Really Rick Perry? Really?!?


Upset your boy is getting exposed? Try this one on for size, Doll. This is Newt. From the 90's. An oldie but goodie... click it! I'll try and dig up an oldie but goodie from Perry for the readers to decide who he is.

Nice try. No cigar.


I'm sorry, Newt was only out for one thing, to raise his profile as a Right Wing commentator, which he did brilliantly. He enjoyed a moment as the "Anti-Romney".

Now, if you wanted to argue Romney is a Bilderberger, I'd have to point out the Latter Day Saints Cult already owns that guy.

Jesus, why are we still even talking about the LOSERS from 2012?

Perry is not a member of Bilderberg
I haven't seen him at a single meeting, we have our standards

However, Newt is a member. He is alot of fun at parties and is a good poker player. All the wives hate his wife though

Shhh.... next you'll be giving away the Secret Bilderberger/Illuminati handshake!!!

Rick Perry is unwelcome at Bilderberg events since that time he got drunk and threw up in Oprah Winfreys lap.

He also kept referring to Mark Zuckerberg as....."That Jewboy"

You're an evil, evil man!
Don't like it hey? That is what you get for staging Occupy style protests in the state capital. Mr. Perry might not have been the brightest bulb in the box but hes got more guts than Wendy and her army of misfits do.

Yeah, how dare those women want to control their own bodies.

Maybe Perry should just have them wear shirts, "Breeding Machine #871319"

Seriously, what a fuckhead. To think I used to kind of like him for not being Romney.

The problem isnt women controling their bodies. It's them terminating the life of their child.

Of course, you'd have to be an honest person to actually address the real issue.
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Perry is not a member of Bilderberg
I haven't seen him at a single meeting, we have our standards

However, Newt is a member. He is alot of fun at parties and is a good poker player. All the wives hate his wife though

Shhh.... next you'll be giving away the Secret Bilderberger/Illuminati handshake!!!

Rick Perry is unwelcome at Bilderberg events since that time he got drunk and threw up in Oprah Winfreys lap.

He also kept referring to Mark Zuckerberg as....."That Jewboy"

That was for points with Bilderberg - Etienne Davignon - a Solvay by birth - his family owns the famous Solvay Business School where they forced their students to participate in a graduation ceremony where Hitler was honored with swastikas and life size banners of Hitler were on display. That made Belgian news. Not USA news. ( Solvay family are nazi sympathizers and despise Jews unless its one of their own like maid rapist Strauss Kahn head of IMF ( he took his seat back after he was acquited ).

Guess our US Ambassador to Belgium who was identified as a paedophile to the State Dept the other day ( who ignored the reports and still keeps him on the job today ) returned a few favors for the Belgians on that one. That is the Solvay home base - Belgium - they live there. Is it any wonder the Belgian politicians call our US Ambassador the most popular Ambassador to Belgium in American history? ha! ha! Birds of a feather...

As for Perry and Bilderberg, read this:

Bilderberg Behind Rick Perry 2012 Presidential Run
Don't like it hey? That is what you get for staging Occupy style protests in the state capital. Mr. Perry might not have been the brightest bulb in the box but hes got more guts than Wendy and her army of misfits do.

Yeah, how dare those women want to control their own bodies.

Maybe Perry should just have them wear shirts, "Breeding Machine #871319"

Seriously, what a fuckhead. To think I used to kind of like him for not being Romney.

The problem isnt women controlign their bodies. It's them terminating the life of their child.

Of course, you'd have to be an honest person to actually address the real issue.

Fetuses aren't children.

Not in the law. not in science. not even in the Bible.

1st part: If you cant figure out you don't want to be pregnant within 20 weeks, you are an idiot.

2nd part: I know this is a typical end run around abortion rights, but if so many people support abortion raising the money to help these places upgrade shouldnt be an issue.

3rd part: Relocate within 30 miles of a hospital. done.

1- A lot of women know they don't want to be pregnant as soon as they figure out they are, but can't scrape together the money to buy one right away. Now, this WOULD make sense if Medicaid paid for abortions.

2- Forcing a clinic to upgrade when it isn't necessary is the kind of shit "Conservatives" are usualy against. Hey, let's put a whole bunch of new regulations on Gun shops designed to put them out of business. That sounds fair.

3- Why should they have to. We are talking about Texas here, one of the worst states in funding public health.

1. Lie. Every planned parenthood has options for free abortions, better yet free birth control.

2. Making a surgical facility upgrade and stay modern ? This is a good thing. Abortion clinics in Texas get tons of cash. No prob, but then, you and your girlfriend noomi did defend your hero Gosnell to the bitter end.

3. Lie. Texas sucks so bad for medical care ? From the Strawberry clinic run out of LBJ hospital in Pasadena, to one of the largest abortion factories in the country poor folks and illegals are covered and that's just the Houston area, and does not count UTMB, Baylor, A&M, or UT.
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That was for points with Bilderberg - Etienne Davignon - a Solvay by birth - his family owns the famous Solvay Business School where they forced their students to participate in a graduation ceremony where Hitler was honored with swastikas and life size banners of Hitler were on display. That made Belgian news. Not USA news. ( Solvay family are nazi sympathizers and despise Jews unless its one of their own like maid rapist Strauss Kahn head of IMF ( he took his seat back after he was acquited ).

Guess our US Ambassador to Belgium who was identified as a paedophile to the State Dept the other day ( who ignored the reports and still keeps him on the job today ) returned a few favors for the Belgians on that one. That is the Solvay home base - Belgium - they live there. Is it any wonder the Belgian politicians call our US Ambassador the most popular Ambassador to Belgium in American history? ha! ha! Birds of a feather...


Do you not realize when you are being mocked?

Don't like it hey? That is what you get for staging Occupy style protests in the state capital. Mr. Perry might not have been the brightest bulb in the box but hes got more guts than Wendy and her army of misfits do.

Yeah, how dare those women want to control their own bodies.

Maybe Perry should just have them wear shirts, "Breeding Machine #871319"

Seriously, what a fuckhead. To think I used to kind of like him for not being Romney.

The problem isnt women controlign their bodies. It's them terminating the life of their child.

Of course, you'd have to be an honest person to actually address the real issue.

They have to convince themselves they arent killing a seperate organism.

I personally dont care about abortion, but I know you are killing a unique organism when you are doing it. My libertarian leanings prevent me from being truly pro life, but I dont deny the right of the individual states to set abortion law as they see fit.
Don't like it hey? That is what you get for staging Occupy style protests in the state capital. Mr. Perry might not have been the brightest bulb in the box but hes got more guts than Wendy and her army of misfits do.

Yeah, how dare those women want to control their own bodies.

Maybe Perry should just have them wear shirts, "Breeding Machine #871319"

Seriously, what a fuckhead. To think I used to kind of like him for not being Romney.

The problem isnt women controlign their bodies. It's them terminating the life of their child.

Of course, you'd have to be an honest person to actually address the real issue.

The fetus is not a child. Not even your own church teaches that a ten-week old fetus is a child, Avatar.

1. Lie. Every planned parenthood has options for free abortions, better yet free birth control.

2. Making a surgical facility upgrade and stay modern ? This is a good thing. Abortion clinics in Texas get tons of cash. No prob, but then, you and your girlfriend noomi did defend your hero Gosnell.

3. Lie. Texas sucks so bad for medical care ? From the Straw berry clinic run out of LBJ hospital in Pasadena, to one of the largest abortion factories in the country poor folks and illegals are covered and that's just the Houston area, and does not count UTMB, Baylor, A&M, or UT.

1- Lie. Planned Parenthood is banned from subsidizing abortions.

2- There's a difference between staying modern and just putting an onerous restriction on with the intent to drive out of business.

3- Educate yourself. You can start here.

Texas ranked worst in the nation for health care by*gov?t agency* - NY Daily News

Texas ranks worst in the nation in health care services and delivery, according to an annual scorecard issued by the federal Agency for Health Care Research and Quality.

In nine out of 12 categories, Texas rated weak or very weak. The only area where Texas earned the above average ranking of "strong" was in maternal and child health care measures. Out of a possible 100 points, Texas earned 31.61, while Minnesota, the highest ranking state, scored 67.31.

The agency identified 155 areas where it could compare the quality of health services across the country, such as infant mortality and obesity rates. Researchers used that data to generate both national and regional averages for each area, and they then compared each state to the national and regional averages to generate a score.
AMERICA'S RULING PARTY | America's Enemies

Here is America's ruling party for those interested in finding out who is behind that curtain! lol..

I prefer Congressman Larry McDonalds articles on CFR but they have been totally removed from the internet. I can no longer find anything other than a few videos from an interview with Pat Buchanan years ago. He covers the CFR, the NGO inside USA installing communism to America - the CIA who help them and so forth. Great interview - especially where he exposed Newt Gingrich as one of their operatives that was installed to make sure the GOP failed & the CFR put a president in office that would destroy the constitution once and for all. Mission accomplished. - Jeri

They have to convince themselves they arent killing a seperate organism.

I personally dont care about abortion, but I know you are killing a unique organism when you are doing it. My libertarian leanings prevent me from being truly pro life, but I dont deny the right of the individual states to set abortion law as they see fit.

I don't have to convince myself of anything.

Women are going to end unwanted pregnancies no matter what the law is.

What you wingnuts like to pretend is that America was an abortion-free happy place until they passed Roe.

Horseshit. Ob/GYN's were performing abortions and marking up something else on their charts.

The only two people who should be involved in a woman's decision on abortion are the woman and her doctor.

Perry is not a member of Bilderberg
I haven't seen him at a single meeting, we have our standards

However, Newt is a member. He is alot of fun at parties and is a good poker player. All the wives hate his wife though

Shhh.... next you'll be giving away the Secret Bilderberger/Illuminati handshake!!!

This is funny coming from you. The guy who got laughed at so much
for you mormon conspiracy crap. Was really no different then the 9/11 and alex jones types.
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That was for points with Bilderberg - Etienne Davignon - a Solvay by birth - his family owns the famous Solvay Business School where they forced their students to participate in a graduation ceremony where Hitler was honored with swastikas and life size banners of Hitler were on display. That made Belgian news. Not USA news. ( Solvay family are nazi sympathizers and despise Jews unless its one of their own like maid rapist Strauss Kahn head of IMF ( he took his seat back after he was acquited ).

Guess our US Ambassador to Belgium who was identified as a paedophile to the State Dept the other day ( who ignored the reports and still keeps him on the job today ) returned a few favors for the Belgians on that one. That is the Solvay home base - Belgium - they live there. Is it any wonder the Belgian politicians call our US Ambassador the most popular Ambassador to Belgium in American history? ha! ha! Birds of a feather...


Do you not realize when you are being mocked?


No. That's Alinsky method. It doesn't work with me. Now why don't you try refuting the evidence here with facts, Joe. I know it is a novel idea to you but dig deep. I'm sure you're capable of a few sentences. Even a parrot can manage that.


They have to convince themselves they arent killing a seperate organism.

I personally dont care about abortion, but I know you are killing a unique organism when you are doing it. My libertarian leanings prevent me from being truly pro life, but I dont deny the right of the individual states to set abortion law as they see fit.

I don't have to convince myself of anything.

Women are going to end unwanted pregnancies no matter what the law is.

What you wingnuts like to pretend is that America was an abortion-free happy place until they passed Roe.

Horseshit. Ob/GYN's were performing abortions and marking up something else on their charts.

The only two people who should be involved in a woman's decision on abortion are the woman and her doctor.

You didnt answer the question. Does abortion lead to the death of a seperate organism?
Here is my number one American Hero of all Time. Meet Georgia Congressman Larry McDonald, assassinated by the Russians and CFR after exposing the CFR on this Pat Buchanan interview. Watch this and learn the truth about how CFR was the vehicle to install communism inside the USA. This interview and the one that follows was the reason for the Congressmans assassination. Stunning interview. Congressman McDonald was going to run for president that next election against GWB Sr. He was murdered before he has the opportunity to announce it publicly. He was Gen. Pattons first cousin. A brave hero. MY HERO. God bless him.

[ame=]Larry McDonald NWO Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

1. Lie. Every planned parenthood has options for free abortions, better yet free birth control.

2. Making a surgical facility upgrade and stay modern ? This is a good thing. Abortion clinics in Texas get tons of cash. No prob, but then, you and your girlfriend noomi did defend your hero Gosnell.

3. Lie. Texas sucks so bad for medical care ? From the Straw berry clinic run out of LBJ hospital in Pasadena, to one of the largest abortion factories in the country poor folks and illegals are covered and that's just the Houston area, and does not count UTMB, Baylor, A&M, or UT.

1- Lie. Planned Parenthood is banned from subsidizing abortions.

2- There's a difference between staying modern and just putting an onerous restriction on with the intent to drive out of business.

3- Educate yourself. You can start here.

Texas ranked worst in the nation for health care by*gov?t agency* - NY Daily News

Texas ranks worst in the nation in health care services and delivery, according to an annual scorecard issued by the federal Agency for Health Care Research and Quality.

In nine out of 12 categories, Texas rated weak or very weak. The only area where Texas earned the above average ranking of "strong" was in maternal and child health care measures. Out of a possible 100 points, Texas earned 31.61, while Minnesota, the highest ranking state, scored 67.31.

The agency identified 155 areas where it could compare the quality of health services across the country, such as infant mortality and obesity rates. Researchers used that data to generate both national and regional averages for each area, and they then compared each state to the national and regional averages to generate a score.

How odd. Its very odd. To bad you don't have the grapes to post the rest of what popped up on your search. But your one article that NY daily news put out what, last year, beginning of this one ? Don't matter, it was a political hit piece. I gotta go work but I'll disprove your lies and here soon.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry Calls Special Session for Late-Term Abortion Ban |

The bill would ban abortions after 20 weeks and hold abortion clinics accountable by making them meet basic health and safety standards that have closed facilities in other states that are unable to comply. Senate Bill 5 also requires all abortion clinics to meet the same health and safety regulations as an ambulatory surgical center, requires a doctor providing abortions to secure admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, and lastly, requires a doctor to personally administer the abortion-inducing drugs to the patient.

Late Term Abortion - - Scientific Video and Animation Site

Graphic Video of a late term abortion...................

If you can't decide after 20 weeks of carrying a fetus you are an Idiot.
Abortion Clinics that do these procedures should have a least the same guide lines as surgical centers.

It's not an Insane law. Now those who are for abortion care so little for the women, that they don't want these centers to have MINIMAL MEDICAL STANDARDS TO DO PROCEDURES?

I agree with Perry. The Mob and the Filibuster pushed the vote passed the Midnight hour, or it would have already passed. Which is exactly why they are going back into session.

BTW. If you agree with what is on that video, to be righteous and legal then you need to get your head examined.
Shhh.... next you'll be giving away the Secret Bilderberger/Illuminati handshake!!!

Rick Perry is unwelcome at Bilderberg events since that time he got drunk and threw up in Oprah Winfreys lap.

He also kept referring to Mark Zuckerberg as....."That Jewboy"

That was for points with Bilderberg - Etienne Davignon - a Solvay by birth - his family owns the famous Solvay Business School where they forced their students to participate in a graduation ceremony where Hitler was honored with swastikas and life size banners of Hitler were on display. That made Belgian news. Not USA news. ( Solvay family are nazi sympathizers and despise Jews unless its one of their own like maid rapist Strauss Kahn head of IMF ( he took his seat back after he was acquited ).

Guess our US Ambassador to Belgium who was identified as a paedophile to the State Dept the other day ( who ignored the reports and still keeps him on the job today ) returned a few favors for the Belgians on that one. That is the Solvay home base - Belgium - they live there. Is it any wonder the Belgian politicians call our US Ambassador the most popular Ambassador to Belgium in American history? ha! ha! Birds of a feather...

As for Perry and Bilderberg, read this:

Bilderberg Behind Rick Perry 2012 Presidential Run

Etienne Davignon ? Are you kidding me?
We won't let him near a Bilderberg meeting. The guy has personal hygiene issues that make him unacceptable for polite company.

Rick Perry is not Bilderberg material. He tried to crash a couple of meetings but after his incident with Oprah, he has been perma-banned. You don't cross Oprah in this world and get away with it.

Not to say Bilderberg always gets it right. We did allow Donald Trump to join, but only because he had a hot wife and would bring the best looking strippers for the after meeting parties.
In a liberal utopia a woman MUST HAVE unalienable rights to murder her children. Why isn't she smart enough to use the taxpayer funded birth control?

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