Reality Sets In

lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:

What law says he has to release them
He does not have to release his own copies of his taxes, the law states the chairman of one of the 3 committees involved with tax code oversight requests them from the Treasury secretary/IRS Chairman, and they must (shall) release them to them... in a private, secure setting... not for the public to see, but for these committee members to see. US IRS CODE 6103 f.
Yeah right, and that would last about 48 hours before some weasel leaks the tax returns to the Media.
And the unwritten rule is that the chairman have a good reason, i.e. a known crime he is investigating, before he requests such records.

We cannot have Congresscritters able to look into just everyones private data without good reason.
"assuming there is a legitimate purpose for doing so"

What would be legitimate purpose of requesting his tax returns?
A political vendetta is not considered a "legitimate purpose.
The hysterical angry left is playing Wliey Coyote again to Trump's Roadrunner.
The predictability of Marxist NPCs is exactly why Trump plays them and the media they control like a fiddle.

Freaking losers.
When you find it, post it here, exactly what the law says.
6103 f
(f) Disclosure to Committees of Congress
(1) Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation
Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the
Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.
I think you missed that part

PII violations are a criminal offense unless there is aproven need to have it.
People....why let this so dominate your life? Get a hobby or some real responsibilities in a minimum it insulates you from those profound moments of deep misery.
You guys stay silent or even join in with him, when he blatantly lies or is crooked or is unpatriotic like in Helsinki... or is lawless!!
Trump did not do anything unpatriotic at Helsinki.

The pursuit of peace is very patriotic as long as we dont give up anything material without a suitable response from the other side.
'...The House effectively delegates its oversight responsibilities to its committees which can issue subpoenas for documents or testimony from the executive branch. In the matter of tax returns, the law could not be more clear (see Code sec. 6103(f)): Upon written request by either the Chairman of either the House Ways and Means Committee or the Senate Finance Committee, the Treasury Secretary “shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request.” The Ways and Means Committee may share these tax returns and related information with the full House, assuming there is a legitimate purpose for doing so.

Congress gave itself the right to review any return or return information in 1924, in the aftermath of two controversies. One was the Teapot Dome scandal, where senior officials in the Harding Administration granted public oil field leases in exchange for bribes. The other involved allegations that Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon continued to own many business interests while serving in government. Some believed the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the precursor to the IRS, showed favoritism to the secretary and his businesses.

Congress Can And Should Demand President Trump's Tax Returns

"assuming there is a legitimate purpose for doing so"

What would be legitimate purpose of requesting his tax returns?

perhaps in part due to cohen's testimony regarding trump's his income manipulation & the docs & paper work he has already submitted...

Cohen's testimony? LOL

Cohen that said "I have lied, but I am not a liar", and going to jail for lying to Congress?

You do realize we're talking about legitimate purpose for requesting his tax return? Cohen's testimony does not provide legitimate proof, and "documents & paperwork" you talking about are non existent, otherwise it would be all over Democrat Party media already.

except you are forgetting that cohen also likes to tape & save hard copy evidence... he submitted some during the public hearing & then brought this to the closed session to back up his testimony:


& of course who knows what else there could be.............
In a letter to Congress Thursday, Cohen's lawyers said their client has cooperated with both federal investigators and lawmakers. They wrote he would have a difficult time gathering the documents and participating in the interviews investigators have requested before he is set to start his prison sentence next month. They said the president's former attorney needs to be "readily accessible and immediately available" for congressional investigators because he recently was able to access the hard drive with "important documents."

"Said drive contains over 14 million files, which consist of all e-mails, voice recordings, images, and attachments from Mr. Cohen's computers and phones," attorneys Lanny Davis, Michael Monico and Carly Chocron wrote. "To date, Mr. Cohen has located several documents that we believe have significant value to the various congressional oversight and investigation committees."

Michael Cohen says he has 14 million files of "significant value" in bid for lighter sentence - CBS News


Oh Gawd......

Nobody cares about Mike Cohen any more.:2up:

People....why let this so dominate your life? Get a hobby or some real responsibilities in a minimum it insulates you from those profound moments of deep misery. I mean....c'mon now!:th_smileysw2wqa:

trump cares........................
'...The House effectively delegates its oversight responsibilities to its committees which can issue subpoenas for documents or testimony from the executive branch. In the matter of tax returns, the law could not be more clear (see Code sec. 6103(f)): Upon written request by either the Chairman of either the House Ways and Means Committee or the Senate Finance Committee, the Treasury Secretary “shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request.” The Ways and Means Committee may share these tax returns and related information with the full House, assuming there is a legitimate purpose for doing so.

Congress gave itself the right to review any return or return information in 1924, in the aftermath of two controversies. One was the Teapot Dome scandal, where senior officials in the Harding Administration granted public oil field leases in exchange for bribes. The other involved allegations that Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon continued to own many business interests while serving in government. Some believed the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the precursor to the IRS, showed favoritism to the secretary and his businesses.

Congress Can And Should Demand President Trump's Tax Returns

"assuming there is a legitimate purpose for doing so"

What would be legitimate purpose of requesting his tax returns?
It is right here, the legitimate reasons, in the Chairman's request and the following 4 pages of explanations.

Read it, please.

What you presented above is not the letter of the law.

Cite the law, not the New York Times interpretation of the law.

Click on link below, where is the law itself. Use CTRL+F and find the exact text as is quoted above.

26 U.S. Code § 6103.Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

When you find it, post it here, exactly what the law says.

6103 f

(f) Disclosure to Committees of Congress

(1) Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

You got it this time. You can't pick and chose section you like, and ignore what you dislike.

Read it as many times is needed to understand what part was omitted by NYT and others in order to fool you into believing you have a case here. I don't expect you to understand it all, bat at least try. If you still have trouble understanding the text, I'm sure there are few of us that could help.

that is the section the chair has cited to justify in his letter to the IRS. hence the (f) part of the particular tax code. are you taking your cue from donny... using his excuse to hint at his desire to not have the mueller report released? he's saying that no matter what is released, it won't be good enough? seems you are doing the same thing.
Last edited:
'...The House effectively delegates its oversight responsibilities to its committees which can issue subpoenas for documents or testimony from the executive branch. In the matter of tax returns, the law could not be more clear (see Code sec. 6103(f)): Upon written request by either the Chairman of either the House Ways and Means Committee or the Senate Finance Committee, the Treasury Secretary “shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request.” The Ways and Means Committee may share these tax returns and related information with the full House, assuming there is a legitimate purpose for doing so.

Congress gave itself the right to review any return or return information in 1924, in the aftermath of two controversies. One was the Teapot Dome scandal, where senior officials in the Harding Administration granted public oil field leases in exchange for bribes. The other involved allegations that Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon continued to own many business interests while serving in government. Some believed the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the precursor to the IRS, showed favoritism to the secretary and his businesses.

Congress Can And Should Demand President Trump's Tax Returns

"assuming there is a legitimate purpose for doing so"

What would be legitimate purpose of requesting his tax returns?

perhaps in part due to cohen's testimony regarding trump's his income manipulation & the docs & paper work he has already submitted...

Cohen's testimony? LOL

Cohen that said "I have lied, but I am not a liar", and going to jail for lying to Congress?

You do realize we're talking about legitimate purpose for requesting his tax return? Cohen's testimony does not provide legitimate proof, and "documents & paperwork" you talking about are non existent, otherwise it would be all over Democrat Party media already.

except you are forgetting that cohen also likes to tape & save hard copy evidence... he submitted some during the public hearing & then brought this to the closed session to back up his testimony:


& of course who knows what else there could be.............
In a letter to Congress Thursday, Cohen's lawyers said their client has cooperated with both federal investigators and lawmakers. They wrote he would have a difficult time gathering the documents and participating in the interviews investigators have requested before he is set to start his prison sentence next month. They said the president's former attorney needs to be "readily accessible and immediately available" for congressional investigators because he recently was able to access the hard drive with "important documents."

"Said drive contains over 14 million files, which consist of all e-mails, voice recordings, images, and attachments from Mr. Cohen's computers and phones," attorneys Lanny Davis, Michael Monico and Carly Chocron wrote. "To date, Mr. Cohen has located several documents that we believe have significant value to the various congressional oversight and investigation committees."

Michael Cohen says he has 14 million files of "significant value" in bid for lighter sentence - CBS News


I'm not forgetting anything. Especially the part where Mueller team stormed Cohen's office about a year ago and got the tapes and documents that could have been used against the president, if they had any proof of wrongdoing.

It seems that the worse "evidence" they had against Trump is a tape they (illegally) leaked to the media, about starting some LLC to use for hush money payouts. Nothing illegal, though.

lol.............. oh my. the open hearing wasn't the only time cohen showed evidence. he came back for a classified hearing & that's when he brought that suitcase chock full of hard copy 'evidence' after the FBI released it back to him. anything that mueller could not venture into, was handed off to their respective agencies. that's why there are ongoing investionS, that were both mentioned by cohen & a spokesman for the grand jury. both allen weiselberg & david pecker have immunity & are talking to SDNY & the NY AG. rick gates is also still cooperating & you know who he is, don'tcha? he was very good buds with paul manafort & was deputy campaign manager under manafort.

ohhhhh, well Neal has that covered in his letter... Is the IRS auditing him as President each year in office, as per their agency rules.... if they are not, then he and his committee could create a law to make it mandatory, is just one of them....

Is the IRS letting the president slide on his taxes, because he is the President, congress would be then checking the executive branch...the IRS.... if they are not, then stricter laws may need to be put in place....

Uhm hm... and he pulled that out straight from his ass, to satisfy the butthurt masses.

If what you say, that he said is truth, why is he requesting the return from years before Trump became president?

Second thing you pulled out of your ass is, he and his committee cannot create the law, as you said, that's job of the Congress, so if they want to make it mandatory, pass the bill that president cannot veto and make it a law. Otherwise, all you can do is, keep talking.

Rep Neil said: "... committee responsibility to ensure that IRS is enforcing laws in fair and impartial manner".

If that is the real intention, that committee would request the returns of not just one sitting president, but from several former presidents to ensure they're doing impartial job. But they're not doing that, are they?

He had a whole slew of legitimate reasons listed of why they need them.... all for legislative purposes...

Name them.
"assuming there is a legitimate purpose for doing so"

What would be legitimate purpose of requesting his tax returns?
It is right here, the legitimate reasons, in the Chairman's request and the following 4 pages of explanations.

Read it, please.

What you presented above is not the letter of the law.

Cite the law, not the New York Times interpretation of the law.

Click on link below, where is the law itself. Use CTRL+F and find the exact text as is quoted above.

26 U.S. Code § 6103.Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

When you find it, post it here, exactly what the law says.
6103 f

(f) Disclosure to Committees of Congress

(1) Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

It's not fake, this is, in fact, the text of the law.

The problem is, the left tend to select only parts of the law that they like, or that they agree with. The law doesn't work that way.


This is typical leftist butthurt response to every post they cannot refute.
ohhhhh, well Neal has that covered in his letter... Is the IRS auditing him as President each year in office, as per their agency rules.... if they are not, then he and his committee could create a law to make it mandatory, is just one of them....

Is the IRS letting the president slide on his taxes, because he is the President, congress would be then checking the executive branch...the IRS.... if they are not, then stricter laws may need to be put in place....

Uhm hm... and he pulled that out straight from his ass, to satisfy the butthurt masses.

If what you say, that he said is truth, why is he requesting the return from years before Trump became president?

Second thing you pulled out of your ass is, he and his committee cannot create the law, as you said, that's job of the Congress, so if they want to make it mandatory, pass the bill that president cannot veto and make it a law. Otherwise, all you can do is, keep talking.

Rep Neil said: "... committee responsibility to ensure that IRS is enforcing laws in fair and impartial manner".

If that is the real intention, that committee would request the returns of not just one sitting president, but from several former presidents to ensure they're doing impartial job. But they're not doing that, are they?

He had a whole slew of legitimate reasons listed of why they need them.... all for legislative purposes...

Name them.

i do not recall that the IRS was mandated by any appropriation & oversight committees to show they were doing an impartial job from previous administrations before obama & the 'targeted' conservative groups seeking tax exempt status.
It is right here, the legitimate reasons, in the Chairman's request and the following 4 pages of explanations.

Read it, please.

What you presented above is not the letter of the law.

Cite the law, not the New York Times interpretation of the law.

Click on link below, where is the law itself. Use CTRL+F and find the exact text as is quoted above.

26 U.S. Code § 6103.Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

When you find it, post it here, exactly what the law says.
6103 f

(f) Disclosure to Committees of Congress

(1) Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

It's not fake, this is, in fact, the text of the law.

The problem is, the left tend to select only parts of the law that they like, or that they agree with. The law doesn't work that way.

View attachment 254840

This is typical leftist butthurt response to every post they cannot refute.

oh you are trying so hard. bless your basket dwelling deplorable heart....
lol.............. oh my. the open hearing wasn't the only time cohen showed evidence. he came back for a classified hearing & that's when he brought that suitcase chock full of hard copy 'evidence' after the FBI released it back to him. anything that mueller could not venture into, was handed off to their respective agencies. that's why there are ongoing investionS, that were both mentioned by cohen & a spokesman for the grand jury. both allen weiselberg & david pecker have immunity & are talking to SDNY & the NY AG. rick gates is also still cooperating & you know who he is, don'tcha? he was very good buds with paul manafort & was deputy campaign manager under manafort.


It's been a month since the hearings and what do we have?

Congress received the same "evidence" that Mueller had, and if Mueller, who spent career in the FBI investigating crimes, couldn't find anything, what do you think Congress can find there?

And last, what crimes committed by the others you named years before the elections have anything to do with Trump?

By the way, we all make typos and/or (un)intentionally make mistakes, but your posts are like poking the needle in the eye. As we could all see, your caps key does work, so use it. One space between words is good enough. And, what is the "investionS"?
People....why let this so dominate your life? Get a hobby or some real responsibilities in a minimum it insulates you from those profound moments of deep misery.
It's your FAULT!!!! :p

You guys stay silent or even join in with him, when he blatantly lies or is crooked or is unpatriotic like in Helsinki... or is lawless!!

That makes us having to scream and yell about it, twice as loud, making up for your tone-deaf silence, and blind lock step allegiance!!! :eek:


But heres the thing.....when you scream bloody blue murder about everything, most folks tune out. Its human nature. Except for the fringe radicals, people moved past Mike Cohen no matter the level of scream at this point. It might resonate on internet message boards ( a tiny sliver of voters ) but regular folks out there just dont care.
People....why let this so dominate your life? Get a hobby or some real responsibilities in a minimum it insulates you from those profound moments of deep misery.
It's your FAULT!!!! :p

You guys stay silent or even join in with him, when he blatantly lies or is crooked or is unpatriotic like in Helsinki... or is lawless!!

That makes us having to scream and yell about it, twice as loud, making up for your tone-deaf silence, and blind lock step allegiance!!! :eek:


But heres the thing.....when you scream bloody blue murder about everything, most folks tune out. Its human nature. Except for the fringe radicals, people moved past Mike Cohen no matter the level of scream at this point. It might resonate on internet message boards ( a tiny sliver of voters ) but regular folks out there just dont care.

Now you're racist. :D
lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:
Except his actions are only "lawlessness and obfuscation" in the small minds of the TDS demented. To rational adults it is congressional Dems who continually overreach and distort and for political purposes. Like you they are filled with hate and rage.

I say GTF up, snowflakes. :D

How do you know Trump is not making decisions involving Russia in order to get relief from bank loans from Russian banks or to obtain permission for that Trump Tower?

Presidents release tax returns so people know where is obligations lie & what his personal interest are. They do it so people will know his decisions are not based on what will be best for their personal or business well being.

A President would not release his tax returns to hide where is financial interests are & to whom he is financially obligated.

Since Trump has chosen to hide this information & that he has not divested from his business interests, he opens the door to these investigations. It is the job of Congress to investigate.

So instesd of being a whiny little girl, blame the person that caused this, your fat assed orange buddy.
lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:
Except his actions are only "lawlessness and obfuscation" in the small minds of the TDS demented. To rational adults it is congressional Dems who continually overreach and distort and for political purposes. Like you they are filled with hate and rage.

I say GTF up, snowflakes. :D

How do you know Trump is not making decisions involving Russia in order to get relief from bank loans from Russian banks or to obtain permission for that Trump Tower?

Presidents release tax returns so people know where is obligations lie & what his personal interest are. They do it so people will know his decisions are not based on what will be best for their personal or business well being.

A President would not release his tax returns to hide where is financial interests are & to whom he is financially obligated.

Since Trump has chosen to hide this information & that he has not divested from his business interests, he opens the door to these investigations. It is the job of Congress to investigate.

So instesd of being a whiny little girl, blame the person that caused this, your fat assed orange buddy.
Listen to your hysterical self. You have swallowed every speculative line the DNC/CNN/PMSNBC troika has spewed. How do you know Trump is making decisions based on debt relief and to what Trump Tower do you refer? The Mueller witch-hunt had 2 years, 17 prosecuting attorneys and 40 FBI guys. They collected reams of info, interviewed 500 people (including insider Michael Cohen) and concluded there was NO COLLUSION (conspiracy).
None. Nada. Zippo.

You've spent the last 2 years hoping and praying for some butt-hurt relief and rather than admit that you were duped you simply slide over onto another lame horse. We both know that nothing provided to congress or for public consumption will satisfy people like you, our congressional Democrat Socialists, or our leftarded media. Nothing. Ever.

JFTR: congress should have and Mueller would have had access to Trump's returns if Mueller had turned up evidence of criminality. As of this post congressional demands have been a fishing expedition and are not based on evidence of anything except that TDS and irrational hate for the POTUS is very very real among the leftarded. Very sad.

lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:

What law says he has to release them

Trump doesn't have to release his returns, the IRS already has them.
If the dem congress scum had a valid reason to see them, the IRS would turn them over.

Since the IRS has had the returns and has not taken any action, it proves everything is legal.
Problem here.

The company that does Trumps taxes are ready to release them. They are waiting on the subpoena that will make it legal.


Never going to happen. No law says it has to

The company that does Trump taxes have said they are just waiting on a subpoena to make it right so they can turn them over!

Cummings: Tax firm asks for subpoena before providing Trump docs
lol.............. oh my. the open hearing wasn't the only time cohen showed evidence. he came back for a classified hearing & that's when he brought that suitcase chock full of hard copy 'evidence' after the FBI released it back to him. anything that mueller could not venture into, was handed off to their respective agencies. that's why there are ongoing investionS, that were both mentioned by cohen & a spokesman for the grand jury. both allen weiselberg & david pecker have immunity & are talking to SDNY & the NY AG. rick gates is also still cooperating & you know who he is, don'tcha? he was very good buds with paul manafort & was deputy campaign manager under manafort.


It's been a month since the hearings and what do we have?

Congress received the same "evidence" that Mueller had, and if Mueller, who spent career in the FBI investigating crimes, couldn't find anything, what do you think Congress can find there?

And last, what crimes committed by the others you named years before the elections have anything to do with Trump?

By the way, we all make typos and/or (un)intentionally make mistakes, but your posts are like poking the needle in the eye. As we could all see, your caps key does work, so use it. One space between words is good enough. And, what is the "investionS"?

^^^ :blahblah:^^^

" And, what is the "investionS"? '

not only do you lack comprehensive skills,apparently you don't know that 's' means multiple... as in plural.... huh, & you complain about typos & lack of caps on my part? lol.... poor poor poorly educated you. no wonder trump loves you long time...
Grand jury investigation started by Mueller 'continuing robustly,' prosecutor says
By Katelyn Polantz, CNN
Updated 10:05 PM ET, Wed March 27, 2019
Grand jury investigation started by Robert Mueller 'continuing robustly,' prosecutor says - CNNPolitics

Mueller is done. Trump’s legal woes aren’t.
We don’t yet know what Mueller found, but here’s an overview of the president’s other legal jeopardy.
By Andrew Prokop Updated Mar 23, 2019, 9:47am EDT

No matter what special counsel Robert Mueller found, it won’t be the end of the president’s legal woes — because he, his business, and his family are in jeopardy from many other investigationS and lawsuits.

The Justice Department is digging into the Trump Organization’s role in hush money payments and the Trump inaugural committee’s finances. Congressional committees are probing everything from how Trump’s son-in-law and daughter got security clearances to Trump’s taxes. State investigators are looking into Trump’s foundation and business.
Mueller is done. Trump’s legal woes aren’t.

New York attorney general subpoenas banks about Trump projects
State investigators are seeking records from Deutsche Bank and Investors Bank on Trump projects as a result of Michael Cohen's congressional testimony.
New York attorney general subpoenas banks about Trump projects

you're welcome.

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