Reality Sets In

We both know that nothing provided to congress or for public consumption will satisfy people like you,
Full disclosure to congress of Mueller's report would give everyone those answers sayit. Covering up and hiding the actual report that the Mueller team put together from all of their fact finding ventures, would give everyone their answers.

The appearance of HIDING things by not doing so, not being transparent, is the problem... not the Democrats wanting to see it...
We both know that nothing provided to congress or for public consumption will satisfy people like you,
Full disclosure to congress of Mueller's report would give everyone those answers sayit. Covering up and hiding the actual report that the Mueller team put together from all of their fact finding ventures, would give everyone their answers.

The appearance of HIDING things by not doing so, not being transparent, is the problem... not the Democrats wanting to see it...
wow - you mean like deleting 33k mails is a cause of doubt? that kind of activity?
A week ago amid a lot of arrogant huffing and puffing congressional Dems demanded the full, unredacted Mueller Report by April 2, a deadline that passed quietly and without USAG Barr's compliance. Next came congressional demands for Trump's tax returns and the response came today … acting WH chief of staff said Democrats will never get Trump's returns. :D
/----/ Chaffetz: Barr Testimony 'Totally Undercuts' Dems' Narrative on Mueller Report
"...Barr's testimony "totally undercuts" the Democratic narrative that the summary of Mueller's report was somehow "bogus" and biased in favor of President Trump.

"They still want some salacious detail out of this thing, but I don't think they're ever going to get it," Chaffetz said. "There's no more prosecutions, and there is nothing to their notion that they've been barking on for two years that there was some sort of collusion with the Trump campaign. It just was never there."
lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:
You guys stay silent or even join in with him, when he blatantly lies or is crooked or is unpatriotic like in Helsinki... or is lawless!!
Trump did not do anything unpatriotic at Helsinki. The pursuit of peace is very patriotic as long as we dont give up anything material without a suitable response from the other side.
Woo. Nothing better differentiates TDS dementia from rational thought better than Care4's unhinged hysteria vs your response. I get the distinct impression that he is serious … that none of the revelations of the last 2 weeks have made a dent in his certainty that Trump is guilty despite the lack of evidence of criminal wrongdoing. The poor guy sound like he's pulling his hair out.

We both know that nothing provided to congress or for public consumption will satisfy people like you,
Full disclosure to congress of Mueller's report would give everyone those answers sayit. Covering up and hiding the actual report that the Mueller team put together from all of their fact finding ventures, would give everyone their answers.

The appearance of HIDING things by not doing so, not being transparent, is the problem... not the Democrats wanting to see it...


Cant have the country run by mob rule. Not to mention that a full document opens up this whole guilty by loose association ruse after a special prosecutor ( wanted by the DUMS) determined zero crimes. Moral of the story? Tough shit on you!:abgg2q.jpg:
lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:

What is funny is the WH is actually following the law, unlike the self absorbed asshats who wanted to prevent another abomination like what happened to Clinton and Co. The very same assholes who rightfully wanted to prevent that from happening, are now demanding that the law they wanted, be ignored.

Time for you to wake up.
We both know that nothing provided to congress or for public consumption will satisfy people like you,
Full disclosure to congress of Mueller's report would give everyone those answers sayit. Covering up and hiding the actual report that the Mueller team put together from all of their fact finding ventures, would give everyone their answers.

The appearance of HIDING things by not doing so, not being transparent, is the problem... not the Democrats wanting to see it...
What questions? The Muel Team was tasked with investigating allegations - based in part on a phony dossier - into the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with the Russians to distort the 2016 election. Two years later they found NO COLLUSION. Releasing the full, unredacted report to congress will not change the findings - NO COLLUSION - nor your certainty that there must be something there. Despite Rep Schiff's repeated, lies no evidence was uncovered and despite your concern of a coverup there is no evidence of that either.

As already stated, nothing provided to congress or for public consumption will satisfy desperately shrill people like you. NOTHING.

Full disclosure to congress of Mueller's report would give everyone those answers sayit. Covering up and hiding the actual report that the Mueller team put together from all of their fact finding ventures, would give everyone their answers.

The appearance of HIDING things by not doing so, not being transparent, is the problem... not the Democrats wanting to see it...
Tell it to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals (McKeever v Sessions). Their ruling says Barr shall not release an unredacted version of the Mueller report. See you in court.
lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:
You guys stay silent or even join in with him, when he blatantly lies or is crooked or is unpatriotic like in Helsinki... or is lawless!!
Trump did not do anything unpatriotic at Helsinki. The pursuit of peace is very patriotic as long as we dont give up anything material without a suitable response from the other side.
Woo. Nothing better differentiates TDS dementia from rational thought better than Care4's unhinged hysteria vs your response. I get the distinct impression that he is serious … that none of the revelations of the last 2 weeks have made a dent in his certainty that Trump is guilty despite the lack of evidence of criminal wrongdoing. The poor guy sound like he's pulling his hair out.

Can you answer any of these questions that Mueller was suppose to have answers to in his report?

Why did Manafort give secret and confidential Trump polling data to Kilimnik? Did Kilimnik pass it on to the GRU so they could advertise and troll in the areas the polling data showed where the Trump campaign needed it most?

What actually occurred between Roger Stone and wikileaks, was he made aware of the stolen email dumps to come, did he direct them on a timely basis for the benefit of Trump? Did he communicate what was going to be in the stolen email dumps to the Trump campaign? Why did Trump mention wikileaks 160 times in his rallies, in the month of October alone, when he was briefed by our intelligence that Russia had stolen them and was trying to interfere with our election?

What did Cambridge Analytica actually do to help the Trump campaign, besides illegally obtaining Facebook confidential data on unsuspecting users? Why did they shut down? Who paid them?

Who were the Russians that illegally donated funds to the NRA for their advertising that supported the Trump campaign besides Alexander Torshin? Why did Don Junior meet with Torshin and have dinner with him at an NRA event? What was Maria Butina's roll and her boyfriend's in electing Trump, if any?

Who were the Russians who illegally donated to the Trump Inaugural fund? What did they get in return from the Trump campaign for doing such? Was there a pay for play situation set up with the Trump Inaugural Fund?

What exactly did trump Campaign Sam Clovis illegally do? Why and for what, is he still cooperating with the Special Counsel?

Why is the Special Counsel's Grand Jury still alive and well? What are they needed for if the Special Counsel investigation is over?

Why did Kushner want to set up a back channel of communications with the Russians? And why in the heck would he try to do such in the Russian embassy?

What really happened at the Trump tower Meeting with Kushner, Manafort, Junior and the 6 govt Russian operatives....

Why did Don Junior accept a meeting with these Russian operatives when they had already been briefed that Russia was trying to illegally interfere in our election?

Why did President Trump make up a LIE about the Trump tower meeting for Don Junior?

Why did no one from the Trump campaign notify the FBI when the Russians were going overboard in their contacts with them?

Why did everyone including Trump LIE about all of their Russian contacts during the campaign?

Why did candidate Trump LIE about his Trump tower Moscow deal he was working on until the day he got elected?

Why did President Trump send Erik Prince to meet with the Russian operative in the Seychelles?

What was the second Trump tower meeting about, that Erik Prince just slipped up and told us took place?

All of these questions are just a few of the questions I, and anyone following the investigation, want to know the answers to....
lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:
You guys stay silent or even join in with him, when he blatantly lies or is crooked or is unpatriotic like in Helsinki... or is lawless!!
Trump did not do anything unpatriotic at Helsinki. The pursuit of peace is very patriotic as long as we dont give up anything material without a suitable response from the other side.
Woo. Nothing better differentiates TDS dementia from rational thought better than Care4's unhinged hysteria vs your response. I get the distinct impression that he is serious … that none of the revelations of the last 2 weeks have made a dent in his certainty that Trump is guilty despite the lack of evidence of criminal wrongdoing. The poor guy sound like he's pulling his hair out.

Can you answer any of these questions that Mueller was suppose to have answers to in his report?

Why did Manafort give secret and confidential Trump polling data to Kilimnik? Did Kilimnik pass it on to the GRU so they could advertise and troll in the areas the polling data showed where the Trump campaign needed it most?

What actually occurred between Roger Stone and wikileaks, was he made aware of the stolen email dumps to come, did he direct them on a timely basis for the benefit of Trump? Did he communicate what was going to be in the stolen email dumps to the Trump campaign? Why did Trump mention wikileaks 160 times in his rallies, in the month of October alone, when he was briefed by our intelligence that Russia had stolen them and was trying to interfere with our election?

What did Cambridge Analytica actually do to help the Trump campaign, besides illegally obtaining Facebook confidential data on unsuspecting users? Why did they shut down? Who paid them?

Who were the Russians that illegally donated funds to the NRA for their advertising that supported the Trump campaign besides Alexander Torshin? Why did Don Junior meet with Torshin and have dinner with him at an NRA event? What was Maria Butina's roll and her boyfriend's in electing Trump, if any?

Who were the Russians who illegally donated to the Trump Inaugural fund? What did they get in return from the Trump campaign for doing such? Was there a pay for play situation set up with the Trump Inaugural Fund?

What exactly did trump Campaign Sam Clovis illegally do? Why and for what, is he still cooperating with the Special Counsel?

Why is the Special Counsel's Grand Jury still alive and well? What are they needed for if the Special Counsel investigation is over?

Why did Kushner want to set up a back channel of communications with the Russians? And why in the heck would he try to do such in the Russian embassy?

What really happened at the Trump tower Meeting with Kushner, Manafort, Junior and the 6 govt Russian operatives....

Why did Don Junior accept a meeting with these Russian operatives when they had already been briefed that Russia was trying to illegally interfere in our election?

Why did President Trump make up a LIE about the Trump tower meeting for Don Junior?

Why did no one from the Trump campaign notify the FBI when the Russians were going overboard in their contacts with them?

Why did everyone including Trump LIE about all of their Russian contacts during the campaign?

Why did candidate Trump LIE about his Trump tower Moscow deal he was working on until the day he got elected?

Why did President Trump send Erik Prince to meet with the Russian operative in the Seychelles?

What was the second Trump tower meeting about, that Erik Prince just slipped up and told us took place?

All of these questions are just a few of the questions I, and anyone following the investigation, want to know the answers to....
So you are sticking to the CNN/PMSNBC narrative? Rational Americans can see this for what it has been … a political witch-hunt, and we don't care about your hysteria or delicate, disappointed sensibilities.

Mueller and the Muel Team had significant prosecutorial experience and virtually unlimited resources and authority to follow the EVIDENCE … not speculation, rumors, innuendo, or media fabrications. By their silence amid all the leftarded fury the last 2 years they managed to keep their cool and be professional. They certainly followed every credible lead and concluded there was NO COLLUSION. Why do you think our Democrat Socialist House of Reps are trying to duplicate Mueller's work and widening the witch-hunt to include everything Trump has done the last 10 years?

Answer: They are as desperately unhinged as you obviously are.

Except for the IG report into who foisted this witch-hunt on America, the science is settled … NO COLLUSION.
Full disclosure to congress of Mueller's report would give everyone those answers sayit. Covering up and hiding the actual report that the Mueller team put together from all of their fact finding ventures, would give everyone their answers.

The appearance of HIDING things by not doing so, not being transparent, is the problem... not the Democrats wanting to see it...
Tell it to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals (McKeever v Sessions). Their ruling says Barr shall not release an unredacted version of the Mueller report. See you in court.

At this point any even marginally aware American who does not contact their US Rep and tell him/her to let it go is shirking his duty to be involved.

At this point any even marginally aware American who does not contact their US Rep and tell him/her to let it go is shirking his duty to be involved.
The matter will go to court if the Schiff-heads try to force the IRS to turn over Trump tax returns. At this point it doesn't even matter what is or isn't in his returns. It's now about unlawful attempts by democrat House committees to ignore the law but Trump controls the IRS and his records will NOT be turned over just because the democrats want them.

They will make a lot of noise and in the end go away and pretend this all never happened.
lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:

What law says he has to release them

Trump doesn't have to release his returns, the IRS already has them.
If the dem congress scum had a valid reason to see them, the IRS would turn them over.

Since the IRS has had the returns and has not taken any action, it proves everything is legal.
Problem here.

The company that does Trumps taxes are ready to release them. They are waiting on the subpoena that will make it legal.


Never going to happen. No law says it has to

The company that does Trump taxes have said they are just waiting on a subpoena to make it right so they can turn them over!

Cummings: Tax firm asks for subpoena before providing Trump docs

Could you please point to the part where they're saying "to make it right"?
lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:
You guys stay silent or even join in with him, when he blatantly lies or is crooked or is unpatriotic like in Helsinki... or is lawless!!
Trump did not do anything unpatriotic at Helsinki. The pursuit of peace is very patriotic as long as we dont give up anything material without a suitable response from the other side.
Woo. Nothing better differentiates TDS dementia from rational thought better than Care4's unhinged hysteria vs your response. I get the distinct impression that he is serious … that none of the revelations of the last 2 weeks have made a dent in his certainty that Trump is guilty despite the lack of evidence of criminal wrongdoing. The poor guy sound like he's pulling his hair out.

Can you answer any of these questions that Mueller was suppose to have answers to in his report?

Why did Manafort give secret and confidential Trump polling data to Kilimnik? Did Kilimnik pass it on to the GRU so they could advertise and troll in the areas the polling data showed where the Trump campaign needed it most?

What actually occurred between Roger Stone and wikileaks, was he made aware of the stolen email dumps to come, did he direct them on a timely basis for the benefit of Trump? Did he communicate what was going to be in the stolen email dumps to the Trump campaign? Why did Trump mention wikileaks 160 times in his rallies, in the month of October alone, when he was briefed by our intelligence that Russia had stolen them and was trying to interfere with our election?

What did Cambridge Analytica actually do to help the Trump campaign, besides illegally obtaining Facebook confidential data on unsuspecting users? Why did they shut down? Who paid them?

Who were the Russians that illegally donated funds to the NRA for their advertising that supported the Trump campaign besides Alexander Torshin? Why did Don Junior meet with Torshin and have dinner with him at an NRA event? What was Maria Butina's roll and her boyfriend's in electing Trump, if any?

Who were the Russians who illegally donated to the Trump Inaugural fund? What did they get in return from the Trump campaign for doing such? Was there a pay for play situation set up with the Trump Inaugural Fund?

What exactly did trump Campaign Sam Clovis illegally do? Why and for what, is he still cooperating with the Special Counsel?

Why is the Special Counsel's Grand Jury still alive and well? What are they needed for if the Special Counsel investigation is over?

Why did Kushner want to set up a back channel of communications with the Russians? And why in the heck would he try to do such in the Russian embassy?

What really happened at the Trump tower Meeting with Kushner, Manafort, Junior and the 6 govt Russian operatives....

Why did Don Junior accept a meeting with these Russian operatives when they had already been briefed that Russia was trying to illegally interfere in our election?

Why did President Trump make up a LIE about the Trump tower meeting for Don Junior?

Why did no one from the Trump campaign notify the FBI when the Russians were going overboard in their contacts with them?

Why did everyone including Trump LIE about all of their Russian contacts during the campaign?

Why did candidate Trump LIE about his Trump tower Moscow deal he was working on until the day he got elected?

Why did President Trump send Erik Prince to meet with the Russian operative in the Seychelles?

What was the second Trump tower meeting about, that Erik Prince just slipped up and told us took place?

All of these questions are just a few of the questions I, and anyone following the investigation, want to know the answers to....
so mueller missed all this after 2 years?
So you are sticking to the CNN/PMSNBC narrative? Rational Americans can see this for what it has been … a political witch-hunt,
Rational Americans want to see the report, in full, so they can make up their own minds on what happened and get answers and facts on what actually happened after waiting 22 months of the investigation.
. Rational Americans know that this right wing 'war cry' of witch hunt, is FAKE NEWS created by the liar and chief for his pawns to shout and scream.

Mueller and the Muel Team had significant prosecutorial experience and virtually unlimited resources and authority to follow the EVIDENCE … not speculation, rumors, innuendo, or media fabrications. By their silence amid all the leftarded fury the last 2 years they managed to keep their cool and be professional.
Yes, they did manage to keep their cool, and did a fine job at it, now let us see the evidence, and know the facts of what they found.

They certainly followed every credible lead and concluded there was NO COLLUSION. Why do you think our Democrat Socialist House of Reps are trying to duplicate Mueller's work and widening the witch-hunt to include everything Trump has done the last 10 years?
Barr never said they found no Collusion, collusion is not a crime, it was just a word that Trump started regurgitating over and over again.... no collusion no collusion no collusion, but if there was collusion, Collusion is not a crime.... don't you remember that?

What Barr said was that CONSPIRACY could not be established, (beyond a reasonable doubt)

that does not mean there was absolutely no collusion, we need to see the evidence and facts that the Mueller team found on that....

Why are you against transparency? What are you all afraid of us finding out? Why are you so obviously acting as if you have something to hide?

Except for the IG report into who foisted this witch-hunt on America, the science is settled …

I welcome the investigation by the IG on how the investigation in to the Trump campaign and their Russian connections and interactions while the Russians were illegally trying to interfere in our election, originated.

100 to 1, it was not this made up and loony tune accusation of the Trump cultists that it was simply a witch hunt, made up out of thin air....

Be careful of what you wish for....
Last edited:
lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:
You guys stay silent or even join in with him, when he blatantly lies or is crooked or is unpatriotic like in Helsinki... or is lawless!!
Trump did not do anything unpatriotic at Helsinki. The pursuit of peace is very patriotic as long as we dont give up anything material without a suitable response from the other side.
Woo. Nothing better differentiates TDS dementia from rational thought better than Care4's unhinged hysteria vs your response. I get the distinct impression that he is serious … that none of the revelations of the last 2 weeks have made a dent in his certainty that Trump is guilty despite the lack of evidence of criminal wrongdoing. The poor guy sound like he's pulling his hair out.

Can you answer any of these questions that Mueller was suppose to have answers to in his report?

Why did Manafort give secret and confidential Trump polling data to Kilimnik? Did Kilimnik pass it on to the GRU so they could advertise and troll in the areas the polling data showed where the Trump campaign needed it most?

What actually occurred between Roger Stone and wikileaks, was he made aware of the stolen email dumps to come, did he direct them on a timely basis for the benefit of Trump? Did he communicate what was going to be in the stolen email dumps to the Trump campaign? Why did Trump mention wikileaks 160 times in his rallies, in the month of October alone, when he was briefed by our intelligence that Russia had stolen them and was trying to interfere with our election?

What did Cambridge Analytica actually do to help the Trump campaign, besides illegally obtaining Facebook confidential data on unsuspecting users? Why did they shut down? Who paid them?

Who were the Russians that illegally donated funds to the NRA for their advertising that supported the Trump campaign besides Alexander Torshin? Why did Don Junior meet with Torshin and have dinner with him at an NRA event? What was Maria Butina's roll and her boyfriend's in electing Trump, if any?

Who were the Russians who illegally donated to the Trump Inaugural fund? What did they get in return from the Trump campaign for doing such? Was there a pay for play situation set up with the Trump Inaugural Fund?

What exactly did trump Campaign Sam Clovis illegally do? Why and for what, is he still cooperating with the Special Counsel?

Why is the Special Counsel's Grand Jury still alive and well? What are they needed for if the Special Counsel investigation is over?

Why did Kushner want to set up a back channel of communications with the Russians? And why in the heck would he try to do such in the Russian embassy?

What really happened at the Trump tower Meeting with Kushner, Manafort, Junior and the 6 govt Russian operatives....

Why did Don Junior accept a meeting with these Russian operatives when they had already been briefed that Russia was trying to illegally interfere in our election?

Why did President Trump make up a LIE about the Trump tower meeting for Don Junior?

Why did no one from the Trump campaign notify the FBI when the Russians were going overboard in their contacts with them?

Why did everyone including Trump LIE about all of their Russian contacts during the campaign?

Why did candidate Trump LIE about his Trump tower Moscow deal he was working on until the day he got elected?

Why did President Trump send Erik Prince to meet with the Russian operative in the Seychelles?

What was the second Trump tower meeting about, that Erik Prince just slipped up and told us took place?

All of these questions are just a few of the questions I, and anyone following the investigation, want to know the answers to....
so mueller missed all this after 2 years?
Heck no, they did not miss it! That's why I would like for us to see the full report and the facts they gathered on it!
So you are sticking to the CNN/PMSNBC narrative? Rational Americans can see this for what it has been … a political witch-hunt,
Rational Americans want to see the report, in full, so they can make up their own minds on what happened and get answers and facts on what actually happened after waiting 22 months of the investigation.
. Rational Americans know that this right wing 'war cry' of witch hunt, is FAKE NEWS created by the liar and chief for his pawns to shout and scream.

Mueller and the Muel Team had significant prosecutorial experience and virtually unlimited resources and authority to follow the EVIDENCE … not speculation, rumors, innuendo, or media fabrications. By their silence amid all the leftarded fury the last 2 years they managed to keep their cool and be professional.
Yes, they did manage to keep their cool, and did a fine job at it, now let us see the evidence, and know the facts of what they found.

They certainly followed every credible lead and concluded there was NO COLLUSION. Why do you think our Democrat Socialist House of Reps are trying to duplicate Mueller's work and widening the witch-hunt to include everything Trump has done the last 10 years?
Barr never said they found no Collusion, collusion is not a crime, it was just a word that Trump started regurgitating over an over again.... no collusion no collusion no collusion, but if there was collusion, Collusion is not a crime.... don't you remember that?

What Barr said was that CONSPIRACY could not be established, (beyond a reasonable doubt)

that does not mean there was absolutely no collusion, we need to see the evidence and facts that the Mueller team found on that....

Why are you against transparency? What are you all afraid of us finding out? Why are you so obviously acting as if you have something to hide?

Except for the IG report into who foisted this witch-hunt on America, the science is settled …

I welcome the investigation by the IG on how the investigation in to the Trump campaign and their Russian connections and interactions while the Russians were illegally trying to interfere in our election, originated.

100 to 1, it was not this made up and loony tune accusation of the Trump cultists that it was simply a witch hunt, made up out of thin air....

Be careful of what you wish for....
/----/ "Rational Americans want to see the report, in full, "
Link please.
So you are sticking to the CNN/PMSNBC narrative? Rational Americans can see this for what it has been … a political witch-hunt,
Rational Americans want to see the report, in full, so they can make up their own minds on what happened and get answers and facts on what actually happened after waiting 22 months of the investigation.
. Rational Americans know that this right wing 'war cry' of witch hunt, is FAKE NEWS created by the liar and chief for his pawns to shout and scream.

Mueller and the Muel Team had significant prosecutorial experience and virtually unlimited resources and authority to follow the EVIDENCE … not speculation, rumors, innuendo, or media fabrications. By their silence amid all the leftarded fury the last 2 years they managed to keep their cool and be professional.
Yes, they did manage to keep their cool, and did a fine job at it, now let us see the evidence, and know the facts of what they found.

They certainly followed every credible lead and concluded there was NO COLLUSION. Why do you think our Democrat Socialist House of Reps are trying to duplicate Mueller's work and widening the witch-hunt to include everything Trump has done the last 10 years?
Barr never said they found no Collusion, collusion is not a crime, it was just a word that Trump started regurgitating over an over again.... no collusion no collusion no collusion, but if there was collusion, Collusion is not a crime.... don't you remember that?

What Barr said was that CONSPIRACY could not be established, (beyond a reasonable doubt)

that does not mean there was absolutely no collusion, we need to see the evidence and facts that the Mueller team found on that....

Why are you against transparency? What are you all afraid of us finding out? Why are you so obviously acting as if you have something to hide?

Except for the IG report into who foisted this witch-hunt on America, the science is settled …

I welcome the investigation by the IG on how the investigation in to the Trump campaign and their Russian connections and interactions while the Russians were illegally trying to interfere in our election, originated.

100 to 1, it was not this made up and loony tune accusation of the Trump cultists that it was simply a witch hunt, made up out of thin air....

Be careful of what you wish for....
/----/ "Rational Americans want to see the report, in full, "
Link please.

Fox News Poll: Voters want Mueller report released, but will it change views?

Fox News Poll 3/24/2019

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