Real Racism...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Real racism occurs when a group of people viciously beat and harass someone simply because of their race and because they entered the wrong neighborhood. Recently what appears to be a young girl and her brother were taking a short-cut through a public park in Indianapolis. Unfortunately, they did not have the right skin color. The two were beaten by a gang of thugs caught on a cell phone video. Although the clip went viral on social media, the mainstream media refused to cover it. If races had been reversed it would have been equally horrible and disgusting. But what would have been different is this would currently be on the cover of CNN and they would continue to cover it for months. Obama and Eric Holder would have given numerous press conferences. Obviously Sharpton would be on the scene. But since the attack doesn’t fit the liberal agenda none of that will happen.

This Is What Actual Racism Looks Like : Warning Graphic Content
That little boy scared the crap out of that sheboon. He ducked her punch too. After that she didn't want to keep bashing his sister in case he hit her again.
Real racism occurs when a group of people viciously beat and harass someone simply because of their race ...
That is not the A to Z to the definition of racism. It is also racist to give someone a job based upon their skin colour, i.e. to be kind to someone on that basis .... not only to be cruel to them.
This goes on every day, its okay if its white people getting beat up. You do notice the gutless cowards don't try to pull that shit in a white neighborhood.

I don't k now where we are going to end up in this country but I do know we are headed in the wrong direction. Cops being assonated and the POTUS sits there with his thumb up his ass. Racial attacks and hatred being encouraged by the countries leaders. It seems like we are fucked.
This goes on every day, its okay if its white people getting beat up. You do notice the gutless cowards don't try to pull that shit in a white neighborhood.

I don't k now where we are going to end up in this country but I do know we are headed in the wrong direction. Cops being assonated and the POTUS sits there with his thumb up his ass. Racial attacks and hatred being encouraged by the countries leaders. It seems like we are fucked.
"in company"
Sad, sad deal...these welfare sucking sub-human cockroaches are working their way right to the back of the bus again...Let the divide continue to grow.
This goes on every day, its okay if its white people getting beat up. You do notice the gutless cowards don't try to pull that shit in a white neighborhood.

I don't k now where we are going to end up in this country but I do know we are headed in the wrong direction. Cops being assonated and the POTUS sits there with his thumb up his ass. Racial attacks and hatred being encouraged by the countries leaders. It seems like we are fucked.
so go back to germany?
There have been so many reports of white people or Trump supporters being beaten by gangs. It's a real problem.

Here's another recent incident. When blacks attack whites and say things like 'get whitey' or 'I hate whites', does that meet the definition of a hate crime?

Man Was Pushed Toward NYC Subway Tracks Because He's White

"I don't like white people," police sources say Weeks uttered as he pushed the younger man toward the Bronxbound 4 & 5 trains' tracks."

Report: Man Was Pushed Toward NYC Subway Tracks Because He's White
This thread should be called "Help, I'm a republican and I'm just ever so triggered right now"

Sad, sad deal...these welfare sucking sub-human cockroaches are working their way right to the back of the bus again...Let the divide continue to grow.
segregation was black people's fault?
No PurpleOwl
But if the response to segregation is
more political segregation destruction and rejection, then whoever takes the route of Retributive Justice that kills relationships,
instead of seeking Restorative Justice that repairs them, is responsible for either repeating the same vicious cycle of oppressive tactics, or breaking out of that pattern.

How we respond is our choice and responsibility.

If we don't set a better example by taking the higher road, we are also responsible for that.

We have the choice in life to seek Retributive Justice that brings destruction and death, or Restorative Justice that brings healing of relations and renews society and life. The key to that door is forgiveness that allows correction and restoration of justice through peaceful means.

In Biblical terms this is what it means to have faith in Jesus for salvation of humanity. In secular terms it's Restorative Justice that is the universal message of Christ Jesus which brings healing grace or the Holy Spirit of peace and comfort to transform society.

One path brings life, the other death, it's always our choice how to respond to injustice with anger and unforgiveness, or with Compassion and Wisdom as the Buddhists teach, or Love of Truth Justice and Peace as universalist and Christians teach to conquer fear with love and set humanity free of past patterns, to establish peace in society or the Kingdom of God on earth.

It's our choice to accept or reject, and to take the same path as before, the broad path of destruction, or seek higher truth and justice to rise above the old ways and transform the world around us by Restorative Justice as represented by unity in Christ Jesus.

The higher road brings life and peace to unite all humanity, but we cannot open the door if we refuse to forgive. The door stays shut until we make that choice.
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This goes on every day, its okay if its white people getting beat up. You do notice the gutless cowards don't try to pull that shit in a white neighborhood.

I don't k now where we are going to end up in this country but I do know we are headed in the wrong direction. Cops being assonated and the POTUS sits there with his thumb up his ass. Racial attacks and hatred being encouraged by the countries leaders. It seems like we are fucked.
so go back to germany?

Ah, this is for you :fu:
Sad, sad deal...these welfare sucking sub-human cockroaches are working their way right to the back of the bus again...Let the divide continue to grow.
segregation was black people's fault?
No PurpleOwl
But if the response to segregation is
more political segregation destruction and rejection, then whoever takes the route of Retributive Justice that kills relationships,
instead of seeking Restorative Justice that repairs them, is responsible for either repeating the same vicious cycle of oppressive tactics, or breaking out of that pattern.

How we respond is our choice and responsibility.

If we don't set a better example by taking the higher road, we are also responsible for that.

We have the choice in life to seek Retributive Justice that brings destruction and death, or Restorative Justice that brings healing of relations and renews society and life. The key to that door is forgiveness that allows correction and restoration of justice through peaceful means.

In Biblical terms this is what it means to have faith in Jesus for salvation of humanity. In secular terms it's Restorative Justice that is the universal message of Christ Jesus which brings healing grace or the Holy Spirit of peace and comfort to transform society.

One path brings life, the other death, it's always our choice how to respond to injustice with anger and unforgiveness, or with Compassion and Wisdom as the Buddhists teach, or Love of Truth Justice and Peace as universalist and Christians teach to conquer fear with love and set humanity free of past patterns, to establish peace in society or the Kingdom of God on earth.

It's our choice to accept or reject, and to take the same path as before, the broad path of destruction, or seek higher truth and justice to rise above the old ways and transform the world around us by Restorative Justice as represented by unity in Christ Jesus.

The higher road brings life and peace to unite all humanity, but we cannot open the door if we refuse to forgive. The door stays shut until we make that choice.
Restorative justice is a liberal bong dream that can do nothing but fail.
That little boy scared the crap out of that sheboon. He ducked her punch too. After that she didn't want to keep bashing his sister in case he hit her again.
whats a sheboon?

Don't know for sure, but it sounds like short for shemale baboon.
In other words a sub human who lives in an inner city, lives on food stamps, sells drugs, kills for running shoes, beats up old people and children, votes Democrat and is invited to the White House by a fellow sheboon.
Feminists are trying to blame these thug's violence on trannies. I don't know how that works. It's just all part of the feminist rhetoric; when all else fails, blame trannies.
Sad, sad deal...these welfare sucking sub-human cockroaches are working their way right to the back of the bus again...Let the divide continue to grow.
segregation was black people's fault?
No PurpleOwl
But if the response to segregation is
more political segregation destruction and rejection, then whoever takes the route of Retributive Justice that kills relationships,
instead of seeking Restorative Justice that repairs them, is responsible for either repeating the same vicious cycle of oppressive tactics, or breaking out of that pattern.

How we respond is our choice and responsibility.

If we don't set a better example by taking the higher road, we are also responsible for that.

We have the choice in life to seek Retributive Justice that brings destruction and death, or Restorative Justice that brings healing of relations and renews society and life. The key to that door is forgiveness that allows correction and restoration of justice through peaceful means.

In Biblical terms this is what it means to have faith in Jesus for salvation of humanity. In secular terms it's Restorative Justice that is the universal message of Christ Jesus which brings healing grace or the Holy Spirit of peace and comfort to transform society.

One path brings life, the other death, it's always our choice how to respond to injustice with anger and unforgiveness, or with Compassion and Wisdom as the Buddhists teach, or Love of Truth Justice and Peace as universalist and Christians teach to conquer fear with love and set humanity free of past patterns, to establish peace in society or the Kingdom of God on earth.

It's our choice to accept or reject, and to take the same path as before, the broad path of destruction, or seek higher truth and justice to rise above the old ways and transform the world around us by Restorative Justice as represented by unity in Christ Jesus.

The higher road brings life and peace to unite all humanity, but we cannot open the door if we refuse to forgive. The door stays shut until we make that choice.
Restorative justice is a liberal bong dream that can do nothing but fail.
I don't think we're talking about the same thing Tipsycatlover

The RJ I'm talking about us what the Christian ministries have used to
* get people out of crime and drug addiction
* heal mind, body, and even relations
* end cycles of sexual abuse and recover back to normal, including people who were homosexual or who thought they were transgender but were able to change

No secular version abusing RJ for "some other motivation that fails" can succeed in healing people, body mind and spirit, including their relations with others.

What failed approaches are you referencing? If they are not compatible with the same methods in Christian healing counseling, then you and I are not talking about the same thing.

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