Really Rick Perry? Really?!?

Now you understand why they assassinated him. They could not answer him, he made fools of the communists by plainly exposing their agenda to discredit the John Birch Society with disinformation in order to stop him from telling the American people what their plans were and how they would take over.

As you see, neither of these men were any competition for McDonald. He handles both of them without breaking a sweat. The man was a genius, a first cousin to Patton, totally fearless and the greatest threat to the CFR and communist plan for America that ever lived. What America needs today is some more Larry McDonalds.

What a formidable force he was against the evils of communism!! My God! He was brilliant!

Rick Perry is unwelcome at Bilderberg events since that time he got drunk and threw up in Oprah Winfreys lap.

He also kept referring to Mark Zuckerberg as....."That Jewboy"

That was for points with Bilderberg - Etienne Davignon - a Solvay by birth - his family owns the famous Solvay Business School where they forced their students to participate in a graduation ceremony where Hitler was honored with swastikas and life size banners of Hitler were on display. That made Belgian news. Not USA news. ( Solvay family are nazi sympathizers and despise Jews unless its one of their own like maid rapist Strauss Kahn head of IMF ( he took his seat back after he was acquited ).

Guess our US Ambassador to Belgium who was identified as a paedophile to the State Dept the other day ( who ignored the reports and still keeps him on the job today ) returned a few favors for the Belgians on that one. That is the Solvay home base - Belgium - they live there. Is it any wonder the Belgian politicians call our US Ambassador the most popular Ambassador to Belgium in American history? ha! ha! Birds of a feather...

As for Perry and Bilderberg, read this:

Bilderberg Behind Rick Perry 2012 Presidential Run

Etienne Davignon ? Are you kidding me?
We won't let him near a Bilderberg meeting. The guy has personal hygiene issues that make him unacceptable for polite company.

Rick Perry is not Bilderberg material. He tried to crash a couple of meetings but after his incident with Oprah, he has been perma-banned. You don't cross Oprah in this world and get away with it.

Not to say Bilderberg always gets it right. We did allow Donald Trump to join, but only because he had a hot wife and would bring the best looking strippers for the after meeting parties.

I agree that Etienne Davignon (Solvay by birth ) is a pig, he is a paedophile pig that has sex parties with the King of Belgium. That according to a Belgian magazine journalist who outed him with an eyewitness report on that story.

Best friends with rapist pig Strauss Kahn. Still Etienne Davignon is the head of Bilderberg and kept his buddies seat open ( as head of IMF ) until after he was let off on his rape charge against maid. IMF, CFR, Bilderberg, Tril Lat, Club of Rome, all in bed together. Why do you think that the State Dept chose a paedophile as US Ambassador to Belgium? They know how those guys like it. They prefer their own kind over there. Keep it in the fam you know? - Jeri
That was for points with Bilderberg - Etienne Davignon - a Solvay by birth - his family owns the famous Solvay Business School where they forced their students to participate in a graduation ceremony where Hitler was honored with swastikas and life size banners of Hitler were on display. That made Belgian news. Not USA news. ( Solvay family are nazi sympathizers and despise Jews unless its one of their own like maid rapist Strauss Kahn head of IMF ( he took his seat back after he was acquited ).

Guess our US Ambassador to Belgium who was identified as a paedophile to the State Dept the other day ( who ignored the reports and still keeps him on the job today ) returned a few favors for the Belgians on that one. That is the Solvay home base - Belgium - they live there. Is it any wonder the Belgian politicians call our US Ambassador the most popular Ambassador to Belgium in American history? ha! ha! Birds of a feather...

As for Perry and Bilderberg, read this:

Bilderberg Behind Rick Perry 2012 Presidential Run

Etienne Davignon ? Are you kidding me?
We won't let him near a Bilderberg meeting. The guy has personal hygiene issues that make him unacceptable for polite company.

Rick Perry is not Bilderberg material. He tried to crash a couple of meetings but after his incident with Oprah, he has been perma-banned. You don't cross Oprah in this world and get away with it.

Not to say Bilderberg always gets it right. We did allow Donald Trump to join, but only because he had a hot wife and would bring the best looking strippers for the after meeting parties.

I agree that Etienne Davignon (Solvay by birth ) is a pig, he is a paedophile pig that has sex parties with the King of Belgium. That according to a Belgian magazine journalist who outed him with an eyewitness report on that story.

Best friends with rapist pig Strauss Kahn. Still Etienne Davignon is the head of Bilderberg and kept his buddies seat open ( as head of IMF ) until after he was let off on his rape charge against maid. IMF, CFR, Bilderberg, Tril Lat, Club of Rome, all in bed together. Why do you think that the State Dept chose a paedophile as US Ambassador to Belgium? They know how those guys like it. They prefer their own kind over there. Keep it in the fam you know? - Jeri

Are you kidding me? Etienne Davignon at Bilderberg?

We would never have it

He might be welcomed at a CPAC meeting but we, at Bilderberg have our standards
It was your own Democrat Congressman, Ga - Larry McDonald who exposed the entire truth about it. Back in 83. Watch the video. Learn something. You rhetoric might start matching your s/n.

They have to convince themselves they arent killing a seperate organism.

I personally dont care about abortion, but I know you are killing a unique organism when you are doing it. My libertarian leanings prevent me from being truly pro life, but I dont deny the right of the individual states to set abortion law as they see fit.

I don't have to convince myself of anything.

Women are going to end unwanted pregnancies no matter what the law is.

What you wingnuts like to pretend is that America was an abortion-free happy place until they passed Roe.

Horseshit. Ob/GYN's were performing abortions and marking up something else on their charts.

The only two people who should be involved in a woman's decision on abortion are the woman and her doctor.

That was Kermit Gosnell's argument.
You have it a little ass-backwards. Those like Ms. Wendy and the protesters who don't have power are the ones with some nerve and guts . Fighting the powerful takes courage. Not the ones with power kicking around the defenseless and week.
With your avatar , sitting in your armour , it looks quite ridiculous but quite fitting for someone like you.

Don't like it hey? That is what you get for staging Occupy style protests in the state capital. Mr. Perry might not have been the brightest bulb in the box but hes got more guts than Wendy and her army of misfits do.

They have to convince themselves they arent killing a seperate organism.

I personally dont care about abortion, but I know you are killing a unique organism when you are doing it. My libertarian leanings prevent me from being truly pro life, but I dont deny the right of the individual states to set abortion law as they see fit.

I don't have to convince myself of anything.

Women are going to end unwanted pregnancies no matter what the law is.

What you wingnuts like to pretend is that America was an abortion-free happy place until they passed Roe.

Horseshit. Ob/GYN's were performing abortions and marking up something else on their charts.

The only two people who should be involved in a woman's decision on abortion are the woman and her doctor.

You didnt answer the question. Does abortion lead to the death of a seperate organism?

Incorrectly framed inaccurate question.

Correctly framed: Does abortion lead to the death of a fetus?

Answer: Yes.
I don't have to convince myself of anything.

Women are going to end unwanted pregnancies no matter what the law is.

What you wingnuts like to pretend is that America was an abortion-free happy place until they passed Roe.

Horseshit. Ob/GYN's were performing abortions and marking up something else on their charts.

The only two people who should be involved in a woman's decision on abortion are the woman and her doctor.

You didnt answer the question. Does abortion lead to the death of a seperate organism?

Incorrectly framed inaccurate question.

Correctly framed: Does abortion lead to the death of a fetus?

Answer: Yes.

Changing the language doesnt help. A fetus IS a seperate organism. The DNA is different. It is unique.

If calling it a fetus makes you sleep better at night, you are only deluding yourself.
You didnt answer the question. Does abortion lead to the death of a seperate organism?

Incorrectly framed inaccurate question.

Correctly framed: Does abortion lead to the death of a fetus?

Answer: Yes.

Changing the language doesnt help. A fetus IS a seperate organism. The DNA is different. It is unique.

If calling it a fetus makes you sleep better at night, you are only deluding yourself.

Doesn't matter. Your question was incorrectly framed. There is no unborn child, only a fetus. Sleep has nothing to do with it. Truth does.
Incorrectly framed inaccurate question.

Correctly framed: Does abortion lead to the death of a fetus?

Answer: Yes.

Changing the language doesnt help. A fetus IS a seperate organism. The DNA is different. It is unique.

If calling it a fetus makes you sleep better at night, you are only deluding yourself.

Doesn't matter. Your question was incorrectly framed. There is no unborn child, only a fetus. Sleep has nothing to do with it. Truth does.

Where did i call it a child? I called it a seperate organism. It get killed in an abortion.

My question was framed just fine, you just dont want to answer it.
Where did i call it a child? I called it a seperate organism. It get killed in an abortion. My question was framed just fine, you just dont want to answer it.
It was answered. You just weren't allowed to go to where you were heading is all. A fetus is not an unborn child.
Where did i call it a child? I called it a seperate organism. It get killed in an abortion. My question was framed just fine, you just dont want to answer it.
It was answered. You just weren't allowed to go to where you were heading is all. A fetus is not an unborn child.

Im not really a pro life person, I am an anti roe v wade person. There is a difference.

Can you admit you are killing a seperate living thing when an abortion is performed?
Of course, death is a death. But the fetus is not separate but dependent on the host, the mother.

I am much more to the right on the issue than most board members realize.

I think abortion should be permitted only for cases of incest, rape, and the health and life of the mother, which would be about a 2% number of all abortions annually.
I don't have to convince myself of anything.

Women are going to end unwanted pregnancies no matter what the law is.

What you wingnuts like to pretend is that America was an abortion-free happy place until they passed Roe.

Horseshit. Ob/GYN's were performing abortions and marking up something else on their charts.

The only two people who should be involved in a woman's decision on abortion are the woman and her doctor.

You didnt answer the question. Does abortion lead to the death of a seperate organism?

Incorrectly framed inaccurate question.

Correctly framed: Does abortion lead to the death of a fetus?

Answer: Yes.

Is a Slave a whole person or 3/5 of a person?

Does a husband have the right to beat his wife as long as the stick he uses is no bigger around than his thumb?

Should women be allowed to vote?

As usual, dimocrap scum are on the wrong side.

This whole argument isn't about anything other than whether or not a 'Fetus' can be held in chattel (look it up, dumbass dimocraps).

Slaves were. They were chattel -- Property.

Women were. They were held as property of the Husband.

And you know which side dimocrap scum were on? If you guesses the side of the slavers and the wife-beaters, you get a prize.

Just a fact.

And now, they're on the side of holding a 'fetus' (whatever the fukk that is) in chattel.

Changing the name doesn't change what something is. A Slave is still a Human Being. A Woman is still a Human Being.

And so is a Fetus. No matter what dimocrap scum choose to call it.

Again, let me state that I think we should give free abortions to all dimocraps and $5 from Crime Stop.

We could probably get the Darwin Society to kick in a free lunch at Popeyes.

No.... I'm not kidding.


Martin Luther king was a lifelong Republican.

So was Susan B Anthony
I think the saddest thing about Perry is that Texans seems to think he's pretty smart.
Of course, death is a death. But the fetus is not separate but dependent on the host, the mother.

I am much more to the right on the issue than most board members realize.

I think abortion should be permitted only for cases of incest, rape, and the health and life of the mother, which would be about a 2% number of all abortions annually.

Actually you are more to the right than me, I have no issue when it comes to 1st trimester.

My issue comes when people try to pull a doublethink and not realize they are killing something. That, and people under 18 being able to get one without the parents at least being notified.
Of course, death is a death. But the fetus is not separate but dependent on the host, the mother.

I am much more to the right on the issue than most board members realize.

I think abortion should be permitted only for cases of incest, rape, and the health and life of the mother, which would be about a 2% number of all abortions annually.

Actually you are more to the right than me, I have no issue when it comes to 1st trimester.

My issue comes when people try to pull a doublethink and not realize they are killing something. That, and people under 18 being able to get one without the parents at least being notified.

Yes, you are more liberal than me. Don't let daveman et al know, or they will call you commie! :lol:

However, I agree that a fetus is being killed and that folks under 18 who are still supervised by their parents should not be able to get an abortion without parental notification.
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