Reality Winner Is An Indoctrinated, Traitorous Liberal Loser

LOL the rest of them ? are all those who helped russia bury Hillary with lies ,,from your top garbage down to his son in law

Lies? Even if Russia had something to do with leaking the Podesta emails, they were certainly not lies.

Oh, and Hillary was in bed up to her ears with the Russians, getting a $2.34 million bribe from Putin just a few short years ago. John Podest's brother and business partner in the "Podesta Group" is literally an agent of the Kremlin.
Treason is - sometimes not so easy to decide.

It is in this case. NSA employee used top secret clearance to gather top secret intelligence and reveal it to the enemies of the nation.

Your spy got caught. Hopefully Sessions has the guts to try her as what she is.
Enemies of this nation? That would be the Russians (and their state-sponsored hackers) not the press.
So your sole purpose in this thread is continue to justify and make excuses for this criminal?
Welcome to America - where everyone gets a defense (but it's far too early for that my let's just hang her little friends).
Treason is - sometimes not so easy to decide.

It is in this case. NSA employee used top secret clearance to gather top secret intelligence and reveal it to the enemies of the nation.

Your spy got caught. Hopefully Sessions has the guts to try her as what she is.
Enemies of this nation? That would be the Russians (and their state-sponsored hackers) not the press.
So your sole purpose in this thread is continue to justify and make excuses for this criminal?

He admires what she did. A Soros soldier working to end the Capitalist enemy which is America.
Treason is - sometimes not so easy to decide.

It is in this case. NSA employee used top secret clearance to gather top secret intelligence and reveal it to the enemies of the nation.

Your spy got caught. Hopefully Sessions has the guts to try her as what she is.
Enemies of this nation? That would be the Russians (and their state-sponsored hackers) not the press.
So your sole purpose in this thread is continue to justify and make excuses for this criminal?

He admires what she did. A Soros soldier working to end the Capitalist enemy of America.
Maybe (maybe not). We'll see.

Either way - she did break the law. So did Deepthroat and he saved a nation.
Treason is - sometimes not so easy to decide.

It is in this case. NSA employee used top secret clearance to gather top secret intelligence and reveal it to the enemies of the nation.

Your spy got caught. Hopefully Sessions has the guts to try her as what she is.
Enemies of this nation? That would be the Russians (and their state-sponsored hackers) not the press.
So your sole purpose in this thread is continue to justify and make excuses for this criminal?
Welcome to America - where everyone gets a defense (but it's far too early for that my let's just hang her little friends).

McVeigh got a trial, and so shall she, Like McVeigh, there is no question of her guilt, but she has the right to her day in court.
He wasn't a spy - and it wasn't quick.

4 years is extremely quick in this country. And McVeigh was convicted of Treason, put to death for it. Terrorism is an act of war, hence treason. So is the espionage you support.
McVeigh was convicted on 15 counts of murder and conspiracy, not treason.

168 counts of murder, and treason on top of it.

{What did he do?
Timothy McVeigh was convicted in 1997 for the murder of 168 people in 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. He was sentenced to death and died by lethal injection on June 11. In December last year (after losing two appeals) McVeigh said he wanted to die and instructed his lawyers to launch no further appeals against his sentence. His execution originally was set for May 16 but later postponed by nearly a month}

The execution of Timothy McVeigh

Not so.

On August 10, 1995, McVeigh was indicted on eleven federal counts, including conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction, use of a weapon of mass destruction, destruction with the use of explosives and eight counts of first-degree murder.[60]

^ *Count 1 was "conspiracy to detonate a weapon of mass destruction" in violation of 18 USC § 2332a, culminating in the deaths of 168 people and destruction of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
  • Count 2 was "use of a weapon of mass destruction" in violation of 18 USC § 2332a (2)(a) & (b).
  • Count 3 was "destruction by explosives resulting in death", in violation of 18 USC § 844(f)(2)(a) & (b).
  • Counts 4 through 11 were first-degree murder in violation of 18 USC § 1111, 1114, & 2 and 28 CFR § 64.2(h), each count in connection to one of the eight law enforcement officers who were killed during the attack.
He wasn't a spy - and it wasn't quick.

4 years is extremely quick in this country. And McVeigh was convicted of Treason, put to death for it. Terrorism is an act of war, hence treason. So is the espionage you support.
McVeigh convicted for Oklahoma City bombing - Jun 02, 1997 -

"Timothy McVeigh, a former U.S. Army soldier, is convicted on 15 counts of murder and conspiracy for his role in the 1995 terrorist bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City."

Not seeing anything about McVeigh being convicted of Treason........hmmmmmmmmm
Welcome to America - where everyone gets a defense
Simply declaring that breaking a law is NOT breaking the law is not a 'defense'. It's denial of reality...Much like Comey claiming Hillary did not legally technically commit 'Espionage' because in HIS mind she was too stupid to realize she was doing it. It does not matter what he personally thinks because US Legal precedence has been established that states ignorance is NOT an acceptable legal defense.

You offer no 'defense', just 'justification' and ridiculous excuses.
Reality Winner, the traitor caught leaking classified info to the media:

- Believes being White is 'Terrorism' (She's White)

- Her social media profiles show she’s a thoroughly brainwashed, far-left #Resistance activist who said Donald Trump is an “orange fascist” and “the most dangerous” person in the country

- Is a huge supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement

- Considers herself part of 'The Resistance' (So does Hillary, who also broke laws dealing with classified)

- Says was radicalized by John Oliver, The Daily Show, Stephen Colbert, Michael Moore and others

- Said Leonardo DiCaprio’s propaganda film “Before The Flood” changed her entire outlook on life

- Said she’s now “#waitingtodie” from climate change and doesn’t want to have kids

- Replied to the Foreign Minister of Iran saying she’d “stand with” Iran over America if Trump declared war (TRAITOR)

- Openly sided with Mexico over America

"The most remarkable part of this story is how our nation’s standards have collapsed to the point where 25-year-old female social justice warriors are given access to classified information.

It’s also tragic how this beautiful, young girl was radicalized by Hollywood and the entertainment industry into hating herself simply because she was born white."

Jailed NSA Leaker Reality Winner: ‘Being White is Terrorism’
I understand why you tards are so angry.

You are angry because you have been lied to for a long time, and reality is starting to impinge on your delusions. It thus becomes necessary to work harder to deny the fact Russia attacked our electoral system.

You have denied and denied and denied Russia attacked our electoral system. You have been ordered to deny by your puppet masters, and you blindly obeyed.

Now reality is crashing in on you and it hurts. It hurts badly. It hurts to finally realize that Donald Trump really did get an assist from Russia.

Your attention is being diverted by the very people who have lied to you all this time. Instead of fessing up that they lied to you, they deflect your attention away from the report about Russian attacks, and focus your ire on the messenger.

Yes, you are killing the messenger who brought you the bad fucking news, tards. And instead of turning your anger toward those who have been deceiving you and lying to you, you just keep on drinking their piss.

Willfully blind monkeys.

I find it thoroughly fascinating that you keep getting back in line for more piss from the propagandists you KNOW are lying to you.

You DESERVE to be lied to. And you deserve your fake apprentice President.
Treason is - sometimes not so easy to decide.

It is in this case. NSA employee used top secret clearance to gather top secret intelligence and reveal it to the enemies of the nation.

Your spy got caught. Hopefully Sessions has the guts to try her as what she is.
Enemies of this nation? That would be the Russians (and their state-sponsored hackers) not the press.
So your sole purpose in this thread is continue to justify and make excuses for this criminal?

He admires what she did. A Soros soldier working to end the Capitalist enemy of America.
Maybe (maybe not). We'll see.

Either way - she did break the law. So did Deepthroat and he saved a nation.

What did Deepthroat "save the nation from?" What is this woman "saving the nation from?"
LOL the rest of them ? are all those who helped russia bury Hillary with lies ,,from your top garbage down to his son in law

Lies? Even if Russia had something to do with leaking the Podesta emails, they were certainly not lies.

Oh, and Hillary was in bed up to her ears with the Russians, getting a $2.34 million bribe from Putin just a few short years ago. John Podest's brother and business partner in the "Podesta Group" is literally an agent of the Kremlin.
And Flynn ? Trumps son in law ? Even the lying AG Sessions?? all clean hands?
Well yes, you view her as a hero working to end the Constitutional Republic on behalf of your Fuhrer. However she was caught by your enemy, the USA, so will now face prosecution under American law.
I view her as someone who broke the law - but might have done it for patriotic (or partisan - or both) reasons. It's not black and white (even though that's all you can deal with).
It is black and white, she broke the law, this "feeling" BS has to end.
She did break the law. So does everyone else. Shall we all - put ourselves in prison?
Your defense of a traitor is again noted.
One - not a traitor. Two - hardly a defense. More like - don't jump to conclusions.
three. liar.
LOL the rest of them ? are all those who helped russia bury Hillary with lies ,,from your top garbage down to his son in law

Lies? Even if Russia had something to do with leaking the Podesta emails, they were certainly not lies.

Oh, and Hillary was in bed up to her ears with the Russians, getting a $2.34 million bribe from Putin just a few short years ago. John Podest's brother and business partner in the "Podesta Group" is literally an agent of the Kremlin.
And Flynn ? Trumps son in law ? Even the lying AG Sessions?? all clean hands?
but but but trump,trump....the lefts cry for everything...but but but never any proof.
Let's take a look at what the messenger leaked: Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election

The report indicates that Russian hacking may have penetrated further into U.S. voting systems than was previously understood. It states unequivocally in its summary statement that it was Russian military intelligence, specifically the Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU, that conducted the cyber attacks
He wasn't a spy - and it wasn't quick.

4 years is extremely quick in this country. And McVeigh was convicted of Treason, put to death for it. Terrorism is an act of war, hence treason. So is the espionage you support.
McVeigh convicted for Oklahoma City bombing - Jun 02, 1997 -

"Timothy McVeigh, a former U.S. Army soldier, is convicted on 15 counts of murder and conspiracy for his role in the 1995 terrorist bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City."

Not seeing anything about McVeigh being convicted of Treason........hmmmmmmmmm

You thought the OK City bombing was funny. You thought 168 murdered Americans was funny.

I mean, just look at the tags you put on posts dealing with the subject.

But then, you are gutter scum, real filth.
Treason can be in - the eye of the beholder. The courts will work it out. And her act wasn't - treason.

Well yes, you view her as a hero working to end the Constitutional Republic on behalf of your Fuhrer. However she was caught by your enemy, the USA, so will now face prosecution under American law.
I view her as someone who broke the law - but might have done it for patriotic (or partisan - or both) reasons. It's not black and white (even though that's all you can deal with).
It is black and white, she broke the law, this "feeling" BS has to end.
She did break the law. So does everyone else. Shall we all - put ourselves in prison?
What in the Hell are you talking about? I don't break the law and I would guess the vast majority of people do not violate the law. You really need to question the people you associate with, or they do.
I feel your pain, rubes. It has just got to hurt you've been misled by your propagandists all this time.

That's gotta hurt like hell.

You asked for evidence, and have always stabbed out your eyes rather than look at it.

Well, here's some more. You are going to need a bigger knife.
Let's take a look at what the messenger leaked: Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election

The report indicates that Russian hacking may have penetrated further into U.S. voting systems than was previously understood. It states unequivocally in its summary statement that it was Russian military intelligence, specifically the Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU, that conducted the cyber attacks
No wonder the #RussianW trumpettes want her punished.
The NSA has now learned, however, that Russian government hackers, part of a team with a “cyber espionage mandate specifically directed at U.S. and foreign elections,” focused on parts of the system directly connected to the voter registration process, including a private sector manufacturer of devices that maintain and verify the voter rolls. Some of the company’s devices are advertised as having wireless internet and Bluetooth connectivity, which could have provided an ideal staging point for further malicious actions.
Let's take a look at what the messenger leaked: Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election

The report indicates that Russian hacking may have penetrated further into U.S. voting systems than was previously understood. It states unequivocally in its summary statement that it was Russian military intelligence, specifically the Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU, that conducted the cyber attacks
No wonder the #RussianW trumpettes want her punished.
Kill the messenger.

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