Your poor decisions are.
There were two factors: declining cost of technology and higher wages for workers.
A lot of people would prefer to have the happy helpful attendent pump their gas and check their oil etc.

But I see I've made my point here. The min wage destroys jobs, esp for those most vulnerable in the economy.

The more I think about it, the more I say your gas jockey example doesn't hold water.

A. I was a gas jockey myself and made a few dollars more per hour than the minimum wage at the time.

B. I've actually run the numbers for a gas station chain that wanted to upgrade their pumps to go self-service. The labor costs in that analysis were also considerably higher than the minimum wage.

So I stands to reason that the minimum wage had nothing to do with the elimination of gas jockey jobs.

A)Your personal experience is not really very relevant here.
B) If they had used min wage for their labor costs, would the analysis still have favored automating? At what labor cost would it not? Recall that employee cost goes beyond mere wages.

It also ignores the theater usher example. But there are dozens of examples where the labor simply got priced out of the market, in large part because of rising min wage rates.

The point is that the labor cost was already more than the minimum wage , (i.e. it had no impact on the labor costs in the analysis), thus disqualifying the minimum itself as any real catalyst for the move to self-service.

And I ignored your usher example because it's a load of shit. My cinema has a many of them.
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The more I think about it, the more I say your gas jockey example doesn't hold water.

A. I was a gas jockey myself and made a few dollars more per hour than the minimum wage at the time.

B. I've actually run the numbers for a gas station chain that wanted to upgrade their pumps to go self-service. The labor costs in that analysis were also considerably higher than the minimum wage.

So I stands to reason that the minimum wage had nothing to do with the elimination of gas jockey jobs.

A)Your personal experience is not really very relevant here.
B) If they had used min wage for their labor costs, would the analysis still have favored automating? At what labor cost would it not? Recall that employee cost goes beyond mere wages.

It also ignores the theater usher example. But there are dozens of examples where the labor simply got priced out of the market, in large part because of rising min wage rates.

The point is that the labor cost was already more than the minimum wage , (i.e. it had no impact on the labor costs in the analysis), thus disqualifying the minimum itself as any real catalyst for the move to self-service.

And I ignored your usher example because it's a load of shit. My cinema has a many of them.

OK, so that's how you roll. Substitute your own personal experience, which is probably fake, for any independent facts, nitpick, and them resort to mere assertion.
Yes, I am sure your local movie theater has tons of ushers in it which proves that they all do. Even the ones near me that don't have any. They must be hiding in the bathroom when I come in.
My neighbor is a union rep for Lockheed in Marietta, Ga. He is always talking about "living wage" and everyone should get at least $15 a hour.
And he posted on Facebook last week "our maid needs extra work with illness in the family. $10 ahour and she can work nights and weekends"
The typical liberal. Do as I say, not as I do.

Why doesnt he pay her $15/hr as a living wage?

That was exactly my point.
It's the old "it will put money in the hands of people who will spend it and increase prosperity" argument. It doesnt work. We've had decades of trying that and it never works. Because "money in the hands of consumers" does not grow the economy. Business investment grows the economy.
But some people are slow learners. They still think gov't should be funding infrastructure, education, and research.

Bullshit. Here again we see the far right wingnuts telling really big lies, and hoping that the rest of us swallow that shit. Here is are the facts;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM]Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube[/ame]

And, yes, there are really stupid people that do not realize how much of what we have is the result of government funded research. Including the way in which we are communicating right now.
THE MAN is not keeping you down, Roxy.

Your poor decisions are.

LOL. I don't really feel like I am being kept down. I make a upper middle income as a millwright, and have over 50% equity in my small properties. Also taking 9 credits at the local university. Took 22 credits last year, and should be able to finish my degree, provided the fruitloops don't destroy the economy.

However, the young people coming up do not have the oppertunities than I had, and still have. That is the crux of the problem.
I know so many of you justify being jerks to others as "calling you as you see it". But that doesn't make it right.

How are we supposed to unite the nation behind the truth if we use it to gratify our own pride rather than to reach out and lift up our fellow citizens?

You realize that being unkind to people just gives them ammunition to completely ignore the message and go after you? It solves nothing. You think it persuades people on the fence to come to you when you treat others like they are pieces of crap? Im sorry, but that's nonsense.

Our goal should be reconiliation behind the truth. With Malice towards none and charity towards all. The Robbers win when we act like them.

of course you are correct. But our national dialog has been destroyed as our culture has been destroyed. We are all victims of ghetto language that is used by hollywood, TV, and the music industry. Now, even the once civil congress has resorted to vile name calling.

I try to resist it, but sometimes we have to play by the same rules as everyone else if we are going to be in the game.

Well let's fix the culture then. It all starts with us. I dont have to play by the same rules as everyone and im not playing a game.
Higher minimum wage = less welfare. A winner for republicans!

Higher minimum age = more unemployed therefore more welfare.

Statist morons like Matthew think gov't can legislate laws of economics out of existence.

Rabbi would you support going back to the 1890s-1900s with businesses allowed to grow as big as they damn well please? Low standards of work conditions and child labor.

If you're against government being in the economy this is what it means.
How loud are they going to complain when their Venti 1 pump caramel, 1 pump white mocha, 2 scoops vanilla bean powder, extra ice frappuchino with 2 shots poured over the top (apagotto style) with caramel drizzle under and on top of the whipped cream, double cupped price goes up?


Not increasing the minimum wage doesn't create more jobs. It prevents us from losing jobs that already exist. It's called common sense. You increase the cost of something and less people can purchase it.

Artificially increasing the cost of labor decreases the amount of labor that will be purchased.

Letting the market dictate prices will increase people working. Market forces can determine what the minimum wage is much better than the government can. It also prevents government from inflating the currency. Which is the real problem.

I think you already know this and are just going to pretend as though nothing I said matters. Feel free.

Heres the thing. If a business is successful they will hire people. If not, they wont.

We've let the market dictate for decades and now we're here. How long does it take to come to the conclusion that the market has its finger on the scale?

The market is always way ahead of the govt.

So the market is always way ahead of the govt. even when the govt. subsidizes the market?
'Real Change for Workers': Living Wage Backers Declare Victory in Local Election

'This shows that folks are fed up with the way the economy works'

Voters in the Seattle suburb of SeaTac, Washington took on rising wealth inequalities at the ballot box Tuesday, likely passing a living wage measure that will boost the minimum wage of over 6,000 workers to $15 an hour.

"This shows that folks are fed up with the way the economy works and want to resolve it on a local level," said Stefan Moritz of Unite Here Local 8 in SeaTac in an interview with Common Dreams.

The measure—known as Proposition 1—will apply to workers in travel-related industries, including airport, hotel, car rental, parking lot workers—among them employees at the the airport McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, and Starbucks.

However, the minimum wage boost will exclude workers for small businesses, and unionized shops will have the option of overriding the minimum wage through a collective bargaining agreement. Yet, backers say the bill will raise standards for all workers.

The $15 minimum wage marks the second-highest in the United States and more than double the federal minimum wage, which is set at $7.25 an hour. This working-class town of 27,000 already had the state's hourly minimum wage of $9.19.
'Real Change for Workers': Living Wage Backers Declare Victory in Local Election | Common Dreams

The whole problem with this is that it is directed at one single community. Telling one employer they must pay $15 when an employer down the road can pay $9 puts the employer paying $15 at a huge disadvantage. While I support increases in the minimum wage, I think this is a very bad idea and goes too far. Think of it this way; a husband and wife working at the new minimum wage will be paid $62,400 per year if they both work full-time. Add in health insurance and they are earning over $70,000 per year. If that is what we are paying for entry level workers, we're in trouble, and that is going to make it very difficult for employers to make it.
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Higher minimum age = more unemployed therefore more welfare.

Statist morons like Matthew think gov't can legislate laws of economics out of existence.

Rabbi would you support going back to the 1890s-1900s with businesses allowed to grow as big as they damn well please? Low standards of work conditions and child labor.

If you're against government being in the economy this is what it means.

This is the aim of the tea party in case you haven't noticed. Take us back to the good old days with robber barons, poor houses, and age of consent was 12 years old.
Bullshit. Here again we see the far right wingnuts telling really big lies, and hoping that the rest of us swallow that shit. Here is are the facts;

Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube

And, yes, there are really stupid people that do not realize how much of what we have is the result of government funded research. Including the way in which we are communicating right now.
THE MAN is not keeping you down, Roxy.

Your poor decisions are.

LOL. I don't really feel like I am being kept down. I make a upper middle income as a millwright, and have over 50% equity in my small properties. Also taking 9 credits at the local university. Took 22 credits last year, and should be able to finish my degree, provided the fruitloops don't destroy the economy.

However, the young people coming up do not have the oppertunities than I had, and still have. That is the crux of the problem.
Of course they have the same opportunities. That's asinine.

Meanwhile, you're doing okay, right?

So why are you so envious of what other people have? Mind your own business. The existence of rich people takes nothing away from you.
Statist morons like Matthew think gov't can legislate laws of economics out of existence.

Rabbi would you support going back to the 1890s-1900s with businesses allowed to grow as big as they damn well please? Low standards of work conditions and child labor.

If you're against government being in the economy this is what it means.

This is the aim of the tea party in case you haven't noticed. Take us back to the good old days with robber barons, poor houses, and age of consent was 12 years old.
Oh, stop it. Stop repeating the stupid lies you progressives tell each other.

Because, really, you'll never find a TPer saying he wants the age of consent to be 12 years old. (That would the NAMBLA, the leftist pedophile organization.)

If you want to know what the TEA Party wants, ask them. Stop spreading your hate-based lies.

But, of course, you won't do it.
Rabbi would you support going back to the 1890s-1900s with businesses allowed to grow as big as they damn well please? Low standards of work conditions and child labor.

If you're against government being in the economy this is what it means.

This is the aim of the tea party in case you haven't noticed. Take us back to the good old days with robber barons, poor houses, and age of consent was 12 years old.
Oh, stop it. Stop repeating the stupid lies you progressives tell each other.

Because, really, you'll never find a TPer saying he wants the age of consent to be 12 years old. (That would the NAMBLA, the leftist pedophile organization.)

If you want to know what the TEA Party wants, ask them. Stop spreading your hate-based lies.

But, of course, you won't do it.

They can't. It's all they've got. Because their solutions bring us progressively to 1984. Not the year 1984, the book by Orwell where gov't controls everything. And I mean everything.
It is freedom vs control
It is growth vs stagnation
It is prosperity vs poverty
It is dignity vs dependence.

The big gov't types believe people are too stupid to know what to do. Thus we see the meme of "crap insurance policies." Because they know better than us what kind of insurance we need. Right?
Leftist policies bring poverty and suffering everywhere they have been tried. Without exception. People point to Scandanaivian countries. Those countries suffer from anemic growth, high structural unemployment, and languishing birth rates (except among the Muslims, who breed like rabbits and will destabilize them eventually). It is so bad Sweden jettisoned some of its statism to return to a more market economy.
Freedom brings prosperity. Freedom brings dignity to the individual. Freedom empowers people. That is the Tea Party. And the Democrats are opposed to all that. Think about that.
I am sure your local movie theater has tons of ushers in it which proves that they all do. Even the ones near me that don't have any. They must be hiding in the bathroom when I come in.

I believe you. No really, I do.

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