Reality Sets In

Full disclosure to congress of Mueller's report would give everyone those answers sayit. Covering up and hiding the actual report that the Mueller team put together from all of their fact finding ventures, would give everyone their answers.

The appearance of HIDING things by not doing so, not being transparent, is the problem... not the Democrats wanting to see it...
Tell it to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals (McKeever v Sessions). Their ruling says Barr shall not release an unredacted version of the Mueller report. See you in court.

but he sure can release them if he petitions the court ah-la ken starr ........ not to mention there is overwhelming public interest.
So you are sticking to the CNN/PMSNBC narrative? Rational Americans can see this for what it has been … a political witch-hunt,
Rational Americans want to see the report, in full, so they can make up their own minds on what happened and get answers and facts on what actually happened after waiting 22 months of the investigation.
. Rational Americans know that this right wing 'war cry' of witch hunt, is FAKE NEWS created by the liar and chief for his pawns to shout and scream.

Mueller and the Muel Team had significant prosecutorial experience and virtually unlimited resources and authority to follow the EVIDENCE … not speculation, rumors, innuendo, or media fabrications. By their silence amid all the leftarded fury the last 2 years they managed to keep their cool and be professional.
Yes, they did manage to keep their cool, and did a fine job at it, now let us see the evidence, and know the facts of what they found.

They certainly followed every credible lead and concluded there was NO COLLUSION. Why do you think our Democrat Socialist House of Reps are trying to duplicate Mueller's work and widening the witch-hunt to include everything Trump has done the last 10 years?
Barr never said they found no Collusion, collusion is not a crime, it was just a word that Trump started regurgitating over an over again.... no collusion no collusion no collusion, but if there was collusion, Collusion is not a crime.... don't you remember that?

What Barr said was that CONSPIRACY could not be established, (beyond a reasonable doubt)

that does not mean there was absolutely no collusion, we need to see the evidence and facts that the Mueller team found on that....

Why are you against transparency? What are you all afraid of us finding out? Why are you so obviously acting as if you have something to hide?

Except for the IG report into who foisted this witch-hunt on America, the science is settled …

I welcome the investigation by the IG on how the investigation in to the Trump campaign and their Russian connections and interactions while the Russians were illegally trying to interfere in our election, originated.

100 to 1, it was not this made up and loony tune accusation of the Trump cultists that it was simply a witch hunt, made up out of thin air....

Be careful of what you wish for....
/----/ "Rational Americans want to see the report, in full, "
Link please.

quinnipiac poll:
An overwhelming 84% of Americans — including 75% of Republicans — want Mueller's report to be made public, according to a new poll
An overwhelming 84% of Americans — including 75% of Republicans — want Mueller's report to be made public, according to a new poll

marist institute:
Poll: After Barr Letter, Overwhelming Majority Wants Full Mueller Report Released
March 29, 20195:01 AM ET

Poll: After Barr Letter, Overwhelming Majority Wants Full Mueller Report Released
I used FOX, especially for you! :D
Yes, 3/4's or more of all Americans want to see it!

In a CNN poll conducted by SSRS and released last week, 87% of Americans said that regardless of what the investigation found, Mueller's team should produce a full, public report on their findings. That agreement goes across partisan lines: 95% of Democrats, 88% of independents and 80% of Republicans want a public report.

Americans want Mueller's report released and approve of his work. But their minds are made up about Trump. - CNNPolitics

If law says that classified material cannot be released to public, it doesn't matter if 100% polled wants to see it.

Is that hard to understand?

nobody is asking for classified material be released to the general public - but the gang of 8 have the same top secret clearance as the AG. there is a skiff under the capital building where they see all kinds of intel that has to do with the security of the US. they are entitled to see it all & not only that but all barr has to do is ask the court. but he won't.... why is that?
We both know that nothing provided to congress or for public consumption will satisfy people like you,
Full disclosure to congress of Mueller's report would give everyone those answers sayit. Covering up and hiding the actual report that the Mueller team put together from all of their fact finding ventures, would give everyone their answers.

The appearance of HIDING things by not doing so, not being transparent, is the problem... not the Democrats wanting to see it...
wow - you mean like deleting 33k mails is a cause of doubt? that kind of activity?
They were private emails, the government rules STATE that employees should NOT send private emails to the national archives to be saved.... what the Clinton team did was FOLLOWING the rules set, by our government.

Since when "private" emails have "C" (classified) markings on them?
since she needed them too. in her world that a hillary abbreviation for CNN.

not sure that's much better. :)
So you are sticking to the CNN/PMSNBC narrative? Rational Americans can see this for what it has been … a political witch-hunt,
Rational Americans want to see the report, in full, so they can make up their own minds on what happened and get answers and facts on what actually happened after waiting 22 months of the investigation.
. Rational Americans know that this right wing 'war cry' of witch hunt, is FAKE NEWS created by the liar and chief for his pawns to shout and scream.

Mueller and the Muel Team had significant prosecutorial experience and virtually unlimited resources and authority to follow the EVIDENCE … not speculation, rumors, innuendo, or media fabrications. By their silence amid all the leftarded fury the last 2 years they managed to keep their cool and be professional.
Yes, they did manage to keep their cool, and did a fine job at it, now let us see the evidence, and know the facts of what they found.

They certainly followed every credible lead and concluded there was NO COLLUSION. Why do you think our Democrat Socialist House of Reps are trying to duplicate Mueller's work and widening the witch-hunt to include everything Trump has done the last 10 years?
Barr never said they found no Collusion, collusion is not a crime, it was just a word that Trump started regurgitating over an over again.... no collusion no collusion no collusion, but if there was collusion, Collusion is not a crime.... don't you remember that?

What Barr said was that CONSPIRACY could not be established, (beyond a reasonable doubt)

that does not mean there was absolutely no collusion, we need to see the evidence and facts that the Mueller team found on that....

Why are you against transparency? What are you all afraid of us finding out? Why are you so obviously acting as if you have something to hide?

Except for the IG report into who foisted this witch-hunt on America, the science is settled …

I welcome the investigation by the IG on how the investigation in to the Trump campaign and their Russian connections and interactions while the Russians were illegally trying to interfere in our election, originated.

100 to 1, it was not this made up and loony tune accusation of the Trump cultists that it was simply a witch hunt, made up out of thin air....

Be careful of what you wish for....
/----/ "Rational Americans want to see the report, in full, "
Link please.

quinnipiac poll:
An overwhelming 84% of Americans — including 75% of Republicans — want Mueller's report to be made public, according to a new poll
An overwhelming 84% of Americans — including 75% of Republicans — want Mueller's report to be made public, according to a new poll

marist institute:
Poll: After Barr Letter, Overwhelming Majority Wants Full Mueller Report Released
March 29, 20195:01 AM ET
Poll: After Barr Letter, Overwhelming Majority Wants Full Mueller Report Released
/-----/ If you were mentioned in the report as an innocent bystander, would you want your name, address, social security number, banking account number, USMB password, and mother's maiden name revealed to the public? Or everything else with your personal info redacted?

Fox News Poll: Voters want Mueller report released, but will it change views?

Fox News Poll 3/24/2019

You see, I would like to see Meuller report too, but I don't demand to see classified info.

I would also like to go to the moon. but I know chances for it to happen are slim to rather none.

It would be interesting to see poll, how many people would like to go to the moon.
Barr is constrained by the often mentioned legal restrictions but added the DOJ proscription that he must redact that which "unduly infringes on the personal privacy and reputational interests of of peripheral third parties."

That there is a beauty that'll drive the haters batshit crazier!! :)

You see, I would like to see Meuller report too, but I don't demand to see classified info.

I would also like to go to the moon. but I know chances for it to happen are slim to rather none.

It would be interesting to see poll, how many people would like to go to the moon.
Barr is constrained by the often mentioned legal restrictions but added the DOJ proscription that he must redact that which "unduly infringes on the personal privacy and reputational interests of of peripheral third parties."

That there is a beauty that'll drive the haters batshit crazier!! :)

Left doesn't care about laws.

For instance, back in 1998, Nadler opposed the release of the full Starr Report, saying that “as a matter of decency and protecting people’s privacy rights, people who may be totally innocent third parties,” certain aspects of the Starr Report “must not be released at all.” Today, he's singing different tune, demanding the release of the Mueller Report “in its entirety,” without redactions, and before President Trump can review it.

Reminder, the Department of Justice can’t release grand jury information contained in an investigative report because it’s illegal to do so, and the executive branch has sound legal grounds to preview the report before Congress sees it in case there is a need to invoke executive privilege.
I used FOX, especially for you! :D
Yes, 3/4's or more of all Americans want to see it!

In a CNN poll conducted by SSRS and released last week, 87% of Americans said that regardless of what the investigation found, Mueller's team should produce a full, public report on their findings. That agreement goes across partisan lines: 95% of Democrats, 88% of independents and 80% of Republicans want a public report.

Americans want Mueller's report released and approve of his work. But their minds are made up about Trump. - CNNPolitics

If law says that classified material cannot be released to public, it doesn't matter if 100% polled wants to see it.

Is that hard to understand?

nobody is asking for classified material be released to the general public - but the gang of 8 have the same top secret clearance as the AG. there is a skiff under the capital building where they see all kinds of intel that has to do with the security of the US. they are entitled to see it all & not only that but all barr has to do is ask the court. but he won't.... why is that?
dunno. why wouldn't obama get a "real" birth cert? why did hillary delete 33k mails?

funny how when people ask that the left goes STOP MAKING UP SHIT!!! but when they get their turn, they make up shit and do the very thing they mock the other side for doing.

quite entertaining, on the annoying level.
So you are sticking to the CNN/PMSNBC narrative? Rational Americans can see this for what it has been … a political witch-hunt,
Rational Americans want to see the report, in full, so they can make up their own minds on what happened and get answers and facts on what actually happened after waiting 22 months of the investigation.
. Rational Americans know that this right wing 'war cry' of witch hunt, is FAKE NEWS created by the liar and chief for his pawns to shout and scream.

Mueller and the Muel Team had significant prosecutorial experience and virtually unlimited resources and authority to follow the EVIDENCE … not speculation, rumors, innuendo, or media fabrications. By their silence amid all the leftarded fury the last 2 years they managed to keep their cool and be professional.
Yes, they did manage to keep their cool, and did a fine job at it, now let us see the evidence, and know the facts of what they found.

They certainly followed every credible lead and concluded there was NO COLLUSION. Why do you think our Democrat Socialist House of Reps are trying to duplicate Mueller's work and widening the witch-hunt to include everything Trump has done the last 10 years?
Barr never said they found no Collusion, collusion is not a crime, it was just a word that Trump started regurgitating over an over again.... no collusion no collusion no collusion, but if there was collusion, Collusion is not a crime.... don't you remember that?

What Barr said was that CONSPIRACY could not be established, (beyond a reasonable doubt)

that does not mean there was absolutely no collusion, we need to see the evidence and facts that the Mueller team found on that....

Why are you against transparency? What are you all afraid of us finding out? Why are you so obviously acting as if you have something to hide?

Except for the IG report into who foisted this witch-hunt on America, the science is settled …

I welcome the investigation by the IG on how the investigation in to the Trump campaign and their Russian connections and interactions while the Russians were illegally trying to interfere in our election, originated.

100 to 1, it was not this made up and loony tune accusation of the Trump cultists that it was simply a witch hunt, made up out of thin air....

Be careful of what you wish for....
/----/ "Rational Americans want to see the report, in full, "
Link please.

quinnipiac poll:
An overwhelming 84% of Americans — including 75% of Republicans — want Mueller's report to be made public, according to a new poll
An overwhelming 84% of Americans — including 75% of Republicans — want Mueller's report to be made public, according to a new poll

marist institute:
Poll: After Barr Letter, Overwhelming Majority Wants Full Mueller Report Released
March 29, 20195:01 AM ET
Poll: After Barr Letter, Overwhelming Majority Wants Full Mueller Report Released
/-----/ If you were mentioned in the report as an innocent bystander, would you want your name, address, social security number, banking account number, USMB password, and mother's maiden name revealed to the public? Or everything else with your personal info redacted?

classified info is not intended for public consumption. but the gang of eight can see it all & they can redact... but you don't think mueller didn't have a summary ready for the public, already scrubbed? silly you.
I used FOX, especially for you! :D
Yes, 3/4's or more of all Americans want to see it!

In a CNN poll conducted by SSRS and released last week, 87% of Americans said that regardless of what the investigation found, Mueller's team should produce a full, public report on their findings. That agreement goes across partisan lines: 95% of Democrats, 88% of independents and 80% of Republicans want a public report.

Americans want Mueller's report released and approve of his work. But their minds are made up about Trump. - CNNPolitics

If law says that classified material cannot be released to public, it doesn't matter if 100% polled wants to see it.

Is that hard to understand?

nobody is asking for classified material be released to the general public - but the gang of 8 have the same top secret clearance as the AG. there is a skiff under the capital building where they see all kinds of intel that has to do with the security of the US. they are entitled to see it all & not only that but all barr has to do is ask the court. but he won't.... why is that?
dunno. why wouldn't obama get a "real" birth cert? why did hillary delete 33k mails?

funny how when people ask that the left goes STOP MAKING UP SHIT!!! but when they get their turn, they make up shit and do the very thing they mock the other side for doing.

quite entertaining, on the annoying level.

but but but OBAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMmAAAAAAAAA & & & HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited:
A week ago amid a lot of arrogant huffing and puffing congressional Dems demanded the full, unredacted Mueller Report by April 2, a deadline that passed quietly and without USAG Barr's compliance. Next came congressional demands for Trump's tax returns and the response came today … acting WH chief of staff said Democrats will never get Trump's returns. :D
not enough morals to go around on the right wing?
A week ago amid a lot of arrogant huffing and puffing congressional Dems demanded the full, unredacted Mueller Report by April 2, a deadline that passed quietly and without USAG Barr's compliance. Next came congressional demands for Trump's tax returns and the response came today … acting WH chief of staff said Democrats will never get Trump's returns. :D
not enough morals to go around on the right wing?
Morals??? So you believe Trump standing up to our Hysterical House Dem's frenzied demands to be immoral???

Tell me, DP … when others require you to drop trousers and bend over how quickly do you comply?

I suspect you can't see the slippery, police-state slope on which the Dems would put this country but all Americans - including those named Trump - have constitutional protection against unreasonable search & seizure. Now you may disagree that 4th Amendment applies but I much prefer Trump defend our rights by defending his own than allow congress to play their political games without serious pushback.

Thank you, Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!!!
A week ago amid a lot of arrogant huffing and puffing congressional Dems demanded the full, unredacted Mueller Report by April 2, a deadline that passed quietly and without USAG Barr's compliance. Next came congressional demands for Trump's tax returns and the response came today … acting WH chief of staff said Democrats will never get Trump's returns. :D
not enough morals to go around on the right wing?
Morals??? So you believe Trump standing up to our Hysterical House Dem's frenzied demands to be immoral???

Tell me, DP … when others require you to drop trousers and bend over how quickly do you comply?

I suspect you can't see the slippery, police-state slope on which the Dems would put this country but all Americans - including those named Trump - have constitutional protection against unreasonable search & seizure. Now you may disagree that 4th Amendment applies but I much prefer Trump defend our rights by defending his own than allow congress to play their political games without serious pushback.

Thank you, Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!!!
The chief magistrate of the Union serves at the discretion of Congress. It is a public office not a private office.

thank Goodness, there are no federalists in the House. there is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.
A week ago amid a lot of arrogant huffing and puffing congressional Dems demanded the full, unredacted Mueller Report by April 2, a deadline that passed quietly and without USAG Barr's compliance. Next came congressional demands for Trump's tax returns and the response came today … acting WH chief of staff said Democrats will never get Trump's returns. :D
not enough morals to go around on the right wing?
Morals??? So you believe Trump standing up to our Hysterical House Dem's frenzied demands to be immoral???

Tell me, DP … when others require you to drop trousers and bend over how quickly do you comply?

I suspect you can't see the slippery, police-state slope on which the Dems would put this country but all Americans - including those named Trump - have constitutional protection against unreasonable search & seizure. Now you may disagree that 4th Amendment applies but I much prefer Trump defend our rights by defending his own than allow congress to play their political games without serious pushback.

Thank you, Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!!!
The chief magistrate of the Union serves at the discretion of Congress. It is a public office not a private office.

thank Goodness, there are no federalists in the House. there is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.
Chief magistrate?
OK, so you got absolutely none of that correct but nice try.
I used FOX, especially for you! :D
Yes, 3/4's or more of all Americans want to see it!

In a CNN poll conducted by SSRS and released last week, 87% of Americans said that regardless of what the investigation found, Mueller's team should produce a full, public report on their findings. That agreement goes across partisan lines: 95% of Democrats, 88% of independents and 80% of Republicans want a public report.

Americans want Mueller's report released and approve of his work. But their minds are made up about Trump. - CNNPolitics

If law says that classified material cannot be released to public, it doesn't matter if 100% polled wants to see it.

Is that hard to understand?

nobody is asking for classified material be released to the general public - but the gang of 8 have the same top secret clearance as the AG. there is a skiff under the capital building where they see all kinds of intel that has to do with the security of the US. they are entitled to see it all & not only that but all barr has to do is ask the court. but he won't.... why is that?
dunno. why wouldn't obama get a "real" birth cert? why did hillary delete 33k mails?

funny how when people ask that the left goes STOP MAKING UP SHIT!!! but when they get their turn, they make up shit and do the very thing they mock the other side for doing.

quite entertaining, on the annoying level.

The Obama birth certificate is on file in Hawaii.

Hillary delete her personal e-mails.
A week ago amid a lot of arrogant huffing and puffing congressional Dems demanded the full, unredacted Mueller Report by April 2, a deadline that passed quietly and without USAG Barr's compliance. Next came congressional demands for Trump's tax returns and the response came today … acting WH chief of staff said Democrats will never get Trump's returns. :D
not enough morals to go around on the right wing?
Morals??? So you believe Trump standing up to our Hysterical House Dem's frenzied demands to be immoral???

Tell me, DP … when others require you to drop trousers and bend over how quickly do you comply?

I suspect you can't see the slippery, police-state slope on which the Dems would put this country but all Americans - including those named Trump - have constitutional protection against unreasonable search & seizure. Now you may disagree that 4th Amendment applies but I much prefer Trump defend our rights by defending his own than allow congress to play their political games without serious pushback.

Thank you, Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!!!
The chief magistrate of the Union serves at the discretion of Congress. It is a public office not a private office.

thank Goodness, there are no federalists in the House. there is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.
/——/ You’re just jammed packed with gibberish today. Too much caffeine?

You see, I would like to see Meuller report too, but I don't demand to see classified info.

I would also like to go to the moon. but I know chances for it to happen are slim to rather none.

It would be interesting to see poll, how many people would like to go to the moon.
Barr is constrained by the often mentioned legal restrictions but added the DOJ proscription that he must redact that which "unduly infringes on the personal privacy and reputational interests of of peripheral third parties."

That there is a beauty that'll drive the haters batshit crazier!! :)

It could have been shared with the Democrat leadersip.

But we are supposed to believe the this report done by a Republican, appointed by a Republican under a Republican administration and a report investigating the Republican President should be redacted by a Republican & Democrats are supposed to just believe it? Especially with Trump's history of being a dishonest lying fuck.

You see, I would like to see Meuller report too, but I don't demand to see classified info.

I would also like to go to the moon. but I know chances for it to happen are slim to rather none.

It would be interesting to see poll, how many people would like to go to the moon.
Barr is constrained by the often mentioned legal restrictions but added the DOJ proscription that he must redact that which "unduly infringes on the personal privacy and reputational interests of of peripheral third parties."

That there is a beauty that'll drive the haters batshit crazier!! :)

It could have been shared with the Democrat leadersip.

But we are supposed to believe the this report done by a Republican, appointed by a Republican under a Republican administration and a report investigating the Republican President should be redacted by a Republican & Democrats are supposed to just believe it? Especially with Trump's history of being a dishonest lying fuck.
/——/ Trump is not dishonest nor a liar. But slander is in the democRATs DNA.

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