Really Rick Perry? Really?!?

Does Perry really think this will get him to the White House? <My comment

Really Rick Perry? Really?!? | Dame Magazine

Texas governor calls special session to diminish women’s rights
- See more at: Really Rick Perry? Really?!? | Dame Magazine

Back when I was in high school, I lived in an uipper middle class neighborhood, so nobody had to have back alley abortions. Instead, the parents took these teenaged girls off for a little trip, to a doctor that would do a D&C for cash. After about a month, the girl would return to school, her "visit to her out of state aunt and uncle" having been concluded. Some parants took their daughters out of the country for a while. I only remember a couple of instances where the girl kept the child, and it both cases, they married older boys and gave "prematuer birth".

Now, everyone knows that Perry is a fool, so we don't expect him to "get it". We also know that most people are not old enough to remember when abortions were illegal, so thier ignorance is to be expected. However, if any of them really sat down and thought about some 15 year old girl and her parantes making a decision of whether or not to abort a fetus, based on whether it was technically legal or not, they would, of course, realize the futility of making it illegal. Frankly, these people, I simply do not understand. They seem to think that making it illegal will also automaticly make them realize that it is "immoral", and won't do it. Of course, the girl would not be guilty of anything under the law, anyway, so there would be absolutely no motivation to stop her from getting an abortion. Only the providers could be procesecuted. In the lower socio-economic neighborhoods, that would be the local abortionist-midwife...which is, incidently, what Frank Sinatra's mother used to do in Hobokin.

Ya, those low rent neighborhoods where the libs can kill all the black babies. When the abortion mega center opened up in Houston an amazing thing happened. The black liberation theists cried out about their children being murdered in the womb. It was awesome. There they were next to WASP southern Baptist and even Mormons.

...and this is why we love the Right!

The Right believes that they can win elections by insulting all minorities, like blacks, hispanics, gays, etc., etc. This is bewildering to those on the Left, but we don't try to talk you out of it, because we know on which side of our bread is buttered. The Right also maintains that the Left buys votes from the poor, by giving them "free shit". Then, in THE VERY NEXT BREATH says (and actually BELIEVES) that we are trying to kill our own base with abortions! Now, a first grader can understand that that makes no sense whatsoever, but the Right still believes it!

...and "who am I to blow against the wind...?"
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I still believe however, regardless of the length of time one can get an abortion, I still think it should be limited to only cases of incest, rape, grave deformity of the fetus, and life of the mother.

Circe, I added your thought to my list. Very good, and my bad.

You know...........................I personally believe the "morning after" pill should be kept around, and be for use by any woman who is sexually active.

It prevents abortions by preventing the pregnancy in the first place. Same with a lot of hormonal birth control pills.

If the woman ends up pregnant and wants to abort? Should be left up to her and whoever got her pregnant as to what they want to do about it all the way up until the fetus develops a nervous system and a heartbeat.

After that? It should be allowed only in the cases of rape, incest, non-viability of the child (serious birth defect that would result in the child being stillborn, and most tests can't detect that until AFTER 24 weeks), or threatening the life of the mother.

You'd think that instead of going after abortions, the far right would actually start to advocate birth control, because then, they'd be the ones actually preventing abortions by allowing access to contraception.
Does Perry really think this will get him to the White House? <My comment

Really Rick Perry? Really?!? | Dame Magazine

Texas governor calls special session to diminish women’s rights
- See more at: Really Rick Perry? Really?!? | Dame Magazine

The chances of Perry finding his way to the White House are as good as the Cubs chances of winning the pennant this year. His odds of being elected POTUS are much worse. the context of what Dame said, isn't finding your way to the White House and being elected POTUS the same thing?

Just looking for the logic..............................
You'd think that instead of going after abortions, the far right would actually start to advocate birth control, because then, they'd be the ones actually preventing abortions by allowing access to contraception.

That's not how they think. Many, especially Catholics, view contraception as equivalent to abortion, and so they don't want any form of contraception or abortion allowed, even condoms on males.

I think people like that should be kept firmly out of the way of normal people and allowed to do as suits them personally, but not be allowed to interfere with other people by passing a lot of cruel women-oppressing laws. By "normal people" I mean people who accept the legality and use of birth control and abortion rights, which is of course by far the majority in this country and nearly every country in the world.
You'd think that instead of going after abortions, the far right would actually start to advocate birth control, because then, they'd be the ones actually preventing abortions by allowing access to contraception.

That's not how they think. Many, especially Catholics, view contraception as equivalent to abortion, and so they don't want any form of contraception or abortion allowed, even condoms on males.

I think people like that should be kept firmly out of the way of normal people and allowed to do as suits them personally, but not be allowed to interfere with other people by passing a lot of cruel women-oppressing laws. By "normal people" I mean people who accept the legality and use of birth control and abortion rights, which is of course by far the majority in this country and nearly every country in the world.

So thinking life begins at conception is somehow not normal? I don't have an answer to that question, but I don't see those who beleive in it as some abberations. The same applies to birth control. I don't see the issue, and I'm Catholic, however I have no qualms with people who believe that it is immoral.

Your position is basically "you can have your ideals, but kindly shut up and let my ideals run the country."
Marty's comment "you can have your ideals, but kindly shut up and let my ideals run the country" defines generally how almost everybody feels about this situation.
Your position is basically "you can have your ideals, but kindly shut up and let my ideals run the country."

Sure. Our ideals are the majority position. Why should we let a minority tell us how to live?

We're not going to do that, anyway.

And our ideals let you go right ahead and refuse to have an abortion anytime you get pregnant, which is never, since you are male. I think that's fair enough. You don't get pregnant and you refuse to get abortions also, and we do get pregnant and we decide what we want to do about it.

The important point is that you should mind your business and let us mind ours.
Marty's comment "you can have your ideals, but kindly shut up and let my ideals run the country" defines generally how almost everybody feels about this situation.

If so, they are not thinking clearly.

That would only be the case if abortion-rights proponents INSISTED that you, if you conceive a fetus known to have Down's Syndrome, by law had to submit to an abortion. Or that you had to have an abortion in other circumstances, like father-rape, brother-rape, jump-out-of-alley rape.

No one says this, no one thinks it. You want to be a Sarah Palin and refuse birth control and abortion even in the most absurd situations, hey, enjoy.

Abortion rights are purely mind-your-own-business rights.

I often think about these mostly men who want to interfere in the worst possible way in women's lives, women with major catastrophes going on of betrayal, gross health issues, incest by near older relatives, crime and rape --- don't these guys have a garage to clean out? Couldn't they, you know, change some lightbulbs, watch the Weather Channel, do SOMEthing that is their own business and not about controlling and hurting women?

Your position is basically "you can have your ideals, but kindly shut up and let my ideals run the country."

Sure. Our ideals are the majority position. Why should we let a minority tell us how to live?

We're not going to do that, anyway.

And our ideals let you go right ahead and refuse to have an abortion anytime you get pregnant, which is never, since you are male. I think that's fair enough. You don't get pregnant and you refuse to get abortions also, and we do get pregnant and we decide what we want to do about it.

The important point is that you should mind your business and let us mind ours.

The people of Some states WANT abortion restrictions. At a state level they are in the majority. I am abivalent to abortion in general, and would vote no at the state level on any outright ban.

My issue is that there is no consitutional right to it, and thus the states should be allowed to handle it via the legislature.

As an american citizen I have the right to an opinion on ANY topic with regards to governmental policy, regardless of its affect on me. Using the "its our issue, go away" line of logic is the primordeal ooze of debating.
People often wonder why I'm so harsh when dealing with leftist scum....

Don't. This is just one example of why they are so detestable....

Young Girl's Sign: "If I Wanted the Government in My Womb, I Would F*** a Senator!" | National Review Online

Young Girl’s Sign: “If I Wanted the Government in My Womb, I Would F*** a Senator!”


dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

No hedging, no excuses, no bullshit..... Scum.Of.The.Earth.

Wow, Bad Parent!!! No Biscuit!!!
I can't tell if that lady is forcing her kids to be pro-life or pro-choice. Although, she's staying classy by **** the curse word.:rolleyes:
The people of Some states WANT abortion restrictions. At a state level they are in the majority.

Not so, but far otherwise.

You can't tell how a "state" feels by what some old, fat, white, male state legislators ram through! Look at Texas: they tried that on and now have huge rallies of tens of thousands of people coming out day after day against this corrupt misbehavior.

So what does the state of Texas "feel" about this issue? The only way you could get any sort of handle on the percentages would be to have a referendum, like California does.

No, the idea that male legislators actually represent much of any opinion in their states, most notably women's issues, is clearly wrong on the face of it. Every time the people actually realize these men are cooking up yet another oppressive law, they come out against it and force it back: even in Mississippi! Sometimes these no-good legislators sneak their bad laws through as a way to hurt women, if they can fly under the radar of public attention. Pretty awful; needs work from women's groups to get this stuff repealed. Something really bad is happening in this country. Male Republicans seem to be on some sort of tear, to get women handcuffed to the bedposts again and them in charge of everything.
The people of Some states WANT abortion restrictions. At a state level they are in the majority.

Not so, but far otherwise.

You can't tell how a "state" feels by what some old, fat, white, male state legislators ram through! Look at Texas: they tried that on and now have huge rallies of tens of thousands of people coming out day after day against this corrupt misbehavior.

So what does the state of Texas "feel" about this issue? The only way you could get any sort of handle on the percentages would be to have a referendum, like California does.

No, the idea that male legislators actually represent much of any opinion in their states, most notably women's issues, is clearly wrong on the face of it. Every time the people actually realize these men are cooking up yet another oppressive law, they come out against it and force it back: even in Mississippi! Sometimes these no-good legislators sneak their bad laws through as a way to hurt women, if they can fly under the radar of public attention. Pretty awful; needs work from women's groups to get this stuff repealed. Something really bad is happening in this country. Male Republicans seem to be on some sort of tear, to get women handcuffed to the bedposts again and them in charge of everything.

Keep telling yourself that. And nice to show your own bigotry against old fat white males.
as a soon to be old recently fat whitish male I take some sort of offense to that, and must be compensated.

If the people dont want these laws in these states, why do these guys keep getting elected?

All the rest of your post is hyperbole because you know that some areas do have a majority of people who would restrict abortion, and you dont have a real answer to it.
And nice to show your own bigotry against old fat white males.
as a soon to be old recently fat whitish male I take some sort of offense to that, and must be compensated.

Okay. [:) As I am in love with and married to someone who could, uncharitably, be described that way I have to admit I was uncharitable. I am actually a great admirer of old, fat, white men, as long as they mind their own business about women's issues.

Besides, I don't know these worthless state legislators are all old, fat, white and Republican. Some of them COULD be middle-aged, scrawny white Republican male chauvinist pigs.

the people dont want these laws in these states, why do these guys keep getting elected?

They don't --- this strange resurgence of anti-abortion laws and Republicans hating women has only been going on a couple years! It is a very weird and recent phenomenon, showing the general instability of the country, I'd say. Needs work, to throw these no-goods out of office. Get decent women in the legislature and state houses instead, like that Wendy Davis who is leading the Texas effort. If we can't trust men to behave decently, we'll have to do the job ourselves.

All the rest of your post is hyperbole because you know that some areas do have a majority of people who would restrict abortion, and you dont have a real answer to it.

Au contraire..... the point I made earlier is that you are asserting that with no evidence whatsoever. I have evidence: look at Texas. Look at Mississippi. Whenever the people are alerted to this stuff going on, there is a big public outcry and the crooked and evil legislators have to back down.

Look at all the women streaming out of the GOP. Look at the worse and worse record of the GOP on every level. If the majority of people wanted antiabortionism, you'd see some evidence of it SOMEwhere, wouldn't you? But every poll shows strong support for abortion rights. Everytime the people figure out the legislators are up to no good this way, they protest and stop it.

The only way you could support that assertion is to get a referendum in a given state, voting abortion rights up or down. Do you know a state where they've done that and antiabortionists have won?
The people of Some states WANT abortion restrictions. At a state level they are in the majority.

Not so, but far otherwise.

You can't tell how a "state" feels by what some old, fat, white, male state legislators ram through! Look at Texas: they tried that on and now have huge rallies of tens of thousands of people coming out day after day against this corrupt misbehavior.

So what does the state of Texas "feel" about this issue? The only way you could get any sort of handle on the percentages would be to have a referendum, like California does.

No, the idea that male legislators actually represent much of any opinion in their states, most notably women's issues, is clearly wrong on the face of it. Every time the people actually realize these men are cooking up yet another oppressive law, they come out against it and force it back: even in Mississippi! Sometimes these no-good legislators sneak their bad laws through as a way to hurt women, if they can fly under the radar of public attention. Pretty awful; needs work from women's groups to get this stuff repealed. Something really bad is happening in this country. Male Republicans seem to be on some sort of tear, to get women handcuffed to the bedposts again and them in charge of everything.

dimocraps lie, it's what they do.

New Poll: Majority of Women Support National Ban on Late-Term Abortion | The Weekly Standard

Strong opposition to late-term abortion is often ignored by journalists. For example, last night Democratic state senator Wendy Davis filibustered a bill in Texas banning most abortions later than 20 weeks into pregnancy. Her filibuster was treated as a popular uprising by many in the press, but a Texas Tribune poll found that 62 percent of Texans supported the restriction on late-term abortions.
Amen--lie is right---they have to us protestors in because not enough real ones would show up. It's a liberal circus

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