Really Rick Perry? Really?!?


They have to convince themselves they arent killing a seperate organism.

I personally dont care about abortion, but I know you are killing a unique organism when you are doing it. My libertarian leanings prevent me from being truly pro life, but I dont deny the right of the individual states to set abortion law as they see fit.

I don't have to convince myself of anything.

Women are going to end unwanted pregnancies no matter what the law is.

What you wingnuts like to pretend is that America was an abortion-free happy place until they passed Roe.

Horseshit. Ob/GYN's were performing abortions and marking up something else on their charts.

The only two people who should be involved in a woman's decision on abortion are the woman and her doctor.

You didnt answer the question. Does abortion lead to the death of a seperate organism?

An "organism" isn't people, nor is a fetus "separate", as they can't survive outside the womb when 99% of abortions are performed.

Perry is not a member of Bilderberg
I haven't seen him at a single meeting, we have our standards

However, Newt is a member. He is alot of fun at parties and is a good poker player. All the wives hate his wife though

Shhh.... next you'll be giving away the Secret Bilderberger/Illuminati handshake!!!

This is funny coming from you. The guy who got laughed at so much
for you mormon conspiracy crap. Was really no different then the 9/11 and alex jones types.

Laughed at by whom? the whores who sold out the GOP to the Mormon cult to a sure-fire loser so they could have their "Mormon Moment"?
Does Perry really think this will get him to the White House?

That ship sailed a long time ago.

People said the same thing about the Weird Mormon Robot in 2008.

Except he got a bunch of rich people to back him and suddenly, everyone forgot he was such a screwup, unlikable character. Until he lost, that is.

(Toro's tedious, entirely predictable response- "WAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, you just hate him because he's a Moooooooormon.")

No need to thank me. just saving you time.

On a serious note, perry does have some things going for him. He's still governor of a major state. He can still raise a shitload of money, and historically, the GOP is very good at recycling on thing. Presidential candidates. Except for Baby Bush and Ford, every GOP Nominee since 1968 had at least one previous attempt under his belt.
Yeah, how dare those women want to control their own bodies.

Maybe Perry should just have them wear shirts, "Breeding Machine #871319"

Seriously, what a fuckhead. To think I used to kind of like him for not being Romney.

The problem isnt women controlign their bodies. It's them terminating the life of their child.

Of course, you'd have to be an honest person to actually address the real issue.

They have to convince themselves they arent killing a seperate organism.

I personally dont care about abortion, but I know you are killing a unique organism when you are doing it. My libertarian leanings prevent me from being truly pro life, but I dont deny the right of the individual states to set abortion law as they see fit.

The states have no such ‘right.’

One does not forfeit his civil liberties as a consequent of his state of residence, and one’s civil liberties are not determined by majority rule – including the right to privacy.

Remarkable the hypocrisy of most ‘libertarians’ and others on the right, the way they bemoan the ‘tyranny’ of the Federal government yet endorse the tyranny of the states, and seek to undermine individual liberty in violation of the Constitution’s most fundamental principles:

It is a promise of the Constitution that there is a realm of personal liberty which the government may not enter. We have vindicated this principle before. Marriage is mentioned nowhere in the Bill of Rights and interracial marriage was illegal in most States in the 19th century, but the Court was no doubt correct in finding it to be an aspect of liberty protected against state interference by the substantive component of the Due Process Clause in Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1, 12 (1967)…

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)
The Presidential train left a long time a go for Rick Perry

He is trying to solidify his base in Texas by pandering to the religious right


He's just trying to do what's right.

…for his political career, perhaps.

Otherwise, seeking to violate the civil liberties of American citizens is in no way ‘trying to do what’s right.’
One does not forfeit his civil liberties as a consequent of his state of residence, and one’s civil liberties are not determined by majority rule – including the right to privacy.

Remarkable the hypocrisy of most ‘libertarians’ and others on the right, the way they bemoan the ‘tyranny’ of the Federal government yet endorse the tyranny of the states, and seek to undermine individual liberty in violation of the Constitution’s most fundamental principles:

It seems to me that libertarians must stand for women's right to choose whether to continue a pregnancy or abort it. They may not approve of abortion, but a libertarian must believe in other people's right to freedom -- or they fail the basic test of whether they are libertarians at all! Or just conservatives who want to oppress women, same old, same old.

If someone doesn't approve of abortion, just don't get one. But butt out of other people's business. It's a philosophical issue.
One does not forfeit his civil liberties as a consequent of his state of residence, and one’s civil liberties are not determined by majority rule – including the right to privacy.

Remarkable the hypocrisy of most ‘libertarians’ and others on the right, the way they bemoan the ‘tyranny’ of the Federal government yet endorse the tyranny of the states, and seek to undermine individual liberty in violation of the Constitution’s most fundamental principles:

It seems to me that libertarians must stand for women's right to choose whether to continue a pregnancy or abort it. They may not approve of abortion, but a libertarian must believe in other people's right to freedom -- or they fail the basic test of whether they are libertarians at all! Or just conservatives who want to oppress women, same old, same old.

If someone doesn't approve of abortion, just don't get one. But butt out of other people's business. It's a philosophical issue.

Understanding that the right to privacy prevents the government from interfering in personal decisions shouldn’t be contingent upon political affiliation or philosophy.
Really "damemagazine really"? Can't radical lefties think for themselves anymore? All they do is post op-eds from blog sites and pretend it's news. Here's a hint, anytime an op-ed uses the qualifier word "effectively" as in "the bill would "effectively" reduce the number of abortion clinics" it means that the state of Texas wouldn't really reduce the number of abortion clinics so don't sue us. We just think it will seem like it.
There should be a Constitutional ammendment that no one who had ever been a resident of the state of Texas is eligible to be president. I have been saying that ever since LBJ, but people have a short memory, so they gave us Bush. When will we learn?
Really "damemagazine really"? Can't radical lefties think for themselves anymore? All they do is post op-eds from blog sites and pretend it's news. Here's a hint, anytime an op-ed uses the qualifier word "effectively" as in "the bill would "effectively" reduce the number of abortion clinics" it means that the state of Texas wouldn't really reduce the number of abortion clinics so don't sue us. We just think it will seem like it.

And all far right reactionaries "do is post op-eds from blog sites and pretend it's news."

Both the far right and the far left do this.
Shhh.... next you'll be giving away the Secret Bilderberger/Illuminati handshake!!!

This is funny coming from you. The guy who got laughed at so much
for you mormon conspiracy crap. Was really no different then the 9/11 and alex jones types.

Laughed at by whom? the whores who sold out the GOP to the Mormon cult to a sure-fire loser so they could have their "Mormon Moment"?

Your a hoot. Fuckin mormons. Next you will be linking Alex Jones bull shit, and builderberg crap.
Fetuses are not babies, first.

You are a person who will raise a weapon against fellow Americans, second.

See the disconnect here, AnCapAtheist.
And? I will raise a weapon when 1. They threaten me or my family 2. trespass and then I only let them know I got it and will use it. Oh and yes Fetuses are babies dumb fuck.My niece was born 1.5 half premature to you she was nothing but a me she was a baby she is now a 6 year old normal child.
And? I will raise a weapon when 1. They threaten me or my family 2. trespass and then I only let them know I got it and will use it. Oh and yes Fetuses are babies dumb fuck.My niece was born 1.5 half premature to you she was nothing but a me she was a baby she is now a 6 year old normal child.

In your personal, subjective opinion – meaning neither you nor anyone in your family should have an abortion.

But you have no right to attempt to codify that personal, subjective opinion into secular law, in violation of the Constitution.
Sad to see so much hate for someone that wants to stop the murder of babies.

Which is a strange want considering the fact no one is ‘murdering babies.’

It’s actually a matter of Perry wanting to violate the civil liberties of American citizens.

And? I will raise a weapon when 1. They threaten me or my family 2. trespass and then I only let them know I got it and will use it. Oh and yes Fetuses are babies dumb fuck.My niece was born 1.5 half premature to you she was nothing but a me she was a baby she is now a 6 year old normal child.

In your personal, subjective opinion – meaning neither you nor anyone in your family should have an abortion.

But you have no right to attempt to codify that personal, subjective opinion into secular law, in violation of the Constitution.
Murder is against the law. Plain and simple. Babies can survive and have after 20 its murder.

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