Really Rick Perry? Really?!?

Murder is a legal definition, and AnCapAtheist does not make the law.


You do have an obvious disconnect when it comes to violence, Cap.
Sad to see so much hate for someone that wants to stop the murder of babies.

Which is a strange want considering the fact no one is ‘murdering babies.’

It’s actually a matter of Perry wanting to violate the civil liberties of American citizens.

It's not a civil liberty to kill children.

No one ever said it was.

There is a civil right to privacy, however, a right to be free from government interference concerning personal matters, including abortion.

If you are also of the personal, subjective opinion that fetuses are ‘babies’ then you’re at liberty to not have an abortion.

But whether motivated by partisan dogma or religious dogma, one lacks the right to attempt to codify either.
Does Perry really think this will get him to the White House? <My comment

Really Rick Perry? Really?!? | Dame Magazine

Texas governor calls special session to diminish women&#8217;s rights
- See more at: Really Rick Perry? Really?!? | Dame Magazine

The bill would have banned abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy and forced many clinics that perform the procedure to upgrade their facilities and be classified as ambulatory surgical centers. Also, doctors would be required to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles -- a tall order in rural communities.

1st part: If you cant figure out you don't want to be pregnant within 20 weeks, you are an idiot.

2nd part: I know this is a typical end run around abortion rights, but if so many people support abortion raising the money to help these places upgrade shouldnt be an issue.

3rd part: Relocate within 30 miles of a hospital. done.

I don't think liberals are too worried about the health of these women. They want them to go to any clinic and demand an abortion with no testing prior to the procedure and they don't care if it's a 100 miles from the nearest hospital. So what if something goes wrong and the woman's life is in danger. They'd rather have a lawsuit apparently.

Babies can survive at 20 weeks. It's insane to wait that long, let alone even longer. I don't see how anyone can support late term abortions. If the woman's life is in danger, taking the baby out by C-section is probably the quickest way, but that isn't the way it goes most of the time. In cases where the women simply want an abortion, stopping to kill the baby halfway during the delivery is how it's done. Once the head comes out, the doctor sticks a sharp instrument into it's head. If a woman's life was at risk and that was the real reason for the abortion, stretching out the delivery to kill the baby would put the woman at higher risk and would be devastating to the woman. I wonder how women deal with it when they hear the baby cry before being killed. I can't imagine. Does anyone have even a shred of sympathy for the medical personnel who have to see a baby (that looks like a baby and cries) and kill it halfway through delivery?

The liberals say it's all about choice. They don't care how bad that choice may be, they want population control and don't care how gruesome it is.

So, they lie. Any legislation that actually protects the woman's health is considered a roadblock to abortions. Any legislation that would protect tax payers from paying for it is considered denying abortions.

They want abortions at any time, maybe up to the due date and they want others to pay for it. That is known as choice in liberal land. How nice to make such an assinine choice without regard to how it affect others, either emotionally (medical people) or financially (tax payers who get stuck with the bill).
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Does Perry really think this will get him to the White House? <My comment

Really Rick Perry? Really?!? | Dame Magazine

Texas governor calls special session to diminish women’s rights
- See more at: Really Rick Perry? Really?!? | Dame Magazine

The bill would have banned abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy and forced many clinics that perform the procedure to upgrade their facilities and be classified as ambulatory surgical centers. Also, doctors would be required to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles -- a tall order in rural communities.

1st part: If you cant figure out you don't want to be pregnant within 20 weeks, you are an idiot.

2nd part: I know this is a typical end run around abortion rights, but if so many people support abortion raising the money to help these places upgrade shouldnt be an issue.

3rd part: Relocate within 30 miles of a hospital. done.

I don't think liberals are too worried about the health of these women. They want them to go to any clinic and demand an abortion with no testing prior to the procedure and they don't care if it's a 100 miles from the nearest hospital. So what if something goes wrong and the woman's life is in danger. They'd rather have a lawsuit apparently.

Babies can survive at 20 weeks. It's insane to wait that long, let alone even longer. I don't see how anyone can support late term abortions. If the woman's life is in danger, taking the baby out by C-section is probably the quickest way, but that isn't the way it goes most of the time. In cases where the women simply want an abortion, stopping to kill the baby halfway during the delivery is how it's done. Once the head comes out, the doctor sticks a sharp instrument into it's head. If a woman's life was at risk and that was the real reason for the abortion, stretching out the delivery to kill the baby would put the woman at higher risk and would be devastating to the woman. I wonder how women deal with it when they hear the baby cry before being killed. I can't imagine. Does anyone have even a shred of sympathy for the medical personnel who have to see a baby (that looks like a baby and cries) and kill it halfway through delivery?

The liberals say it's all about choice. They don't care how bad that choice may be, they want population control and don't care how gruesome it is.

So, they lie. Any legislation that actually protects the woman's health is considered a roadblock to abortions. Any legislation that would protect tax payers from paying for it is considered denying abortions.

They want abortions at any time, maybe up to the due date and they want others to pay for it. That is known as choice in liberal land. How nice to make such an assinine choice without regard to how it affect others, either emotionally (medical people) or financially (tax payers who get stuck with the bill).

And conservatives even less so.
Back when I was in high school, I lived in an uipper middle class neighborhood, so nobody had to have back alley abortions. Instead, the parents took these teenaged girls off for a little trip, to a doctor that would do a D&C for cash. After about a month, the girl would return to school, her "visit to her out of state aunt and uncle" having been concluded. Some parants took their daughters out of the country for a while. I only remember a couple of instances where the girl kept the child, and it both cases, they married older boys and gave "prematuer birth".

Now, everyone knows that Perry is a fool, so we don't expect him to "get it". We also know that most people are not old enough to remember when abortions were illegal, so thier ignorance is to be expected. However, if any of them really sat down and thought about some 15 year old girl and her parantes making a decision of whether or not to abort a fetus, based on whether it was technically legal or not, they would, of course, realize the futility of making it illegal. Frankly, these people, I simply do not understand. They seem to think that making it illegal will also automaticly make them realize that it is "immoral", and won't do it. Of course, the girl would not be guilty of anything under the law, anyway, so there would be absolutely no motivation to stop her from getting an abortion. Only the providers could be procesecuted. In the lower socio-economic neighborhoods, that would be the local abortionist-midwife...which is, incidently, what Frank Sinatra's mother used to do in Hobokin.
Back when I was in high school, I lived in an uipper middle class neighborhood, so nobody had to have back alley abortions. Instead, the parents took these teenaged girls off for a little trip, to a doctor that would do a D&C for cash. After about a month, the girl would return to school, her "visit to her out of state aunt and uncle" having been concluded. Some parants took their daughters out of the country for a while. I only remember a couple of instances where the girl kept the child, and it both cases, they married older boys and gave "prematuer birth".

Now, everyone knows that Perry is a fool, so we don't expect him to "get it". We also know that most people are not old enough to remember when abortions were illegal, so thier ignorance is to be expected. However, if any of them really sat down and thought about some 15 year old girl and her parantes making a decision of whether or not to abort a fetus, based on whether it was technically legal or not, they would, of course, realize the futility of making it illegal. Frankly, these people, I simply do not understand. They seem to think that making it illegal will also automaticly make them realize that it is "immoral", and won't do it. Of course, the girl would not be guilty of anything under the law, anyway, so there would be absolutely no motivation to stop her from getting an abortion. Only the providers could be procesecuted. In the lower socio-economic neighborhoods, that would be the local abortionist-midwife...which is, incidently, what Frank Sinatra's mother used to do in Hobokin.
D&Cs were and are done regularly to women of both political parties.
Which is a strange want considering the fact no one is ‘murdering babies.’

It’s actually a matter of Perry wanting to violate the civil liberties of American citizens.

It's not a civil liberty to kill children.

No one ever said it was.

There is a civil right to privacy, however, a right to be free from government interference concerning personal matters, including abortion.

If you are also of the personal, subjective opinion that fetuses are ‘babies’ then you’re at liberty to not have an abortion.

But whether motivated by partisan dogma or religious dogma, one lacks the right to attempt to codify either.

A civil right to the privacy to commit murder?

1. Lie. Every planned parenthood has options for free abortions, better yet free birth control.

2. Making a surgical facility upgrade and stay modern ? This is a good thing. Abortion clinics in Texas get tons of cash. No prob, but then, you and your girlfriend noomi did defend your hero Gosnell.

3. Lie. Texas sucks so bad for medical care ? From the Straw berry clinic run out of LBJ hospital in Pasadena, to one of the largest abortion factories in the country poor folks and illegals are covered and that's just the Houston area, and does not count UTMB, Baylor, A&M, or UT.

1- Lie. Planned Parenthood is banned from subsidizing abortions.

2- There's a difference between staying modern and just putting an onerous restriction on with the intent to drive out of business.

3- Educate yourself. You can start here.

Texas ranked worst in the nation for health care by*gov?t agency* - NY Daily News

Texas ranks worst in the nation in health care services and delivery, according to an annual scorecard issued by the federal Agency for Health Care Research and Quality.

In nine out of 12 categories, Texas rated weak or very weak. The only area where Texas earned the above average ranking of "strong" was in maternal and child health care measures. Out of a possible 100 points, Texas earned 31.61, while Minnesota, the highest ranking state, scored 67.31.

The agency identified 155 areas where it could compare the quality of health services across the country, such as infant mortality and obesity rates. Researchers used that data to generate both national and regional averages for each area, and they then compared each state to the national and regional averages to generate a score.

Oh, but not from giving out abortions subsidized by other people in their facilities . You already know this because you went to their website to try and prove me wrong, but saw I was right.

onerous restriction ? Name one other then not killing people and keeping the place clean ?

As far as educating my self, you are quoting political hit pieces. You have also never left Chicago so you are about the last person to tell anyone to educate them selves. As for medical care in Texas, there sure allot of folks who want it pretty bad. Never heard of anyone breaking their neck to have a bypass or liver transplant in Chicago. But then, you do watch lots of TV. Maybe you are thinking of Chicago hope or that other medical drama. ER was it ?
Where can the GOP find a nominee as ill-spoken and tin-eared as Bush? In the same place they found Bush: The Texas Governors Office.

I hope he runs again. He is clearly not bright, made a fool of himself, and became a laughingstock. It would happen again.
Back when I was in high school, I lived in an uipper middle class neighborhood, so nobody had to have back alley abortions. Instead, the parents took these teenaged girls off for a little trip, to a doctor that would do a D&C for cash. After about a month, the girl would return to school, her "visit to her out of state aunt and uncle" having been concluded. Some parants took their daughters out of the country for a while. I only remember a couple of instances where the girl kept the child, and it both cases, they married older boys and gave "prematuer birth".

Now, everyone knows that Perry is a fool, so we don't expect him to "get it". We also know that most people are not old enough to remember when abortions were illegal, so thier ignorance is to be expected. However, if any of them really sat down and thought about some 15 year old girl and her parantes making a decision of whether or not to abort a fetus, based on whether it was technically legal or not, they would, of course, realize the futility of making it illegal. Frankly, these people, I simply do not understand. They seem to think that making it illegal will also automaticly make them realize that it is "immoral", and won't do it. Of course, the girl would not be guilty of anything under the law, anyway, so there would be absolutely no motivation to stop her from getting an abortion. Only the providers could be procesecuted. In the lower socio-economic neighborhoods, that would be the local abortionist-midwife...which is, incidently, what Frank Sinatra's mother used to do in Hobokin.

Ya, those low rent neighborhoods where the libs can kill all the black babies. When the abortion mega center opened up in Houston an amazing thing happened. The black liberation theists cried out about their children being murdered in the womb. It was awesome. There they were next to WASP southern Baptist and even Mormons.
You know..................after the sorry showing he did in running for president, I hope he loses his next election.

And.......................after the stupidity he's been showing (Christmas in June as well as his abortion stance), I hope he loses so bad that he has to mortgage out his house and goats to break even.

Perry is the stupidest fucker I've seen in a long time, and if that idiot came up to my house and knocked on my door, I'd punch the idiot in the nose and tell him about the Texas Castle Doctrine, and give him a grand total of 10 seconds to leave my property.

Rick Perry is a fucking moron and deserves to be thrown into obscurity.

And yeah..........................I live in Amarillo Texas, and have since 1999, when the U.S. Navy stationed me here at the MEPS. Perry is a fucking moron.
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onerous restriction ? Name one other then not killing people and keeping the place clean ?

How about the ones insisting how big the parking lots should be? Or how wide the corridors should be?

The problem with these restrictions are they aren't designed to make the places safer, just to make it harder for most of them to comply without revnovations they can't afford.

As far as educating my self, you are quoting political hit pieces. You have also never left Chicago so you are about the last person to tell anyone to educate them selves. As for medical care in Texas, there sure allot of folks who want it pretty bad. Never heard of anyone breaking their neck to have a bypass or liver transplant in Chicago. But then, you do watch lots of TV. Maybe you are thinking of Chicago hope or that other medical drama. ER was it ?

Actually, I leave Chicago a lot. Been to about half the states in the union and a few foreign countries.

Point is, Texas are like the retards of the United States, and unfortunately, because it is a large market, it has an undue influence on politics and commerce and education. Such as the textbooks not mentioning evolution because that'll offend their God-man down in Texas.

onerous restriction ? Name one other then not killing people and keeping the place clean ?

How about the ones insisting how big the parking lots should be? Or how wide the corridors should be?

The problem with these restrictions are they aren't designed to make the places safer, just to make it harder for most of them to comply without revnovations they can't afford.

As far as educating my self, you are quoting political hit pieces. You have also never left Chicago so you are about the last person to tell anyone to educate them selves. As for medical care in Texas, there sure allot of folks who want it pretty bad. Never heard of anyone breaking their neck to have a bypass or liver transplant in Chicago. But then, you do watch lots of TV. Maybe you are thinking of Chicago hope or that other medical drama. ER was it ?

Actually, I leave Chicago a lot. Been to about half the states in the union and a few foreign countries.

Point is, Texas are like the retards of the United States, and unfortunately, because it is a large market, it has an undue influence on politics and commerce and education. Such as the textbooks not mentioning evolution because that'll offend their God-man down in Texas.

Funny thing is, new buildings built to current code will have no issues what so ever. Let the ones who fund the abortions pay for the renovations. That's how churches do it as do many other folks.

As for your travels ? I don't buy it. I doubt highly you even leave your dwelling much.

Texas being the retards ? Na, I would say more like that stinking rich uncle everyone hates, but kisses their ass because they want to borrow $20.00. Still, it kicks the shit out of IL any day of the week.
Funny thing is, new buildings built to current code will have no issues what so ever. Let the ones who fund the abortions pay for the renovations. That's how churches do it as do many other folks.

Why should they have to pay for UNNECESSARY renovations? If this was ANY other business, you'd be screaming bloody murder.

As for your travels ? I don't buy it. I doubt highly you even leave your dwelling much..

Says the guy who has followed me around from board to board. Seriously, man, I feel like Jerry Garcia and you're a Deadhead.

Texas being the retards ? Na, I would say more like that stinking rich uncle everyone hates, but kisses their ass because they want to borrow $20.00. Still, it kicks the shit out of IL any day of the week.

Naw, I think most Americans have contempt for Texas. If they didn't before they inflicted Bush on the country, they did afterwards.
Mass protests in Texas by women and supporters of abortion rights are overwhelming this misbegotten authoritarian facism in Texas and now Perry will never run for president again. Not that he could have, with a reputation for being stupid and maybe actually brain-damaged after his strange, long pause on stage during the debates.

It seems to me that libertarians, in whom I've become very interested, ought not to go the same way Republicans have ----------- throwing away 55% of all voters, 58% of all college degree holders: i.e., women.

The GOP has thrown out the majority of the population, instead clinging to the "value" of male dominance and oppression of women. This has of course driven pretty much all women out of the GOP, including me after being a lifelong Republican till 2006, when I just had to give up on these incompetent and rather nasty losers. Torture supporters, warmongers, oppressors of women --- migod, where is the respectable GOP of yesteryear??

I think libertarians, our Next Big Thing, would do very well NOT to make the same mistake and drive out all the women of the nation. Leave abortion as an individual decision in libertarian thinking and if you don't like it, just don't do it, like homosexuality.
A civil right to the privacy to commit murder?

While you certainly have a right to your opinion, murder is a legal definition not one defined by popular opinion unless so codified in the legislature.

I still believe however, regardless of the length of time one can get an abortion, I still think it should be limited to only cases of incest, rape, and life of the mother.
I still believe however, regardless of the length of time one can get an abortion, I still think it should be limited to only cases of incest, rape, and life of the mother.

Why only those situations? Why not grave disability of the fetus? That's one of the commonest uses for abortion now: genetic counselling when the sonograms turn up severe handicapping conditions. There are almost no Down's Syndrome children seen in strollers nowadays; when I was young you saw them constantly, and no one ever quite knew what to say to those unlucky mothers, who were usually abandoned by their husbands, of course, sooner or later.

There IS a reason all obstetricians do sonograms, after all!! And allowing for abortions of defective in fact that reason.

I suggest it's far, far better for society, for the family, and most certainly for the mother if the minimum possible of gravely deformed and handicapped children are born and have to be raised until they die, dependent and crippled.

Anyway, that's certainly what society has voted with its feet, so that's that. I don't think you can put that genie back into the bottle and force mothers to carry gravely impaired and retarded fetuses to term anymore. And I think it would be seriously immoral to try.
I still believe however, regardless of the length of time one can get an abortion, I still think it should be limited to only cases of incest, rape, grave deformity of the fetus, and life of the mother.

Circe, I added your thought to my list. Very good, and my bad.

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