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REAL Whistle Blower FIRED In Act of Retaliation In Violation of Whistle Blower ACT

And none of them --- not Viacom, not Time Warner, not Bertelsmann, not even Murdoch --- makes a damn penny from ideology "agendas".
Sorry, lil' snowflake, but anti-Trump fake news hate-driven propaganda is what Democrats demand to indoctrinate their failed Common Core public school graduates and liberal professor indoctrinated college students and what hate-driven butt-hurt snowflakes want 24/7.

Thankfully these snowflakes are in the minority and so even their complete loyalty and devotion to the propaganda wing and Counter-Intel media pushers at CNN have not been enough to prevent CNN's ratings from tanking..

...and as more evidence of the on-going and past coups continues to come out and the latest coup attempt continues more and more Americans will become intolerant of it all, making sure the traitors participating in and facilitating these coups make less and less of a profit, perhaps hemorrhage money.

Instead of defending and propping them up it would be so easy for you snowflakes to put an and to their lies. As I have said several times now, instead of parroting their lies about how the Whistle Blower's identity must be kept secret, all you had / have to do is pull up and read the actual law for yourself.

If you did so, again, you would learn that the ONLY protection afforded to an actual WB is protection from being FIRED be on their job. No where in the actual law is anonymity afforded to them, exposing the fact that Schiff and Democrats continue to lie to you snowflakes & you part of their lies.
No, they're commercial whores. Their prime directive is to sell ads for as much money as they can. To do that they'll run whatever they think you'll sit there and get hypnotized over. Conversely they won't run what they think won't do that.

I've been explaining to you klowns all day, NOBODY ANYWHERE makes money from propaganda. The only propaganda that translates to cash is that which tells you to go buy a monster truck that can tow an asteroid.
Fox Rush Savage etc etc make money from propaganda I don't know what you mean. Our television media is pathetic, they don't have foreign offices and foreign reporters anymore for all practical purposes. And fox MSNBC and CNN save tons of money by just having talking heads all day. Extremely divisive and gives way too much air time to conspiracy theories r
and misinformation of the GOP.

I stopped watching FUX a loooong time ago!!!
But show me where they've had to retract stories because they were obviously fake?

Shirley Sherrod comes immediately to mind. So does Sean Hannity's fake footage busted by Jon Stewart.

Let alone all the fake chyrons...


Again --- all mining the emotions.

So no links?
every single one of your scandals are phony dipstick, nobody in the real world pays any attention to them anymore. None of them retracted. Nobody in the real world believes any Democrat is a criminal.law enforcement has no interest in them anymore either -everything's been investigated and immediately it was found that they're total garbage propaganda. Only you idiots believe any of it.

You go with that.
I hope it gets you through the coming fire storm.
Where's any connection here to "Democrats"? Or to political parties at all?

Or didn't you think of that?

Good gods do I have to think of EVERYTHING around here??
/——-/ You think ABC is run by Tea Party Conservatives and not democRATs???

No. You see, I'm not self-enslaved to that childish binary world where all matter is comprised of either "Republicans" or "Democrats". Rather what I already KNOW is that ABC, like any other network, is run by corporate profit-seekers. The point is not that that leans them conservative, although it does, the point is that what ABC, or any commercial broadcast network exists for, is PROFIT. That means selling commercials. THAT'S WHY THEY HAVE THEM.

A Clear Channel executive put it this way, after asking one of his Program Directors the definition of "programming" --
"Programming is the shit we run between commercials".

NOBODY IN THE COMMERCIAL BROADACST WORLD makes a dime off their ideology. They make them from selling dick drugs, monster trucks, cosmetics and all kinds of other shit you don't need. That's the system, that's how it works.

And we already did this. Read and learn.


If ratings were the goal -
News networks would all adopt the FoxNews Playbook.
They would rather be activists than have ratings.
All you need to do is look.
Other than airports - no one is watching CNN
No one is watching MSNBC

No idea what "TSDR" is supposed to mean but yes, so-called "news" networks HAVE adopted the Fox Noise model. That's a perfect illustration. Before Roger What-Ailes-Ya bubbled up Fox Noise, CNN was holding the position of news source with its idea of 24 hour coverage so we didn't have to wait for the 6pm network news.

But doing news -- REAL news -- is expensive. You need to hire reporters, fly them around with production crews, trucks, satellite phones, you need to open and maintain foreign bureaus, all that shit. That's why the old traditional Huntley-Brinkley-Cronkite network news shows were all subsidized by the mindless Gilligan's Islands and Beverly Hillbillies, because that's where the money was. The newscasts were loss leaders. Just there for PR so that a given station, come license renewal time, could tell the FCC, "See? We're serving the public interest as the license requires, look at all these news shows".

And of course being on cable, the Foxes and CNNs don't need broadcast licenses anyway so they're relieved of the mandate to operate "in the public interest, convenience and necessity" as licensees are.

Rupert Murdoch, who made his fortune selling sleazy tabloid rags, bubbled up the idea of, instead of spending all that money on actual news, plopping some talking heads down in a studio to talk ABOUT the news, rather than actually report it. MUCH cheaper. He came up with a gossip channel which, instead of gossiping about celebrities, gossips about politicians. It's always about people, not policy. That's a direct Appeal to Emotion.

Roger Ailes candidly put it this way: "If two guys are on a stage and one guy says 'I know how to bring peace to the Middle East' and the other guy falls into the orchestra pit, which one do you think is going to be on the evening news?"

That's why all those garish Romper Room colors festoon the set. That's why the women are all facing the camera in short skirts. That's why all those suggestive chyrons are dancing across the screen. That's why the talking heads are pounding their fists on the desk and speaking in three octaves. All that shit SELLS. Emotion sells. Sex sells. Suggestive shit plants seeds and the colors keep you awake. And then ---- BAM, buy this dick drug. That's the game, Gumball. It's all manipulative psychology. Commentary --- which is where Fox Noise makes all its money --- is cheap, because as the old maxim says, TALK IS CHEAP.

And that's why ratings exist.

CNN, to its discredit, saw what Fox Noise was doing and adopted some of the same shit. MSNBC came along and switched from its far-right position that Fox already had, to the other side to milk a different audience. ALL of them are in it for the goal of maximizing viewership, simply because the more hypnotized drones you have, the more you can charge the advertiser for time. Ratings measure attention. If my network can deliver more eyeballs than yours, then I can charge more for a commercial. Simple as that. How I get those eyeballs could be bimbos in short skirts in a garishly colored studio with suggestive chyrons running amok, it could be naked people on an island forced to eat bugs, it could be here's the results of the paternity tests, it could be dancing with the who-cares. Doesn't matter, they're all there for the same goal.

THAT, Virginia, is how they work and what they work for. Not fucking "activisim", which makes ZERO money.

There would be no advertising without viewership. The MSM knows that the more outrageous their stories the more suckers they can fool into watching their bullshit opinions which they pawn off as journalism.
yes all respected media and journalists around the world are wrong, only your high school grad ex-cokehead DJ's know the truth. You people are absolutely unbelievable in your ignorance and Duperee... Your whole imaginary planet is about to blow up all your conspiracy theories and the deep State etc etc. Poor America.
/——-/ Progs would kill for Rush's audience and influence.
Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot and a bought off liar all the time it never stops. Only brainwashed functional morons believe anything he says period. so many phony scandals it's ridiculous all investigated nothing to any of them. And no it is not a conspiracy of all the law enforcement and intelligent people in the world.

"....Oh, and YOU'RE FIRED!"

Despite what criminal, treasonous Democrats and parroting ignorant snowflakes claim, REAL 'Whistle Blowers' are not afforded the protection of ANONYMITY. According to the law, the ONLY protection they are entitled to is protection from BEING FIRED from their job!

Once again we see Democrats / snowflakes have accused others of doing what THEY do and of being who THEY are:

Democrat-Media Complex in Action: CBS Fires Epstein Whistleblower Upon ABC News's Request

Recently a video was released showing 'ABC News anchor Amy Robach venting that her network "quashed" a major news story three years ago about now-dead pervert and convicted child molester Jeffrey Epstein that would have implicated former President Bill Clinton, the British Royal family, and more.'

Although not entirely intentional, Robach is what the Democrats would definitely call a 'Whistle Blower' IF she had leaked some bombshell revelation that hurt President Trump and / or Republicans instead of exposing the MSM cover-up of a report damaging to the Clintons. Had she been fired for revealing such information damaging to the President / Republicans they would have rushed to her defense, pointed out those who had done the firing violated the Whistle Blower Act, and demanded restitution / justice.

Since her unintended comments pointed out, instead, how the Pro-Liberal/Clinton MSM has spiked / buried a story damaging to the Clintons the Left does not hesitate to fire her and ignore the MSM violating more laws by punishing the inadvertent Whistle Blower.

Go figure....

Democrat-Media Complex in Action: CBS Fires Epstein Whistleblower Upon ABC News' Request

ABC has reported the leak of information - a Standard Operating Procedure / Process for D-Adam Schiff and other House Democrats - a 'violation' of its policies, is conducting an investigation, and has had the former the anti-Epstein ABC-Cover-Up employee / WHISTLE BLOWER fired...

Retaliation against a Whistle Blower, again, is illegal.

As Democrats, Deep State members, and snowflakes have always lived by: 'One set of rules for THEE, one set of rules for ME'

There is no whistleblower law that applies to people outside the government.
/——-/ You think ABC is run by Tea Party Conservatives and not democRATs???

No. You see, I'm not self-enslaved to that childish binary world where all matter is comprised of either "Republicans" or "Democrats". Rather what I already KNOW is that ABC, like any other network, is run by corporate profit-seekers. The point is not that that leans them conservative, although it does, the point is that what ABC, or any commercial broadcast network exists for, is PROFIT. That means selling commercials. THAT'S WHY THEY HAVE THEM.

A Clear Channel executive put it this way, after asking one of his Program Directors the definition of "programming" --
"Programming is the shit we run between commercials".

NOBODY IN THE COMMERCIAL BROADACST WORLD makes a dime off their ideology. They make them from selling dick drugs, monster trucks, cosmetics and all kinds of other shit you don't need. That's the system, that's how it works.

And we already did this. Read and learn.

No idea what "TSDR" is supposed to mean but yes, so-called "news" networks HAVE adopted the Fox Noise model. That's a perfect illustration. Before Roger What-Ailes-Ya bubbled up Fox Noise, CNN was holding the position of news source with its idea of 24 hour coverage so we didn't have to wait for the 6pm network news.

But doing news -- REAL news -- is expensive. You need to hire reporters, fly them around with production crews, trucks, satellite phones, you need to open and maintain foreign bureaus, all that shit. That's why the old traditional Huntley-Brinkley-Cronkite network news shows were all subsidized by the mindless Gilligan's Islands and Beverly Hillbillies, because that's where the money was. The newscasts were loss leaders. Just there for PR so that a given station, come license renewal time, could tell the FCC, "See? We're serving the public interest as the license requires, look at all these news shows".

And of course being on cable, the Foxes and CNNs don't need broadcast licenses anyway so they're relieved of the mandate to operate "in the public interest, convenience and necessity" as licensees are.

Rupert Murdoch, who made his fortune selling sleazy tabloid rags, bubbled up the idea of, instead of spending all that money on actual news, plopping some talking heads down in a studio to talk ABOUT the news, rather than actually report it. MUCH cheaper. He came up with a gossip channel which, instead of gossiping about celebrities, gossips about politicians. It's always about people, not policy. That's a direct Appeal to Emotion.

Roger Ailes candidly put it this way: "If two guys are on a stage and one guy says 'I know how to bring peace to the Middle East' and the other guy falls into the orchestra pit, which one do you think is going to be on the evening news?"

That's why all those garish Romper Room colors festoon the set. That's why the women are all facing the camera in short skirts. That's why all those suggestive chyrons are dancing across the screen. That's why the talking heads are pounding their fists on the desk and speaking in three octaves. All that shit SELLS. Emotion sells. Sex sells. Suggestive shit plants seeds and the colors keep you awake. And then ---- BAM, buy this dick drug. That's the game, Gumball. It's all manipulative psychology. Commentary --- which is where Fox Noise makes all its money --- is cheap, because as the old maxim says, TALK IS CHEAP.

And that's why ratings exist.

CNN, to its discredit, saw what Fox Noise was doing and adopted some of the same shit. MSNBC came along and switched from its far-right position that Fox already had, to the other side to milk a different audience. ALL of them are in it for the goal of maximizing viewership, simply because the more hypnotized drones you have, the more you can charge the advertiser for time. Ratings measure attention. If my network can deliver more eyeballs than yours, then I can charge more for a commercial. Simple as that. How I get those eyeballs could be bimbos in short skirts in a garishly colored studio with suggestive chyrons running amok, it could be naked people on an island forced to eat bugs, it could be here's the results of the paternity tests, it could be dancing with the who-cares. Doesn't matter, they're all there for the same goal.

THAT, Virginia, is how they work and what they work for. Not fucking "activisim", which makes ZERO money.

There would be no advertising without viewership. The MSM knows that the more outrageous their stories the more suckers they can fool into watching their bullshit opinions which they pawn off as journalism.
yes all respected media and journalists around the world are wrong, only your high school grad ex-cokehead DJ's know the truth. You people are absolutely unbelievable in your ignorance and Duperee... Your whole imaginary planet is about to blow up all your conspiracy theories and the deep State etc etc. Poor America.
/——-/ Progs would kill for Rush's audience and influence.
Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot and a bought off liar all the time it never stops. Only brainwashed functional morons believe anything he says period. so many phony scandals it's ridiculous all investigated nothing to any of them. And no it is not a conspiracy of all the law enforcement and intelligent people in the world.

LOL...that big fat idiot has been destroying you dumbfucks for 30 years.
At least you guys have air america......oh wait.
No. You see, I'm not self-enslaved to that childish binary world where all matter is comprised of either "Republicans" or "Democrats". Rather what I already KNOW is that ABC, like any other network, is run by corporate profit-seekers. The point is not that that leans them conservative, although it does, the point is that what ABC, or any commercial broadcast network exists for, is PROFIT. That means selling commercials. THAT'S WHY THEY HAVE THEM.

A Clear Channel executive put it this way, after asking one of his Program Directors the definition of "programming" --
"Programming is the shit we run between commercials".

NOBODY IN THE COMMERCIAL BROADACST WORLD makes a dime off their ideology. They make them from selling dick drugs, monster trucks, cosmetics and all kinds of other shit you don't need. That's the system, that's how it works.

And we already did this. Read and learn.

There would be no advertising without viewership. The MSM knows that the more outrageous their stories the more suckers they can fool into watching their bullshit opinions which they pawn off as journalism.
yes all respected media and journalists around the world are wrong, only your high school grad ex-cokehead DJ's know the truth. You people are absolutely unbelievable in your ignorance and Duperee... Your whole imaginary planet is about to blow up all your conspiracy theories and the deep State etc etc. Poor America.
/——-/ Progs would kill for Rush's audience and influence.
Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot and a bought off liar all the time it never stops. Only brainwashed functional morons believe anything he says period. so many phony scandals it's ridiculous all investigated nothing to any of them. And no it is not a conspiracy of all the law enforcement and intelligent people in the world.

LOL...that big fat idiot has been destroying you dumbfucks for 30 years.
At least you guys have air america......oh wait.
We have every journalist and law enforcement in the world, and you have the worst propaganda machine in our history a disgrace.none of your phony scandals are taken seriously after being investigated and totally discredited but still you Yammer on, brainwashed functional moron.
No. You see, I'm not self-enslaved to that childish binary world where all matter is comprised of either "Republicans" or "Democrats". Rather what I already KNOW is that ABC, like any other network, is run by corporate profit-seekers. The point is not that that leans them conservative, although it does, the point is that what ABC, or any commercial broadcast network exists for, is PROFIT. That means selling commercials. THAT'S WHY THEY HAVE THEM.

A Clear Channel executive put it this way, after asking one of his Program Directors the definition of "programming" --
"Programming is the shit we run between commercials".

NOBODY IN THE COMMERCIAL BROADACST WORLD makes a dime off their ideology. They make them from selling dick drugs, monster trucks, cosmetics and all kinds of other shit you don't need. That's the system, that's how it works.

And we already did this. Read and learn.

There would be no advertising without viewership. The MSM knows that the more outrageous their stories the more suckers they can fool into watching their bullshit opinions which they pawn off as journalism.
yes all respected media and journalists around the world are wrong, only your high school grad ex-cokehead DJ's know the truth. You people are absolutely unbelievable in your ignorance and Duperee... Your whole imaginary planet is about to blow up all your conspiracy theories and the deep State etc etc. Poor America.
/——-/ Progs would kill for Rush's audience and influence.
Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot and a bought off liar all the time it never stops. Only brainwashed functional morons believe anything he says period. so many phony scandals it's ridiculous all investigated nothing to any of them. And no it is not a conspiracy of all the law enforcement and intelligent people in the world.

LOL...that big fat idiot has been destroying you dumbfucks for 30 years.
At least you guys have air america......oh wait.
we also have the actual morals and facts and Truth on our side too but you go you go with a bully and pure bulshit..... You've already wrecked our infrastructure and middle class with your flat tax policy that nobody knows about. Google the only tax graph you need to know.
There would be no advertising without viewership. The MSM knows that the more outrageous their stories the more suckers they can fool into watching their bullshit opinions which they pawn off as journalism.
yes all respected media and journalists around the world are wrong, only your high school grad ex-cokehead DJ's know the truth. You people are absolutely unbelievable in your ignorance and Duperee... Your whole imaginary planet is about to blow up all your conspiracy theories and the deep State etc etc. Poor America.
/——-/ Progs would kill for Rush's audience and influence.
Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot and a bought off liar all the time it never stops. Only brainwashed functional morons believe anything he says period. so many phony scandals it's ridiculous all investigated nothing to any of them. And no it is not a conspiracy of all the law enforcement and intelligent people in the world.

LOL...that big fat idiot has been destroying you dumbfucks for 30 years.
At least you guys have air america......oh wait.
We have every journalist and law enforcement in the world, and you have the worst propaganda machine in our history a disgrace.none of your phony scandals are taken seriously after being investigated and totally discredited but still you Yammer on, brainwashed functional moron.
/——-/ And then there’s this:
State Dept. official flagged Hunter Biden's 'conflict of interest' in Ukraine, testimony shows

State Dept. official flagged Hunter Biden's 'conflict of interest' in Ukraine, testimony shows

George Kent, a career official at the State Department, told House investigators conducting the impeachment inquiry against President Trump that he raised concerns about Hunter Biden's lucrative service on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company -- but was told that it wasn't appropriate to discuss the matter because of the health struggles of Biden's eldest son, Beau.

According to a transcript of his Oct. 15 closed-door deposition released Thursday, Kent confirmed that he had no "direct knowledge" that U.S. aid to Ukraine was ever connected to the opening of a new investigation against the Bidens concerning their business dealings there.

"....Oh, and YOU'RE FIRED!"

Despite what criminal, treasonous Democrats and parroting ignorant snowflakes claim, REAL 'Whistle Blowers' are not afforded the protection of ANONYMITY. According to the law, the ONLY protection they are entitled to is protection from BEING FIRED from their job!

Once again we see Democrats / snowflakes have accused others of doing what THEY do and of being who THEY are:

Democrat-Media Complex in Action: CBS Fires Epstein Whistleblower Upon ABC News's Request

Recently a video was released showing 'ABC News anchor Amy Robach venting that her network "quashed" a major news story three years ago about now-dead pervert and convicted child molester Jeffrey Epstein that would have implicated former President Bill Clinton, the British Royal family, and more.'

Although not entirely intentional, Robach is what the Democrats would definitely call a 'Whistle Blower' IF she had leaked some bombshell revelation that hurt President Trump and / or Republicans instead of exposing the MSM cover-up of a report damaging to the Clintons. Had she been fired for revealing such information damaging to the President / Republicans they would have rushed to her defense, pointed out those who had done the firing violated the Whistle Blower Act, and demanded restitution / justice.

Since her unintended comments pointed out, instead, how the Pro-Liberal/Clinton MSM has spiked / buried a story damaging to the Clintons the Left does not hesitate to fire her and ignore the MSM violating more laws by punishing the inadvertent Whistle Blower.

Go figure....

Democrat-Media Complex in Action: CBS Fires Epstein Whistleblower Upon ABC News' Request

ABC has reported the leak of information - a Standard Operating Procedure / Process for D-Adam Schiff and other House Democrats - a 'violation' of its policies, is conducting an investigation, and has had the former the anti-Epstein ABC-Cover-Up employee / WHISTLE BLOWER fired...

Retaliation against a Whistle Blower, again, is illegal.

As Democrats, Deep State members, and snowflakes have always lived by: 'One set of rules for THEE, one set of rules for ME'


I agree- Retaliation against a whistleblower is illegal.

Why does your Orange Messiah keep demanding the whistleblower be identified?
Why does your Orange Messiah keep demanding the whistleblower be identified?
Why do ignorant Trump-hating morons like you support secret inquisition, denying denying the accused of Constitutional Rights of facing their accusers, and attempting to dictate what witnesses can be called and what questions can be asked?

Why is the one who controls that a CONTACT WITNESS who refuses to recuse himself, refuses to testify, committed Sedition for 2 years, is an admitted classified leaker, and a corrupt Congressman compromised by a Russian-born arms dealer who dealt with corrupt Ukraine officials?

When you try to PRETEND to ACT stupid you succede in PROVING you ARE stupid.
Not for a commercial entity, no. What'd I just say? It's ALWAYS about money.

ABC, or any other TV network, is beholden to its stockholders. It isn't required to run this story or not run that story. Consequently it will run what sells.

Than [sic] they aren't news agencies they're propaganda outlets.

No, they're commercial whores. Their prime directive is to sell ads for as much money as they can. To do that they'll run whatever they think you'll sit there and get hypnotized over. Conversely they won't run what they think won't do that.

I've been explaining to you klowns all day, NOBODY ANYWHERE makes money from propaganda. The only propaganda that translates to cash is that which tells you to go buy a monster truck that can tow an asteroid.

There primary objective is to pump out propaganda for the dem party.

If that's what you need to tell yourself as you suck your thumb and rock yourself to sleep, that's on you.
All I can do is lead you to the water.

You can lead a liberal to knowledge but you cant make em think.

Umma lead you to some knowledge right here and now and I don't expect you'll lift a synapse to think.

Your original link in the OP --- it gives us no communication whatsoever from CBS or ABC or anyone else. The entire "report" is based on, and I quote, "Well, according to Yashar Ali, the leaker had switched jobs..."

---- WHO in the name of all that is fuckworthy is "Yashar Ali"? No title given, no description, no employer, no nothing. Apparently he has a Tweeter account, which makes him a Twit, not much more. That's it, your entire source is some stranger called "Yashar Ali" with no credentials at all, claiming "according to two sources" that he doesn't name. In a Twit.

And when did Tweeter become a legitimate news source? Tell us again who the chief editor of Tweeter is who vets everything printed on it is confirmed and documented?

Finally, did you notice the disclaimer at the bottom of the article which admits the author of it is related to somebody working for James O'Keefe? That kind of explains the headline, doesn't it.

Isn't it ironic that y'all are supposedly crying the blues about "journalism" while yourselves running around violating every type of journalistic ethic there is? Running with a Twit rumor from unknowns as if it's fact? And then y'all want to bitch about ABC?

Y'all remember when this "hot mic" video first came out and I raised questions about whether it was real?

Well, this is exactly why I had those suspicions. Now look where you are..
Last edited:

"....Oh, and YOU'RE FIRED!"

Despite what criminal, treasonous Democrats and parroting ignorant snowflakes claim, REAL 'Whistle Blowers' are not afforded the protection of ANONYMITY. According to the law, the ONLY protection they are entitled to is protection from BEING FIRED from their job!

Once again we see Democrats / snowflakes have accused others of doing what THEY do and of being who THEY are:

Democrat-Media Complex in Action: CBS Fires Epstein Whistleblower Upon ABC News's Request

Recently a video was released showing 'ABC News anchor Amy Robach venting that her network "quashed" a major news story three years ago about now-dead pervert and convicted child molester Jeffrey Epstein that would have implicated former President Bill Clinton, the British Royal family, and more.'

Although not entirely intentional, Robach is what the Democrats would definitely call a 'Whistle Blower' IF she had leaked some bombshell revelation that hurt President Trump and / or Republicans instead of exposing the MSM cover-up of a report damaging to the Clintons. Had she been fired for revealing such information damaging to the President / Republicans they would have rushed to her defense, pointed out those who had done the firing violated the Whistle Blower Act, and demanded restitution / justice.

Since her unintended comments pointed out, instead, how the Pro-Liberal/Clinton MSM has spiked / buried a story damaging to the Clintons the Left does not hesitate to fire her and ignore the MSM violating more laws by punishing the inadvertent Whistle Blower.

Go figure....

Democrat-Media Complex in Action: CBS Fires Epstein Whistleblower Upon ABC News' Request

ABC has reported the leak of information - a Standard Operating Procedure / Process for D-Adam Schiff and other House Democrats - a 'violation' of its policies, is conducting an investigation, and has had the former the anti-Epstein ABC-Cover-Up employee / WHISTLE BLOWER fired...

Retaliation against a Whistle Blower, again, is illegal.

As Democrats, Deep State members, and snowflakes have always lived by: 'One set of rules for THEE, one set of rules for ME'

There is no whistleblower law that applies to people outside the government.

Actually there is. Let's run this again, it's relevant here, in several ways...

The whistleblower aspect comes up around 8:45. And it has an interesting twist.

Not really relevant to this alleged topic however, as we have no credible evidence that any whistleblower was fired anyway.
Than [sic] they aren't news agencies they're propaganda outlets.

No, they're commercial whores. Their prime directive is to sell ads for as much money as they can. To do that they'll run whatever they think you'll sit there and get hypnotized over. Conversely they won't run what they think won't do that.

I've been explaining to you klowns all day, NOBODY ANYWHERE makes money from propaganda. The only propaganda that translates to cash is that which tells you to go buy a monster truck that can tow an asteroid.

There primary objective is to pump out propaganda for the dem party.

If that's what you need to tell yourself as you suck your thumb and rock yourself to sleep, that's on you.
All I can do is lead you to the water.

You can lead a liberal to knowledge but you cant make em think.

Umma lead you to some knowledge right here and now and I don't expect you'll lift a synapse to think.

Your original link in the OP --- it gives us no communication whatsoever from CBS or ABC or anyone else. The entire "report" is based on, and I quote, "Well, according to Yashar Ali, the leaker had switched jobs..."

---- WHO in the name of all that is fuckworthy is "Yashar Ali"? No title given, no description, no employer, no nothing. Apparently he has a Tweeter account, which makes him a Twit, not much more. That's it, your entire source is some stranger called "Yashar Ali" with no credentials at all, claiming "according to two sources" that he doesn't name. In a Twit.

And when did Tweeter become a legitimate news source? Tell us again who the chief editor of Tweeter is who vets everything printed on it is confirmed and documented?

Finally, did you notice the disclaimer at the bottom of the article which admits the author of it is related to somebody working for James O'Keefe? That kind of explains the headline, doesn't it.

Isn't it ironic that y'all are supposedly crying the blues about "journalism" while yourselves running around violating every type of journalistic ethic there is? Running with a Twit rumor from unknowns as if it's fact? And then y'all want to bitch about ABC?
I love how Dems and snowflakes accuse others of doing what they have done / do and of being who they are...

So, again, snowflakes are still parroting Schiff's lie about how their faux Whistle Blower is afforded anonymity - despite the actual law stating otherwise - while the MSM is targeting and firing actual Whistle Blowers who expose the MSM spiking reports damaging to democrats...

No, they're commercial whores. Their prime directive is to sell ads for as much money as they can. To do that they'll run whatever they think you'll sit there and get hypnotized over. Conversely they won't run what they think won't do that.

I've been explaining to you klowns all day, NOBODY ANYWHERE makes money from propaganda. The only propaganda that translates to cash is that which tells you to go buy a monster truck that can tow an asteroid.

There primary objective is to pump out propaganda for the dem party.

If that's what you need to tell yourself as you suck your thumb and rock yourself to sleep, that's on you.
All I can do is lead you to the water.

You can lead a liberal to knowledge but you cant make em think.

Umma lead you to some knowledge right here and now and I don't expect you'll lift a synapse to think.

Your original link in the OP --- it gives us no communication whatsoever from CBS or ABC or anyone else. The entire "report" is based on, and I quote, "Well, according to Yashar Ali, the leaker had switched jobs..."

---- WHO in the name of all that is fuckworthy is "Yashar Ali"? No title given, no description, no employer, no nothing. Apparently he has a Tweeter account, which makes him a Twit, not much more. That's it, your entire source is some stranger called "Yashar Ali" with no credentials at all, claiming "according to two sources" that he doesn't name. In a Twit.

And when did Tweeter become a legitimate news source? Tell us again who the chief editor of Tweeter is who vets everything printed on it is confirmed and documented?

Finally, did you notice the disclaimer at the bottom of the article which admits the author of it is related to somebody working for James O'Keefe? That kind of explains the headline, doesn't it.

Isn't it ironic that y'all are supposedly crying the blues about "journalism" while yourselves running around violating every type of journalistic ethic there is? Running with a Twit rumor from unknowns as if it's fact? And then y'all want to bitch about ABC?
I love how Dems and snowflakes accuse others of doing what they have done / do and of being who they are...


Answer the question.

WHO the fuck is "Yashar Ali"?
Does he in fact even exist?

You don't have any clue, do you. And you don't care to find out because ---- well, we know why, don't we.
So, again, snowflakes are still parroting Schiff's lie about how their faux Whistle Blower is afforded anonymity - despite the actual law stating otherwise - while the MSM is targeting and firing actual Whistle Blowers who expose the MSM spiking reports damaging to democrats...


Are they now.

----------- Link?

See how easy this is? You dig your own hole and rush straight into it. I just watch.
There would be no advertising without viewership. The MSM knows that the more outrageous their stories the more suckers they can fool into watching their bullshit opinions which they pawn off as journalism.
yes all respected media and journalists around the world are wrong, only your high school grad ex-cokehead DJ's know the truth. You people are absolutely unbelievable in your ignorance and Duperee... Your whole imaginary planet is about to blow up all your conspiracy theories and the deep State etc etc. Poor America.
/——-/ Progs would kill for Rush's audience and influence.
Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot and a bought off liar all the time it never stops. Only brainwashed functional morons believe anything he says period. so many phony scandals it's ridiculous all investigated nothing to any of them. And no it is not a conspiracy of all the law enforcement and intelligent people in the world.

LOL...that big fat idiot has been destroying you dumbfucks for 30 years.
At least you guys have air america......oh wait.
we also have the actual morals and facts and Truth on our side too but you go you go with a bully and pure bulshit..... You've already wrecked our infrastructure and middle class with your flat tax policy that nobody knows about. Google the only tax graph you need to know.

Yet no one wants to listen to your shit.....
There primary objective is to pump out propaganda for the dem party.

If that's what you need to tell yourself as you suck your thumb and rock yourself to sleep, that's on you.
All I can do is lead you to the water.

You can lead a liberal to knowledge but you cant make em think.

Umma lead you to some knowledge right here and now and I don't expect you'll lift a synapse to think.

Your original link in the OP --- it gives us no communication whatsoever from CBS or ABC or anyone else. The entire "report" is based on, and I quote, "Well, according to Yashar Ali, the leaker had switched jobs..."

---- WHO in the name of all that is fuckworthy is "Yashar Ali"? No title given, no description, no employer, no nothing. Apparently he has a Tweeter account, which makes him a Twit, not much more. That's it, your entire source is some stranger called "Yashar Ali" with no credentials at all, claiming "according to two sources" that he doesn't name. In a Twit.

And when did Tweeter become a legitimate news source? Tell us again who the chief editor of Tweeter is who vets everything printed on it is confirmed and documented?

Finally, did you notice the disclaimer at the bottom of the article which admits the author of it is related to somebody working for James O'Keefe? That kind of explains the headline, doesn't it.

Isn't it ironic that y'all are supposedly crying the blues about "journalism" while yourselves running around violating every type of journalistic ethic there is? Running with a Twit rumor from unknowns as if it's fact? And then y'all want to bitch about ABC?
I love how Dems and snowflakes accuse others of doing what they have done / do and of being who they are...


Answer the question.

WHO the fuck is "Yashar Ali"?
Does he in fact even exist?

You don't have any clue, do you. And you don't care to find out because ---- well, we know why, don't we.
Does Schiff's Whistle Blower exist? No whistle blower has come forward - we just have liar Schiff's say so and a name leaked by dems...
yes all respected media and journalists around the world are wrong, only your high school grad ex-cokehead DJ's know the truth. You people are absolutely unbelievable in your ignorance and Duperee... Your whole imaginary planet is about to blow up all your conspiracy theories and the deep State etc etc. Poor America.
/——-/ Progs would kill for Rush's audience and influence.
Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot and a bought off liar all the time it never stops. Only brainwashed functional morons believe anything he says period. so many phony scandals it's ridiculous all investigated nothing to any of them. And no it is not a conspiracy of all the law enforcement and intelligent people in the world.

LOL...that big fat idiot has been destroying you dumbfucks for 30 years.
At least you guys have air america......oh wait.
we also have the actual morals and facts and Truth on our side too but you go you go with a bully and pure bulshit..... You've already wrecked our infrastructure and middle class with your flat tax policy that nobody knows about. Google the only tax graph you need to know.

Yet no one wants to listen to your shit.....
Yes the brainwash is strong with GOP voters. Poor America.
If that's what you need to tell yourself as you suck your thumb and rock yourself to sleep, that's on you.
All I can do is lead you to the water.

You can lead a liberal to knowledge but you cant make em think.

Umma lead you to some knowledge right here and now and I don't expect you'll lift a synapse to think.

Your original link in the OP --- it gives us no communication whatsoever from CBS or ABC or anyone else. The entire "report" is based on, and I quote, "Well, according to Yashar Ali, the leaker had switched jobs..."

---- WHO in the name of all that is fuckworthy is "Yashar Ali"? No title given, no description, no employer, no nothing. Apparently he has a Tweeter account, which makes him a Twit, not much more. That's it, your entire source is some stranger called "Yashar Ali" with no credentials at all, claiming "according to two sources" that he doesn't name. In a Twit.

And when did Tweeter become a legitimate news source? Tell us again who the chief editor of Tweeter is who vets everything printed on it is confirmed and documented?

Finally, did you notice the disclaimer at the bottom of the article which admits the author of it is related to somebody working for James O'Keefe? That kind of explains the headline, doesn't it.

Isn't it ironic that y'all are supposedly crying the blues about "journalism" while yourselves running around violating every type of journalistic ethic there is? Running with a Twit rumor from unknowns as if it's fact? And then y'all want to bitch about ABC?
I love how Dems and snowflakes accuse others of doing what they have done / do and of being who they are...


Answer the question.

WHO the fuck is "Yashar Ali"?
Does he in fact even exist?

You don't have any clue, do you. And you don't care to find out because ---- well, we know why, don't we.
Does Schiff's Whistle Blower exist? No whistle blower has come forward - we just have liar Schiff's say so and a name leaked by dems...

I'm not following that, but my question to YOU is, does "Yashar Ali" exist, and why is he in any way credible with no employer, no editor, no byline, no sources and no proof?

Also noticing that as soon as I bring Yashar Ali into the sunlight, suddenly you want to change your own topic to "Schiff". Are you schiffing into reverse because you're in a corner?

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