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Real women don't put on "pussy hats" drop the f-word and rant hatefully against an election

Real men don't run around groping women & raping under aged girls.
True, and real men don't daydream about it like you do either.
You voted for a groper.
Prove he's a groper.
He said he was. Are you calling your orange buddy a liar?
He said in private you could do it, not that he has done it and if you had any facts it would be all over the net. All you have is stupid immature insults.
He said he did it. Women have come forward verifying it.
True, and real men don't daydream about it like you do either.
You voted for a groper.
Prove he's a groper.
He said he was. Are you calling your orange buddy a liar?
He said in private you could do it, not that he has done it and if you had any facts it would be all over the net. All you have is stupid immature insults.
He said he did it. Women have come forward verifying it.
Still no support. Like I said it would be all over the net. Makes no sense anyway, the comment was some 20 years ago, he was filthy rich then, where were they?
One of the organizers of the women's march is an example of how radical these women are. Amazing that they can claim to support women's right and yet support those who want sharia law, which denies women's rights. While some Muslim countries are less harsh, none consider women to be equal to men. Despite the lies put out by the left, the mindset of men being superior doesn't change when they move to other countries. They have no intention of ever embracing our constitution or Bill of Rights. And the left is fine with them taking public office. Dearborn, MI, should serve as a warning for what will happen when these Muslims obtain power. First priority is to turn places into an Islamic hell hole.

"Women’s March organizer, Linda Sarsour, is getting the usual pass from the media: branding any criticisms of her as “sexist” or “Islamophobic.”

In her case, the criticisms of her recent actions are especially valid because she is both Muslim and a woman. She’s in a position to know the issues women face under Islam. But rather than do that, she openly praises Sharia law (and has even gone on MSNBC to complain about states passing anti-Sharia bills)."

(Some of her tweets have supported oppressing women's rights, as if a few other things that are allowed make up for it.)

"> Forcing women to cover themselves head-to-toe in black polyester in the Middle East is the last thing to worry about.

> Not giving women a particular government handout is oppressive, while preventing them from driving is not.

> Judging the status of women in a nation with over 15 million of them by the fact that a few are allowed in parliament is acceptable. We just need to ignore the fact that women weren’t allowed in parliament until 2013 and pretend that it’s always been this way.

> Implementing a legal system that cuts off the hands of thieves, stones women as a punishment for being raped, and commands homosexuals to be thrown off buildings is the reasonable trade off for not having to pay interest on loans and credit cards. Good luck getting a loan in the first place under those conditions (Hint: you won’t).

One could hope that such tweets reveal nothing more than an incredible level of naiveté on Sarsour’s part, but that’s not the case. She really is just as vile as any other proponent of Sharia law. "

As Twitchy reported:
Sarsour’s enjoying some extra celebrity lately thanks to her role in organizing the Women’s March. And with good reason. After all, her feminist credentials are exemplary. Just look at this [since deleted] 2013 tweet about women’s rights activists Brigitte Gabriel and Ayaan Hirsi Ali:

View attachment 109071

"In the case of Hirsi Ali, someone already tried that. She had suffered genital mutilation as a five year old in Somalia, and later fled to the Netherlands to escape an arranged marriage. She made a short film criticizing the treatment of women in Islamic society in 2004 with writer Theo van Gogh — a man later murdered by Islamists in broad daylight. Ali now runs the world’s leading organization aimed at ending honor killings and other gender-based violence.

Gabriel, meanwhile, had her home destroyed by Islamic militants during the Lebanese Civil War. She was injured by shrapnel in the attack.

Both women have been exposed to tragedies far removed from the existence led by Sarsour in her apartment in Brooklyn. We all know that if liberals didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any at all — but who thought a key organizer in a women’s march would be this anti-woman?"

DELETED tweet by Women's March organizer shows DESPICABLE hypocrisy - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

what a crock of shit... don't whine & bitch about sharia law when the anti abortion advocates want to control women by forcing them to be incubators.

so save it.
So anti abortion advocates force women to become pregnant and as you call them incubators. That's a crock of shit so you save it.

learn to read sweety. whatever the reason a female becomes pregnant - forcing her to remain pregnant & carry to term against her will does indeed reduce her to incubator status.
I'm not your sweety, hon, and I read just fine.
WD is short for weasel dude; something i've been calling you since our first encounter on this board. apparently your non reply to on about bill clint wasn't on another thread... but on this very one. take a looksey at post # 169.

you assume a whole that is just plain wrong, don'tcha WD?

why yes.... yes you do.
I honestly don't pay enough attention to you to know your pet names or care enough to research what the bug up your ass is all about.

i don't expect you to pay any attention to me...LOL - but i see how you make a point of replying to me on many occasions right out of the blue .

& since you asked me something, i answered. see how that works?

again you wanna spin this little b/f into me having a 'bug up my ass' or that i am being 'defensive'.... poor you for needing to think that when in reality... i am having fun with you..
I responded to you and asked when you fought for the rights women have and you got defensive and offensive about it and then admitted you hadn't. You were trying to take credit for something you had no part of and now want to insult me for pointing it out. Nor can you articulate what rights you'll lose, how or why. So yes, I see how it works.

ummmm.... i never said either way what i fought for. or didn't. but what i did say was i benefited from it.

please show me where i have admitted anything. or trying to take credit for anything.

lol... you can't.

as always - you post something & try to pass it off as fact.
You said:

the only difference is we have fought & gained the right to not be raped (legally) by our spouses. to not be put on trial for being female & be questioned on the stand as to what we must have done or what we wore that got ourselves raped. to not be beaten ( legally) by our husbands.... all those things were considered the norm in our history.
Are you stoned?

i meant exactly what i said...& i also said i i benefited from them. & i would never be complacent for females younger & older than me & would fight - again... that is the meaning of *O*U*R. & it certainly can never be 'only' about gender. it's about one's own autonomy.

are you retarded? maybe you need to look up that word weasel dude.

what part of SHE didn't you understand ? i never said her campaign didn't say that. lol............ you sound angry.... you poor little buttercup....

What part of "she is responsible for her campaign" don't you understand? That type of crap isn't going to be released without her approval. If it did get released without her approval (highly unlikely) then she is even more incompetent than we could ever imagine and you were an idiot to vote for her.

It is pathetic the way that you Libtard Moon Bats go into denial about the dishonesty and corruption of your idiotic Left Wing heroes.

Both Clinton and Trump were probably correct about about the Kenyan Catastrophe not being born in the US.

However, you Moon Bat Libtards have already done the damage to this country by ignoring the overwhelming facts of the issue like his Hawaiian birth certificate that was generated on a modern computer and the fact that he refuses to release his college transcripts that would reveal that he enrolled as a foreign student. The asshole was never eligible to be President in the first place.

Just don't compound your stupidity and dishonesty by being a hypocrite by bitching about Trump raising the issue while denying that Crooked Hillary did the same. It just makes you look like an internet asshole.

One of the organizers of the women's march is an example of how radical these women are. Amazing that they can claim to support women's right and yet support those who want sharia law, which denies women's rights. While some Muslim countries are less harsh, none consider women to be equal to men. Despite the lies put out by the left, the mindset of men being superior doesn't change when they move to other countries. They have no intention of ever embracing our constitution or Bill of Rights. And the left is fine with them taking public office. Dearborn, MI, should serve as a warning for what will happen when these Muslims obtain power. First priority is to turn places into an Islamic hell hole.

"Women’s March organizer, Linda Sarsour, is getting the usual pass from the media: branding any criticisms of her as “sexist” or “Islamophobic.”

In her case, the criticisms of her recent actions are especially valid because she is both Muslim and a woman. She’s in a position to know the issues women face under Islam. But rather than do that, she openly praises Sharia law (and has even gone on MSNBC to complain about states passing anti-Sharia bills)."

(Some of her tweets have supported oppressing women's rights, as if a few other things that are allowed make up for it.)

"> Forcing women to cover themselves head-to-toe in black polyester in the Middle East is the last thing to worry about.

> Not giving women a particular government handout is oppressive, while preventing them from driving is not.

> Judging the status of women in a nation with over 15 million of them by the fact that a few are allowed in parliament is acceptable. We just need to ignore the fact that women weren’t allowed in parliament until 2013 and pretend that it’s always been this way.

> Implementing a legal system that cuts off the hands of thieves, stones women as a punishment for being raped, and commands homosexuals to be thrown off buildings is the reasonable trade off for not having to pay interest on loans and credit cards. Good luck getting a loan in the first place under those conditions (Hint: you won’t).

One could hope that such tweets reveal nothing more than an incredible level of naiveté on Sarsour’s part, but that’s not the case. She really is just as vile as any other proponent of Sharia law. "

As Twitchy reported:
Sarsour’s enjoying some extra celebrity lately thanks to her role in organizing the Women’s March. And with good reason. After all, her feminist credentials are exemplary. Just look at this [since deleted] 2013 tweet about women’s rights activists Brigitte Gabriel and Ayaan Hirsi Ali:

View attachment 109071

"In the case of Hirsi Ali, someone already tried that. She had suffered genital mutilation as a five year old in Somalia, and later fled to the Netherlands to escape an arranged marriage. She made a short film criticizing the treatment of women in Islamic society in 2004 with writer Theo van Gogh — a man later murdered by Islamists in broad daylight. Ali now runs the world’s leading organization aimed at ending honor killings and other gender-based violence.

Gabriel, meanwhile, had her home destroyed by Islamic militants during the Lebanese Civil War. She was injured by shrapnel in the attack.

Both women have been exposed to tragedies far removed from the existence led by Sarsour in her apartment in Brooklyn. We all know that if liberals didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any at all — but who thought a key organizer in a women’s march would be this anti-woman?"

DELETED tweet by Women's March organizer shows DESPICABLE hypocrisy - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

what a crock of shit... don't whine & bitch about sharia law when the anti abortion advocates want to control women by forcing them to be incubators.

so save it.
So anti abortion advocates force women to become pregnant and as you call them incubators. That's a crock of shit so you save it.

learn to read sweety. whatever the reason a female becomes pregnant - forcing her to remain pregnant & carry to term against her will does indeed reduce her to incubator status.
I'm not your sweety, hon, and I read just fine.

oh don't take it too seriously- should i have called you snowflake instead?
The idea that Clinton started the birther movement has been debunked over & over,.
Where? Last I heard her campaign manager came out with it. Your foaming blind hatred won't do for a fact. Sorry.
Try pulling your head out of your ass & becoming informed.
Your foaming blind hatred won't do for a fact. Sorry.
You foaming stupidity is ruling your pathetic life.
This was just disgusting.
Real men don't run around groping women & raping under aged girls.
True, and real men don't daydream about it like you do either.
You voted for a groper.
Prove he's a groper.

he proved it himself. you ARE retarded arent'cha, WD?

Bill Clinton and Kennedy actually grabbed them. Kennedy killed the young woman he used and then went back to a party without even trying to help her. Get outraged about that before getting hysterical over dirty guy talk.

These women are out there demanding rights they already have. Makes no sense.

The only thing they are asking for that they don't have is free abortion. It's legal so they can pay their own way. Not paying for something is not denying it.

There are consequences to our actions and being responsible goes a long way to avoiding things that are difficult to deal with.
Notice that there were no protests for women's right in any Muslim country. Does the left even care that Muslim women aren't allowed to do such a thing? It would be asking for something that is against the law.

Stop your bitching about not getting free abortion. No one is denying you shit. And for those wearing vagina costumes, you have reduced yourself to a single body part and apparently don't want to be seen as equal. Real women handle their own lives and don't whine about how others should be forced to pay for their choices.

One of the women who organized the march believes in sharia law, you know, where women better obey and not get any big ideas.

The idea that Clinton started the birther movement has been debunked over & over,.
Where? Last I heard her campaign manager came out with it. Your foaming blind hatred won't do for a fact. Sorry.
Try pulling your head out of your ass & becoming informed.
Your foaming blind hatred won't do for a fact. Sorry.
You foaming stupidity is ruling your pathetic life.
That's signature material right there. Thanks!
Real men don't run around groping women & raping under aged girls.
True, and real men don't daydream about it like you do either.
You voted for a groper.
Prove he's a groper.

he proved it himself. you ARE retarded arent'cha, WD?

Bill Clinton and Kennedy actually grabbed them. Kennedy killed the young woman he used and then went back to a party without even trying to help her. Get outraged about that before getting hysterical over dirty guy talk.

These women are out there demanding rights they already have. Makes no sense.

The only thing they are asking for that they don't have is free abortion. It's legal so they can pay their own way. Not paying for something is not denying it.

There are consequences to our actions and being responsible goes a long way to avoiding things that are difficult to deal with.

wow- going back so many years to hypocritically make excuses. too funny. such a small minority are demanding 'free' abortions. your argument is moot. the whole legality of Roe v Wade is in the balance. THAT is the bigger picture.

'There are consequences to our actions and being responsible goes a long way to avoiding things that are difficult to deal with.'

If Roe v. Wade is overturned then the states decide. As it should be. If anything the Constitution should err on the side of caution. The left is just to dishonest and stupid to see the grown up world as it is.
If Roe v. Wade is overturned then the states decide. As it should be. If anything the Constitution should err on the side of caution. The left is just to dishonest and stupid to see the grown up world as it is.

there was a time that is wasn't even up to the states to decide. & there is no guarantee it will stop at their borders either.. an onion gets peeled away one layer at a time b4 reaching what it is that you want.
If Roe v. Wade is overturned then the states decide. As it should be. If anything the Constitution should err on the side of caution. The left is just to dishonest and stupid to see the grown up world as it is.

there was a time that is wasn't even up to the states to decide. & there is no guarantee it will stop at their borders either.. an onion gets peeled away one layer at a time b4 reaching what it is that you want.
I can't translate your parable but if it's a state issue it's a state issue. States don't merge with one another. Are you afraid the citizens of a state won't want it?
If Roe v. Wade is overturned then the states decide. As it should be. If anything the Constitution should err on the side of caution. The left is just to dishonest and stupid to see the grown up world as it is.

there was a time that is wasn't even up to the states to decide. & there is no guarantee it will stop at their borders either.. an onion gets peeled away one layer at a time b4 reaching what it is that you want.
I can't translate your parable but if it's a state issue it's a state issue. States don't merge with one another. Are you afraid the citizens of a state won't want it?

the federal government supersedes state's rights when push comes to shove. in the end, we are not the 50 states of america are we?

If Roe v. Wade is overturned then the states decide. As it should be. If anything the Constitution should err on the side of caution. The left is just to dishonest and stupid to see the grown up world as it is.

there was a time that is wasn't even up to the states to decide. & there is no guarantee it will stop at their borders either.. an onion gets peeled away one layer at a time b4 reaching what it is that you want.
I can't translate your parable but if it's a state issue it's a state issue. States don't merge with one another. Are you afraid the citizens of a state won't want it?

the federal government supersedes state's rights when push comes to shove. in the end, we are not the 50 states of america are we?

You can't read. If the high court overturns it there is no federal law regarding abortion.
If Roe v. Wade is overturned then the states decide. As it should be. If anything the Constitution should err on the side of caution. The left is just to dishonest and stupid to see the grown up world as it is.

there was a time that is wasn't even up to the states to decide. & there is no guarantee it will stop at their borders either.. an onion gets peeled away one layer at a time b4 reaching what it is that you want.
I can't translate your parable but if it's a state issue it's a state issue. States don't merge with one another. Are you afraid the citizens of a state won't want it?

the federal government supersedes state's rights when push comes to shove. in the end, we are not the 50 states of america are we?

You can't read. If the high court overturns it there is no federal law regarding abortion.

& if it is ever brought to a 'conservative' SC that certain inalienable rights extend to the pre-born, & the SC agrees- that will supersede any state's view on the matter.
If Roe v. Wade is overturned then the states decide. As it should be. If anything the Constitution should err on the side of caution. The left is just to dishonest and stupid to see the grown up world as it is.

there was a time that is wasn't even up to the states to decide. & there is no guarantee it will stop at their borders either.. an onion gets peeled away one layer at a time b4 reaching what it is that you want.
I can't translate your parable but if it's a state issue it's a state issue. States don't merge with one another. Are you afraid the citizens of a state won't want it?

the federal government supersedes state's rights when push comes to shove. in the end, we are not the 50 states of america are we?

You can't read. If the high court overturns it there is no federal law regarding abortion.

& if it is ever brought to a 'conservative' SC that certain inalienable rights extend to the pre-born, & the SC agrees- that will supersede any state's view on the matter.
That would be a different matter altogether. First off, all courts should be conservative. The judicial branch interprets the law as written, the legislators write the laws. Secondly, I don't see it happening in congress because the country is about 50/50 on abortion after the fetus is formed into a human shape. The later the term the higher the percent against it goes but even most pro-lifers want the life of the mother, rape or incest to be legal.
there was a time that is wasn't even up to the states to decide. & there is no guarantee it will stop at their borders either.. an onion gets peeled away one layer at a time b4 reaching what it is that you want.
I can't translate your parable but if it's a state issue it's a state issue. States don't merge with one another. Are you afraid the citizens of a state won't want it?

the federal government supersedes state's rights when push comes to shove. in the end, we are not the 50 states of america are we?

You can't read. If the high court overturns it there is no federal law regarding abortion.

& if it is ever brought to a 'conservative' SC that certain inalienable rights extend to the pre-born, & the SC agrees- that will supersede any state's view on the matter.
That would be a different matter altogether. First off, all courts should be conservative. The judicial branch interprets the law as written, the legislators write the laws. Secondly, I don't see it happening in congress because the country is about 50/50 on abortion after the fetus is formed into a human shape. The later the term the higher the percent against it goes but even most pro-lifers want the life of the mother, rape or incest to be legal.

what you see not happening isn't at all comforting. there are ways to get around the 'rape' loophole even if it is supposedly 'allowed'. the majority of americans want marijuana legalized... but it remains federally illegal. & the feds can pull the rug out from any state that has it legal or even as a medical option at any time.

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