Really Rick Perry? Really?!?

The Presidential train left a long time a go for Rick Perry

He is trying to solidify his base in Texas by pandering to the religious right


He's just trying to do what's right.

Despite a lack of support from the majority of Texas voters, SB 5 would have passed 18–10 yesterday if Davis hadn’t forgone eating, drinking, sitting, and, oh, bathroom breaks for over 11 hours to push the vote past its midnight deadline.

... for over 11 hours to push the vote past its midnight deadline.

GM: "He's just trying to do what's right".

what seems to be missing the headlines is the Republicans intervened and prevented the legislator from completing (her) filibuster - unlike the Democrats who allow the Republicans to use the tactic without jeopardy ie Rand Paul --- and only by chance failed to "vote in Time" ....

the Republicans have demonstrated again their duplicity for law when it is not in their interest.

to say they are trying to do "what is right" is a joke - they tried - not to do what is right - to get their way and nearly succeeded.
Incorrectly framed inaccurate question.

Correctly framed: Does abortion lead to the death of a fetus?

Answer: Yes.

Changing the language doesnt help. A fetus IS a seperate organism. The DNA is different. It is unique.

If calling it a fetus makes you sleep better at night, you are only deluding yourself.

Doesn't matter. Your question was incorrectly framed. There is no unborn child, only a fetus. Sleep has nothing to do with it. Truth does.

Then why lie?

No one who sees an ultrasound can honestly deny there is a child growing.

No one who actually thinks about it logically can deny that the second concepetion occurs there is a new life with unique DNA.

There is no truth in denying the personhood of the child.
The Presidential train left a long time a go for Rick Perry

He is trying to solidify his base in Texas by pandering to the religious right

Yeah.. this is purely political.

He couldn't possibly actually believe that this will save lives.
Changing the language doesnt help. A fetus IS a seperate organism. The DNA is different. It is unique.

If calling it a fetus makes you sleep better at night, you are only deluding yourself.

Doesn't matter. Your question was incorrectly framed. There is no unborn child, only a fetus. Sleep has nothing to do with it. Truth does.

Then why lie?

No one who sees an ultrasound can honestly deny there is a child growing.

No one who actually thinks about it logically can deny that the second concepetion occurs there is a new life with unique DNA.

There is no truth in denying the personhood of the child.

The fetus is not a person: that it false.

And, yet once again, you step away from your church's teaching that every spirit child will have the opportunity to receive a mortal body and be born.

That means God has adjusted for abortion.

I wish you and your church's theology were not so confused about the issue.
Does Perry really think this will get him to the White House? <My comment

Really Rick Perry? Really?!? | Dame Magazine

Texas governor calls special session to diminish women’s rights
- See more at: Really Rick Perry? Really?!? | Dame Magazine

Why do you presume people are only concerned with gaining more power in every act they do?

Perry is power mad, no doubt about it. Anyone who has spent time in Texas over the decades know that. And his base is glad for it, because it gives them a spokesman, and screw everybody else.
I have lived in Texas several times, and Texans have a very strong idea of proper Texan womanhood. First, they should have as their ultimate goal the achievment of being selected as their high school cheerleader. Second, they must learn how to make biscuits and chicken fried steak, as well as to be able to sew their own clothes. Next, their "career" is primarily shopping, mostly at Nieman Marcus. They should learn how to play an instrument. They never are involved in politics in any way. In fact, they are supposed to get together and exchange receipes and gossip, while preparing food and chilling the beer while the men folks are out hunting.
There is nothing wrong with a woman learning how to do biscuits and gravy and chicken fried steak, hell, yes!!! The only problem in this household is that I have to do it will the wife shoots pool in the den.

Oh, well.
Nah, Salt Lake City now. The pool room is in one of the East Texas homes.
Don't think Rick is perv, just a power mad guy and Al Gore's best friend once upon a time
I have lived in Texas several times, and Texans have a very strong idea of proper Texan womanhood. First, they should have as their ultimate goal the achievment of being selected as their high school cheerleader. Second, they must learn how to make biscuits and chicken fried steak, as well as to be able to sew their own clothes. Next, their "career" is primarily shopping, mostly at Nieman Marcus. They should learn how to play an instrument. They never are involved in politics in any way. In fact, they are supposed to get together and exchange receipes and gossip, while preparing food and chilling the beer while the men folks are out hunting.

I live in California and California has a strong idea of proper Californian womanhood. First, their ultimate goal is to tan and get implants. Second, they must learn to dye their hair blond and giggle. Next their "career" is primarily marrying rich men so they can go to Neimun Marcus more often. They are politically motivated by being told that they must support the albino gutter snail or they will be considered racists my MSNBC. They also like to get together with other girls and have fun going to Planned Parenthood and having champaign brunch abortions parties. Let's not forget about the pillow fights! Lots and lots of pillow fights!
Assploding hypocrisy from (take a wild assed guess)

Wendy Davis Now Says She “Taking A Second Look” At Running For Governor Of Texas…


One day after she condemned politicians who use abortion to “boost their own political aspirations.”

Via NBC News:

It’s been a sharp, quick ascent into national prominence for Wendy Davis, the Democratic state senator whose 13-hour filibuster against a restrictive Texas abortion law made her an instant heroine to progressives across the country – and a rising star in Texas politics.

Her activism has reignited the conversation about her political future which could include a run for governor. “Of course it forces a second look, but I am not taking that look right now,” Davis said in an interview with NBC News. “Right now, I’m working to try to be very strategic, and a member of the team that has to work very hard in the next few weeks to defeat this bill.”

But asked directly whether she would rule out serving as Democrats’ candidate for governor in 2014, Davis responded: “I cannot rule that out.”

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
Davis was right to filibuster: the bill itself did nothing to protect women that they did not already have.

But WD cannot RP in Texas.
Assploding hypocrisy from (take a wild assed guess)

Wendy Davis Now Says She “Taking A Second Look” At Running For Governor Of Texas…


One day after she condemned politicians who use abortion to “boost their own political aspirations.”

Via NBC News:

It’s been a sharp, quick ascent into national prominence for Wendy Davis, the Democratic state senator whose 13-hour filibuster against a restrictive Texas abortion law made her an instant heroine to progressives across the country – and a rising star in Texas politics.

Her activism has reignited the conversation about her political future which could include a run for governor. “Of course it forces a second look, but I am not taking that look right now,” Davis said in an interview with NBC News. “Right now, I’m working to try to be very strategic, and a member of the team that has to work very hard in the next few weeks to defeat this bill.”

But asked directly whether she would rule out serving as Democrats’ candidate for governor in 2014, Davis responded: “I cannot rule that out.”

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Really Wendy Davis? Really?

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